Now even the most ardent hater of Churchill is going to have trouble disagreeing with his quotation. Domestic politics is just that – domestic. It should not be discussed abroad. Attacking opposition in Germany is not the first time; the PM has breached the domestic politics rule. He has done that several times before. The question arises why is he doing it. The man may be short on political gumption and courage but he is not short on intellect. Such breaches in basic protocols betray a deep-seated anxiety in him. As the author of the article correctly points out that the only departments, which are somewhat under his control, are Economics and foreign affairs. So when he gets a chance, he expresses himself. It would seem that outside of the country he does not have to worry about someone overlooking his shoulders and second-guessing his decisions when he gets to make them.
If parliamentary democracy is a victim of the current impasse in the loksabha then the blame has to go to the person who initiated this all by letting a major scam fester for so long.
Embarrassment in Germany
It is factual to say that the nominal prime-ministership of Manmohan Singh has taken a fair toll of India's parliamentary system of government. As such, India's coalition politics has contributed to the weakening of the system, from which there is no easy present escape. But the situation infinitely has been worsened by the division of power between Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh, where she wields all the clout and he rubber-stamps her decisions.
The article can be read at: http://newsinsight.net/archivedebates/nat2.asp?recno=2077
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