Pakistan is more crooked than a thousand corkscrews. That is not a country. It is a criminal enterprise posing a a viable country. Everything you know and can imagine about Pakistan is only half the truth. The real truth is far worse. This is one country that needs to be divided and destroyed. Otherwise, it is going to sink everyone along with it. I am one of the millions and millions of Indians who have expressed their views on the subject. But to hear the truth from a Pakistani is astonishing and shocking at the same time. I am a huge fan of Mr. De Borchgrave who is very familiar with the Indian subcontinent. He has written on the subject with authority. In the following article he writes that one of the most inflential journalis who is the editor of a major newspaper has made "off the record" revelations. The ones of Indian interests are as follows:
DE BORCHGRAVE: Pakistan bombshell
Candid narratives explode myths about our purported ally
All four wars between India and Pakistan (1947, 1965, 1971 and 1999) were provoked by Pakistan.
There is no Indian threat to Pakistan, except for what is manufactured by the ISI (Inter-Service Intelligence agency).
One can't begin to understand the Pakistani crisis until one absorbs the terrifying fact that Pakistan's 180 million population includes 80 million children younger than 18 - almost half the population. And just 40 percent of Pakistani children are in school. (Reminder: Pakistan also is one of the world's eight nuclear powers, counting North Korea).
China? The Pakistanis see President Obama's visit to India and the warm relations between the old and the new superpower as further evidence it would behoove Islamabad to further enhance its relations with China, which is busy enlarging its footprint in Pakistan. An Iran-Pakistan-China pipeline is considered a realistic project. Singapore has rights on Gwadar, the new Pakistani port on the Arabian Sea, which soon will be transferred to China (with some fancy footwork by Pakistan's Supreme Court that will say the Singapore contract does not hold legal water, which will clear the way for China).
Read the complete article at: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/nov/15/pakistan-bombshell/print/
DE BORCHGRAVE: Pakistan bombshell
Candid narratives explode myths about our purported ally
All four wars between India and Pakistan (1947, 1965, 1971 and 1999) were provoked by Pakistan.
There is no Indian threat to Pakistan, except for what is manufactured by the ISI (Inter-Service Intelligence agency).
One can't begin to understand the Pakistani crisis until one absorbs the terrifying fact that Pakistan's 180 million population includes 80 million children younger than 18 - almost half the population. And just 40 percent of Pakistani children are in school. (Reminder: Pakistan also is one of the world's eight nuclear powers, counting North Korea).
China? The Pakistanis see President Obama's visit to India and the warm relations between the old and the new superpower as further evidence it would behoove Islamabad to further enhance its relations with China, which is busy enlarging its footprint in Pakistan. An Iran-Pakistan-China pipeline is considered a realistic project. Singapore has rights on Gwadar, the new Pakistani port on the Arabian Sea, which soon will be transferred to China (with some fancy footwork by Pakistan's Supreme Court that will say the Singapore contract does not hold legal water, which will clear the way for China).
Read the complete article at: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/nov/15/pakistan-bombshell/print/
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