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Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Paid News Media Nexus

What is unraveling in our nations news channels today is nothing but the ugly and dark side of the paid media and the nexus it has created with the corporate world and the political parties to control and loot the nation. The 2G spectrum, the Adarsh, the CWC and other scams are exposing these facts. When it comes to money, irrespective of their differences, ruling party or opposition, regional or national, communist or conservative join hands to fool the masses. Like Arun Shourie said in his recent interview with Rediff that “Both Congress and BJP are one party”. It is obvious and clear from the Radia Tapes that the corporate agencies, the political parties and the media have joined hands in playing politics with the Aam Aadmi. Those tapes are an eye opener exposing prominent journalists who have become media brokers and are fabricating stories and negotiating deals for the corporations and corrupt politicians at the cost of the nation’s security. As Arun Shourie says “The main point that emerges from the tapes is the level of corporate penetration. These tapes have shown that everybody is now linked to everybody else. The visible Government of India keeps changing, but that invisible government of India remains completely stable”. It is with the media’s help and communist party of Kerala’s (CPI-M) funding that Teesta Setalvad, and her NGO (Citizens for Justice and Peace), prepared the fabricated affidavits for the 2002 post Godhra riots and charged Narendra Modi of completely imaginary crimes. The entire liberal media extended full support to her in perjury and fabrication of evidence with an intent to procure false conviction against a truly honest and patriotic leader.
At a recent event “Radia Tapes and Journalistic Ethics” jointly organized by the Editors’ Guild ,Press Association, Press Club of India and Indian Women’s Press Corps, Editors’ Guild president Rajdeep Sardesai defended Barkha Dutt and blamed the two magazines for violating principles of journalism by publishing the tapped conversion as “bad journalism” and drew a lot of criticism.
Vinod Mehta, Editor-in-Chief of Outlook magazine that publish the transcript of tapes said assertively that the fundamental norms and ethics of journalism have been existing for long.

The following article shows how the unholy nexus of political parties, corporations and media shaped the Maharashtra elections. The author, P. Sainath says that 212 millionaires contested in Maharashtra of whom 186 won. Lokmat's owner himself became a minister in Ashok Chavan's cabinet.
Sainath also says 'paid news' would finish off journalism if journalists did not finish off 'paid news'.

I am afraid it is already too late and real journalism is dead, finished, finito …………………..........
How much voice will a hand full of honest and sincere journalist have against the mighty media muscle?

'Paid news would finish off journalism unless...'
Media is business, journalism is not says Magsaysay Award winner for journalism P Sainath. The dominant media always lies as they invest in the stock exchange and keep the Sensex up".

"Paid News is an industry that is run by the owners of the media. Media and journalists are different. Media is business, journalism is not," he clarified.
The amount involved in the Maharashtra assembly elections was estimated to be around Rs 500 crores but the actual amount was closer to Rs 1000 crores. Compared to the owners of these media empires, journalists who appear on the 'Radia tapes' were small time.
In paid news, Sainath said, you were cheating the voters by creating a positive image of the candidate, which may not be true. This undermined the democratic process, as poor candidates were ignored.
So how does 'paid news' work? Sainath said that big political parties gave crores of rupees to PR agencies who contacted ad agencies who in turn contacted the newspapers. In Nagpur, he said, even independent candidates were offering Rs 20,000 to journalists and saying, 'Do paid news'.
He said 212 millionaires contested in Maharashtra of who 186 won. Lokmat's owner himself became a minister in Ashok Chavan's cabinet.
He said 'paid news' would finish off journalism if journalists did not finish off 'paid news'.

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