How often we hear Muslims in India / USA / Britain / elsewhere, that Muslims are no less Indian / American / British / Others than other people in the respective country. And they demand that they be treated as such.
I happened to watch an “American” Muslim, by name Nihad Awad, make the same claim in a debate on Fox Channel in USA, the debate being on whether a mosque should be allowed 600 meters from “Ground Zero” of 9/11 terror attacks in the USA.
This set me thinking: Why does such a claim by aggressive Muslims sound phony to our ears. Is it something wrong with us ? Or do we, who believe that Muslims are not really loyal to our countries, do have a point. I tried to collect my thoughts around it and posted a comment on jihadwatch site where the debate above is referenced. Tim Brown referred below is a New York firefighter who had responded to the emergency on 9/11, and is presenting the non-Muslim and American side of the debate. Here is the comment:
To me the most important part of the debate was how Nihad Awad claimed he is "American", as much as Tim Brown.
He says he is as outraged as anyone else at the murder of 3000 Americans on 9/11. The friends of Tim Brown are his friends too, and by implication, America is his country also.
They do the same here in India. They beat their breasts and claim that they are no less Indians than Hindus and demand belligerently to be treated as such.
There is something patently false in this claim.
They aren't Americans in America or Indians in India. They are Muslims first and last and their claims to be treated at par with citizens of the country are bogus.
Here are the symptoms, that show they are not citizens of the country like others:
1. They do not demonstrate unconditional loyalty to the constitution of the country but keep on and on about how laws need to be harmonized with Shariah. They never make an unambiguous statement that Shariah must give way if there is a clash between the country's constitution and Shariah.
2. Every time they are observed in private, when their guard is down and they think the kafir is not recording their behavior, they side with the enemy of the country and terrorists. In India, it is Pakistan. In the West, I suppose it is terrorists like 9/11 perpetrators.
3. Their demands, which are continuous, never show a desire to mix and mingle with the society. The demands always seek to emphasize the separateness of the Muslim community. In India at this moment, it is a demand to reserve jobs for them. In USA, they seek separate prayer rooms, exceptional prayer timings, seggregation based on sexes and so on.
I can go on with the list. But their overall behavior always emphasizes their separateness from the society rather than how they are a part of it. Why doesn't the Hindu American community have to prove they are part of America as Muslims are having to do. It is because they see themselves as Muslims first and last.
Thank God there are Tim Browns who can see through it.
I happened to watch an “American” Muslim, by name Nihad Awad, make the same claim in a debate on Fox Channel in USA, the debate being on whether a mosque should be allowed 600 meters from “Ground Zero” of 9/11 terror attacks in the USA.
This set me thinking: Why does such a claim by aggressive Muslims sound phony to our ears. Is it something wrong with us ? Or do we, who believe that Muslims are not really loyal to our countries, do have a point. I tried to collect my thoughts around it and posted a comment on jihadwatch site where the debate above is referenced. Tim Brown referred below is a New York firefighter who had responded to the emergency on 9/11, and is presenting the non-Muslim and American side of the debate. Here is the comment:
To me the most important part of the debate was how Nihad Awad claimed he is "American", as much as Tim Brown.
He says he is as outraged as anyone else at the murder of 3000 Americans on 9/11. The friends of Tim Brown are his friends too, and by implication, America is his country also.
They do the same here in India. They beat their breasts and claim that they are no less Indians than Hindus and demand belligerently to be treated as such.
There is something patently false in this claim.
They aren't Americans in America or Indians in India. They are Muslims first and last and their claims to be treated at par with citizens of the country are bogus.
Here are the symptoms, that show they are not citizens of the country like others:
1. They do not demonstrate unconditional loyalty to the constitution of the country but keep on and on about how laws need to be harmonized with Shariah. They never make an unambiguous statement that Shariah must give way if there is a clash between the country's constitution and Shariah.
2. Every time they are observed in private, when their guard is down and they think the kafir is not recording their behavior, they side with the enemy of the country and terrorists. In India, it is Pakistan. In the West, I suppose it is terrorists like 9/11 perpetrators.
3. Their demands, which are continuous, never show a desire to mix and mingle with the society. The demands always seek to emphasize the separateness of the Muslim community. In India at this moment, it is a demand to reserve jobs for them. In USA, they seek separate prayer rooms, exceptional prayer timings, seggregation based on sexes and so on.
I can go on with the list. But their overall behavior always emphasizes their separateness from the society rather than how they are a part of it. Why doesn't the Hindu American community have to prove they are part of America as Muslims are having to do. It is because they see themselves as Muslims first and last.
Thank God there are Tim Browns who can see through it.
true very true...we need unconditional support from everybody for the benefit of nation...in india there should be uniform civil code and not based on religion....hindus laws are modified with time but not the muslims...at the end it is bad for muslims itself as they will remain where they are...time change and people should be flexible enough to change too...and see through wrongs and have more comman sense to observe and revolt to bads..(not that good things from past should not be carried forward). Islam needs a reneaissance..