Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Italians. On the contrary, I love the food, movies, soccer players, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Monica Bellucci and countless fantastic Italian people who do what they are good at. On the other hand, Italians who will not let Indians be Indian, are a problem for me and am sure, for other red blooded Indians as well. The chutzpah of the UPA is flabbergasting.
Could it be that Anand was seen playing with that well known enemy of India, Bhai Narendra Modi? I mean, how dare he breathe the same air as Narendra Modi and expect to be treated with dignity.
Is this what awaits Hindus in India who do not live up the the so called secular image?
Anand's Indian citizenship questioned
HYDERABAD: World chess champion Viswanathan Anand may have brought laurels to India many a time but doubts have been cast over his nationality, throwing a dampener on University of Hyderbad's plans to honour him with a doctorate.
The human resource development ministry at the centre has withheld clearance for the University's proposal to honour Anand along with renowned mathematician David Mumford of Harvard University on Monday, coinciding with the International Conference on Mathematics currently on here.
This news can be read at the following.
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