Nothing brings bile back to my mouth like the mention of the British government officials visiting India. Cameron was in India recently and as usual people were fawning over how successful the visit was. Here is a fact: BP lost more than half of it’s market capital in the Gulf of Mexico disaster. 40% or so of the British pensioners are getting their money from BP. Needless to say a whole lot of people are hurting the Churchill-land. Cameron was in India trying to “improve” things between England and India. The question that needs to be asked is: what can Britain do for India NOW? Cameron was in India trying to drum up business for British companies. For example, the training aircrafts made by some British company, which even the RAF does not want, are being shoved down the gullet of the IAF!! Wonder how many Indian and Italian dalaals are getting rich here!!
As usual my man Rajeev Srinivasan brings a unique perspective to these things. For example:
“Intriguingly “financial services” is a euphemism for “the interest earned on the money we looted from your country”. I did a little accounting of the systematic loot by Britain, based on estimates by contemporary scholars such as William Digby andDadabhai Navroji, and later historians. The number is astronomical, not less than $1 trillion, and possibly as much as $10 trillion in today’s money. For comparison, the US GDP is about $13 trillion. They don’t have much else: they have even pawned the East India Company and other family jewels. Hard times, indeed.”
The rest of this eye-opener can be read at the following:
As usual my man Rajeev Srinivasan brings a unique perspective to these things. For example:
“Intriguingly “financial services” is a euphemism for “the interest earned on the money we looted from your country”. I did a little accounting of the systematic loot by Britain, based on estimates by contemporary scholars such as William Digby andDadabhai Navroji, and later historians. The number is astronomical, not less than $1 trillion, and possibly as much as $10 trillion in today’s money. For comparison, the US GDP is about $13 trillion. They don’t have much else: they have even pawned the East India Company and other family jewels. Hard times, indeed.”
The rest of this eye-opener can be read at the following:
Western world is playing a soft war against other cultures/economies...we are in this war from almost 200 yrs now...without even realizing that we are on war! this i believe is a painless death...the enemy hits us and we don't even come to know about it...wow! these guys are shrewed...