Mao Tse-Tung's personal physician wrote about his sexual exploits. An objective and one of the least lurid accounts was published in the following article:
"It is not surprising that Dr. Li thought Mao's conduct imperial: he lived in isolation, shared his bed with many young women, and traveled around the nation to luxury villas in a great cocoon of guards and private trains. Dr. Li is in general not judgmental about the endless parade of young women in Mao's bed, citing the Daoist practice of using sex for longevity."
The article can be read at:
Now Kishenji and his murderous band of criminals call themselves Maoists. I guess they are just following the great chairman's examples to the letter. The story of this woman quitting the group because she was repeatedly raped is ghastly. One really has to wonder what is the reason for this kind of promiscuity shown by these leftist murderers. Maybe it isn't sex but power play where they impose their will on hapless people. But then why women? What I am trying to say is that the Maoist behaviour is hard to fathom even in the realm of normal criminal behaviour. These monsters are beyond regular criminals.
I wonder what Arundhati Roy thinks of her Gandhians with guns (was the use of term guns a Freudian slip?)? I wonder if Sandeep Pandey regrets his decision of rushing to the defense of these monsters after they had just slaughtered 65 policemen. Or maybe these leftists will find some excuse to defend even this sick display of inhuman behaviour. Now, of that I am sure!
"It is not surprising that Dr. Li thought Mao's conduct imperial: he lived in isolation, shared his bed with many young women, and traveled around the nation to luxury villas in a great cocoon of guards and private trains. Dr. Li is in general not judgmental about the endless parade of young women in Mao's bed, citing the Daoist practice of using sex for longevity."
The article can be read at:
Now Kishenji and his murderous band of criminals call themselves Maoists. I guess they are just following the great chairman's examples to the letter. The story of this woman quitting the group because she was repeatedly raped is ghastly. One really has to wonder what is the reason for this kind of promiscuity shown by these leftist murderers. Maybe it isn't sex but power play where they impose their will on hapless people. But then why women? What I am trying to say is that the Maoist behaviour is hard to fathom even in the realm of normal criminal behaviour. These monsters are beyond regular criminals.
I wonder what Arundhati Roy thinks of her Gandhians with guns (was the use of term guns a Freudian slip?)? I wonder if Sandeep Pandey regrets his decision of rushing to the defense of these monsters after they had just slaughtered 65 policemen. Or maybe these leftists will find some excuse to defend even this sick display of inhuman behaviour. Now, of that I am sure!
Raped repeatedly, Naxal leader quits Red ranks
"What didn't she like about the leaders? "They rape," she shot back, eyes flashing with rage. "After about a year of joining Naxals, I was put on night-long sentry duty at a forest camp in Jharkhand. Suddenly, out of the dark, Bikash (now, head of the state military commission) came up and asked me for water. As I turned to fetch it, he grabbed me and tried to do 'kharap kaaj' (indecent acts)." When she objected, Bikash threatened to strangle her. After forcing her into submission, Bikash raped her, she said. She was 17 then. "
The rest of the article can be read at:
The rest of the article can be read at:
The following article is about a girl who accused a Maoist leader of rape who then shot her three times and fled.
Yet another dastardly tale of perverted behaviour.
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