That is the message our friend Vidur Sarathi wants to send to the South Block mandarins. The status quo approach is a waste of time and resources.
It is important for us India lovers to acknowledge that any enthusiasm from our end here in the US has to be necessarily preceded by a definite action in India by the Indian government against the misfortune of having a naked terrorist country as neighbor, we could just as well rename them ”Napak-istan" ! That country is napak with its intentions, designs and actions in so far as India is concerned. Getting angry for what US does or does not do is meaningless unless India and Indians demonstrate that no more crap from Napakistan will be tolerated. If US managed to punish Libya and get a good compensation for the Lockerbie tragedy it was because they could, they asked for and settled for nothing less. You get what you negotiate for, you negotiate for what you can do , you do what you have the capability to deliver , you deliver what you believe in , you believe in yourself when you are proud of what and who you are . We Indians behave like chickens , running around once the threat of fox in the hen - house is real or otherwise, waiting for somebody to drive off that invisible fox.
When will the GOI accept, recognize and articulate that Napakistan is NOT and will NEVER be a friendly and well meaning country to India regardless of whatever India might offer. This is the basic premise on which the faulty structure of Indo-napak relationship is based on ! They always set the agenda - GOI always is the responder! They always ask for the extremely ridiculous item of the day , Indians offer a compromise. REMEMBER; THERE CANT BE A COMPROMISE BETWEEN POISON AND FOOD! There is a basic question that the MEA/GOI/Home Ministry needs to answer - are they doing EVERYTHING that they must do to tell the truth and demonize napakistan for what it is? Aren't we trying to be friends with some one who not only does not want to be a friend but actually wants you dead? This may sound harsh to some who wish to live in their own ivory towers but should you want to smell the coffee, you got to be closer to the reality and the truth. There is nothing wrong with an individual Pakistani, it is their collective wisdom or lack thereof that makes them napak and suspect for India!!
Here are a few questions and suggestions - let us discuss them in terms of "What is Possible" and "What is Missing" - and strive to produce the missing !
1. Can GOI declare that country as an UNFRIENDLY STATE?
2. Why must India give them the MFN trade status while they refuse to reciprocate!! Do we fear that India's economy will suffer and disintegrate? Revoke that status w.i.e.
3. Why does MEA give the impression that as if India needs peace more than napak and they seem to be running around because they are told to do so.
4. While the Napak govt continues to spew venom thru their joker called Qureshi - (i say this w/o meaning any insult to jokers who entertain us and make us laugh, this guy gives only irritation) our media and officials bend backwards to ensure that we do not reciprocate with equal affection!
5. Announce an award for Indian citizens for exposing illegal Napakis living in the country - flush them out , you could reduce the chances of another 26/11
6. Suspend tourist activity to and from napakistan except for people of Kuldip Nayar and Lahore lovers variety or else they will go more insane!
7. Commence a consistent campaign to educate the Kashmiris about the napak acts, atrocities, rape and mayhem caused to their erstwhile east Paki brothers and sisters by their napak brothers! What more can they really expect?
8. On another serious note please be wary of the descendants of the Lord Macaulay variety who will do what ever it takes to subjugate a faith and belief we Indians are very proud of - it did take almost a 1000 years to hive off large chunks of land to give away to those who never belonged to the original land, in 1947 and 1971, two large areas were given away by India for countries that did not exist. Don't be surprised if in a ridiculous fashion the napak cricketers put a claim on Hyderabad next!! Just kidding - but you can't be sure , they have that idiot called Qureshi who can only bowl no-balls , who will say anything on the idiot box to make himself look even more ridiculously idiotic !!
9. India must lead the world in a movement to ban religious conversions and start that by implementing a immediate ruling in this regard within the country. The freedom of religion must go along with freedom from religion.
10. Why is the diplomatic corp so scared or hesitant in presenting the Indian case to the US media - what are they afraid of? I can train them if they want to and that would be a perfect place to start the real dialogue. At the moment the US media makes much less than marginal reference to India, Indians and Indian causes despite so many large individual donors and super stars around. Can you imagine that in discussions on terrorism India gets only a side mention, that too if something happens over there.
Both the above forums are loaded with intellectuals, sermonizers, academicians and Foreign Service chieftains of many glories past and present. What seems to be missing is action. Merely stating what the USA SHOULD do in relation to their eventual nemesis called napakistan is calling the obvious? As a promoter of a failed idea of Non-Alignment, India has no friends. Friends help friends, always over those who are preaching an arm length NAM non-action. Two of the original promoters of NAM are vanquished - Egypt and Yugoslavia. India is part of BRIC now and so let us show the Napakis that a Brick can hurt!!
It is important for us India lovers to acknowledge that any enthusiasm from our end here in the US has to be necessarily preceded by a definite action in India by the Indian government against the misfortune of having a naked terrorist country as neighbor, we could just as well rename them ”Napak-istan" ! That country is napak with its intentions, designs and actions in so far as India is concerned. Getting angry for what US does or does not do is meaningless unless India and Indians demonstrate that no more crap from Napakistan will be tolerated. If US managed to punish Libya and get a good compensation for the Lockerbie tragedy it was because they could, they asked for and settled for nothing less. You get what you negotiate for, you negotiate for what you can do , you do what you have the capability to deliver , you deliver what you believe in , you believe in yourself when you are proud of what and who you are . We Indians behave like chickens , running around once the threat of fox in the hen - house is real or otherwise, waiting for somebody to drive off that invisible fox.
When will the GOI accept, recognize and articulate that Napakistan is NOT and will NEVER be a friendly and well meaning country to India regardless of whatever India might offer. This is the basic premise on which the faulty structure of Indo-napak relationship is based on ! They always set the agenda - GOI always is the responder! They always ask for the extremely ridiculous item of the day , Indians offer a compromise. REMEMBER; THERE CANT BE A COMPROMISE BETWEEN POISON AND FOOD! There is a basic question that the MEA/GOI/Home Ministry needs to answer - are they doing EVERYTHING that they must do to tell the truth and demonize napakistan for what it is? Aren't we trying to be friends with some one who not only does not want to be a friend but actually wants you dead? This may sound harsh to some who wish to live in their own ivory towers but should you want to smell the coffee, you got to be closer to the reality and the truth. There is nothing wrong with an individual Pakistani, it is their collective wisdom or lack thereof that makes them napak and suspect for India!!
Here are a few questions and suggestions - let us discuss them in terms of "What is Possible" and "What is Missing" - and strive to produce the missing !
1. Can GOI declare that country as an UNFRIENDLY STATE?
2. Why must India give them the MFN trade status while they refuse to reciprocate!! Do we fear that India's economy will suffer and disintegrate? Revoke that status w.i.e.
3. Why does MEA give the impression that as if India needs peace more than napak and they seem to be running around because they are told to do so.
4. While the Napak govt continues to spew venom thru their joker called Qureshi - (i say this w/o meaning any insult to jokers who entertain us and make us laugh, this guy gives only irritation) our media and officials bend backwards to ensure that we do not reciprocate with equal affection!
5. Announce an award for Indian citizens for exposing illegal Napakis living in the country - flush them out , you could reduce the chances of another 26/11
6. Suspend tourist activity to and from napakistan except for people of Kuldip Nayar and Lahore lovers variety or else they will go more insane!
7. Commence a consistent campaign to educate the Kashmiris about the napak acts, atrocities, rape and mayhem caused to their erstwhile east Paki brothers and sisters by their napak brothers! What more can they really expect?
8. On another serious note please be wary of the descendants of the Lord Macaulay variety who will do what ever it takes to subjugate a faith and belief we Indians are very proud of - it did take almost a 1000 years to hive off large chunks of land to give away to those who never belonged to the original land, in 1947 and 1971, two large areas were given away by India for countries that did not exist. Don't be surprised if in a ridiculous fashion the napak cricketers put a claim on Hyderabad next!! Just kidding - but you can't be sure , they have that idiot called Qureshi who can only bowl no-balls , who will say anything on the idiot box to make himself look even more ridiculously idiotic !!
9. India must lead the world in a movement to ban religious conversions and start that by implementing a immediate ruling in this regard within the country. The freedom of religion must go along with freedom from religion.
10. Why is the diplomatic corp so scared or hesitant in presenting the Indian case to the US media - what are they afraid of? I can train them if they want to and that would be a perfect place to start the real dialogue. At the moment the US media makes much less than marginal reference to India, Indians and Indian causes despite so many large individual donors and super stars around. Can you imagine that in discussions on terrorism India gets only a side mention, that too if something happens over there.
Both the above forums are loaded with intellectuals, sermonizers, academicians and Foreign Service chieftains of many glories past and present. What seems to be missing is action. Merely stating what the USA SHOULD do in relation to their eventual nemesis called napakistan is calling the obvious? As a promoter of a failed idea of Non-Alignment, India has no friends. Friends help friends, always over those who are preaching an arm length NAM non-action. Two of the original promoters of NAM are vanquished - Egypt and Yugoslavia. India is part of BRIC now and so let us show the Napakis that a Brick can hurt!!
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