A long time ago yours truly wrote an article where I had questioned the right and logistics of Pakistan to EXIST. It was assumed that all Muslims were equal (as opposed to the unfortunate casteist Hindus) and thus one Pakistan would be enough for them. Sixty-seven years down the road we see that the two-nation theory lies in tatters. What remains of Jinnah’s nightmare is a country full of contradictions and fault lines. Sunnis hate shias, fair skinned Sunnis (who deem themselves descendants of the Prophet or the at least the Moguls) hate the dark skinned Hindu converts, Sindhis hate the water hogging Panjabis, Balochis hating the resource hogging Panjabis, Panjabis feeling superior to the rest of the humanity, the Pathans hating everyone else, and the Mirpuris confused about who they want to hate more. I have not even talked about the people living the Baltistan areas. A country full of fault lines is eminently wreckable ( to paraphrase Gordon Gekko from the movie Wall Street).
The two countries, which are the fount of all terrorist activities, are Saudi Arabia and Pakistan with the former providing money and the latter logistics, knowledge (they still have some of our genes) and cannon fodder. If we could neutralize one we would have solved a huge problem. However, since SA is one of worlds biggest oil supplier, the choice boils down to Pakistan. With all the fault lines, they do not deserve to be one country. Since, united they pose so much threat to world security, it is in the world interest to balkanize them. It turns out that I was not the only one with that pipe dream. The following url’s will show that that was not really a pipe dream but a valid solution to one of humanities biggest problems. By dividing Pakistan we render the Pakistani war machine impotent and restore the human rights to the Balochis and the Sindhis (who are still suffering from one mistake by G M Syed (that will be another article for another day!!). Here are some articles for your perusal on the topic du jure.
The two countries, which are the fount of all terrorist activities, are Saudi Arabia and Pakistan with the former providing money and the latter logistics, knowledge (they still have some of our genes) and cannon fodder. If we could neutralize one we would have solved a huge problem. However, since SA is one of worlds biggest oil supplier, the choice boils down to Pakistan. With all the fault lines, they do not deserve to be one country. Since, united they pose so much threat to world security, it is in the world interest to balkanize them. It turns out that I was not the only one with that pipe dream. The following url’s will show that that was not really a pipe dream but a valid solution to one of humanities biggest problems. By dividing Pakistan we render the Pakistani war machine impotent and restore the human rights to the Balochis and the Sindhis (who are still suffering from one mistake by G M Syed (that will be another article for another day!!). Here are some articles for your perusal on the topic du jure.
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