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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pakistan's Suspicious Public

What can you say about a country whose raison d'etre is hatred for another country and a people? Pakistan which formed as a result of hatred for India and Hindus has added a lot of names to countries and people they hate. In fact other than the Chinese and the Saudi Arabians, they hate everyone.
Can such a country be good for anyone including themselves?

"A series of militant attacks over the last week have sparked widespread anger in Pakistan. Suicide bombers killed 62 people at government offices in the tribal agency of Mohmand today, and last Friday, over 40 worshippers died in an extremist attack on the shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh, the country's most important Sufi place of worship. In Pakistan, however, much of this outrage has been directed at Washington and Islamabad rather than at the terrorists.
"America is killing Muslims in Afghanistan and in our tribal areas [using drone attacks]," argued one Pakistani interviewed in the aftermath of the attack, explaining why the United States is ultimately to blame for the bombing. "[M]ilitants are attacking Pakistan to express anger against the government for supporting America." Similar sentiments have circulated widely on Pakistan's hugely influential private TV networks"

The rest of the article can be read at:

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