I was born in a small village near Palakkad district of Kerala. I still have such fond memories of a lush green village on the foot hills of the Western Ghats with clear streams and dense forest. Like a chapter out of R. K Narayans Malgudi Days the entrance of the village has a small Lord Ganesha temple under a large pipal tree. The village is some what L shaped with row houses on both sides facing each other leading to a large Shiva temple on the banks of the small river at the end.
Typical south India Brahmin houses (Brahmin Agraharams) with common walls, all houses stuck to each other. Even those days the village had an elementary school and a small allopathic clinic run by one Ambi doctor. My grand father (Mother’s Father) was a self made man. Being the eldest he had to drop out of school to take up a hotel server job in Madras to help his father the village temple priest with 8 kids to feed. As an enterprising man, he quickly rose to become the chief chef and then in no time ended up setting up his own hotel in Secunderabad with his savings. Leaving the hotel to his brothers he returned back to his village to take care of his ailing parents. He then bought agricultural lands and got into farming. Later he set up two rice mills in the village, had a marriage tent and vessels leasing business apart from money lending. He built numerous buildings and commercial complex in the town which housed post office, ration shop, typing institute, grocery shops etc. Like him many others in the village were equally enterprising and were instrumental in the growth and development of the entire community and society as a whole. I still remember the prosperity back then from my visits during the summer holidays from Lucknow.
Now coming to the point I want to make, last year I took my wife and daughter to my birth place on my way to Palakkad from Guruvayur. I was shocked to see the degeneration and change the landscape had gone through. The main town had an old dirty look with poorly maintained damaged buildings. The demographics were not the same. Where ever I turned I could only see men with colored lungi and kurta with white caps or with the complete white Arabic attire. The place was mushrooming with new big mosques and madrassa’s. I was saddened and my heart sunk when I reached my village. It was literally in pathetic condition. Most of the houses had an empty deserted look. The once busy clinic was closed. Many traditional agraharams homes were replaced with huge Muslim architectural houses purchased with gulf money. The village Shiva temple was in a very bad shape with hardly any devotees and funds to manage. The river and many village wells had dried up. I was getting choked up and emotional at condition of some of the old families and in particular Viswanathan gurukal, scholar in Rig Veda who used to perform puja at the Shiva temple and taught Veda.
Now coming to the point I want to make, last year I took my wife and daughter to my birth place on my way to Palakkad from Guruvayur. I was shocked to see the degeneration and change the landscape had gone through. The main town had an old dirty look with poorly maintained damaged buildings. The demographics were not the same. Where ever I turned I could only see men with colored lungi and kurta with white caps or with the complete white Arabic attire. The place was mushrooming with new big mosques and madrassa’s. I was saddened and my heart sunk when I reached my village. It was literally in pathetic condition. Most of the houses had an empty deserted look. The once busy clinic was closed. Many traditional agraharams homes were replaced with huge Muslim architectural houses purchased with gulf money. The village Shiva temple was in a very bad shape with hardly any devotees and funds to manage. The river and many village wells had dried up. I was getting choked up and emotional at condition of some of the old families and in particular Viswanathan gurukal, scholar in Rig Veda who used to perform puja at the Shiva temple and taught Veda.
Thanks to Renuka Chaudary, the then congress cabinet minister’s effort who visited Kalpathy village in Palakkad town one of the ancient Brahmin Agraharams in Kerala and decided to preserve the heritage. The government announced this as the first heritage village in State under section 383 of the Kerala Municipality Act for preserving the heritage.
Kerala has been hit by two perpetual tsunamis, the communist/secular parties and the Muslim population explosion with the help gulf money. Like my grandfather and most others in the village had to sell their agricultural lands and shut down the mills because they found it impossible to carry on doing business with constant labor union problems and strikes. I have a vivid memory of my uncle telling me stories of communist movement on my visit to his farms while facing labor problems during crop harvesting seasons. He said the CPI first brainwashed the masses that the land owners and business people were feudal imperialist. Then they instigated the masses with slogans such as “throw mud and dirty the white cloths of the landowners to match with yours”. The scenario of Kerala would have been entirely different had the politicians preached the masses that with hard work and dedication they too could achieve what my grandfather did. The state is under siege and being pushed to the Stone Age by the CPI and the medieval religion Islam. I wasn’t surprised when I saw the Times of India news that the Muslim terrorists are demanding a separate state in Kerala. The writing is on the wall in Kerala as to why the Hindu population is reduced to 50%, if you take a look of the events of the past.
It was Kannur district of Kerala in 1922 where over 10,000 Hindus were massacred
in a Moplah rebellion. It was an Islamic religious revivalism among the Muslim hostility towards the Hindu Nair landlords. Annie Besant stated in her report: “The Moplahs murdered and plundered abundantly, and killed or drove away all Hindus who would not apostatize”.
Kannur also happens to be the nurturing ground and think tank of the communist movement in Kerala. Communist Parties have a strong base in this district. It is estimated that that CPI (M) itself has more than 50% support. CPI (M)-led Left Democratic Front (LDF) governs five of six municipalities in Kannur district. Around 70% of the panchayats are also governed by LDF. The I.U.M.L is one of the strongest political parties in Kannur. Muslim League rules about 15 panchayats and one municipality in the district.
It was the CPI-M General Secretary Prakash Karat who got involved in ensuring that Abdul Nassir Madani of PDP the 1998 Coimbatore blast killer of 58 people was acquitted of all charges. Madani also contested 2009 elections along with communist party in Kerala. It’s the same place Kannur where the current UPA/Congress government is allocating funds to set up an Islamic University.
Mark my word the next state in line would be West Bengal. Bangladeshi novelist, Taslima Nasreen who wanted to make Kolkata her home has been denied entry and her novel Lajja which talks about atrocities on the Hindu minority community in Bangladesh is banned in West Bengal.
Muslims have grown exponentially from 13% during partition to 20% plus in 60 years. Imagine when they get closer to majority in the next 50 years or so they will demand that India be declared an Islamic Republic and implement sharia law.
I am getting sick and frustrated with the Hindu ethos of letting things be. I don’t hate the Muslims but I am really skeptical of the defining belief of Islam after reading the Life of Prophet Mohammed founder of the most intolerant religion and feel really sorry for all the Indian/Hindustani Muslims trapped in it. I strongly believe in the Nobel laureate and author V.S. Naipaul’s statement that: “the non-Arab Muslims suffer from the conflict between their ancestral cultural roots and their imposed religion. Every Muslim is an abductee from the civilization in which he once belonged”. They are themselves forced to read Arabic not the language of our country, follow an alien Arabic religion, follow its nomadic traditions and pray & bow in the direction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Indian Muslims are people quite like the rest of us, and that they should be treated equally with Hindus
This call for a separate land in Kerala is a proof of their lack of tolerance in Islam for other faiths. Islamists cannot comprehend secularism. I wish some Guru like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar or Baba Ramdev with courage of their conviction explains how Santana Dharma the spiritual treasure that transcends other foreign religions, originated from our mother land, was conceived by our ancestors and call all Indian Muslims to renounce Islam.
We Hindus are so pathetic that we brand a true nationalist party with genuine liberal ideology like uniform civil code “communal” and “fascist” party. If we Hindus do not have one voice a civilization may soon pass away. The tragedy of modern India is that the combined votes of Dalits/OBC and Muslims are enough for any government to be elected. The Congress quickly cashed in on it after Independence and shamelessly divided Indian society for garnering votes. We need to seriously ponder on the achievements of the congress and UPA allies rule for the last 60 years. Not only have they failed to lift the dalits out of poverty, they have successfully created a new economically backward class of Hindus and managed to further divide them. Here are some facts:
• The Indian government gives Rs 1,000 crores (Rs 10 billion) for salaries of imams in mosques and Rs 200 crores (Rs 2 billion) as Haj subsidies. But no such help is available to Brahmins and upper castes.
• At Tamil Nadu's Ranganathaswamy Temple, a priest's monthly salary is Rs 300 (Census Department studies) and a daily allowance of one measure of rice.
• 50% of Delhi’s Patel Nagar rickshaw pullers are Brahmins.
• There are 50 Sulabh Shauchalayas (public toilets) in Delhi; all of them are cleaned and looked after by Brahmins.
• 400,000 Brahmins of the Kashmir valley, the once respected Kashmiri Pandits, now live as refugees in their own country, sometimes in refugee camps in Jammu and Delhi in appalling conditions.
• 75% of domestic help and cooks in Andhra Pradesh are Brahmins. A study of the Brahmin community in a district in Andhra Pradesh (Brahmins of India by J Radhakrishna, published by Chugh Publications) reveals that today all purohits live below the poverty line.
• With the average income of Brahmins being less than that of non-Brahmins, a high percentage of Brahmin students drop out at the intermediate level. In the 5 to 18 year age group, 44 per cent Brahmin students stopped education at the primary level and 36 per cent at the pre-matriculation level.
• The study also found that 55 per cent of all Brahmins lived below the poverty line.
• A paper by D Narayana, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthpuram ('Perception, Poverty and Health: A Contribution' CICRED Seminar on Poverty and Health, February 2005), shows that 69.8 per cent of Brahmins and OUC (Other Upper Cast) never went past the 12th standard, that 52.4 per cent of Brahmins and OUC farmers don't own land bigger than 100 cents, quite insufficient to nourish a family, and that that 53.9 per cent of the upper caste population is below poverty line.
As Anti-Brahmanism originated in, and still prospers in anti-Hindu circles. It is particularly welcome among Marxists, missionaries, Muslims, separatists and Christian-backed Dalit movements of different hues. When they attack Brahmins, their target is unmistakably Hinduism and the 36 % upper castes of India -- the Brahmins, Thakurs, Vaishiyas, Jains, Marwaris, Baniyas -- are more and more marginalized, their voices are not heard.
Isn't it time we vote right with one voice as one nation for Uniform Civil Code????
Kerala has been hit by two perpetual tsunamis, the communist/secular parties and the Muslim population explosion with the help gulf money. Like my grandfather and most others in the village had to sell their agricultural lands and shut down the mills because they found it impossible to carry on doing business with constant labor union problems and strikes. I have a vivid memory of my uncle telling me stories of communist movement on my visit to his farms while facing labor problems during crop harvesting seasons. He said the CPI first brainwashed the masses that the land owners and business people were feudal imperialist. Then they instigated the masses with slogans such as “throw mud and dirty the white cloths of the landowners to match with yours”. The scenario of Kerala would have been entirely different had the politicians preached the masses that with hard work and dedication they too could achieve what my grandfather did. The state is under siege and being pushed to the Stone Age by the CPI and the medieval religion Islam. I wasn’t surprised when I saw the Times of India news that the Muslim terrorists are demanding a separate state in Kerala. The writing is on the wall in Kerala as to why the Hindu population is reduced to 50%, if you take a look of the events of the past.
It was Kannur district of Kerala in 1922 where over 10,000 Hindus were massacred
in a Moplah rebellion. It was an Islamic religious revivalism among the Muslim hostility towards the Hindu Nair landlords. Annie Besant stated in her report: “The Moplahs murdered and plundered abundantly, and killed or drove away all Hindus who would not apostatize”.
Kannur also happens to be the nurturing ground and think tank of the communist movement in Kerala. Communist Parties have a strong base in this district. It is estimated that that CPI (M) itself has more than 50% support. CPI (M)-led Left Democratic Front (LDF) governs five of six municipalities in Kannur district. Around 70% of the panchayats are also governed by LDF. The I.U.M.L is one of the strongest political parties in Kannur. Muslim League rules about 15 panchayats and one municipality in the district.
It was the CPI-M General Secretary Prakash Karat who got involved in ensuring that Abdul Nassir Madani of PDP the 1998 Coimbatore blast killer of 58 people was acquitted of all charges. Madani also contested 2009 elections along with communist party in Kerala. It’s the same place Kannur where the current UPA/Congress government is allocating funds to set up an Islamic University.
Mark my word the next state in line would be West Bengal. Bangladeshi novelist, Taslima Nasreen who wanted to make Kolkata her home has been denied entry and her novel Lajja which talks about atrocities on the Hindu minority community in Bangladesh is banned in West Bengal.
Muslims have grown exponentially from 13% during partition to 20% plus in 60 years. Imagine when they get closer to majority in the next 50 years or so they will demand that India be declared an Islamic Republic and implement sharia law.
I am getting sick and frustrated with the Hindu ethos of letting things be. I don’t hate the Muslims but I am really skeptical of the defining belief of Islam after reading the Life of Prophet Mohammed founder of the most intolerant religion and feel really sorry for all the Indian/Hindustani Muslims trapped in it. I strongly believe in the Nobel laureate and author V.S. Naipaul’s statement that: “the non-Arab Muslims suffer from the conflict between their ancestral cultural roots and their imposed religion. Every Muslim is an abductee from the civilization in which he once belonged”. They are themselves forced to read Arabic not the language of our country, follow an alien Arabic religion, follow its nomadic traditions and pray & bow in the direction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Indian Muslims are people quite like the rest of us, and that they should be treated equally with Hindus
This call for a separate land in Kerala is a proof of their lack of tolerance in Islam for other faiths. Islamists cannot comprehend secularism. I wish some Guru like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar or Baba Ramdev with courage of their conviction explains how Santana Dharma the spiritual treasure that transcends other foreign religions, originated from our mother land, was conceived by our ancestors and call all Indian Muslims to renounce Islam.
We Hindus are so pathetic that we brand a true nationalist party with genuine liberal ideology like uniform civil code “communal” and “fascist” party. If we Hindus do not have one voice a civilization may soon pass away. The tragedy of modern India is that the combined votes of Dalits/OBC and Muslims are enough for any government to be elected. The Congress quickly cashed in on it after Independence and shamelessly divided Indian society for garnering votes. We need to seriously ponder on the achievements of the congress and UPA allies rule for the last 60 years. Not only have they failed to lift the dalits out of poverty, they have successfully created a new economically backward class of Hindus and managed to further divide them. Here are some facts:
• The Indian government gives Rs 1,000 crores (Rs 10 billion) for salaries of imams in mosques and Rs 200 crores (Rs 2 billion) as Haj subsidies. But no such help is available to Brahmins and upper castes.
• At Tamil Nadu's Ranganathaswamy Temple, a priest's monthly salary is Rs 300 (Census Department studies) and a daily allowance of one measure of rice.
• 50% of Delhi’s Patel Nagar rickshaw pullers are Brahmins.
• There are 50 Sulabh Shauchalayas (public toilets) in Delhi; all of them are cleaned and looked after by Brahmins.
• 400,000 Brahmins of the Kashmir valley, the once respected Kashmiri Pandits, now live as refugees in their own country, sometimes in refugee camps in Jammu and Delhi in appalling conditions.
• 75% of domestic help and cooks in Andhra Pradesh are Brahmins. A study of the Brahmin community in a district in Andhra Pradesh (Brahmins of India by J Radhakrishna, published by Chugh Publications) reveals that today all purohits live below the poverty line.
• With the average income of Brahmins being less than that of non-Brahmins, a high percentage of Brahmin students drop out at the intermediate level. In the 5 to 18 year age group, 44 per cent Brahmin students stopped education at the primary level and 36 per cent at the pre-matriculation level.
• The study also found that 55 per cent of all Brahmins lived below the poverty line.
• A paper by D Narayana, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthpuram ('Perception, Poverty and Health: A Contribution' CICRED Seminar on Poverty and Health, February 2005), shows that 69.8 per cent of Brahmins and OUC (Other Upper Cast) never went past the 12th standard, that 52.4 per cent of Brahmins and OUC farmers don't own land bigger than 100 cents, quite insufficient to nourish a family, and that that 53.9 per cent of the upper caste population is below poverty line.
As Anti-Brahmanism originated in, and still prospers in anti-Hindu circles. It is particularly welcome among Marxists, missionaries, Muslims, separatists and Christian-backed Dalit movements of different hues. When they attack Brahmins, their target is unmistakably Hinduism and the 36 % upper castes of India -- the Brahmins, Thakurs, Vaishiyas, Jains, Marwaris, Baniyas -- are more and more marginalized, their voices are not heard.
Isn't it time we vote right with one voice as one nation for Uniform Civil Code????
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