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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Paki PM Insults India’s Rural Women

One has to earn respect. Capability, courage or achievements earn you that. Of course if you depend upon your position for respect then be prepared to be ignored, insulted and spat on (figuratively of course). Manmohan Singh who was the second choice of Narsimha Rao made some obvious moves from Economics 101 and got the country back from a one billion dollar forex reserve and on a road to recovery. When the situation was so terrible, showing improvement is not exactly a major achievement. But small men let things like that go to their head. Latest example is Nitish Kumar. He surely has dug Bihar out of the deep hole. But that is all he has done. However, egged on by the media (who is on a constant lookout for the “maybe not Congress and definitely “not Modi” politician). Nitish Kumar took this faint praise too seriously and destroyed a good thing.

Manmohan Singh forgot that he is a proxy for Rajmata and the Shehzada. He has destroyed any degree of integrity that we associated with our government by allowing rampant looting of the nation. By staying silent on issues of importance he has created an aura of impotence. He is supposed to be this crack economist and has essentially destroyed the Rupee (believe me folks. It will be a long bloody time before we can see Rupee at its last year’s value). When it comes to security and defence matters he has turned India into an image of himself – a doormat. No one in his own party respects him because they all know who the real power is. The latest in this long series of slights that this man has faced is by Rahul Gandhi. Wow. This has to be the lowest of the lows. But try telling that to Singh who has loudly proclaimed to be willing to work under Rahul (as if people think that he is doing otherwise right now).

Till now we were run over by the Chinese. They come into the country like it’s their backyard, mess with us by playing petty visa games, prop up the Pakistanis, do their best to surround us by using Bangladeshis and rebuffed (Sri Lankans – again- Thank you Congress) and destroy our small scale production industry by flooding our market with cheap shit which our ignorant voters are happy to buy. But now we have the paki PM calling Manmohan Singh a “dehati aurat”. First of all, as a person who comes from humble background and with rural roots, I take great umbrage on behalf of or woman from rural areas. These women deal with adversity on a regular basis, work hard in the fields, take care of their families, contribute greatly to the economy and deal with lecherous bastards regularly. How dare the Paki PM compare our rural women to Manmohan Singh??

Jokes aside, let us examine the irony of the statement. Singh refers to paki involvement in terror. Do that is like saying sky is blue. Just today a huge bomb went off in Peshawar. This was the second one in less than a week. This one was within their boundaries. These two do not include their dirty tricks outside of Pakistan. The mall siege in Kenya has paki connections as well. Their attempts at messing with peace in India, Iran and Afghanistan are not news to anyone. In fact, every terrorist attack in the world has paki prints on it. Sorry Nawaz Sharif! You are like a cheap whore representing a cheaper country. You lost the right to be called anything else but a terrorist long time ago.

This is what we have become. Now the pakis are calling us names. Yet watch Manmohan Singh meet and talk peace with this terrorist. Watch him make mockery of all things we revere by visiting Pakistan this year. We are getting humiliated because of our weak kneed response. I hold our liberal, vote-bank politicians responsible for all this. Even our own Atalji was no better when it came to Pakistan. Who can forget Pervez Musharraf getting that building in Lahore cleaned after Atalji visited it. Even then this bastard was invited to India. All he did after coming over was defecate on our hospitality. Even the dumbest of the dumb learn after repeated humiliations.

But the people I really hold responsible are the Indian voters. Yes. We deserve the government we elect. Every mistake made by UPA2 is our fault. If we continue to stay divided for one reason or the other then this is what we will continue to get. The Indian voters need to wake up and smell the stink. Unite and vote for a capable man or get ready for more of the same. It is our choice.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Mainstream Media Ignoring Modi

Please see the video of Shri Narendra Modi at the ashram in Kollam, Kerala for the spiritual leader Mata Amritanandamayi’s 60th birthday celebrations.
Here is what “The Telegraph” article titled “Modi’s ‘ancient’ cure to problems” quoted from his speech at the function which seems to be an apt response to the secularism mongers.

“Nowadays there is talk of inclusive growth, about improving the condition of the poor. But if we refer to what our heritage taught us, there can be no better manifesto for political parties or model for governments than (the advice condensed in) the verse (from the Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad), ‘Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niramayah, Sarve bhadrani pasyantu, Ma kaschit dukhabhagbhavet (May all be happy, May all enjoy good health, May all see auspiciousness, May none be distressed)’,” the Gujarat chief minister told the crowd, which seemed to lap up his every word.

Read the article here:

Video Link:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Modi VS Congress A-Team: Fight Or A Joke?

Overcoming a whole lot of self made barriers, the BJP finally elected their contestant for the next PM post. Thank all the Gods! We now have a chance to elect a real leader and a difference maker in Bhai Narendra Modi. He will lead the conservatives and the centre right of India. The whiff of the third front notwithstanding, the main opposition to the BJP will come from the Congress. We all know that the Congress candidate is the Crown Prince Rahul Maino Gandhi. But Congress is afraid to nominate him because then it becomes a well defined fight. NaMo versus RaGa is like US Army versus Granada. It is like Sachin Tendulkar versus me. It is like a racehorse versus a three legged donkey. This why, the Congress is claiming strategic ambiguity and silence. Fear is no strategy.

So far all Congress has done is reacting to Modi’s statements and claims. They are realizing that they are bringing a knife to a gun fight. So they met for five days and have come up with an aggressive strategy. They are going to do what Digvijay Singh has been doing so far: blatant lies, innuendoes and name calling i.e. usual Congress brand sleaze which the mainstream Indian media laps and perpetuates. Except it won’t be Singh alone. Sonia ji has appointed some “articulate’ Congressmen who will essentially carry out a intense negative campaign aided by NDTV and their ilk. However, when you take a look at the Congress A team, you have to say WTF!! They are pitting these corrupt and loudmouth men against one of the best and the most able leaders in our history. Let us go through the list of these ‘articulate’ men and see where they stand in comparison with and able and proven leader like Modi.

Kapil Sibal
This man has been accused of helping the Ambanis in the 2G scam. There is a pending Vodaphone scam (Rs. 11000 crore). He also tried to censor internet and social media sites to help out the Gandhi family. He has made a mockery of various exam systems and made loud claims about the now failed Akash tablet. He made a surreptitious deal with Agnivesh to scuttle Anna Hazare’s campaign. His wife runs a butchery / abattoir which seems to be a curious business for a Hindu. All in all the man has a checkered run in every department he has been in charge. Moreover, he is a known loudmouth with little diplomatic skills.

PC Chidambaran
He is claimed to be deeply involved in the 2G scam. His son is allegedly involved in a scam known as Aircel-Maxis deal. He and his wife have represented some really dubious outfits (Enron, Vedanta Resources and the Saradha Chit Fund in WB). His wife was invested in a company called Fairgrowth which was involved in a securities fraud. As per The Hindu, he pressured poll officer in Sivaganga to influence the poll results in his favor. His term as the Home Minister is known for a lathi charge on protesters in Ramlila maidan in which one woman died. During his tenure we had numerous Naxal and Maoist attacks which are yet to be solved. Perhaps his biggest failure has been the recent Rupee debacle especially because he is supposed to be this highly educated Economist. This man is known only for corruption, destruction of the Rupee and coining the term Hindu Terrorism. Wow!

Salman Khurshid
He is known for his involvement is a non scam i.e. a scam so petty that as per his own partyman, it cannot be called a scam. Stealing from the handicapped!! When confronted by Arvind Kejriwal, our current FM who should be a consummate diplomat lost all cool and threatened Kejriwal with death. Yup. Another piece of work.

Anand Sharma
A lesser known luminary but also involved in a majors cam. India Today (no friend of the BJP) said the following about this man: In a deal reminiscent of the 2G scam that continues to rock the Government, 82 licences to export one million tonnes (MT) of non-basmati rice were doled out by the commerce ministry under Anand Sharma to a chosen few.
Another one like Manmohan, he is a Rajya Sabha member and probably owes his position to loyalty to the party high command rather than his constituency.

Jairam Ramesh
He was one of the better Congressmen. He is also highly educated, liberal but able and seemed like a committed Environment Minister but did not have the backing of the Family or the Government to make any difference. All in all a barking dog with no bite. He was shunted off to a much lesser ministry. So far no involvement in any scams but is a real loudmouth with a penchant for putting his foot in his mouth. In a Congress without the Gandhi Family, he will be an asset. With the Gandhi family in it, he is being reduced to another attack dog of Congress.

Digvijay Singh
He is the biggest blowhard since Lalloo Yadav but far less entertaining. Self acclaimed evaluator of women (“Tunch Maal” versus regular or lesser maal). Guru to Rahul Gandhi and thus responsible for Congress’ defeats in many states. Has been involved in minor scams and confessed to gifting Asaram Harpalani aka Asaram Bapu free land in Indore. He is Asaram’s man in Congress. Digvijay Singh has given new dimension to the word hypocrisy. Routinely stoops to new lows with secularism as an excuse. He lies but not well. Recently got caught lying about BJP paying for burqas and topis. Accuses Hindus of all kinds of terror and is going to be the Congress’ biggest attack dog as he is total loose cannon. He is a spent political force since he cannot bring in votes for Congress but for some unknown reason, still a relevant figure in that party.

So this is Congress A-Team and is supposed to contain the man they could not contain in the last ten or so years with their entire might. As the expression goes, Modi is going to eat their lunch. It is not even going to be a fight because Modi is going to talk issues while these men are going to go all negative. Modi will tell the voters why they should vote for him. These men are going to tell voters lies to hide their own sins.

These men do not worry me. What worries me is continuing disunity in Hindus. We are still divided along familiar fault lines and continue to lose sight of the bigger picture; future of India. Hopefully by the time next election rolls in, we would have set our differences aside and do the right thing for once.

References to various sins of the A Team are as follows: 



Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reaction To Modi's Nomination

As expected, reaction to Bhai Narendra Modi’s nomination is at the extremes. Fans are still rejoicing, walking around with a bounce in their steps and bit of a swell in the chest. His political opponents are going around presenting doomsday scenarios or feigning indifference.

The one thing that really stands out is the intensity and the timing. It was expected to be intensely negative however, the timing of it is curious. Everyone was expecting that Modi will be the PM candidate so some of this leftist outrage should have started to percolate already. However, it seems to have boiled over after the announcements. This means that the jerk brigade in India was hoping that the candidacy may not happen. Now why would they hold on to hope of that kind? I think that they were fully expecting the internal strife in the BJP to derail the Modi nomination. These guys were actually depending on the Advani campaign to do what they could not do with their entire dirty tricks department. Are you not glad that Rajnath Singh’s political machinations and Modi resoluteness thwarted the leftist design which this ignorant old coot was more than willing to carry out.

Another interesting thing is the reaction to Modi’s ascension in the foreign press. Modi has been referred to as a Hindu ideologue at best and extremist at worst. The New York Times which is a leftist toilet paper like the NDTV had a rather vicious article which was written by an American but the contributing authors (credited at the end) were Indians. I am sure that most of the adjectives used for Modi were provided by our own leftists because a paper like NY Times does not care about Indian elections or who gets elected. As usual, the US visa is being used as a character certificate by our feces for brains leftists. Well the question for us to ponder is, do we care what anyone (other than Modi supporters) thinks of Modi? The straight forward answer is NO.

Baba Ramdev was held at the British airport for a very long time and questioned. This is a country whose capital is often referred to as Londonistan (by conservative Brits) and has a virulently Islamist population living among them is stopping a Yoga guru. Now If I were the Baba, I would take the next flight back to India and tell the Brits to sit on something sharp and hard. I don’t know what the Baba is going to do but I hope that he comes back. My point is that we need to look at our past and our potential future and develop a sense of pride so that the only opinion which counts is ours. What the western press thinks should be as relevant to us as our current PM is to decision making.

The leftist intelligentsia (intelligent in their own world) is threatening to leave India. People like the repugnant Amitav Ghosh who do not even live in India have taken it upon themselves to criticize a consummate patriot and the only performing leader like Modi. If these people want to leave then my suggestion would be to please buy a one way ticket and promise never to return. In turn I promise to contribute money towards their ticket and help them pack and carry their stuff to the train or the airport or the leaky boat I would like them to take.

So to Bhai Narendra and his supporters, I say unite and vote. Because we cannot let Hindu votes be divided. We cannot become complacent. No matter what the weather or the conditions, we must take a vow to go out to vote. Dear Hindus, unite and vote because this is an election for India’s future. We have a chance to elect a difference making leader. If we do not go out and vote in large numbers and in a united manner then we deserve Rahul Gandhi as the next PM.

To the leftists who have lost all objectivity and have nothing better to do than spew vitriol, I wish you the worst and by worst I mean a Modi victory. Because nothing would be a greater punishment for Indian liberals than to see a Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi putting India on a course for development, prosperity and peace.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Narendra Modi’s Nomination – Heroes And Zeroes

It is more of a relief than pleasure that I felt when I heard the news. It feels that the BJP did the right thing after exhausting all other possibilities. While Modi clearly is the hero here, working tirelessly for the last decade against a relentless opposition from everyone including his own party. This man has gone through more “agni-pariksha” than any other mortal. At every stage, he has proven his mettle, silenced his critics and enthused his supporters. He has done everything that is needed to earn this nomination. However, he has not arrived at this point in history all by himself. I would like to make a list of those who deserve a tip of the hat and those who deserve severe admonishment.


1. Narendra Modi himself. I don’t think anything more needs to be said at this stage.

2. Amit Shah. The man clearly is Narendra Bhai’s man Friday. A significant amount of credit for Modi’s electoral success has to be given to Shah. Judging by the moves this man has made in UP gives you glimpse into this man’s organizational capabilities.

3. Modi supporters. An ardent bunch, this group has single handedly taken it upon them to take the fight to the media and the NGOs who have bullied every conservative in the country. We at Net Hindu would like to think that in some miniscule way, we contributed to the pro Modi wave. Modi supporters in the BJP itself ensured that their voices could not be ignored for the deaf old men in Delhi and Nagpur.

4. However, the biggest hero is Rajnath Singh. I feel bad that I always thought that he was responsible for the debacle in 2004. It is clear now that Advani and his crew ran a roughshod over Rajnath. Why is he the big hero? Until a year ago, Modi was still who he is today. However the list of people opposed to him was immense. For the moment let us ignore the Modi’s non BJP enemies. Even in BJP, there was a tremendous opposition from the Delhi establishment. These incompetent leaders have benefitted from the status quo and have used the putrid concept of collective leadership to hide their failures and incompetence. As we have seen in the last decade or so, BJP has been reduced to a B team of Congress. Under the leadership of Advani, the BJP’s presence in the states with UPA allies was reduced to a shadow. BJP got wiped out of Odisha, Andhra, Assam, Maharashtra, Karnataka (this one really is on Advani and Ananth Kumar). The same leaders wanted to keep Modi out of Delhi because he was the one man who could mount a credible challenge to the do-nothing thumb-twiddlers in Delhi. They were also afraid that their usual corrupt ways and quid pro quo practices would be disabled. With Modi around them may actually have to get up and do something or take a stand. None of the Delhi based BJP wallahs wanted Modi in. Now the old men in RSS who had inflicted a clown like Gadkari on the hapless BJP were more than happy to inflict again. All this was done in the name of the anti-personality cult these old men were seemingly stood opposed. It was clear that with Modi at helm, these men who were to BJP what Sonia is to Congress, would be marginalized and lose their importance. For a while it seemed that these men would rather lose the next election and re-elect Congress rather than elect Modi. Behind the scene machinations clearly engineered by Rajnath Singh corrected all that. The first proof of his grand design became evident when Gadkari was removed and Singh became the chief. After that somehow, the RSS elders came around and became Modi backers. They probably realized that he was the best chance for a conservative at helm. I would really like to thank them for this all important change of heart. After this the challenge was Advani who knew that with a weakened Congress, it was the best opportunity for him. What this old coot failed to see was that the only reason why Modi has a good chance of winning is because there are voters out there who are willing to vote for him but not BJP. Advani did everything he could to stop Modi’s nomination. In fact not too long ago Modi came out and said that he would be happy serving Gujarat till 2017 which clearly was his way of expressing his frustration at the roadblocks to his nomination. Even the BJP CMs were giving mixed signals. I am sure that it was Rajnath Singh’s deft politicking that brought this one home. If Modi wins the 2014 election, the nation would owe a debt of gratitude to Singh. I certainly do.


1. Sushma Swaraj and MM Joshi. They did their best to keep Modi out by ganging up with Advani. However, they redeemed themselves by doing the right thing albeit as the last resort.

2. Lal Jaichand Advani. What can I say about this man? A cantankerous old man who is still trying to scuttle the BJP boat. A true blue traitor to the party who in his hubris has destroyed the very entity he claims to have built. This man has ridden the coattails of greater men than he and thinks that seniority somehow makes him a claimant to the PM’s chair. This man should have been born into the Gandhi family. He cannot go away soon enough.

3. Naysayers outside of the BJP. To this group of bitter losers I would say thhhbbbbppppptttt!!

It is only the first step in the right direction. With this under his belt, we can already see the grand design that Modi with the help of Rajnath Singh and others has planned. That of course will be a topic of another post. But for now:

Hamara Neta Kaisa Ho?
Narender Modi jaisa ho!!!