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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hinduism's Code of Conduct: A Primer.

I was reading an article where an American "expert" was advising India to do whatever it can to appease the Pakistani generals and get out of Afghanistan and even J&K. This after Indian has spent over two billion dollars on development projects while the pakis have done precious more than export terror. Needless to say I was extremely perturbed. Then I came across the following article “Hinduism’s Code of Conduct” detailing twenty keys for spiritual living in contemporary times which essentially was a reminder of what our religion is all about. These twenty keys divided into two sets of do’s and don’ts of ten Vedic restraints called “Yama” and ten Vedic practices called “Niyam”. Here I wish to draw your attention to essentially five restraints a) Non-injury, Ahinsa, b) Truthfulness, Satya, c) Patience, Kshama, d) Compassion, Daya and e) Honesty, Arjava.

Now it makes me wonder if this ancient wisdom is still applicable to the modern times. After all, 5000 years ago we did not have a rabidly hostile neighbor armed with nuclear weapons hell bent on destroying our way of life.
Here is what Swami Chinmayananda says on the single most influential message from the Bhagavad Gita; this has such a universal appeal to our countrymen - Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah – Nonviolence is the greatest Dharma. The overemphasis of this line has reduced millions to poltroons and cowards and as a result of this cowardly resignation of the majority; fanatics from our neighbors and within have been perpetrating unabated crimes.
Let us for a moment go to the original sacred verse and investigate the significances of the moral precept: Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah. This is the opening line of a stanza, and the very next line reads: Dharma himsaa tathaiva cha. "So too is all righteous violence."
Indeed, non-violence is the supreme policy to be adopted by man to foster enduring peace in the world; but there are certain dire moments in the life of individuals, as of nations, when we will have to meet force with force in order that justice be done.

Now do we still practice only Ahinsa or do we turn to Gita and start believing Dharma-Himsa is equally noble as Ahimsa?

"How often do you see a professional team of people misbehave on the job? You’re on a flight
from San Francisco to Singapore. Do the flight attendants bicker in the aisle? of course not. People at this level of business have control of their minds and emotions. If they didn’t, they would soon be replaced. When they are on the job, at least, they follow a code of conduct spelled out in detail by the corporation. it’s not unlike the moral code of any religion, outlining sound ethics for respect and harmony among humans. those seeking to be successful in life strive to fulfill a moral code whether “on the job” or off. Does Hinduism and its scriptures on yoga have such a code? Yes: twenty ethical guidelines called yamas and niyamas, “restraints and observances.” these “do’s” and “don’ts” are found in the 6,000 to 8,000-year-old Vedas, mankind’s oldest body of scripture, and in other holy texts expounding the path of yoga."

The article can be read at the following:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Poverty vs Common Wealth Games

When a multi billionaire like Azim Premji talks of austerity, one has to stop and listen. Premji leads a very simple life. Compared to the ostentatious Indian rich, he is almost a hermit. It seems that he had the gall to question the wisdom of the UPA government hosting the CWG in India when there are a million other pressing needs for that money.
We just posted an article that UPA took an enormous amount of money (more money than A Raja stole) and spent it to prop up sick ventures. The CWG games could have been used for that purpose rather than hurting the gullible investors. We posted another article on this blog about how some money for humanitarian aid was spent on the CWG when poor kids in India are eating clay to fill themselves up.
Now even if the CWG could be justified by some sick and perverted logic, then the money allocated should have been spent on the CWG alone. Now we find out that a lot of that allocated money was stolen by the dalaals involved.
Isn't that a very cruel joke inflicted on the aam janta of India? MS Gill should be ashamed of questioning Mr. Premji's intentions.

MS Gill attacks Azim Premji for his comments on Commonwealth Games:
Premji in a recent article in a leading national daily had said that the thousands of crores of rupees being spent on Games could have been used for building schools and improve infrastructure in the poor parts of the country like Bihar.
Gill was obviously not pleased with what Premji wrote.

The article can be read at:

How the UPA robbed us of Rs2,80,795 crore

Mr. Jagannathan makes a very interesting point here. The two guys at the helm of the economic boat of India, Manmohan Singh and Montek Singh Ahluwalia, are supposed to be financial geniuses and free traders. Why then are they taking enormous amounts of money from profit making companies and giving them to sick public companies is obvious - a messed up version of our hybrid economics. Not being a money guy, I know that the dole out to the sick companies saved thousands of jobs but what I don't know is who is going to pay for it because someone always does. The numbers are staggering.

Mr. Jagannathan writes:
The number in the headline is the amount of money looted by the UPA government from taxpayers and investors since 2004. And all this is from just one sector: petroleum.
The only difference between a Ramalinga Raju, who raided Satyam’s cash chest to bankroll his infrastructure dreams, and the government, which dipped into public sector assets to finance its re-election, is this: Raju cannot legislate away his crimes. Government can.

The article can be read at:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Three Signs that you are a free, liberal society

It is nowadays fashionable to debate, in some circles, whether countries like India and USA are free at all, or that the freedom is a sham, in reality the people in these countries being oppressed quite like in, let us say Islamic countries or in the erstwhile Soviet Union. Arguments usually run like this – in supposedly free societies such as India, there is high level effort to “manufacture” public opinion. The “false” opinion of the common public is then used to manipulate the masses, in favor of a ruling elite.
Thus, in this line of argument, democracy and freedom are so manipulated that the overall effect makes the supposedly free society no different from a dictatorship.
The political choices too are limited to established political parties. The top leaderships of these parties, if their pre-eminent position is threatened, actually even work in cahoots to make sure that masses do not have any choice apart from them, and that no new options develop to a point where they can be dislodged.
Same for free speech. The freedom of speech is controlled by “big” media. Any dissenting voice is stifled, if not by force, and then by conspiracies hatched by media bosses. Same for business – big brands / corporates ensure no new choices develop for the consumers and that they continue enjoying super normal profits on account of being established brands.
So, one should ask the question – are there any objective indicators that a society is free and liberal. The indicators should, of course be verifiable if not quantifiable. I tried to compile a list, and I welcome suggestions from anyone who argues that even those indicators are sham like all others such as universal franchise and freedom of speech:

1. Free societies receive refugees and not send them out: India is or has been home to refugees from Tibet, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. No refugees have ever left India to settle down elsewhere because they were denied political rights or were being hounded by the state or being oppressed by the society, the only exception perhaps being MF Husain. This is a common feature of most free societies and the opposite is true of un-free ones (these types send out refugees, e.g China, North Korea, Bangladesh, many Arab countries).
There are actually no refugees sheltered in a mighty country like China. China receives refugees from North Korea but those are illegal migrants and if caught, they are deported and face horrible consequences in their country for attempting to escape.
One exception to this rule could be wartime refugees, such as the ones who streamed from Afghanistan to Pakistan in the period of constant warfare that Afghanistan was engaged in. But I would like to know one instance of people leaving their country and being seeking shelter in an authoritarian one without any exceptional circumstance such as war.

2. Free societies have vocal haters of their own society: Think of Arundhati Roy in India or Noam Chomsky in the USA. Not only do they live a secure and prosperous life in their respective countries, they rise to a high status and feted by the elite. I would like to know anyone who is, so to say, their counterpart in an authoritarian society. Someone who, for instance, vocally argues something that is sure to outrage the mainstream society. Say, someone in Pakistan who says that Pakistan should leave the Kashmir issue and should move on. In China, those who argued that democracy and free speech should be allowed had tanks rolling on top of their bodies!

3. Free societies have affirmative action policies: With minor exceptions, authoritarian societies don't have affirmative action policies. I actually went through wikipedia page on “affirmative action”. It lists all countries with affirmative action policies and a brief description of the policy. The only Muslim country with affirmative action is Malaysia where there is preferential treatment to majority Malay Muslims ! When they do implement preferential treatment, it is for themselves!!
China has some reservations for ethnic minorities in top government jobs and in some universities, but apart from this exception, ALL affirmative action in the world seems to be in free nations – India, USA, Canada, UK and many other free countries. No Muslim nation is on the list. No Latin American dictatorship is on the list. It is fair to say that this too is one of the indicators of a free society.

I dream that India will attract people from all over the world. We can really call ourselves a developed nation when we see people from most countries in the world wanting to come and settle here, because they know they will be able to live a good life here. Because they know they will be free here and no one will seek to oppress them in any way.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Islam's Insha Allah moment has arrived !

There is so much hapenning in relation to Islam all over the world that I believe it is their time of reckoning ! For the followers the " Insha Allah" moment has arrived regardless of how holy it may sound when spoken ! Let us look at only a few events to see how dangerous they can be and the way they think - unless you understand that , no progress is possible of any kind , talks , negotiations or in war ! And the democracies and other religious practioners , better watch out ! This is NOT Islamophobia or hatred against Islam - it is the collective wisdom or lack thereof of the modern day practioners of Islam that is suspect and disliked. It is not the jihadis alone that are extremists by their own right but the moderates who behave and act in a way that puts them in an extreme position.

First , the Islamists blamed the US policies for the massive tragedy called katrina in New Orleans - the people of that city suffered Allah's wrath according to those practioners of Islam and that is what they said at that time! If it was so then what about Allah's wrath in a wretched country like Na-Pak-istan ! Look at the tragedy that has caused havoc in Na-Pak-istan which will take decades to come out of or possibly never, if they continue on their current path of self destruction. There are many reason for the slow speed of donations as accepted and feared by the UN but the most important is that nobody likes Pakistan and their involvement in terrorist activity and that they are congenital liars all the time ! Here is the key issue of understanding for the Indians - the Na-Paki government initially rejected the donation of $ 5 million to help relief efforts ! They eventually relented when the US whacked them and asked to take it - they then made it appear as if THEY were doing India and Indians a favour by accepting that donation!! For all that we know it may perhaps have landed in some jihadi organisations's pocket , after all they must have decided where it goes ?

The lesson is if they have such misplaced and disgusting attitude to their own people's suffering in the name of their revered Allah , what can India really expect in any dialogue with that country ? It would be useful to find out what contribution have other Islamic countries and the Pakis around the world have made to date ? Has anyone ever come across any thing that the pakistanis have ever relented on except when they were beaten back in Kargil and the massive surrender of their armed forces in the eastern theatre. I was told that each of the 96000 or so soldier took a vow to break India. Those very people must be at the helm of affairs , specially the Army !

Second , the issue of building the mosque at ground zero - the site of 9/11 in New York. Much has been said and still more will be talked about whether the mosque , so conveniently now called as a cultural center for fostering peace and understanding amongst non-muslims in New York, be built or not. The Imam and his wife Daisy Khan have sung a completely new tune in the las few days - Daisy has cleverly twisted the argument by becoming a victim again , a typical strategy when they are pressured on the back foot ! She is giving the guilt feeling to those who oppose the move by saying there is so much hatred against Islam ! Dear Daisy , this is no hatred - it is people who are expressing themselves against your obstinate and obdurate attitude whereby you have obfuscated the whole argument - the issue was never the right to build but whether it was the right thing to do. If she wants Islam understood well in this country then here are a few suggestions to consider : 1. you do not need to teach us here about the virtues of freedom of religion - go and build Interfaith cultural centers in your country of origin to teach them how to respect other religions and respect for non-muslims - demonstrate reciprocity. But whjo wants to live in your country of origin anyway as there is no respect for human rights and other religions
2. There is poor collection for relief efforts in Pakistan - why not DELAY and DEFER the mosque project and contribute entire 100 million dollars for the those suffering in the name of Allah !! I am sure their Allah would rather want their downtrodden taken care of rather than entetainment center the American Muslims will enjoy in New York!! 3. The Imam has recently said that the American democratic system is Sharia compliant ! What an audacity to "approve" our way of life as Sharia compliant ! The important question we need to ask Is Sharia , democracy compliant ? Will you still call the draconian sharia law as humane ?

Very soon , the American media will get busy with election coverage and every politician from Senator '"Chop Shop" onwards, will suddenly discover the political correctness as an instument of electoral victory ! They will sell the opposition for the mosque for a few dollars more ! That will be the victory for the "Cordoba initiative" - Insha Allah , we pray it never does.


The Honorable, Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram in his long address to the Director Generals of Police, didn't talk about jihadi or Islamic terror, didn't utter a word on the Maoist terrorism; but he was very verbose about saffron terror.
US investigators seem to believe that jihadi organizations and ISI from Pakistan were involved in the terrorist attacks in the Mecca Masjid of Hyderabad and on the Samjotha Express and one should not be surprised if the Malegon blasts also turn out to be the work of jihadi terrorists.
This reminds me of the bold title of Rajeev Srinivasan July article; Hindu terrorism doesn’t exist, but do we want one? History is proof that any Hindu violence has always been a retaliation.
Can you imagine the quantum of destruction If the famous Newton’s law of motion were to be applied to the Indian scenario; that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. India would have been worse than our western neighbors. This clearly illustrates that the so called “saffron terrorist” of our honorable home minister have blatantly defied the Newton’s law of motion. But our Honorable, Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram was quick to pat his back for 21 “terror-free” months and blame the Hindus for spreading terrorism and even branded a non existing phenomenon as “Saffron Terror”.
If there are incidents of Hindu violence, these are almost inevitably reactions to terrorism imposed on Hindus like the Godhra train burning and also because of the UPA government’s inactions against the perpetrators for political correctness, minority appeasement and vote bank politics.

SAFFRON TERROR: Debate on Barkha Dutt's Show on NDTV

"The Buck Stops Here " talk show of NDTV anchored by Ms. Barkha Dutt had an interesting discussion on August 25, 2010, on the passing reference to the recently noticed phenomenon of "Saffron Terror" made by Shri P. Chidambaram, the Home Minister, while inaugurating a conference of Directors-General of Police at New Delhi the same day.

Why the home minister invoked 'saffron terror'
There is a sinister design to establish the notion of Hindu or saffron terror in the global terrorism discourse, suggests Ram Madhav.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chinese Democracy

I am not talking about the last Guns and Roses album. What I am referring to is the state of the Indian democracy as practiced by UPA and the rajgharaana i.e. the Gandhi Family for whom India is their own fiefdom. They will try to hold onto the PM seat at any cost just like one party system in China. Of course in India, they can't bulldoze people so they have to adopt more devious ways.
For the family responsible for an almost lethal wound to our democracy during the emergency period, corruption and hypocrisy are small potatoes. But still some of those are worth a visit. UPA has been tightening the noose on Mayawati in order to regain UP. Mayawati was accused by the UPA of making too many monuments to herself and the BSP. Mayawati's acts are indefensible but Congress's own acts must be brought to light. Mr. A Surya Prakash, an intrepid journalist from the Daily Pioneer,
has a on his blog which contains the names of over 450 projects around the nation with Gandhi family names on them. The cost of all these projects dwarfs Mayawati's own ego trip projects.
As soon as the UPA won the election the Congress gave plum position to family loyalists. The post, which should be non-partisan, was given to a Gandhi family loyalist Navin Chawla. We can all guess why was that done. Congress's vote percent in the last two elections has been less than 30%. Without the divided electorate, they will be nowhere near the seat of power. Which is why it becomes very important to make sure the vote counting goes their way. Even in a mature and a fair democracy like the USA, things go wrong as they did in 2000. Electronic voting machines have been considered suspect even in the US.
One such person in India a Mr. Hari Prasad was arrested when he made claims about how the Indian EVM’s (Electronic Voting Machines) can be hacked. The media laughed at people who made such claims in the aftermath of the last elections. But now multiple people including Mr. Prasad have shown that to be true because of which he has been arrested. Reports of his arrest have not been covered in the mainstream media. People in the US have come to his defense and have written a letter to the new EC Mr. S M Qureshi (am sure he is another Gandhi family loyalist).
Whatever the case maybe, Mr. Prasad should be released with apologies from the EC and the UPA government. Maybe the opposition can bury their hatchets and force the abysmally corrupt UPA govt. to make enquiries into the EVMs. We cannot undo the damage from the last election but we sure can prevent another incompetent person from becoming PM.

Rajeev Srinivasan wrote an article on the subject which is definitely worth reading.
A letter to the EC from a a number of people in the US is at this URL:
Democracy Imperilled

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Maoists: An Amazing Display of Inhuman Behaviour

Mao Tse-Tung's personal physician wrote about his sexual exploits. An objective and one of the least lurid accounts was published in the following article:

"It is not surprising that Dr. Li thought Mao's conduct imperial: he lived in isolation, shared his bed with many young women, and traveled around the nation to luxury villas in a great cocoon of guards and private trains. Dr. Li is in general not judgmental about the endless parade of young women in Mao's bed, citing the Daoist practice of using sex for longevity."
The article can be read at:

Now Kishenji and his murderous band of criminals call themselves Maoists. I guess they are just following the great chairman's examples to the letter. The story of this woman quitting the group because she was repeatedly raped is ghastly. One really has to wonder what is the reason for this kind of promiscuity shown by these leftist murderers. Maybe it isn't sex but power play where they impose their will on hapless people. But then why women? What I am trying to say is that the Maoist behaviour is hard to fathom even in the realm of normal criminal behaviour. These monsters are beyond regular criminals.

I wonder what Arundhati Roy thinks of her Gandhians with guns (was the use of term guns a Freudian slip?)? I wonder if Sandeep Pandey regrets his decision of rushing to the defense of these monsters after they had just slaughtered 65 policemen. Or maybe these leftists will find some excuse to defend even this sick display of inhuman behaviour. Now, of that I am sure!
Raped repeatedly, Naxal leader quits Red ranks
"What didn't she like about the leaders? "They rape," she shot back, eyes flashing with rage. "After about a year of joining Naxals, I was put on night-long sentry duty at a forest camp in Jharkhand. Suddenly, out of the dark, Bikash (now, head of the state military commission) came up and asked me for water. As I turned to fetch it, he grabbed me and tried to do 'kharap kaaj' (indecent acts)." When she objected, Bikash threatened to strangle her. After forcing her into submission, Bikash raped her, she said. She was 17 then. "
The rest of the article can be read at:
The following article is about a girl who accused a Maoist leader of rape who then shot her three times and fled.

God’s Own Country, ruled by Bacchus

As Big B said in Sharabi:
"Jigar ka dard oopar say, kahin maaloom hota hai?
Jigar ka dard oopar say NAHIN maaloom hota hai!"
Really, we can't tell from the surface, what the hell is going on in Kerala. Forget about God's own country because God has abandoned the communist states of Kerala and WB. What is really amazing is that better things are expected out of the two states with highest literacy in the entire union. Even Kolkata has very liberal booze laws. You can buy and drink beer in cinema halls. Could it be that the Communists have figured out that drunk Hindus will not be able to stand up for themselves? Will the naive Hindus ever realize that eventually it is the kerala muslims who are benefiting?

Cup that cheers
The question whether it is ethical for the Government to act as the monopoly bootlegger does not seem to worry the ruling or Opposition parties. The CPI(M) and other Left parties in the ruling LDF have never thought of total deregulation of the liquor sector or at least pulling the Government back from that business. At the same time, the Congress-led Opposition UDF is content with its vow that they will not open a new liquor outlet if they come to power after the May, 2001 elections. Though some anti-liquor crusaders advocate Gujarat-like prohibition, the society generally feels it will not serve any purpose but could worsen the social situation. What is obvious is the fact that no Government, irrespective of which party leads it, will not even think of prohibition for the simple reason that the money liquor brings to the exchequer is so precious and so huge.
The rest of the article can be read at:

Andher Nagri, Chaupat Raja!!!

It was found out that the UPA HRD ministry has cast doubts on V Anand's Indian citizenship. So we have a true blue Bharat Ratna who has broght India so much glory on the international stage being questioned by the government which is being run by an (GASP!!) Italian.
Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Italians. On the contrary, I love the food, movies, soccer players, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Monica Bellucci and countless fantastic Italian people who do what they are good at. On the other hand, Italians who will not let Indians be Indian, are a problem for me and am sure, for other red blooded Indians as well. The chutzpah of the UPA is flabbergasting.
Could it be that Anand was seen playing with that well known enemy of India, Bhai Narendra Modi? I mean, how dare he breathe the same air as Narendra Modi and expect to be treated with dignity.
Is this what awaits Hindus in India who do not live up the the so called secular image?

Anand's Indian citizenship questioned
HYDERABAD: World chess champion Viswanathan Anand may have brought laurels to India many a time but doubts have been cast over his nationality, throwing a dampener on University of Hyderbad's plans to honour him with a doctorate.
The human resource development ministry at the centre has withheld clearance for the University's proposal to honour Anand along with renowned mathematician David Mumford of Harvard University on Monday, coinciding with the International Conference on Mathematics currently on here.

This news can be read at the following.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pakistan: Enemy to All

The following article should be read along with an earlier post . The Pakistanis in their quest to hurt India have adopted policies which have left them with no real friends. They will claim China to be their friends but the Chinese are using the Pakistanis to control India at a very little cost to them. Since the Chinese gave a paltry $7.2 million despite being the second largest economy, goes to show you the depth of commitment they have for the Pakistanis.
The Pakistanis really need to evaluate their priorities otherwise in a war involving more than two countries, they will get hit from all sides (not that I care!!).

Pakistan is the Afghan war's real aggressor
"There is ongoing domestic and international confusion in identifying Afghanistan's friends and foes. The Afghan people are wholeheartedly grateful to the international community for its sacrifices in blood and treasure. Unfortunately, the military-intelligence establishment of one of our neighbors still regards Afghanistan as its sphere of influence. While faced with a growing domestic terrorist threat, Pakistan continues to provide sanctuary and support to the Quetta Shura, the Haqqani network, the Hekmatyar group and al-Qaeda. And while the documents recently disclosed by WikiLeaks contained information that was neither new nor surprising, they did make public further evidence of the close relations among the Taliban, al-Qaeda and Pakistani intelligence."

The rest of the article can be read at

Hindu Unity: A Mirage

While reading this excellent article, I was reminded of a conversation with my friend Swami. I was telling him about my experiences in various parts of the country. I was shocked to hear the prejudices people nurse based on regionalism and caste. I would tell them my name and people would insist on knowing my last name. Why? The only answer is to find out my home-state and my caste. I have a Hindu first name which should be enough but apparently not.
As long as Hindus in India remain a divided force, we will never be able to claim our destiny because divided we will remain helpless pawns in the hands of the pseudo-secularists and vote bank politicians. The key word in the title of the article is "collective" implying unity.

Needed - Collective Hindu vision and political objective
"Succinctly put, national self-identity of Hindus has been reduced to Gandhian pluralism and Nehruvian secularism. When Hindus proclaim suicidal tolerance as an article of faith even in the face of continuing loss of territory to jihad and rabid Christian religious conversion, India’s Hindus need to ask themselves, what will be the content of their national vision and what will be their national objective if it is driven by Gandhian pluralism and Nehruvian secularism. "
The rest of the article can be read at:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

J&K: Another Idea

Dr. Rajiva suggests something that would mean retelling of a different history of India than what the children are taught. The history which is part of the curriculum, glosses over tragedies like the Moplah massacre because it would portray the Indian Muslims as the perpetrators rather than victims. The victimhood version of history keeps the Hindus on the defensive and the Muslims intact as a votebank for Congress and the communists. But still Dr. Vijaya is thinking rightly on the lines of instilling a sense of pride in the country based on truth rather than a false sense of victimhood or religious superiority.

What Kashmiri Youth Need is a Sense of History
"Such faulty readings of Kashmir history and indeed of Bharat’s overall history, propagated mainly by the historians of JNU, have delayed the finding of a solution. It cannot be repeated too often that the Muslim presence in Kashmir began only in the 14th century.
Long, long before that, the Hindu and Buddhist presence was there. Simple commonsense, if not an historical sense, should tell the Muslims of Kashmir that chronology cannot be set aside. Since Islam as a religion was founded only in the 7th century, it stands to reason that Islam is a late comer in world history. It would be interesting to see what textbooks are being used in Kashmir schools. Are the young of Kashmir being told fairy tales ? Did history begin only with the advent of Islam ? Were there peoples,cultures and civilizations that existed long before the birth of Islam?"

The article can be read at:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jammu and Kashmir

Just when you thought that UPAII was done screwing up, they pull out another one. What we have is a full blown Indian version of Intefada going on on Mrs. Sonia Gandhi's watch while we were thinking that J&K had finally come to terms with peace. Omar Abdullah was the Muslim Rahul Gandhi who would usher a new era in J&K. Ghulam Nabi Azad and his political clout (due to his closeness to the Royal Family) was supposed have been the magic wand to cure all ills. Secularism, unfair largesse at the cost of other infinitely more deserving states, peace initiatives with our friendly neighbors and extreme sacrifices and sufferings of Kashmiri Hindus were supposed to have solved this problem. I suppose we still are ignoring the obvious: the nature of the beast!! Unless we really get past all the political correctness and call the spade a spade, we cannot even begin to think solution. Knowing what we know about the Sonia Gandhi government, I'd sooner win the Pulitzer, Nobel, Booker and Oscar on the same day.
The following is an excellent article by Gaurang Bhatt who does not shy away from calling the sapde by it's real name.
Kashmir Options
"Nehru and Indira played games in Kashmir by crooked dealing with Abdullah and Indira screwed up at the Simla Treaty after the 1971 Bangladesh War by not dictating terms to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, despite her victory and holding nearly 100,000 Pakistani prisoners of war. Her desire to hold power led to insurgencies in Kashmir and Punjab, with Pakistani mischief and US encouragement and conniving at Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions to teach the Soviets a lesson in Afghanistan.
Now India is suffering the consequences of the follies of the incompetent Nehru, Indira and Manmohan Singh., just as the US is suffering from the idiocy of Nixon-Kissinger (China), Carter-Brzezinski (Afghanistan-Pakistan mujaheedin), Reagan (Lebanon), Clinton (Somalia, Kosovo), Bush Jr. (Iraq-Afghanistan) and Obama-Clinton (Afghanistan-Pakistan-Yemen)."

The rest of the article can be read at:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Help for Pakistani Flood Victims.

Why so little and so late? This question must really be bugging all the Pakistanis in the know. Haiti and the Tsunami victims got relief - lots of it and really fast. But when it came to Pakistani victims, not so much. Why? Is it donor fatigue? Maybe. Bad economy is tightening the purse strings of even the most generous patrons. Or could it be that, perish the thought, NO ONE LIKES THE PAKISTANIS? Speaking from the Indian point of view, when things are going well for Pakistan, they never shy away at any opportunity to hurt us. They are double crossing the Americans. They are exporting Jihad to the west. British capital is now referred by many as Londonistan thanks to the Pakistani emigres.
I know it is very cruel and churlish, talking about Pakistan's follies when the innocent there are hurting. But again from an Indian point of view, it is the innocent here also who die in bomb blasts and we do not hear even a whimper from the same Pakistani intellectuals who are currently lamenting the poor response to the flood victims. Are flood victims more deserving of help than bomb victims?
Mr. Premen Addy is a fantastic writer. His mastery over the language is exceeded only by his knowledge of history. The following is his take on the subject.

Pakistan on the brink

The Asian tsunami of 2005 and the recent Haitian earthquake had galvanised the international community. Why not then Pakistan’s rampaging rivers, you may well ask. The short answer is donor fatigue. Pakistan is generally perceived as a terrorist hub, whose blighted leaders display not the slightest remorse for the engineered 26/11Mumbai carnage, whose kleptocratic President has earned a reputation once held by the late Congolese leader Joseph Mobutu, where unbridled Islamism holds sway.
The rest of the article can be read at:

A Grave Sin

One of the things which makes me really angry about Indian and the societal practices (note that I am not using the word Culture) is the way caste system and other systems of hierarchy picks on the weak and the poor. Ignoring the few lines in Manusmriti, nowhere in Hinduism are such activities condoned. If someone insists on bringing the Manuwadi Hinduism up, then I have one thing to say to them: It is time we wiped this dark age concept from an otherwise beautiful and peaceful religion. There is no room for such thought in an ancient civilization like ours.
The first case which I had heard of was that of Phoolan Devi. This was before the woman had turned into a bandit. This woman was made to go through hell. Raping her was not enough - they paraded her naked.
After that case, I heard of many other cases of that kind. It always made me sick. Why in the name of all things good, do we do this? Why do followers of one of the most peaceful religions do such a thing? Is it that somehow we have convinced ourselves that the poor and the weak are less human or they are some other god's children?
What I do know is that a society which does not respect women will NEVER prosper. Case in point are the Islamic countries. On the other hand, countries where women are treated with dignity and respect, are prospering and even striving for greatness. We cannot treat the hands that rock our cradles in such a way and hope to rule the world (just to complete the cliché). Maltreating half the population cannot be beneficial to anyone. It's such an irony and shame that in a land where the cow is revered the women are treated such dishonorably.
We need to stop abusing our Durgas, Lakshmis and Saraswatis. It is wrong and a sin for all Hindus.

Two more Indian tribal women 'forced to walk naked'

Two more tribal women have been stripped and forced to parade naked in front of large crowds in the Indian state of West Bengal, police say. The incidents were in the same area - the Birbhum district - where a similar case took place four months ago.Locals say that the women were being punished for "having close relations" with men from other communities. Birbhum police spokesman Humayun Kabir told the BBC that the two women in the latest incidents had filed cases. Superintendent Kabir said that reports about one of them committing suicide could not be confirmed.
The rest of the article can be read at:

Dalit woman allegedly stripped, beaten
A Dalit woman was on Saturday allegedly dragged out of her house, stripped and beaten up by a group of upper caste people over a land dispute at a remote village of the district.

Dalit woman stripped, beaten up in Mumbai slum
‘Neech jaat' (low caste) was a word Kavita (name changed) kept hearing when she was being stripped and beaten up. “They beat me with bamboo sticks. I kept saying ‘no.' They ripped off my gown, pulled my hair and dragged me out of the house to a nearby shop. Many were filming the act on mobile phones. In Hindi, they kept saying, ‘neech jaat [low caste], come, take your turn.' Men were beating me too,” Kavita told The Hindu on Saturday.

Godfather, Islam and Civil Society

The Godfather is one of those iconic movies which teach you something new every time you go over them. Every classic does that - movies, books, music. The learning from The Godfather was immense this time because I noticed many things this time about gangsters' mores and values and compared these with different societies.
To be sure, there is so much overlap between gangsterism, politics and organized religion, that any gangster story, well told, will remind you of the other two. While there are important differences between a genuinely civil society engaged in a political struggle and gangland values and behaviors, there are eerie similarities between the stark, death shadowed world of The Godfather and, say, Pakistan's mindset towards India, or that of Hamas towards Israel.
More importantly, you realize that Pakistan and Hamas are not pariahs to the Muslim mainstream society. The worst terrorists do not arouse revulsion in Muslim common people, the way Mafia gangsters do in free civil societies in India and the West. One is reminded of the marriage between a prominent Pakistani cricketer's son and Dawood Ibrahim's daughter. Not that the terrorist's daughter should not be allowed to marry and live normally like others. But there is a difference. A truly civil society like India would expect a distance between the bride and the gangster, terrorist father. And between the Pakistani civil society, to the extent it can be called a “civil society” and the same “don”.
When the marriage actually took place, one did not see such a distance. From all that is known about the event and the celebrations, the gangster and the famous cricketer were buddies and the Muslim society of Pakistan accepted the gangster as a normal bride's father. He was not only not in hiding (except for not being available for photo shoots, so Pakistani government could maintain the fig leaf of denial of his existence in Pakistan), but greeted and was greeted by all as a “normal” citizen of the Pakistani ummah.
It is important to notice and register such behavior by Muslim mainstreams all over the world. It is one of the dots that needs to be connected with other dots, most notably the primary texts of Islam – Koran, Hadith and Sira, to understand what Islam and Muslim societies are all about. Muslim societies are not civil societies in the sense that a civil society is understood in free countries. They have more overlap with gangland mores and values than with a typical civil society in India or Europe or North America.
As I watched the movie, the ideas kept crystallizing and I tried to make a mental list of similarities between Islam and gangland which are also dissimilarities between civil societies and Islam / mafia world. Here is an attempt at elucidation of those:

1. There is no favor done by one “gang” to another. If there is a concession made to one mafia family by another, it is purely because the favored one is more powerful. Islam too shares this gangland value and that makes it easy to understand why Muslims never expressed any gratitude for getting equal rights in India after partition on religious lines. In Muslim mind, the rights they enjoy in India are either because Hindus are afraid of their capacity for violence, or because Hindus are politically blind, commit grave political errors and do not deserve any kind of reciprocation. This view is completely opposite of how Hindus viewed it – that we Hindus are decent people and we want to create a free and equal society and in which all will have a stake in maintaining and enhancing those freedoms.
Muslims, however, saw it differently and never really joined Indian mainstream, they continue to believe in the power of violence (or, as in Indian democracy, of numbers and collective voting) to get material benefits and have now advanced a fresh set of demands on Indian state and society.

2. An atrocious strike by one gang to another is not to be viewed as an atrocity in the sense that civil society understands it. If the father of a man or his is killed brutally by any group of individuals (as happens in the movie), a civil society response would be to bring the killer to justice in accordance with law and morality. Not so in the gangland. In that world, it is purely business. Once such an act is done, the leaders have to make a cool evaluation of relative powers and submit if they have too little power, or fight if they think they have sufficient power for a gang-war.
How does Islam view such “strikes”? Their view is certainly not same as a civilized people. In the wake of most atrocious terror attacks – from New York to Mumbai, their refrain has been that since Muslims are aggrieved people, such events will happen. You hear it not only in the recordings of Osama bin Laden, but also in the views of influential Muslims such as Fareed Zakaria in USA and MJ Akbar in India. In fact, after an encounter with terrorists in Delhi, in which a heroic Indian cop was killed, the VC of the Islamic institution in Delhi whose students were responsible for the killing, declared that he wants to use Indian government's money for their legal defence !!
Muslims are NOT outraged by “strikes”, such as the ones we see in gangland warfare, or such as the ones carried out by terrorists all over the world.

3. On the subject of “strikes”, in gangland as well as in Islam, strikes of all kinds are currency for maintenance and / or advancement of a group's power. Groups are constantly planning and executing “strikes” against other groups for show of power. The “struck” group, as noted above, has to make a cool evaluation and submit or fight depending on the evaluation.
Much of group's effort centers around developing the power to “strike” at others and save itself from others' strikes. Seen in this light, all kinds of Muslim behavior makes sense. The demolition of others' revered places and building mosques on them, carrying out massacres, enslavements to establish the power of the deen and so on. In today's modern world, the “strike” is not necessarily violent. Muslims have learned to use modern day systems to carry out acts that can later be shown up as humiliating “strikes” on kuffar, and enable Muslims to feel that they are powerful. We can put the clamor to build a mosque on Ground Zero in America in that category.
In fact, there is a popular name for this ability to “strike” at other groups. It is known as terrorism. And as you watch The Godfather, you can feel the atmosphere of terror all around. And how many Muslim countries DON'T give that feeling to non- Muslims living there. Please mail me if you can find one.

4. There is a complete absence of any kind of 'spiritual' feeling in gangland. That emotion God gave all normal human beings that makes us feel the same pain as another being does, and out of that emotion, do something for others without expecting anything in return.
In the gangland, no one does a favor to anyone else, as noted above. No one is to be moved by another's pain. Doing so is to show a lack of “business” sense. All actions are to be interpreted on the basis of the relative power equations and nothing is done, nor supposed to be, out of pure goodness of heart.
A likely response to this, by a believing Muslim, could be that there are many injunctions in Koran and Hadith that Muslims should do charity and help poor. It is said somewhere in Hadith, that a good Muslim won't eat peacefully if his neighbor is hungry.
However, Islamic charity is purely reserved for Muslims. All injunctions for charity are directed towards Muslim brothers, and not towards human beings in general. There are incidents, where charitable institutions in Muslim societies denied it's services to non-Muslims. Gangland too takes care of members of it's own gang and family in similar ways. Within a gang, so long as there is no treason, it is all for one and one for all. The gang is a brotherhood, quite like we hear of Muslim Brotherhood.

5. The gang can achieve material prosperity only if there is a civil society around it. The gang is like a parasite that fattens on civil society's productive capacity. In the movie, you see the opulence of Godfather's office and house, and contrast it with a land which has no civil society, only gangs – that is Sicily. In Sicily, virtually all citizens are part of gangs one way or the other. There is little development of the society. The place looks is as if you have moved back 2 or 3 centuries back in time.
Compare now the Muslim communities' way of life in USA or Europe or even India and their lives in non-oil Muslim states. It is safe to say that Muslim societies are like what one sees of Sicily in the movie. Muslims either have a civil society to feed on (Hindus in India, modern Christians in Europe and USA, Chinese and Indians in Malaysia), or there is oil (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait), or the society is dirt poor, existing on doles from Kaffirs (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sudan).

6. Finally, the condition of women brings out clearly, the overlap in Islam and gangsterism and dissimilarities between civil societies and Islam / gangs. In USA, where most of the movie is set, women are mostly in the background. Almost non – persons, not having say in most of the matters. If one has read the book, women's subdued existence is explicitly mentioned.
In the part set in USA, however, the gangland women still have some personality. Once the scene moves to Sicily, women barely smile, dress soberly and won't go out unchaperoned (let alone with an unrelated man). The only woman in the entire movie, with some personality, vocal and demanding equal treatment, is a North American lover of the mafia prince. She isn't from the gangland, she is an American civilian.
How often do we hear Muslim apologists talk about women's need to dress soberly, preferably with hijab / burqa ? How often that they need to be respectful in their carriage and demeanour ? How often that if a man assaults them sexually, they are responsible since they made themselves too tempting.
There are women in Muslim societies with personality and voice in public life. But the difference between the status of a common Muslim woman and that of a common non-Muslim one is a contrast. Even as early as 11th century, when Al-Beruni visited India and studied the lifestyle and culture of Hindus, he observed with great surprise that Hindus always “consult” their wives in matters of life, unlike Muslims. It seemed to be a matter of wonderment to him that anyone should so much as seek the advice of his woman in his affairs !

Of course, all of the above will be denied by Muslims and Muslim apologists. None of them, however, will venture to debate with someone who has studied their scriptures and history thoroughly – Robert Spencer has issued challenges to almost all prominent ones. They won't address any of such points directly, and try to pretend that anyone questioning Islam thus is a hater of 1.4 billions people and not worthy of so much as an acknowledgment.
As I said in an earlier post, Islam never grew based on any kind of theological or moral superiority for it's way of life. It was always at the point of sword that Islam created spaces for itself all over the world. Let us put it bluntly, Islam is a religion founded on terror and it grew by and large through terror. Hence the close association between the religion (a political ideology actually, or shall we say, in view of the above, a criminal ideology), and crime and terror.
All those who see Islam with more clarity bear the responsibility to spread our views and bring as many non – Muslims and even Muslims into the fold of people who are determined to extinguish this gangsterism masquerading as religion and ensure the spread of modern civil society.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is China Really the Second Largest Economy?

For those of you, who cannot believe that our biggest enemy (it is not Pakistan: Pakistan is just a tool) China has become the second biggest economy, there is some news. Prof Gordon Chang has been writing on this topic for a while. Since there is no transparency in China, any news coming from there has to be taken with large amounts of salt. As per Prof. Chang, China has put in more than $1 trillion in the Chinese economy directly and indirectly (through state owned banks). In an older article he had revealed that Chinese state owned banks have more and $500 billion in bad loans-money that they have no hopes of recovering (soft loans to state run outfits). China apparently has no property taxes which has spurred purchase of properties as investments leading to meteoric rise in prices thereby creating a huge bubble. A dangerous situation indeed for the global economy.

China's Coming Property Bust
"There were, a few months ago, 64.5 million urban flats that showed no electricity usage for six consecutive months. That’s one in four city apartments, enough housing for some 200 million people. The value of vacant apartments held by speculators is about 15% of gross domestic product. Beijing’s bank stress tests assume a 60% fall in property prices. In fact, official statistics show that property price increases slowed in July. "
The rest of the article can be read at:
A similar article can be read at:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Schizophrenic Economy and the NGO's

Prof. Vaidyanathan hits another sixer here. A fantastic read on its own merit. However, I see another angle here which pertains to the role of NGO's under the UPA regime.
Like the Christian Missionaries who go around claiming to do charity under the guise of spreading their religion, the NGO's have an agenda of their own. When you look at the people involved (Teesta Setalvad and her ilk), you get the idea. They are not interested in doing good. All they are interested is the bully pulpit that the NGO provides them to spread their insidious pseudo-secular agenda. They not only have the backing of the English language media, communists, the real communalists (Muslims and Christians as evident from Kerala and West Bengal) and the liberals but also the UPA government. As per Prof. Vaidya's article below, the NGO's have vast sums of money at their disposal. This is not a good development.

Why economy is growing despite jholawalas and Wall Streeters

The good news is that we are growing in spite of these two albatrosses. The fastest growing sector is services. For instance, between 2004-05 and 2008-09, the service sector (with a 60% share in GDP) has grown at the real rate of more than 9%. The largest components are trade (9.42%), hotels and restaurants (9.88%), non-railway transport (7.8 %) and other activities like plumbing/painting, et al (9.7%). Even “unorganised” manufacturing has grown at 7.7%. These sectors have grown due to domestic household savings and not due to government policies or FDI. And all of them are predominantly partnership and proprietary family-owned firms. They get little credit from banks and government employees extort bribes from them. These are the sectors which are eyed by global predators since they are the fastest growing areas. Interestingly, they are supposed to be the traditional base of the main opposition party, the BJP. But I think they are neither aware of their base nor its growth.
The rest of the article can be read at the following:

Saturday, August 14, 2010


We on this blog pride ourselves with our India first attitude. It is NOT a cute caption. We are sanguinely serious about it. India will move forward when ALL INDIANS move forward irrespective of their background. On a day like the 15th of August, we really need to take a stock of the situation and look outside the walls of our houses and walled communities. Look at the poor and the unfortunate. Do you think that we can go too far without them?

wo subah kabhee to aayegee, wo subah kabhee to aayegee
in kaalee sadiyon ke sar se, jab raat kaa aanchal dhalakegaa
jab dukh ke baadal pighalenge, jab sukh kaa saagar chhalakegaa
jab anbar zoom ke naachegaa, jab dharatee nagmei gaayegee
wo subah kabhee to aayegee

jis subah kee khaatir jug jug se, hum sab mar mar kar jite hain
jis subah ke amariat kee boond mein, hum jahar ke pyaale pite hain
in bhookhee pyaasee ruhon par, yek din to karam faramaayegee
wo subah kabhee to aayegee

maanaa ke abhee tere mere aramaanon kee kimat kuchh bhee naheen
mittee kaa bhee hain kuchh mol magar, insaanon kee kimat kuchh bhee naheen
insaanon kee ijjat jab zoothhen sikkon mein naa tolee jaayegee
wo subah kabhee to aayegee

One of my favorite authors, Mr. Kanchan Gupta has a knack for writing the truth in a very anecdotal way. It will touch you, it may even wound you but it will not leave you unaffected. Here is his piece on this day.

For poor and rich, just another day
"We who flaunt near double-digit GDP growth as evidence of India’s ‘progress’ and get excited by the findings of the National Council of Applied Economic Research that show the number of high-income households has exceeded the number of low-income households, can never quite imagine how the other half lives — and dies — because we have willed ourselves into disowning the poor and the wretched of the land. To talk of poverty is considered unfashionable in an India aglitter with chrome-and-glass shopping malls, a country which sees no shame in the continuous loot of public funds as is happening in Delhi at the moment where thousands of crores are being skimmed off in the guise of hosting this year’s Commonwealth Games, which, we are told, are a matter of ‘national pride’. Nor does our conscience bother us that thousands of tonnes of foodgrains are allowed to rot in Government godowns so that they can be sold at a pittance to liquor manufacturers while millions go to bed hungry. "

Thieving Indians

The desi capacity to steal is amazing. From the lowly peon and his "baksheesh" to the IAS babus "benami" properties to the Netajee's "small country GDP" like wealth, we are experts in stealing. Americans as rich as they are, have far less money deposited in Swiss Banks and other tax havens. The Germans have given the names of 800 such thieves. The intrepid and Indian govt. has proceeded against 50 or so and punished only 18. The aam aadmi wants to know why a small time crook who steals little gets punished severely and even gets beaten up by the local police while these high profile crooks, do not spend a day in jail!!!

18 Indians stashed Rs 44 crore untaxed money in LGT Bank: Finance ministry

"Black money, especially funds parked in tax havens, had become a poll issue in the run-up to the general elections last year, with BJP leader L K Advani declaring that if the NDA came to power, it would retrieve the untaxed money and use it for funding the country's development.
After returning to power for the second straight term, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had in July last year said the government has already initiated action for getting back black money belonging to Indians from Swiss banks."

The article can be read at the following:

'High-profile' Indian under terror funding scanner

The na-Paki complicity in the matter is maddening. It seems that these criminals are hurting us with impunity and no one can hurt them (except god - floods and earthquakes). Meanwhile all our pusillanimous leaders can do is twiddle their thumbs. The Hindu capacity to take punishment is never ceases to astonish me. We are the real followers of Jesus Christ because we keep turning the other cheek and every other part that can be slapped and kicked!!!
If we can't hurt the pakis, at the very least the Indian "ghaddars" need to be arrested and punished in a way as to make an example (not like Kasab or Afzal Guru)

'High-profile' Indian under terror funding scanner
Harish Gupta New Delhi
9 august 2010
In one of the biggest seizures under the country's terror financing laws, the Union ministry of home affairs, in coordination with law enforcement agencies, has seized assets and cash worth Rs150 crore from a single person. The identity of the individual has been kept under wraps since he is "very high-profile". The ministry has made the stunning disclosure in a 508-page confidential report on money laundering submitted late last month to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The FATF is an inter-governmental body responsible For setting global anti-money laundering (AML) standards and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT). The report also disclosed that two bank accounts suspected to be connected to financial terrorism have been frozen.
The report gives a graphic account of how financial terrorism has taken root in the country and how it is being executed by influential, well-connected individuals. The report was submitted during the meeting of the Asia Pacific Group (APG) on money laundering on July 29. The first such report, which has been accessed by DNA, has a large number of annexures. It attacks Pakistan, perhaps for the first time at a world forum, stating that high quality counterfeit notes are printed in the country and then smuggled into India. "The most popular (routes) are via the United Arab Emirates, Nepal and Bangladesh," said the report. Pakistan helps "air-lift these counterfeit notes from Dubai with the help of bona fide passengers or couriers. Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka are also used as transit points". Bangalore is the top Indian airport which receives the maximum amount of fake currency. It is followed by Chennai, Calicut, Cochin, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi. Also, cases of terror financing are on the rise: 17 in 2006-07; 36 in 2008-09; 27 in 2009-10 so far. However, only one person has been convicted in the last four years. As many as 66 cases are under investigation.
The finance intelligence unit, working directly under Union finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, has also disclosed alarming details. It told the world body that suspicious transaction reports (STRs) in banks have risen manifold in recent years. The number was 437 in 2006-07 and stood at 4,048 till December 2009. The same trend is witnessed in financial institutions and other intermediary bodies. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and regulators tracked down more than 7,000 cases of suspect transaction in the last three years.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Battle of Longewal

Needless to say, 15th of August is nigh and I am reminiscing about my favorite stories of the bravery of Indian Forces. Around the time of Kargil war, I was late coming from work and missed meeting Retd. Brigadier Chandpuri (The very soldier played by Sunny Deol in Border). He and R N Bali live in Sector 33, Chandigarh. The following is the url to a detailed story of that battle. The second link explains the bravery and the skills of the IAF.

Battle of Longewal.
"The Pakistani plan was no less ambitious and a surprise attack was launched along the Gabbar-Longewal axis. The main axis lay to the north, connecting the Indian town of Jaisalmir with the Pakistani town of Islamgarh and Rahimiyar Khan beyond it. The intruding Pakistani armoured column and accompanying towed artillery was spotted by an Indian patrol on 4th December after it had come 16 km into Indian territory. The first reports were dismissed, until the enemy took up position just 300 metres away from the isolated Indian Army company located at Longewal. The unit had no anti-tank weapons or mines. The Pakistanis could have overrun the post within hours. But the Indian company commander, Major Kuldip Singh Chandpuri, showed presence of mind by bringing in the company's recoilless guns and heavy machine guns and directing concentrated and sustained fire at the enemy positions. The Pakistanis were taken aback by the extent of the fire and felt that the Indians must have a much larger force at Longewal than reported by their Intelligence. Instead of storming the post and carrying on to Jaisalmir as was the plan, the Pakistanis encircled the post and decided to set up their artillery to soften it up before attacking. "
The rest can be read at:


At the time of the war in Kargil, I used to live pretty close to the border. we would hear IAF jets frequently. We would hear snippets of the bravery of our boys on the border and my eyes would well up. The stories or the Pakistani bastardy used to light a fire under me. Years later, reading non Indian accounts of the war, I realized how brave and accomplished our forces are. The war in Kargil became a text book example of High Altitude Warfare (till then it was the battle in Greece in WWII). The following is a thesis for MS by then Capt. Marcus Acosta which he wrote as part of his post graduate program at the US Naval Postgraduate School. It is a long document but well worth the effort.

Marcus P. Acosta

The Indian military rushed forces to the region once it finally realized the scope of Pakistan’s incursion. By the end of May 1999, the Indian Army had amassed a force of nineteen infantry battalions and several artillery regiments in the Kargil sector. Array of Forces During the Kargil Conflict).13 Initial offensive operations
failed despite an overwhelming force advantage. Indian planners underestimated the size and tenacity of their foe, and poorly planned assaults produced staggering casualties. Soldiers involved in the initial actions were neither equipped nor prepared for high altitude combat. Battalions launched uphill assaults without sufficient artillery and close air support. Indian infantrymen advanced up steep gradients. Assaults faded as men succumbed to exhaustion and enemy fire. The Indian Air Force’s (IAF) efforts, Operation Safed Sagar (White Sea),produced mixed results. Thin air diminished weapon accuracy and hindered aircraft performance. Adverse weather and the heightened SAM threat hampered the IAF’s attempts at close air support (CAS). Aircraft proved unreliable in rapidly changing weather, and a lack of pilot training for CAS in the mountains further diminished the IAF’s ability to provide firepower in coordination with ground maneuver. The IAF eventually adapted and enjoyed some success, primarily against fixed targets. The introduction of laser-guided munitions (LGM) increased accuracy and contributed to the fight on Tiger Hill. IAF pressure on NLI soldiers had a significant psychological effect. Unconventional techniques, such as using aerial munitions to create avalanches over trails, isolated Pakistani defensive positions and destroyed supply sites.The Indian Army modified its offensive tactics and exploited NLI errors. Massive artillery barrages preceded infantry assaults. Suppressive fire, provided primarily by artillery and mortars, set the conditions for successful attacks. Battalions advanced along the most inaccessible routes. Daring maneuver along a difficult axis of attack created the crucial element of surprise. Indian soldiers climbed vertical cliffs throughout the night, attacking the Pakistani positions at dawn. Once at the objective, victory depended on combat at close quarters. The Indian armed forces prevailed, driving the NLI from all of its positions by the
end of July.

The entire thesis can be read at: