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Friday, September 30, 2011

BJP: Time For Leadership Overhaul

A misguided “India Shining” campaign killed the reelection of Atalji’s government. The elections were preponed against the wishes of a politically astute man and then run in a very haphazard fashion which made the BJP look out of touch with the ground reality and doomed the country with the UPA rule. Five years of punishment should have been enough. It seemed that the country hit by price rise, corruption and terrorism was set for a change. Yet another campaign by the BJP with an octogenarian like Advani ji seen lifting dumb bells to the tune of “Abhi toh mai jawan hoon” . People like Sudheendra Kulkarni were responsible for that. The man is in jail today for a different crime though. BJP snatched defeat from the jaws of a very likely victory. India was punished severely for BJP’s mistake with five more years of the UPA.
Since then we have seen the BJP take some steps towards becoming a true national alternative. Although the BJP leadership mantle has been in flux. It seemed that the fight for the top spot was between two eloquent speakers- Arun Jaitley and Sushma Swaraj. However, other than being good parliamentarians, these two have shown nothing to prove that they have the political acumen to make the BJP into an alternative that people can trust with their votes. Recent moves by Bhai Narendra Modi has made it clear that political correctness aside, the party needs and deserves a leader whom the lower level workers can respect and look up to for true leadership.
Advaniji’s rathyatra in days past put the BJP on the national stage. It essentially set up the stage for future victories. The party owes him a huge debt of gratitude. But that is where it should end. You see, he is a member of the party but not the party itself. He had his shot at the top job and He and Sudheendra Kulkarni blew it. Time has come for him to step aside. If he is undertaking the rath-yatra for the benefit of the party then Baba Bholenath bless him. However if this is another attempt at the “PM Kursi” then I hope he fails again. We need fresh ideas and younger blood. Advani needs to become the Professor Emeritus / Consigliore.

Now within the BJP itself, there seems to be a leadership issue. Until a few days ago when Bhai Narendra essentially announced his interest in the top job, there were two leadership candidates. Arun Jaitley and Sushma Swaraj. Now Sushmaji has proved her mettle as a politician but Jaitley is yet another Rajyasabha MP who is more capable of winning party elections rather than the general ones. Time and time again, he has failed to make an impact on the state elections. Therefore, the entire top BJP leadership needs to take a stock while putting their own personal ambitions on hold for a while. Sushmaji needs to look at Hillary Clinton who after a while came to terms with the inevitable and joined Obama’s cabinet as a high ranking official. Not every good soldier becomes the General. We have seen the results of the hierarchical system. Advaniji did not need to follow Atalji to the PM’s chair at the cost of the party. This has got to change.

If Modi gives us the best chance to win and good governance afterwards then the others need to shut up and give the man his due. It is because of him and other successful BJP CMs that the party has remained relevant. If it were up to our MPs in Loksabha and party leaders (especially before Nitin Gadkari), we would have become the Samajwadi Party of national politics.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mr. PM: Speak For India. Not For Ghost Of NAM

The Non Aligned Movement was a bad idea from the start. It almost seems that it was done to shirk away from the responsibility of making hard choices. It is always said that Indian are a proud lot and thus do not want to become a vassal state. This of course assumes that becoming friends with a powerful country would reduce us to that. That has some truth to it. But the world of international politics mirrors the microcosm of life. Not all countries are equal. The powerful ones will get away with more than god intended to (or maybe God did). But then what is a country like India to do? This is where hard questions need to be answered. There are no easy solutions here.

NAM was a group of countries trying to stay independent i.e. not taking sides in the cold war. Noble thought indeed. But were we really non-aligned. As the UN records show that until mid 1980’s we voted against the USA more than 75% of the times. If the USA was on the wrong side of an issue, we needed to oppose them. However, a closer look would tell you that we were actually helping the Russians against the US. KGB records show that during those days almost all our Congress politicians and leftists were on the KGB payroll. So our NAM involvement was in name only. Dictators like Castro and Tito were the stalwarts of the movement. That is how ridiculous it was. And somehow, the ghost of the NAM is still haunting us.

The PM’s latest speech at the UN goes to show you that NAM still finds currency in the south block. The speech writing babu must have been instructed to do so (the guy made a grammatical error in the speech. WOW!). Not only did the speech reek of NAM rhetoric, it almost seem to compound recent mistakes and lay grounds for some new ones. In a well written article, Mr. KC Singh who used to be a diplomat says the following:

The PM then went on to justify through circumlocutory reasoning that Indian abstention on UNSC resolution 1973 on Libya, authorising a 'No-Fly Zone', and permitting all measures to protect civilians was right. Subsequent developments in Libya have shown the Indian judgement to have been flawed both on the basis of realpolitik, as Muammar Gaddafi could not survive, as well as the emerging principle of a global Responsibility to Protect when a massacre of citizens, even by its own government, is imminent.

Now we are once again on the wrong side of history because we were too cowardly to take a tough decision against Gaddafi who was no friends of India and we had no vested interests in the continuance of his brutal regime. The PM went on to support the Palestinian cause of nationhood despite of the fact that the Israelis have been our most reliable suppliers of weaponry. The Israelis are our kindred spirits and they could use our support. The Indian interests lie in helping the Israelis. But we chose to support The Palestinians in the spirit of NAM. I can only hope that this does not hurt the Indo-Israeli defense relations.

The PM then went on to engage Iran’s president Ahmedinejad. Here is what Mr. Singh writes about that:

The most pathetic was PM's interaction with President M Ahmadinejad of Iran. Ignored for six years, the PM's advisers have suddenly found virtue in engaging him when he had just finished embarrassing Iran and offending the US by questioning 9/11 on its tenth anniversary in the very city where it happened. How would India have reacted if a foreign leader had said the same about 26/11 while visiting India and then the US President was photographed hugging him.

This is reminiscent of the picture of Mrs. Gandhi hugging Fidel Castro which was then plastered on all kinds of publications the world over. I don’t think that earned us too many friends in the US or other places. Of course a knee jerk reaction would be “to hell with the US. Why do we need them. They are a bunch of racists who would like nothing more than to make India into a vassal state”. A close look at the friends of USA (Pakistan is no friend of the US) would tell you that it is in our interest to stay on the right side of the US rather than opposing them. That is the nature of the beast. From independence to the day PV Narsimha Rao took over we saw what our non aligned policy got us. Nothing but poverty, misery and defeat on the world stage. Since then, we have engaged the US and the west (and vice versa) and look at the results. Are we more respected today or when we were practicing Nehruvian economics and non aligned policies? The answer may be painful to swallow but it is very clear.

Of course there exists an uglier possibility for the latest snafus at the UN. Was the support for Gaddafi and the Palestinians or engaging Ahmedinejad meant to showcase the Congress’ secular values for their Muslim votebank? There are enough number of instances to support that as well. Now that is not only short sighted but a clear example of putting the party (or in this case that Family) before the nation. After all, Rahul Gandhi’s future Prime-Ministership is at stake.

We need a PM who will put India ahead of votebank politics or a family or his legacy or his party. We need a PM who should be willing to make otherwise unpalatable deals if it benefits the Indian people. We need a PM who would take care of poor Indians before taking up the cause of poor people elsewhere. We need a PM who worries about domestic governance rather than the global kind. We need a PM who will speak for India before speaking on behalf of a failed idea. It is painfully clear from just one speech that Manmohan Singh is not that PM. Not that we needed this speech to surmise that fact.
Mr. KC Singh analysis can be read at:

Our blog post on the topic of Indian politicians on the KGB payroll can be read at:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Congress in a Catch 22 of its Creation

Before getting to the point, I would like to make a segue. Hindu dalits are an abandoned lot. It seems no one is talking about them. Shedding tears for them is not cool enough for the NGO’s and the leftists who would rather be dealing with the religious minorities. Majority Hindus are too caught up in their own mess to pay attention to this group. The self proclaimed messiahs like Mayawati is too busy with her own Eva Peron / Imelda Marcos like lifestyle. The direct result of all this is that they have become a convenient hunting targets for some cruel Muslims. Rape and murder of dalit girls is just one of the ways. On our blog, we had written on this topic. This is truly unfortunate. Of course to expect our government to do something about this is like asking for moon. In fact, the latest insult to the poor of India is the UPA ishtyle poverty fighting. It seems that if you are making more than Rs. 32 a day, you are not poor. Yes by lowering the standard of poverty, our government has taken care of this problem. Have any of these bastards tries to spend a day alone on Rs. 32 let alone taking care of a family? But I digress.

In the latest example of the criminal Muslim mischief is their fight with the Gujjars in Rajasthan. Of course in the interest of political correctness, this was kept under the wraps until the whole thing blew up. No one seems to know why this happened but in a case of Police firing, eight people died and dozens injured. What did the Muslims do to provoke such a response from the Police in a Muslim friendly secular Congress ruled state like Rajasthan? You can only imagine. There are two sides to this episode of course. On one side I would like to ask, where is Congress General Secretary, the maseeha of the minorities Digvijay Singh? He manages to be to be conspicuously absent during such incidents happening in his own party ruled state. He can be seen all over the media when it comes to Modi bashing for the Gujarat riots. The Congress is indeed in a Catch 22 situation in Rajasthan. The party have been running with the hare and hunting with the hounds in Rajasthan when it came to handling the Dalit girl gang-rape and murder case which happened a couple of months back. Such crimes need to be handled decisively, you cannot play vote bank politics and support two opposing causes. The police shielded the criminals and took no cognizance of the atrocity committed by the minority community on the socially downtrodden majority community. While in Bharatpur the congress is trying to give a communal twist to a clash that occurred between the police and the minority community. The congress has to realize that it has to face the consequences of its mistakes and bad deeds. The chickens have come home to roost.

Of course the other side to the issue is that we on this blog realize that things do go out of control. Just like after the Muslims burned alive the kar sevaks at the Godhra station, there were massive retaliatory riots where Muslims and Hindus died. The same way, things probably went out of control in Bharatpur and the police had to do whatever it took to bring the peace. Tragic. But was it avoidable? I don’t know the answer without knowing what led to this firing. However, If the Gehlot government does not want repeats of this kind then they would intervene in disputes of this kind and protect both the majority and minorities without worrying about political correctness and votebank politics.

Cong Govt Failed to Protect Minorities in Bharatpur: BJP
"A secular riot has taken place in the rule of a self-proclaimed secular party. 219 rounds were fired during the riots and eight people were killed while eight more are missing. 23 people were injured. Of the eight dead bodies, three were retrieved from a well and were charred," Hussain told reporters after returning here.
Read the complete article:

Minor Dalit girl gang-raped, murdered in Alwar
TNN Jul 22, 2011, 05.31AM IST
Jihadi Gang Rape in Rajasthan:-Muslim Men Iqbal, Mushtaq, Foji and Mussaddi Arrested in Alwar, Rajasthan for gang raping and brutally murdering a Minor Dalit Girl.
Read the complete article:

Minister faces protest in Alwar over girl’s murder
The victim's body was found on the railway tracks. The women alleged that the police are trying to protect the 4 accused from the minority community. "The men from that community regularly harass the Dalit women & police do nothing to ensure our safety. The accused are being shielded by the police, as they have political connections,''said Shanti Devi
Read the complete article:

Muslim Atrocity on Dalit Hindus
So far only the upper caste Hindus used to commit atrocities on the hapless Hindu dalits but now the Muslims have joined in the “Dalit Hunt”. Unfortunately, the problem with poor Hindu dalits is that they are poor and Hindus. The national pseudo-secular brigade has no tears for them. Their tears are reserved for people from religious minorities.
Read the complete article:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sonia Gandhi: We Have The Right Know

Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer’s disease going into his second term. Can you imagine the world’s most powerful man with finger on thousands of nuclear weapons, unable to remember small things? His staff carefully kept this hidden and managed the entire administration. Did they do to protect their own turf or to protect Reagan’s legacy or honor / pride? If we had known about the extent of Jinnah’s TB who knows what would be the shape of the subcontinent? Nehru kept his afflictions secret. Of course all kinds of unpleasant reasons have been ascribed to that. His daughter also suffered from TB and that was kept from the Indian people. These people have a right to privacy. No doubts about that. But they are not private citizens. Their responsibility goes beyond their families. Things they do or decisions they make have bearing on all the lives of the citizens of the country. Yes, it may be their legacy or honor but it is our lives. If our leaders have a sickness or an addiction or a character flaw that may impair their ability to make timely and correct decisions then we have a right to know.

There are many leaders in the world who deal with their afflictions out in the open. New York city mayor Rudy Giuliani and more recently Hugo Chavez of Venezuela dealt with their cancers with their constituents. It did not lead to anarchy or loss of respect for these men. VP of the US, Dick Cheney (not a very loved man) had a heart condition and everyone knew about it. It did not decrease his influence.

Of course in India, everything is a matter of either legacy or “izzat” i.e. honor. People talked about Atalji’s love for booze in hushed tones. Why? If he had a drinking problem then we had a right to know because that may have affected our decision to elect him. On the other hand if he had a drink or so in the evening then who cares! Then we have the secrets of the Gandhi family. Those are better concealed than secrets which are important to our national security. If Nehru was in love with Edwina Mountbatten, then that may have affected his judgment when it came to dealing with the British at that time. If the Indian public had known about it then they may not have re-elected him. These are important pieces of information which have long reaching implications. Think about it. If Nehru were not the PM in early 1960’s we may not have recognized the illegal Chinese rule in Tibet or given up our seat in the UNSC in favor of China. Our lives would be safer right now. Yes, we have the bloody right to know.

Sonia Gandhi is the PM. Do not kid yourself about the man in the seat. She has all the power. She is privy to all our national secrets even though on paper she is just and MP. She talks to the foreign visitors and her opinion shapes their attitudes towards us. Yes, we have a right to know everything about her – her education (because that gives us a window into her intellectual ability), her allegiances to her country of birth (Indian foreign policy could get influenced by that), her associations with foreigners (Ottavio Quattrocci) or her health. If she goes abroad to get treatment for Cancer (doesn’t India have doctors who could take care of her. We have heart surgeons who have done open heart surgeries on infants) then we need to know about it. Her loyalists would have you believe that all was wrong with India because she was not here to guide them. We need to know what kind of cancer because if her influence is so crucial then we need to know how long she is going to live. If they are trying to keep it a secret because it is breast cancer then that is ridiculous. All our families have mothers and aunts who have suffered from this terrible disease. No one is going to snicker at that. However, if her affliction is due to her lifestyle then we have a right to know.

Sonia Gandhi is someone’s mother and daughter. We all wish her full recovery. But her sickness has bearing on all our lives. We did not opt for that. She put herself in that position. It is therefore her responsibility to come clean. If she wants her health to be treated with the privacy then she should become a private citizen. Otherwise, I would like to remind her that it may be her legacy, honor or dignity but for us, it is the matter of our lives and future of our country.

The Long View: Current Events Through the Lens of History
In this, Sonia Gandhi appeared to be following in an established tradition, by which Indian political leaders guard news of their health as if it were a state secret. Not for them the publicly fought battles of Rudy Giuliani against his prostate cancer, of Dick Cheney against his troublesome heart, or of Hugo Chavez against his recent pelvic abscess. Even the example of Mahatma Gandhi — who let it all hang out, often greeting his ashram’s residents with updates about his bowel movements — is an aberration in Indian politics.

Sonia diagnosed with cervical cancer
Congress president Sonia Gandhi is understood to have undergone a surgery for cervical cancer at Memorial Sloan—Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) private hospital—in New York on


Monday, September 19, 2011

Modi’s Fast: Skullcap, Dunce Cap and Some Thoughts

Bhai Narendra has completed a fast for which he had his own reasons. It could be that he wants to tell the nation where he stands on the Hindu-Muslim issue which to the liberals and pseudo-secular population is a vastly bigger issue than all the malaise facing the nation. Well so be it. He has done his best to address a very painful issue something that the Congress never did in the aftermath of the Sikh massacre in 1984. I have the following thoughts on the matter.

1. We are big fans of the columns by Vivek Gumaste who has raised a very valid point. His point supports my assertion in an earlier blog post that the post Godhra-massacre riots were reactionary and unplanned. What Vivek says is the following and I hope he has provided a definitive answer to all those who like to bandy the word “pogrom”.

Comparison with other notorious riots is essential to expose the willful targeting of Narendra Modi. In the Mumbai riots of 1992 that followed the Babri-Masjid demolition, nearly 900 people died: 575 Muslims and 275 Hindus. In Gujarat 2002 there were 1044 casualties with Muslims accounting for 794 deaths and Hindus 254. The 1984 anti-Sikh riots were by far the worst: 3,000 killed with zero Hindu deaths: it was a pogrom in the truest sense of the word. But yet it is only Modi who is held up as the arch villain.

The media has been infinitely kinder to Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler and others from Congress and even to Rajiv Gandhi who famously said “when a big tree falls, the earth shakes”. The Indian media and leftist bias could not be more stark. Today they are trying every dirty trick to besmirch a man who happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Unlike the aforementioned Congress persons, he has never done or said anything that could make him sound like what he has been accused of.

2. Some small town maulana is now saying that Modi’s refusal (if it actually was a refusal) to wear a skullcap is an insult to Islam. Wow! The Chutzpah of this man is astounding. I do not see the Muslim politicians wearing anything Hindu. Muslims in India refuse to sing Vande-Mataram or anything which extols the motherland and yet they want everyone else to prove their affection of Islam by wearing a skullcap. Of course the shameless Indian media is splattering this tidbit of information all over. These people who have been wearing the dunce cap provided by Congress for over fifty years are making a big issue of the skull cap.

3. The Bollywood celebrities who have discovered Twitter are now expressing every thought popping in their empty heads. Idiots like Pooja Bedi who are only known for advertisements I cannot watch with my son, have taken it upon themselves to pass their judgment on issues which are beyond their scope of thinking. “Please go back into your shells and talk about stuff that you have a better grasp of like ….. (This is not an adult rated site so I am at a loss)”.

4. Mr. B. Raman who has been a fount of information and a window into the word of terror has made yet another mistake. He wants Narendra Bhai to apologize for the riots. An erudite man like Mr. Raman should know that an apology is tantamount to a confession. If Narendra Bhai is innocent then why apologize? If an apology is a pre-requisite to the PM,s chair then it is the misfortune of the aam aadmi and we do not deserve a man like Modi in PM’s chair.

5. Shankersinh Vaghela is doing his own fast. This “thali ka baingan” does not deserve any attention. This man used to be a longstanding member of the RSS. When he realized that with Modi around, he will never be the CM. He joined the Congress. People join the RSS out of idealism, conviction and commitment. It is not a social club. Vaghela sacrificed his ideals for ambition. DO we really want to hear what this frustrated old man has to say?

6. All the sarcasm coming out of the UPA camp is betraying a deep seated fear. If it comes down to Modi VS Rahul Gandhi then the only hope that the Congress has are the dirty tricks, the brainwashed, liberal and pseudo secular Hindu middle class, votebank and caste politics. They hope like hell that it never comes down to actual achievement of the two men.

The B Raman article can be read at:

The Gumaste article can be read at:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Red: The True Colour of Indian Communists

For the last couple of years we have been watching the skeletons tumbling out of the closets of the Congress Party and their allies (coalition dharma you see!) closet by way of these mega scams. Of course the skeletons in these cases were figurative ones. However we can trust the Indian Communists to actually take things to a new level. Actual human skeletons were found buried in the backyard of the CPM Minister Sushanta Ghosh. Yes. We are not talking figure of speech. We are talking about dead people murdered by these so called messiahs of the masses.

PC Chidambaran has said that the left wing extremism is the most violent movement and worse than terrorism. He is saying this about the Maoists but what he did not say about his erstwhile partners is that they are every bit as violent as the Maoists. Since PC is more likely to blame all the Indian ills on Saffron Terror, this was a deviation from his beaten path. However, I suspect that his motive is far less honorable in this. He just wants to divert attention from the Islamic terror that he has not been willing or able to do anything about

Coming back to the topic of leftist violence, as per yesterdays Express India article: Abdulla Kutty, the two-time CPM MP from Kunoor in Kerala who had to leave the party following his praise for Gujarat CM Narendra Modi, has alleged a Marxist “pogrom” against opposition in both Kerala and West Bengal. He even went on to reveal that "In Kunoor itself, the CPM has killed 145 Opposition supporters that included members of RSS in the last 25 years. This goes beyond the usual Communist “my way or no way manifesto”. Taking a page out of Lenin and Mao, these murdering thugs have made a mockery of all that India and her democracy stand for. For these guys, democracy is just a façade. In reality, they are no different than the third world dictators.

In one of our previous post titled "Liberal and Leftist Nexus" we had had talked about how CPM funded Teesta Setalvad and her NGO Citizens for Justice and Peace, to bring down a democratically elected CM, Narendra Modi. Large sums of money were given to fabricated witnesses of Teesta Setalvad. But it is no surprise. For these people murder is a way of life. Subversion of the truth is far lesser a crime.

But the real surprise is that the two states these people have dominated have the highest literacy. Voters from Kerala and Poschim Bongo are very well informed. Yet they have been electing the commies for decades. One can only shake ones head at this extreme example of irony.

Liberal and Leftist Nexus
In the past, Khan had also alleged that the CJP, a Mumbai-based NGO, was instrumental in organizing payment of One lakh each to as many as 10 witnesses in various post-Godhra riot cases. The money came from the CPI (M) relief fund and was distributed months before the witnesses deposed in the courts, five years after the clashes took place. Four other eyewitnesses received `50,000 each.
Read More:

Ex-Kerala CPM MP ‘digs’ up past, alleges Marxist ‘pogrom’ in Bengal
Later speaking to The Indian Express, Kutty said: “We used to have tea at the Parliament canteen and there Basu told us what they did with the Trinamool Congress supporters. He used to say that after killing them, the bodies used to be disposed of scientifically, by burying them deep into the soil.” Read the complete article:

Maoist menace beats terror: PC
New Delhi, Sept. 13: Home minister P. Chidambaram today described Left-wing extremism as the “most violent movement” in the country as he put the onus of governance on states to win the battle for minds and hearts in Maoist-affected areas
Read the complete article:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Narendra Modi and Post Godhra Massacre Riots

Faisal Kidwai (whomever he is) has written an article only a Muslim and a leftist can write. I am sure that he is a leftist only when it comes to dealing with Hindu-Muslim issues i.e. Secular when dealing with Hindus and Conservative when it comes to Islam. The article he has written in the aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling which essentially exonerates Modi. The article is obviously biased and reeks of desperation

Kidwai indulges in some cheap theatrics inspired by the movie “A Time To Kill” and panders to fellow Muslims and bleeding heart liberals. He refers to the post Godhra massacre riots as a pogrom. The word Pogrom means “an organized massacre” like the killing of the 50 plus Karsevaks, or the slaughter of thousands of Sikhs in 1984 or what happened in Moplah before partition or what has happened to Hindu population in Pakistan where the percentage is down from 12 in 1947 to less than 2 today etc. What happened after the Godhra station massacre was nothing but reactionary revenge killing. Kidwai has no clue of the meaning of the word pogrom and if he does, he likes to use it selectively. He also ignores that out of about 2100 killed, more than 700 were Hindus. He has used examples of Hindu inflicted cruelty which have since been proven to be incorrect. Those examples seem to be from the history books when Muslim marauders like Ghazi and Ghouri inflicted on the hapless Hindus.

I do not want to sound petulant and proud of what happened in Gujarat. No sensible Indian can. But people like Kidwai need to stand and say that if the Muslims had not killed the 50 karsevaks, none of the rioting and killing afterwards would have happened. Take a breath Mr. Kidwai and accept that often ignored fact.

But none of what he said bothered me because we have been hearing these lies and distortions for the last decade. What bothered me was when this liar says the following:

So, those of you sitting on the sidelines cheering Modi should take a deep breath, pause and really ask yourself whether you want a leader under whose chief ministership hundreds were killed, who has by extension linked Hindus to terrorism and who did not even have the decency to resign, even though maintaining law and order is every chief minister's top duty.

He says that because he knows that he and his ilk have lost this battle and now he wants the Modi supporters to introspect. What I want him and every anti-Modi liberal is that how can you live knowing that you have repeatedly voted for Congress or enabled them knowing that they were responsible for killing thousands of Sikhs (now that WAS a pogrom). Jagdish Tytler who was allegedly in charge of choreographing those riots is still part of Congress leadership. It is also well known that a most Hindu Muslim or Shia-Sunni riots have happened under the Congress and other pseudo-secular party rules. Yes, how DO YOU LIVE WITH YOUR SELF MR. KIDWAI?

But even that is part of repeated efforts to bring down Modi and we know all the tricks. However what really riles me is when He tries to deny Modi credit for the upsurge of growth in Gujarat under Modi. It seems to be a pet excuse of all anti Modi brigade to say that the development in Gujarat is due to the entrepreneurial skills of the Gujaratis rather than Modi’s leadership. No one can or will deny that the Gujaratis have the entrepreneurial skill in spades and have succeeded the world over. However without the proper infrastructure, there is only so far your spirit or ability will take you.

Small and seemingly common sense decisions by Modi have resulted in drastic improvements in availability of power and water in a perpetually parched state. Farmers and industrialists are prospering together. It also claimed by the liberals that Modi is being coached by the Industrialists into making these decisions. Maharashtra used to be one of the most productive and prosperous states. Now it ranks in the bottom five. Where are those industrialists now? Why have they not helped a “secular” Congress government which has run the state into the ground? Why are farmers killing themselves in Andhra (another Congress ruled state) and Vidarbha which is Sharad Pawar’s backyard while Gujarati farmers are now exporting food? They also say that Modi has nothing to do with the large amounts of investments. I guess these people ignored the Tata Nano move from Poshchim Bongo to Gujarat. Do you think if some corrupt person were in Gujarat CM’s seat demanding his cut, Ford, BMW and others would be investing billions in the State? Imagine Raja or Kalmadi or anyone associated with UPA in charge of Gujarat and the amount of money they would have made? The fact that Modi is personally honest in the middle of such a huge flow of money speaks volumes of the man’s integrity. Of course all this eludes Kidwai and his ilk.

Mr. Kidwai, we do not need lessons in what Hinduism teaches us but you do. No Hindu is proud of what happened in Gujarat. It was a crying shame which we have trouble living with. However, we will not stand and take the blame for the entire tragedy. I wish that Muslims had not started it and killed the fifty plus karsevaks because that way I would not be here defending a great leader like Narendra Modi.

Should Modi's burden be India's too?
Faisal Kidwai.
Firstly, the court has not announced a decision on the verdict, so the victory claim is pretty out of place. Secondly, even if Modi is given a clean chit, which would not come as a surprise considering that the Congress -- read the UPA government -- was never serious about pursuing Modi, thanks to party insider Ahmed Patel's view that going after Modi would hurt the Congress party's prospects in the state, how does that become an event to celebrate?
The article can be read at:

Monday, September 12, 2011

BJP: Party With a Difference or Congress Lite?

After decades of being an afterthought, the Jansangh (which was a gift to the nation by Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee) transformed itself into the BJP and became a political alternative to a corrupt, misguided and misruled Congress (except for the brief period when PV Narsimha Rao was the PM). They went from two MPs to a ruling party. The vacuum in the ranks of a suddenly expanded party was filled in by politicians with no allegiance to the Jansangh ideology. They were in it for power and money. Some old time RSS workers succumbed to the lure of power and money. Case in point is BS Yeddyurappa. Since then, the BJP lost its way. They were the party with a difference. The Honest Hindu Nationalists! I guess the combination of personal human frailties and demands for money to be a national party was too much of a burden for the BJP.
Now the BJP looks like they are trying to get back into power by taking shortcuts. They have done things that would make old time Jansanghis wince. As Mr. TVR Shenoy asks:

Was it necessary to form a coalition with the Janata Dal-Secular?
Was it necessary to broker compromise after compromise to keep the wealthy Bellary Brothers happy?
Was it necessary to give B S Yeddyurappa the same long rope?
Finally, was it necessary to rush to embrace Janardhana Reddy after the CBI arrested him (along with B V Srinivas Reddy) for illegal mining operations?

Another thing he does not ask is
Was it necessary to support Shibu Soren (knowing his background) in Jharkhand ?

When the BJP came to power the first time around, there was optimism in the middle class of actually having a genuine alternative. Even though they were not elected with a huge margin, yet it was significant that the middle class had ignored the pseudo-secular parties and voted for someone with RSS support (despite of a total demonization of the RSS by the Congress). But the BJP lost its way and now has been reduced to being lesser of the two evils rather than a party of difference.

They are at crossroads right now. The country is hurting for a party of difference. The BJP can atone for its sins in Karnataka and shed the corrupt leaders in its ranks. They need to energize their grassroots level workers. They should not shy away from asking the RSS for help. They need to sideline leaders like Arun Jaitley who are nothing but good looking spokespersons and have never won Loksabha elections. They need to showcase the leaders who are actual performers in the party like Narendra Modi, Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Raman Singh. They need to widen the support base of the party and strive towards increasing their vote percent. If it takes time then so be it. If they take short cuts like fielding DP Yadav from Western UP to counter the SP thugs then they are no better than any other party.

We have seen from the history of our country that the pseudo-seculars and the liberals have no ideology or a vision for the country (at least not one where India of tomorrow has roots in India of yesterday). They are short on everything including morality. On the other hand, we have seen from examples in other democracies than religious nationalists have to carry a bigger cross and cannot make compromises on ideology. The onus of being the honest and moral party is on the BJP. They need to come through on that. As corrupt and immoral as Congress is, they can always harp on history and get the voters attention. BJP cannot claim that (mostly because even the conservative freedom fighters fought under the same umbrella as the rest of the Congress). So my appeal to the BJP supporters is that they should not demand any less from the party they support. The BJP have a responsibility to the party and their supporters but a bigger responsibility to the nation. This is what they do not realize.

How the CBI has helped the BJP
T V R Shenoy.
Consider how the Congress responded when skeletons have come tumbling out in the past year.The Commonwealth Games [ Images ] Scandal? "What is the BJP doing in Karnataka?" The Adarsh Housing Scandal? "What is the BJP doing in Karnataka?"
The 2G Telecom Scandal? "What is the BJP doing in Karnataka?"
And now, with its almost frenzied backing for Janardhana Reddy, the Congress doesn't even bother saying that because the BJP seems bent on doing all its work!
The article can be read at:

Leave Modi Alone, An Appeal!!!!!.......

Lalloo Yadav appointed judge could not rule against Bhai Narendra Modi. All the NGO’s funded by Muslim countries and other liberals groups and assisted by UPA have miserable failed in bringing Modi down. Entire Indian media who are like bloodhounds when they want to be have been unable to make anything stick to the man. And all this is not because the man is Teflon coated. So why is it that the worst by the likes of Lalloo, Digvijay and Teesta Setalvad has failed to establish any guilt. Well I have the answer. BHAI NARENDRA MODI IS INNOCENT! This maybe well near impossible for these hyenas to digest but if they do not believe me then they must believe someone like Sherlock Holmes (or rather Doyle) who famously said: "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains--however improbable--must be the truth." There you go folks. The activist Supreme Court of India filled with judges appointed by the UPA has decided to defer the matter to the local DM thereby exonerating the man again for the umpteenth time. I can only guess why they have not put this matter to rest, once and for all.

So how many tests must Bhai Narendra Modi pass before the leftist and the pseudo-secular jackals leave Modi and Gujarat alone. Enough already! Let the man do his job and push Gujarat to new heights. There are many other states willing and able, in the union to be ruined by these “my way or no way” hyenas. If people of Gujarat want a Hindu nationalist government then that is their own choice whether Setalvad and other idiots like it or not. Let Modi and Gujarat do their work. After all someone has to make money for the rest of the country to waste and steal.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Delhi Blast: Weak Leaders and Weaker Voters

In most countries, a bomb blast would wake up the government and make people angry. Not ours! As per Congress Minister for Tourism, Subodh Kant Sahay, Delhiites have become habituated to the terror attacks. As preposterous that statement is, it is a non routine and an honest statement. What we have seen so far (and we have seen enough of these to see a clear pattern) is that after any bomb blast, the response of the members of the GoI is extremely predictable. Like Pavlovian dogs, the PM and HM will go on to describe the attacks as cowardly and ask the public for restraint. They will also offer payments / pittance to the victims. The local government affiliated with Congress would come out and play a blame game. The US will praise the restraint of the Indian government. Of course no arrests are ever made. No local connection is ever found. Even if some Indian outfit is found to be blamed, no arrests ever get made. Eventually, Digvijay Singh would come out and blame the Hindus for the attack. Chidambaran would start dropping terms like Saffron terror. English language media would come to the rescue of the government with a timely expose of some kind on BJP or better yet Bhai Narendra Modi. Eventually, all will be forgotten. Cricket or the latest Khan movie or some sleazy reality show will take over the space.

If platitudes and speeches could fill stomachs and make a population happy, India would be paradise. That is all our leaders are good for. What Subodh Kant Sahay has said is really the truth. Our leaders are worthless is protecting us. We as voters are enabling these worthless leaders so that should give you an idea of our worth to the nation. We must be the only true Catholic nation on the planet. You see, we keep turning the other cheek. Insult us and we turn the other cheek. Kill our people and we restrain ourselves and the forgive and forget. Even the countries who are largely Catholic do not have this kind of patience and forgiveness. I would like to remind my fellow Indians about another tenet in Christianity. Christians say that the Lord hates a coward. Repeatedly turning the other cheek, is not a virtue. It is cowardice. We make it a virtue because the alternative means action which we are too lazy to take. God forbid if it is too hot outside to go and cast your vote. The most of the middle class is either brainwashed by government / education system / media into believing that somehow, Secularism prohibits us from placing the blame where it belongs and the rest are too lazy to go out and vote.

Casting our vote is the only action that civilization and democracy allow. We need to rise up from our slumber and vote for the right people in the forthcoming elections. We need to become immune to seduction in the name of secularism, casteism, social classes, regionalism and see through the bullshit that our politicians feed us. Mayawati pretends to be the champion of the dalits and yet her own lifestyle would put the biggest elite and blueblood to shame. We need to vote for performers and not pretenders. We need to vote for the person and not the family. We need to vote on the basis of recent record and not the history. If we think that all parties are corrupt, then we need to pick the lesser of the evils. We need to look at states with good leadership and bring those local leaders to the national stage against the advice of national media and liberals.

We need to wake and take our country back. Otherwise, as Subodh Kant Sahay says, we better become even more used to these attacks. Maybe even start treating deaths of loved ones as cost of living in India.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mayawati, Julian Assange and Wikileaks

In a response to a wikileaks cable, TP Srinivasan, a career babu has said that MK Narayanan has higher credibility than Timothy Roemer. TPN is forgetting that Narayanan was associated with one of the most corrupt regimes India has known. Roemer does not have that to his name. Mayawati wants Julian Assange in an mental asylum. Predictable responses indeed.

Wikileaks are a double-edged sword. On one hand they have put covert operations and operatives’ lives in jeopardy. On the other hand they have revealed what the media can and will not leak. The Indian media would rather be spreading lies about Bhai Narendra Modi than speak the truth about people like Mayawati. Shame on them! From the perspective of Ram Chandra Bhartiya, Julian Assange is a godsend who is revealing about our leaders that even bad Bollywood movies are wont to show.

Who would think of sending a private jet to Mumbai to fetch a pair of shoes? That sounds like Imelda Marcos. Who would build a private road from their residence to their office to avoid traffic? Sounds like Kim Jong-Il. Who would punish other public servants with sit-ups or force them to clean their shoes? Sounds like the villain from Manmohan Desai movies. Who would employ nine cooks and two food tasters? For answer to that you may have to go back to ancient Egypt and look at Cleopatra.

And yet all these and other acts of extreme corruption were not committed by a third world dictator! They were committed by an elected MLA / Chief Minister in the world’s biggest democracy. Our own Behenji, the champion of the downtrodden and the weak- Mayawati. A very cruel joke indeed!

Either something is wrong with the concept of democracy or people who enable this form i.e. the voters. Democracy is a successful concept and better than any other as shown by many countries including our own sometimes (people still sticking with Narendra Modi despite of all the disinformation). By implication, the other answer must be right. In democracy we deserve the government we elect. People of UP have elected Mayawati multiple times and before that Mulayam Yadav. Wow! That is the power of seduction and caste politics. The UP voters have repeated voted against their own interests. But this kind of criminal naïveté is not endemic to UP voters. Look at people of Bengal (or shall I say Poschim Bongo) who voted for the commies for over three decades. What about the people of the state with highest literacy? Keralites are still voting for the commies. Bihari voters were also guilty but have since rectified their electoral missteps.

Point is that it is the voters’ responsibility to not fall for regional or caste politics and elect people they would not normally let in their homes. It is the responsibility of the media to accurately show the true nature of our politicians. I would urge the politicians to look in the mirror once in a while but that would work for people with a sense of honor. People like Mayawati who hide behind the “dalit ki beti” card and shamelessly indulge in militant minorityism cannot be expected to be shamed. She will continue to do what she does and so will the voters of UP. She will be back. Maybe the voters of UP need to look into the mirror.

Acouple of articles on the topic can be read at:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Anna Hazare: Only a Moral Victory

As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Anna Hazare brought down to its knees, one of the most arrogant and corrupt governments in our history. He succeeded because of his determination and help from the otherwise complacent middle class. I don’t think that the world and we are going to see something of this kind in our lifetimes. In the world today where violence is often seen as a legitimate means to ends like human rights, Anna is a reminder of all things good. Even though I do not agree with his demands (we have written on that topic in details on this blog), I am in awe of the man. When a hungry and weak Anna got up and said Vande Maataram, I got tingles down my spine. He once again got the country especially the middle class out of their mall and McDonald induced slumber and stand up for Mother India. Proud moment indeed!

But as we have said on this blog, yet another law without teeth is not going to solve anything. Giving teeth to mortal men and expecting to behave in a fashion conducive to “Satyug” is unrealistic at best. People who will be on the lokpal will have extraordinary powers. We will be expecting them to be impartial. But absolute power corrupts absolutely. My fears are that the new Lokpal bill may give rise to an unsustainable and a corrupt bureaucracy, very much under the influence of the politicos we are trying to make accountable. We already have the first example.

Now even the worst detractors of Narendra Modi grudgingly acknowledge the progress made by Gujarat under him. His enemies (entire left wing, liberals, pseudo-seculars and their ilk) have done all they could, including lying and cheating to bring the man down. Case in point is Teesta Setalvad. Despite of their worst, the man has not been hurt. If he were corrupt (imagine a UPA led government in Gujarat with all the money pouring in!) he could have made a lot of money. If Mayawati can become mega-crorepati in a poor state like UP then for Modi the sky could have been the limit. But entire media and government machinery has not been able to stick anything to the guy. So what does the Congress do? They use their pet trick of using the party loyal governor to appoint a Modi baiter as the state Lokayukta. The governor Kamla Beniwal who looks as inspiring a leader as a wet sock, is doing her best to make happy her masters in the Family.

Normally, a pro-Congress lokayukta would not be a problem for Narendra Modi. He can defend himself without any help. But we are too close to the next election. What Congress is hoping that they will accuse him of everything short of the Kennedy assassination and hope that mere appearance of impropriety would score points with the undecided voters. Being so close to the election puts the onus of proving innocence on the defendant rather than proving guilty on the prosecution. But we should not be expecting anything less that this from a party like Congress, which is completely devoid of any morals and achievements.

It is clear that the Congress is trying to take Modi out of the 2014 equation so that the BJP cannot project him as a PM candidate. If Modi could do for India, what he has done for Gujarat, then we would really be on our way to achieving our full potential. But the Congress and the liberals cannot have that. They are the kind of people who love to cut their nose to spite their face. Such is our luck. Yes. Anna’s victory is going to be a moral victory only.