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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Who is Driving This Bus?

The next general elections are going to be in 2014. That is far away. The nation is facing so many problems that I don’t know where to begin. Yet with all the problems facing the nation, the UPA’s main focus is to bring down the Modi government in Gujarat. All the other problems not only remain un-addressed but now we have massive corruption scandals involving the Commonwealth games surfacing (we still have not done anything about the mother of all 2G scandal involving the UPA’s own A Raja yet). What we need in the PM’s chair is a man of integrity, courage and steel spine who can take on enemies both internal and external. Instead we have a nice guy who offers nothing else. Economy, which is his specialty, is also not in his control judging by the massive price hikes. To makes things worse (if that were possible!), there are disturbing reports of massive infighting where the PM has been rendered a persona non grata in his own party. We know that he cannot control the non-Congress ministers on the UPA (Mamata Didi is totally out of control, A Raja is stealing with no fear of punishment, Alagiri has never attended a cabinet meeting). To add to this hapless man’s woes, infighting has broken out in his own party. Now we know that the Congress is run like a family owned business (which it is) and they control their people and information about La Famiglia with an iron grip. If they cannot control the infighting, then it must really be serious stuff. We have camps developing in the party where Raj Kumar Rahul’s camp people like Digvijay Singh is sniping at the only man who is trying to do the right thing, P Chidambaram. Rajmata’s coterie probably hates Rahul’s camp because now Madam has moved to NAC bequeathing more power to her son. We have a consummate loyalist like Mani Shankar Aiyer wishing disaster on the Commonwealth games. Reports are that the regular Congress MP’s hate the central government because they are feeling the hate of their constituents over the price rise issue. We have the Home ministry fighting with the External Affairs ministry (as witnessed in the latest G K Pillai vs. S M Krishna debacle in Pakistan). AND what, pray is our leader doing during all this? If you find out please let me know.
If this were UK or the US or any other mature democracy, we would have exercised some constitutional clause to boot these guys out of the government for non-performance. But seeing that this is India, we are stuck with them for the next four years hoping that all are “Eesht Devis and devatas” are working overtime to protect the motherland because the country cannot be trusted in the hands of these elected leaders.
The following are articles on the topic from sources from the entire political spectrum, liberal to the conservative.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hindu Terrorism

Leave it to Rajeev Srinivasan to cut through the impenetrable fog of propaganda and dig out the truth. Aam Aadmi is a huge fan of the guy and hopes that he keeps at it as long as he can. God bless him!!

Hindu terrorism doesn't exist, but do we want one?

"However, in India, so-called 'secularism' means precisely the opposite — the state looks upon every individual primarily based on his religion. For instance, the PM made the statement in December, 2006, that Muslims should have first rights to the resources of the country. This violates the Constitution, but it has become part of the accepted ethos through repetition.

The most blatant example of this propaganda is the current feeding frenzy about 'Hindu terror'. The fact is that there is practically no history of Hindu terror. Religious terrorism has traditionally been the monopoly of the Abrahamic traditions, including Communism. Monotheists by definition divide the world into 'us' and 'them', and demonise the Other, probably a necessary condition for terror.

The rest of the article can be read at the following:

Karaara Jawaab......Dena Hee Padega!!!!!

That is the message our friend Vidur Sarathi wants to send to the South Block mandarins. The status quo approach is a waste of time and resources.

It is important for us India lovers to acknowledge that any enthusiasm from our end here in the US has to be necessarily preceded by a definite action in India by the Indian government against the misfortune of having a naked terrorist country as neighbor, we could just as well rename them ”Napak-istan" ! That country is napak with its intentions, designs and actions in so far as India is concerned. Getting angry for what US does or does not do is meaningless unless India and Indians demonstrate that no more crap from Napakistan will be tolerated. If US managed to punish Libya and get a good compensation for the Lockerbie tragedy it was because they could, they asked for and settled for nothing less. You get what you negotiate for, you negotiate for what you can do , you do what you have the capability to deliver , you deliver what you believe in , you believe in yourself when you are proud of what and who you are . We Indians behave like chickens , running around once the threat of fox in the hen - house is real or otherwise, waiting for somebody to drive off that invisible fox.

When will the GOI accept, recognize and articulate that Napakistan is NOT and will NEVER be a friendly and well meaning country to India regardless of whatever India might offer. This is the basic premise on which the faulty structure of Indo-napak relationship is based on ! They always set the agenda - GOI always is the responder! They always ask for the extremely ridiculous item of the day , Indians offer a compromise. REMEMBER; THERE CANT BE A COMPROMISE BETWEEN POISON AND FOOD! There is a basic question that the MEA/GOI/Home Ministry needs to answer - are they doing EVERYTHING that they must do to tell the truth and demonize napakistan for what it is? Aren't we trying to be friends with some one who not only does not want to be a friend but actually wants you dead? This may sound harsh to some who wish to live in their own ivory towers but should you want to smell the coffee, you got to be closer to the reality and the truth. There is nothing wrong with an individual Pakistani, it is their collective wisdom or lack thereof that makes them napak and suspect for India!!

Here are a few questions and suggestions - let us discuss them in terms of "What is Possible" and "What is Missing" - and strive to produce the missing !

1. Can GOI declare that country as an UNFRIENDLY STATE?
2. Why must India give them the MFN trade status while they refuse to reciprocate!! Do we fear that India's economy will suffer and disintegrate? Revoke that status w.i.e.
3. Why does MEA give the impression that as if India needs peace more than napak and they seem to be running around because they are told to do so.
4. While the Napak govt continues to spew venom thru their joker called Qureshi - (i say this w/o meaning any insult to jokers who entertain us and make us laugh, this guy gives only irritation) our media and officials bend backwards to ensure that we do not reciprocate with equal affection!
5. Announce an award for Indian citizens for exposing illegal Napakis living in the country - flush them out , you could reduce the chances of another 26/11
6. Suspend tourist activity to and from napakistan except for people of Kuldip Nayar and Lahore lovers variety or else they will go more insane!
7. Commence a consistent campaign to educate the Kashmiris about the napak acts, atrocities, rape and mayhem caused to their erstwhile east Paki brothers and sisters by their napak brothers! What more can they really expect?
8. On another serious note please be wary of the descendants of the Lord Macaulay variety who will do what ever it takes to subjugate a faith and belief we Indians are very proud of - it did take almost a 1000 years to hive off large chunks of land to give away to those who never belonged to the original land, in 1947 and 1971, two large areas were given away by India for countries that did not exist. Don't be surprised if in a ridiculous fashion the napak cricketers put a claim on Hyderabad next!! Just kidding - but you can't be sure , they have that idiot called Qureshi who can only bowl no-balls , who will say anything on the idiot box to make himself look even more ridiculously idiotic !!
9. India must lead the world in a movement to ban religious conversions and start that by implementing a immediate ruling in this regard within the country. The freedom of religion must go along with freedom from religion.
10. Why is the diplomatic corp so scared or hesitant in presenting the Indian case to the US media - what are they afraid of? I can train them if they want to and that would be a perfect place to start the real dialogue. At the moment the US media makes much less than marginal reference to India, Indians and Indian causes despite so many large individual donors and super stars around. Can you imagine that in discussions on terrorism India gets only a side mention, that too if something happens over there.

Both the above forums are loaded with intellectuals, sermonizers, academicians and Foreign Service chieftains of many glories past and present. What seems to be missing is action. Merely stating what the USA SHOULD do in relation to their eventual nemesis called napakistan is calling the obvious? As a promoter of a failed idea of Non-Alignment, India has no friends. Friends help friends, always over those who are preaching an arm length NAM non-action. Two of the original promoters of NAM are vanquished - Egypt and Yugoslavia. India is part of BRIC now and so let us show the Napakis that a Brick can hurt!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sohrabuddin: UPA's Ace in the Hole!!!

Although I am loathe to the idea of giving a link to another blog for information, but when the blog belongs to the intrepid and inimitable Kanchan Gupta, all bets are off.
He has unearthed a document clearly depicting Sohrabuddin the man. This is the terrorist who has become the cause-celebre for the likes of the despicable Teesta Setalvad who would stoop to any disgusting levels to bring down the only functional state government in the entire union. Of course for the Congress, the likes of Amin bring a god-sent opportunity to divert the national attention from the litany of problems facing the entire union. I hope the Indian populace sees through this transparent charade and rejects it with extreme prejudice.
My question to the readers is: What would you do to the man who guns down (let's say) Dawood Ibrahim? Do you punish him for human rights's violation or do you reward him for saving the tax payer millions of Rupees for the eventual court cases?

"Sohrabbuddin was not an ordinary criminal as projected by the petitioner in the alleged encounter case. Sohrabuddin had spread his tentacles in four states viz. Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra. He was working in tandem with mafia dons like late Abdul Latif and Daud Ibrahim. With the active support of Dawood Ibrahim, Rasul Parti, and Mammumiya Panjumia, he was continuously smuggling in dangerous weapons and other contraband from Pakistan. In one case alone, detected by the DCB crime branch of Ahmedabad, 24 AK-56 rifles, 27 Hand grenades, 5250 cartridges and 81 magazines were recovered from one of his family owned property in Madhya Pradesh. "

The rest of this eye opener can be read at the following:

PM's paradox: in power because he's weak

No wonder the UPA is opening up the old Congress bag of dirty tricks and targeting the Gujarat govt. to divert the national attention from a very large number of huge problems. Will it work? We can all pray that it does not because it is time that these guys stood up and took responsibility for the sorry state of affairs. Everyone keeps talking about Dr. Singh's honesty and integrity. Well then he should become in charge of the treasury or bringing the Indian black money back from Swiss banks. To be in the PM's seat, honesty and integrity are necessary but not the only criteria. This man does not offer any kind of leadership or inspires anyone around him. All he is doing is keeping the seat warm for the Crown Prince Rahul.

"Call it the Manmohan Singh paradox: the strength of his coalition depends largely upon on how weak he is as Prime Minister. The glue holds because he has no power over his partners. One minister is caught with his hands in the telecom till and shrugs off accusation with impunity; a second has no time for Cabinet meetings; a third dismisses a portfolio as people-centric as railways with the throwaway line that it does not represent her true identity. All the Prime Minister can do is smile and carry on. The smile is wearing thin."

The rest of the article can be read at:

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Worst Kept Secret

The 92,000 American classified military documents/reports released by WikiLeaks which were published in coordination with the New York Times, Britain.'s Guardian newspaper, and Germany's Der Spiegel add to the evidence that Pakistan's ISI is behind all terrible terrorist activities.

"This raises the question: Who covered up a scandalous arrangement known to everyone with a casual acquaintance of the situation? The answer is the same as in Agatha Christie's 1934 mystery about murder on the Orient Express, that is, everybody: former United States president George W Bush and vice president Dick Cheney, current US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, India, China and Iran. They are all terrified of facing a failed state with nuclear weapons, and prefer a functioning but treacherous one."

Need I say more about our Economist Congress Lead UPA PM, Dr. Manmohan Singh.

"India does not want America to call Pakistan to account. In the worst case, Pakistan might choose to support the Taliban and other terrorist organizations - including Kashmiri irredentists - openly rather than covertly. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, of whom the Economist on July 25 wrote "the strength of his coalition depends largely on how weak he is as Prime Minister", does not want to confront Pakistan. If Pakistan's support for anti-Indian terrorism became undeniable, India would have to act, and action is the last thing the Congress party-led coalition in New Delhi wants to consider."

Read the complete article;

Murder on the Khyber Pass express
By Spengler

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Muslim Attitudes and Indian Society

Muslim community in India has sensed that the present UPA government and the present Prime Minister are their best bet to extract political concessions from Indian government and society. To add to the sense of “awakening”, as veteran spokesman of the community puts it in his talk to Association of Indian Muslims in USA, BJP appears to be in a decline that does not look like reversing in foreseeable future.

There is something really ugly about the Muslim community in India demanding concessions such as reservations in educational institutions and jobs. I had to think why it arouses such unpleasant feeling in us, when we see such political aggression amongst Muslims, as Muslims (and not as individuals in other ideological groupings).

I listed the sources of unpleasantness as follows:

1. This community partitioned India saying they won't live “under” Hindus. They claimed they are a separate nationality and they cannot be part of a Hindu majority society.

The demand for welfare now, from the same “Hindu” state is not just incongruous. It tantamounts to making an effort to achieve political supremacy over Hindus. Anyone who has read Islamic texts, knows how deep rooted is Muslim desire to claim that they have, they deserve a superior status over kaffirs. A typical Hindu like me sees echos of the same mentality in the desire for reservations now.

2. The community, the mainstream of it, never apologized for partition, let alone make amends. Conceding Ram Janambhoomi temple would have been an opportunity but the supremacist mind cannot let go of an inch. Remember Duryodhan's famous reply to Pandava's demand ? Sui ki nok barabar bhi jameen nahin milegi.

3. Reservations per se are abhorrent to a middle class Indian like me. Reservations started for former untouchables since they were treated worse than animals by our ancestors. Here, by the way, is an example of how a remorseful community seeks to make amends for it's ancestors wrongdoings. I suppose we have to just forget that Muslims will ever even think of it.

But coming back, reservations were for Dalits because of the way they were treated by Hindus in centuries gone by. How are they justified for other castes, let alone Muslims ? The OBCs did not suffer the same kind of discrimination. The Muslims were ruling classes in most parts of the country.

There is no ethical justification for either OBC reservations or Muslims. It is purely the political power they posses, that is being used to extract concessions wrongfully. It is an injustice being institutionalized. Every injustice harms society in the long term. Hence the feeling of unpleasantness for every patriotic Indian.

4. In no Muslim majority geography, do non-Muslims have equal rights to Muslims. Let alone any special privileges such as reservations. In Muslim majority lands, forget human rights, basic security of life and dignity is taken away with impunity. Pakistan cleansed out all Hindus. Bangladesh has taken the process much forward. Our own Kashmir valley has been cleansed of Pandits. But in Hindu majority India, not only should we give all human rights and political rights, but now also special privileges.

I wrote all the above to pinpoint why it is such a revolting sight to see Syed Shahabuddin (or any Muslim for that matter), belligerently demanding reservations – the slogan in West Bengal, proudly informed by Shahabuddin is: No reservations for us, no votes from us !!

I think all right thinking Hindus and indeed all non-Muslims should give up any hope that Muslims will abandon that burning, seething desire for supremacism. Islam never progressed on any great theological logic, any demonstrated conceptual or spiritual superiority over other religions. Islam's justification always was – if we and our God is wrong and your religion is right, then why the hell am I able to kill you with impunity. Why do I have power to sell you as cattle in market place. Why do I take away your women at will to do what I please with them.

Take away the power to do all this, the justification that Islam gave for itself disappears.

That is the cause of all the rage in Muslims. That is why there is this burning desire to do something to establish political superiority. A terror attack that goes unpunished, a mosque at the site of terror attack, ethnic cleansing whenever possible, and so on.

This is what explains our feeling of revulsion when we see Shahabuddin and such like smelling another political triumph in the form of reservations for Muslims in India.

The issue is under review by a constitutional bench. The constitution bars reservations on the basis of religion. We only hope that the judges stick to the spirit of the constitution.

Or else, Hindus too are capable of rage ! It may erupt sometime in the form of another Gujarat.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

God’s Own Country or Allah’s??

God’s Own Country or Allah’s Own Country. My heart aches when I say that about a state which has produced Sanskrit scholar and a theologian of Hinduism like Jagadguru Shankaracharya and saint like Narayana Guru. It is pathetic as to how a state with such rich cultural heritage; colourful dance forms such as Kathakali, Krishnattam and Mohiniattam; martial art form known as "kalaripayattu” and a state known for its ayurvedic treatment has become a safe haven for Islamic Jihadist. Some months back when Amitabh Bachan while shooting in Kerala volunteered to become the brand ambassador of the state after getting impressed by its scenic beauty, the communist CPI (M) lead LDF ministers refused to take the offer. The reason they gave was that Amitabh Bachan was already the brand ambassador of Gujarat the communal BJP Government of Narendra Modi. Now, which sane person would agree to become the brand ambassador of Kerala other than some famous terrorist like Hafiz Saeed, Mullah Omer or Bin Laden? Talibanisation of Kerala dates back to the famous Moplah or Malabar rebellion of 1921 when over 10,000 Hindus were brutally maccered in the shadow of Khilifat movement. It was an Islamic religious revivalism among the Muslim hostility towards the Hindu Nair landlords. Kannur district in Kerala also happens to be the nurturing ground and think tank of the communist movement in Kerala. The Islamist Popular Front of India (formerly NDF) party conveniently calls Moplah rebellion a freedom struggle and has been conducting freedom parades on the 15th of August each year. Even after all that is unfolding in the state, the Kerala CPI(M)Home Minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan said in Delhi that a decision on banning the Popular Front would be taken only after confirming whether it had any relations with outlawed Islamist outfit SIMI. Even though the writing was on the wall, sadly and unfortunately nobody could see through the natural similarities or commonalties between the communist and islamist alliance in Kerala. Both viciously opposed capitalism and branded it feudal, imperial and so on. Both thrive on persecution and victimhood, so conveniently formed the Marxist & Mullah Nexus. The pseudo secular Hindus and communist Hindus were not only naive but also stupid and short sighted. The communist Hindus blindly followed the Karl Marks diktat "Religion is the opiate of the masses" and conveniently ignored that Karl Marks diktat while aligning with the fanatically religious Islamic parties to indulged in vote bank politics for political mileage. The opposition party and the Congress led UDF which is blaming the LDF now is also to be blamed for such un-holy alliance with Islamic parties.
Ironically our first Congress PM, another famous socialist, Jawaharlal Nehru had said; “The way the Communists are functioning in India is a mere adventurism - no constructive ability, no reality of purpose.”

Whatever!!!! The communists and socialists adventurism is today costing the country dearly.

Read more;
Terrifying hobgoblins in God’s Own Country
Kerala’s descent into Talibanish hell has been encouraged by the Malayali pseudo-liberal intellectual elite and an ostrich-like government who combined to allow all kinds of fanatical criminals to run amok. Occasionally, like this month’s Joseph incident, there are protests.’s-Own-Country.html

Also read;
Now, jehad with southern spice
On July 4, the name ‘Kerala’ jumped out of tourist brochures to grab space in the popular conscious as the latest safe haven for global jehad. A Saturday Special focus

Also read;
Marxist-Mullah Nexus behind it all
By Oommen Chandy the Congress/UDF Leader, Look who is taking!!!!

The CPI(M) has always colluded with communal elements to secure its political hold among Muslims. This cynical policy has led to the growth of the PFI and worse may follow as the police have been totally emasculated

Swami Thambi

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Malegaon Cow Slaughter: A Deliberate Provocation?

It seems that in Malegaon / Nasik area around 25 cows were slaughtered and their body parts were thrown around. Needless to say the intention behind this were evil and malicious especially since Ekadashi is being celebrated in the state of Maharashtra. Now we all know that it does not take a whole lot of incitement to start a riot in India. This is an extreme kind of provocation. Last time a fight was provoked in Godhra. I do now know who started what but more than fifty kar-sevaks were burnt alive. The aftermath was a whole lot worse (around 1500 Muslims and 750 Hindus were killed). I really hope that the police acts swiftly instead of offering idiotic explanations like the cow suffocated when it is clear that the defenseless animals were cut open and hacked.

Malegaon cow slaughter rocks Assembly

Disturbing images in the following:

Hypocrisy & Muslim Leaders

Indian Muslims are very unfortunate in one sense - they do not have a leader who is going to lead them into enlightenment and into an "India first" state of mind. Their leaders tend to be either the islamofascist mullahs or extremely liberal or political demagogues (the kind who are keeping them in their pockets as votes). There are no Vivekanandas in the Muslim community.

Mr. Shahabuddin should have been the kind of leader I am talking about. He is a very educated man, well versed in diplomacy being an ambassador. However, he also showed his true colors when the Indian Supreme Court ruled for Mrs. Shah Bano and against her husband. He and O K Azmi formed the AIMPLB to defend the Muslim personal law instead of trying to integrate the Muslims in the mainstream. This is the case where the notorious SIMI also agitated against the ruling. I am not implying that Mr. Shahabuddin is part of the SIMI but ideologically, they definitely seemed to be joined at the hip.

Now this man is trying to get the week kneed UPA govt. to enforce the highly prejudicial Sachar Committee recommendations. So essentially, he wants the Indian government and the society to leave the Muslims alone but when it come to an unfair share of the pie, he is right there demanding special privileges for the Muslims. Don't you see the irony here?? With these kind of leader who instill nothing but victimhood, Indian Muslims will never be part of the mainstream Indian society.

The Shah Bano Case

"The orthodox Muslims in India felt threatened by what they perceived as an encroachment of the Muslim Personal Law, and protested loudly at the judgement. Their spokesmen were Muslim community leaders Obaidullah Khan Azmi and Syed Shahabuddin. They formed an organization known as the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and threatened to agitate in large numbers in all major cities. The then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, bowed to their demands and cited the gesture as an example of secularism".

Read more;

'Indian Muslims experiencing political awakening'
July 23, 2010 00:40 IST

"Shahabuddin said that since the release of the Sachar Committee Report two years ago, the Indian government "has started implementing one of its many recommendations -- that is, it has started giving scholarships to a large number of Muslim students to help them acquire a college education. This is a good sign, and the Muslims have to build on it for further help from the government."

Read the complete article at;

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The past comes to haunt Manmohan Singh in the Present

Success, it is said, has a thousand fathers. Corollary to that statement will be the one about failure being an orphan. With things going badly on all front, the internal fissures in the UPA are coming to the fore. While few are attacking the PM, internal bickering is become intense. It is obvious to most that Manmohan Singh is a one dimensional leader (word leader being used in a spirit of generosity), ineffective on most fronts. How will he function at all with people directly or indirectly gunning for him? And things are this bad with the opposition in a total disarray. God forbid, if the BJP got their act together, the GOI will come to a total halt. The next elections are still four extremely long years later. How is the aam aadmi supposed to wait that long for respite? If this were England, we could have replaced the current man by another. Blair made way for Brown and then Brown got ousted by Cameron. In our case, MMS may get replaced by Rahul baba whose only qualification is good looks and the right family. Is this what it has come to now? The only people speaking against all this are the internet newspapers and op-ed writers or the good people at the Daily Pioneer. The rest of the mainstream media is busy trying to divert the attention of the public from the problems to the ghost of "Hindu Terrorism". The whole neighborhood is in flames and these people are blaming the pothole. Wake up!!!!!!!!!! At this rate, we may not have a country to love and fight for anymore.

"Bunch of jokers"
The past comes to haunt Manmohan Singh in the present, says N.V.Subramanian.

19 July 2010: In the contexts of India's disastrous Pakistan diplomacy, Manmohan Singh's uncontrolled rightist economic policies, and a zero strategy for Maoism and tribal unrest, this writer remembers a conversation with a well-networked politician some time after the successful 5-July Bharat Bandh.

The Bandh owed its success to the Left and the Right coming together without necessarily compromising on their individual core ideologies. Unlike most of the rest of the media, this writer believed that the Congress party, after remaining in denial about the Bandh's success, would get a measure of the reality, and so it has, although it is not getting a full play in the press.

Read the complete article at;

Water, water everywhere, not a drop to Drink

Water, water everywhere, not a drop to drink, said the thirsty man floating on the sea. We have people dying of hunger, kids eating clay to stave of hunger, mothers selling children for the same reason and our agriculture minister is busy playing cricket (vicariously of course and trying to scam a T20 Team for his family!!!). A quote from the following article says: " While Pawar rollicks about as a global sports administrator, more than five million tonnes of food stocks rot annually without refrigeration, without even a tin roof or a tarpaulin cover - and this when over 63% of children in India go to bed hungry". Any honorable person would, if not kill himself like a samurai , at least hand his head in shame. Food is rotting and the PM is running around claiming 10% growth rate. Of course I naively though that "roti, kapda aur makaan" was the main focus of the government. Boy, was I wrong!! I guess the PM is too busy making pace with the Pakistanis to have a shot at the Nobel Peace prize and a legacy. What warped priorities???????

India outsources food-waste woes
By Raja Murthy

MUMBAI - The Indian government is throwing open its food storage business to the private sector and foreign investors, as well as seeking Chinese expertise, at it tries to reduce the annual US$12.2 billion worth of agricultural produce allowed to rot due to inadequate government-owned facilities.
Food and Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar last week threatened criminal action against the wastrels. He targeted officials of the Food Corporation of India (FCI), the government's food stocker and distributor, for leaving grain out in the rain during the monsoon in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state.
The situation has not changed much since 2008, when Subodh Kant Sahai, minister for food processing, made the startling disclosure of $12 billion in losses of agricultural produce owing to the absence or shortage of post-harvesting infrastructure, such as cold storage chains, transportation and storage facilities.

Read More at;

Also Read
Don’t let food rot, improve granaries
Statistics about the extent of crops destroyed vary, but some months ago, according to one estimate obtained through the Right to Information Act, improper storage and negligence had led to 14,000 tonnes of rice, wheat and paddy becoming totally unfit for the distribution system.

Also Read

Punjab: Food grain rots, farmers helpless
The rotting grains at Sirhind underlines the irony of Mohinder Singh's existence, a wheat farmer who lives close by and has had to borrow money to put food on the table. "The government has left the stock here for so long, it's rotting. It should give the grains to poor people like us. We worked hard to grow this grain.” says Mohinder Singh.

Also Read
India’s mountains of shame
Covered by plastic sheets in a football-field-sized area, the black mountain is a formidable presence amid the rolling fields of wheat ripening under a warm March sun. Under its tarpaulin sheets, Fatehgarh Sahib’s mountain, 40 km west of state capital Chandigarh, stores wheat harvested three years ago. The wheat bags have holes and rats run riot. This is part of India’s federal reserve of grain, to be stocked in a warehouse to feed the poor. Out in the open, it quietly turns to garbage in a granary state that has more hungry people than 33 developing countries.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Forget any Indo-Pak peace until India has a popularly-elected prime minister

NVS is right on the money in pointing out that the current PM of India has never ever won an election free and clear. He got appointed by the Gandhi family (not once but twice) as the caretaker of Rahul Baba's PM seat as an appointed member of the Rajya Sabha. After becoming the PM, this man won the Loksabha seat from a Congress friendly seat irrespective of it's location. He is not an MP from Assam.

Judging by the state of economy for the aam aadmi, this man is not a true blue economist. Judging by a fledgling, state of foreign policy, this man is not a statesman. Judging by the law and order situation, especially from the Jihadi angle, this man is not a protector. What exactly is he then? And then despite of his weak and ineffective stature, he has decided like IK Gujral and even to some extent Atalji, that his legacy is going to be the peace between India and Pakistan. It seems from all the reports we are reading that that it is obvious to all but this man that there will be peace when hell freezes over. Since Hindus do not believe in concept of hell (in the Christian / Muslim sense), it will be even longer. Meanwhile the nations security is going to be the collateral damage in the quest of this man's legacy.

Separated by birth?
Forget any Indo-Pak peace until India has a popularly-elected prime minister, says N.V.Subramanian.

16 July 2010: India and Pakistan are skewed democracies. There is no chance of peace between them unless one of them, at a minimum, returns to the true democratic template. Indians smirk at the apology of a democracy called Pakistan but India is no better.

"One other damaging consequence of the disconnect between technocratic Manmohan Singh and the people of India is that he is adamantly pursuing a perilous peace dialogue with Pakistan that goes against public opinion, especially in North India. Partly, Manmohan Singh is on this course to please his American masters (yes, these are strong words), and for the rest, he is carried away by a false sense of "Punjabiat" oneness with the rulers of Pakistan.

I.K.Gujral was the first prime minister to make this Punjabi-Punjabi balle-balle blunder and now Manmohan Singh is strenuously chasing the let's-do-bhangra-together mirage. There is a predominant feeling among the Punjabi Indian ruling class that because it speaks a common language with Pakistani Punjabis, it is in the best position to make peace with Pakistan. You have to ask a Baluch, a Pathan and a Sindhi about Pakistani Punjabis, and abuses will flow"
Read the complete article at'

Pakistani Punjabi Terrorism

That the criminal enterprise called Pakistan uses terrorists as tools if it's foreign policy and keep India bleeding is as secret as the sky is blue. The root of all Pakistani terrorism lies in Pakistani Punjab where the city of Muridke has the headquarters of LeT. On the door of the HQ are two flags which are used to wipe shoes. One is the Israeli flag and no points for guessing the second flag. Amazingly as long as these terrorists were hurting India and Afghanistan, the world didn't give a damn. But as soon as the sceptre of these terror outfits taking over Punjab and the rest of the Pakistan along with the nuke arsenal became real, the west started to scramble and come up with policies to contain them. Of course they are realising that it is going to be easier wished than done. The following is a good primer of Pakistani Punjabi terrorism for even the seasoned readers.

"In the 1980s, Pakistan's military dictator, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, nurtured radical Sunni militant groups as terrorist proxies against India over the control of Kashmir, for Pakistan had been defeated in the three conventional wars with India since the 1947 partition."

" In 2002, Islamabad succumbed to U.S. pressure and banned five prominent militant organizations: LeT and JeM, which were responsible for the December 2001 Indian Parliament attack, as well as SSP, Tehrik-e-Jafaria, and Tehrik-e-Nifaze Shariat Mohammadi. Pakistani security arrested over two thousand militants, the majority from Punjab.[6] For militant Punjabis, the arrests were only a hiccup: Pakistani jails have revolving doors, and even high-profile detainees like JeM leader Maulana Masood Azhar and LeT chief Hafiz Muhammad Saeed were soon free men. Banned organizations resurfaced under new names or as charities, and several smaller groups split and relocated to the FATA, where they joined Pashtun terrorists and al Qaeda and established their own training camps."

Could the Taliban Take Over Pakistan's Punjab Province?
By Ahmad Majidyar
AEI Online
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Read the rest of the article at;

The ILL Winds from Arabia

The Foolish pseudo secular society in Kerala has all along believed that Jihadi's will never strike in their home ground. As per their belief the blasts reported in Mumbai, Delhi and even in nearby Coimbatore and Bangalore was only isolated incidents in faraway places.
Our Liberal Media and political party leaders justified and glorified Jihadi terrorist activities and sung panes to victimhood theories propagated by Islamists through their network. Hands of our Police officials were tied and investigations on Jihadis were purposefully sabotaged. The Jihadi's who developed a safe haven in the state now started showing their true colors.

The ill winds from Arabia

While a section of the secularist brigade in the media and the establishment have been busy constructing the myth of ‘Hindu terror’, the real terrorists have made deep inroads into the ‘secular’ bastion of Kerala — a State that has incidentally never elected a BJP legislator. The recent dismembering of the right hand of a Christian college teacher, Mr TJ Joseph, in Muvattupuzha by jihadi extremists was closely followed by the attempt to derail a train in the State.

There is widespread suspicion in Kerala that jihadi extremism has received protection and encouragement from the political class cutting across party lines. Reacting to the attack on Mr Joseph, Kerala Congress chairman KM Mani said that there had been an intelligence report about the threat to the lecturer’s life and not giving him police protection despite possessing this information was a failure on the part of the State Home Minister, who is an acolyte of the CPI(M) State secretary, Mr Pinarayi Vijayan.

Political leaders usually accuse each other on such occasions but Mr Mani’s accusation has much truth in it. The Marxists had openly joined hands with the PDP in the last election and Central security agencies have revealed how Kerala Police turned a blind eye to jihadi activities, including conducting of training camps in the State. Thadiyantavide Nassir, the main accused in the Bangalore serial blasts case, had earlier ‘escaped’ from the custody of Kerala Police and was finally traced in Bangladesh by security agencies belonging to other States.

Read the complete article at;

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Balkanization of Pakistan: An Easy Solution to Terrorism?

A long time ago yours truly wrote an article where I had questioned the right and logistics of Pakistan to EXIST. It was assumed that all Muslims were equal (as opposed to the unfortunate casteist Hindus) and thus one Pakistan would be enough for them. Sixty-seven years down the road we see that the two-nation theory lies in tatters. What remains of Jinnah’s nightmare is a country full of contradictions and fault lines. Sunnis hate shias, fair skinned Sunnis (who deem themselves descendants of the Prophet or the at least the Moguls) hate the dark skinned Hindu converts, Sindhis hate the water hogging Panjabis, Balochis hating the resource hogging Panjabis, Panjabis feeling superior to the rest of the humanity, the Pathans hating everyone else, and the Mirpuris confused about who they want to hate more. I have not even talked about the people living the Baltistan areas. A country full of fault lines is eminently wreckable ( to paraphrase Gordon Gekko from the movie Wall Street).
The two countries, which are the fount of all terrorist activities, are Saudi Arabia and Pakistan with the former providing money and the latter logistics, knowledge (they still have some of our genes) and cannon fodder. If we could neutralize one we would have solved a huge problem. However, since SA is one of worlds biggest oil supplier, the choice boils down to Pakistan. With all the fault lines, they do not deserve to be one country. Since, united they pose so much threat to world security, it is in the world interest to balkanize them. It turns out that I was not the only one with that pipe dream. The following url’s will show that that was not really a pipe dream but a valid solution to one of humanities biggest problems. By dividing Pakistan we render the Pakistani war machine impotent and restore the human rights to the Balochis and the Sindhis (who are still suffering from one mistake by G M Syed (that will be another article for another day!!). Here are some articles for your perusal on the topic du jure.

Why India needs Narendra Modi?

Need I say more?

"For 40 years we were voting for Congress but no development in our town. They have cheated us. It's not necessary that Muslims are anti-BJP. We look forward to development which is here all over now in the last five years. We are happy with this government,''
Mahmud Musa Sumbhadiya, Chairman, Sikka Municipality, Gujarat

Why India needs Narendra Modi?
By Suhel Seth

The following paragraphs from the author make you feel proud that India has a Statesman Like Narendra Modi.

Let me begin with a set of disclosures: I have perhaps written more articles against Modi and his handling of the post-Godhra scenario than most people have; I have called him a modern-day Hitler and have always said that Godhra shall remain an enduring blemish not just on him but on India’s political class. I still believe that what happened in Gujarat during the Godhra riots is something we as a nation will pay a heavy price for. But the fact is that time has moved on. As has Narendra Modi. He is not the only politician in India who has been accused of communalism. It is strange that the whole country venerates the Congress Party as the secular messiah but it was that party that presided over the riots in 1984 in which over 3,500 Sikhs died: thrice the number killed in Gujarat.
The fact of the matter is that there is no better performer than Narendra Modi in India’s political structure. Three weeks ago, I had gone to Ahmedabad to address the YPO and I thought it would be a good opportunity to catch up with Modi. I called him the evening before and I was given an appointment for the very day I was getting into Ahmedabad. And it was not some official meeting but instead one at his house. As frugal as the man Modi is.
And this is something that the Gandhis and Mayawatis need to learn from Modi. There were no fawning staff members; no secretaries running around; no hangers on…just the two of us with one servant who was there serving tea. And what was most impressive was the passion which Modi exuded. The passion for development; the passion for an invigorated Gujarat; the passion for the uplifting the living standards of the people in his state and the joy with which he recounted simple yet memorable data-points. For instance, almost all of the milk consumed in Singapore is supplied by Gujarat; or for that matter all the tomatoes that are eaten in Afghanistan are produced in Gujarat or the potatoes that Canadians gorge on are all farmed in Gujarat. But it was industry that was equally close to his heart.

Read the complete article at;

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Al-Qaeda aims to cash in on Kashmir


Al-Qaeda aims to cash in on Kashmir
By Syed Saleem Shahzad

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan-sponsored proxy operations that were largely abandoned several years ago have been revived at both the political level and on the armed insurgency front in Indian-administered Kashmir.
For al-Qaeda, watching from Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal area, this provides an opportunity for which it has waited a long time - to hijack Pakistan's "bleed India" operations for its own cause, that is, to pull India into the region's war theater.

According to well-placed sources in al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda sees the unrest in Kashmir as a "god-gifted" opportunity to steal the Kashmiri insurgency from its Pakistani handlers and use it for its Ghazwa-e-Hind operations. These sources say the next operation will be in the Indian capital New Delhi in October during the Commonwealth Games.

Read the complete article at;

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Village in Kerala

I was born in a small village near Palakkad district of Kerala. I still have such fond memories of a lush green village on the foot hills of the Western Ghats with clear streams and dense forest. Like a chapter out of R. K Narayans Malgudi Days the entrance of the village has a small Lord Ganesha temple under a large pipal tree. The village is some what L shaped with row houses on both sides facing each other leading to a large Shiva temple on the banks of the small river at the end.
Typical south India Brahmin houses (Brahmin Agraharams) with common walls, all houses stuck to each other. Even those days the village had an elementary school and a small allopathic clinic run by one Ambi doctor. My grand father (Mother’s Father) was a self made man. Being the eldest he had to drop out of school to take up a hotel server job in Madras to help his father the village temple priest with 8 kids to feed. As an enterprising man, he quickly rose to become the chief chef and then in no time ended up setting up his own hotel in Secunderabad with his savings. Leaving the hotel to his brothers he returned back to his village to take care of his ailing parents. He then bought agricultural lands and got into farming. Later he set up two rice mills in the village, had a marriage tent and vessels leasing business apart from money lending. He built numerous buildings and commercial complex in the town which housed post office, ration shop, typing institute, grocery shops etc. Like him many others in the village were equally enterprising and were instrumental in the growth and development of the entire community and society as a whole. I still remember the prosperity back then from my visits during the summer holidays from Lucknow.

Now coming to the point I want to make, last year I took my wife and daughter to my birth place on my way to Palakkad from Guruvayur. I was shocked to see the degeneration and change the landscape had gone through. The main town had an old dirty look with poorly maintained damaged buildings. The demographics were not the same. Where ever I turned I could only see men with colored lungi and kurta with white caps or with the complete white Arabic attire. The place was mushrooming with new big mosques and madrassa’s. I was saddened and my heart sunk when I reached my village. It was literally in pathetic condition. Most of the houses had an empty deserted look. The once busy clinic was closed. Many traditional agraharams homes were replaced with huge Muslim architectural houses purchased with gulf money. The village Shiva temple was in a very bad shape with hardly any devotees and funds to manage. The river and many village wells had dried up. I was getting choked up and emotional at condition of some of the old families and in particular Viswanathan gurukal, scholar in Rig Veda who used to perform puja at the Shiva temple and taught Veda.
Thanks to Renuka Chaudary, the then congress cabinet minister’s effort who visited Kalpathy village in Palakkad town one of the ancient Brahmin Agraharams in Kerala and decided to preserve the heritage. The government announced this as the first heritage village in State under section 383 of the Kerala Municipality Act for preserving the heritage.

Kerala has been hit by two perpetual tsunamis, the communist/secular parties and the Muslim population explosion with the help gulf money. Like my grandfather and most others in the village had to sell their agricultural lands and shut down the mills because they found it impossible to carry on doing business with constant labor union problems and strikes. I have a vivid memory of my uncle telling me stories of communist movement on my visit to his farms while facing labor problems during crop harvesting seasons. He said the CPI first brainwashed the masses that the land owners and business people were feudal imperialist. Then they instigated the masses with slogans such as “throw mud and dirty the white cloths of the landowners to match with yours”. The scenario of Kerala would have been entirely different had the politicians preached the masses that with hard work and dedication they too could achieve what my grandfather did. The state is under siege and being pushed to the Stone Age by the CPI and the medieval religion Islam. I wasn’t surprised when I saw the Times of India news that the Muslim terrorists are demanding a separate state in Kerala. The writing is on the wall in Kerala as to why the Hindu population is reduced to 50%, if you take a look of the events of the past.

It was Kannur district of Kerala in 1922 where over 10,000 Hindus were massacred
in a Moplah rebellion. It was an Islamic religious revivalism among the Muslim hostility towards the Hindu Nair landlords. Annie Besant stated in her report: “The Moplahs murdered and plundered abundantly, and killed or drove away all Hindus who would not apostatize”.

Kannur also happens to be the nurturing ground and think tank of the communist movement in Kerala. Communist Parties have a strong base in this district. It is estimated that that CPI (M) itself has more than 50% support. CPI (M)-led Left Democratic Front (LDF) governs five of six municipalities in Kannur district. Around 70% of the panchayats are also governed by LDF. The I.U.M.L is one of the strongest political parties in Kannur. Muslim League rules about 15 panchayats and one municipality in the district.

It was the CPI-M General Secretary Prakash Karat who got involved in ensuring that Abdul Nassir Madani of PDP the 1998 Coimbatore blast killer of 58 people was acquitted of all charges. Madani also contested 2009 elections along with communist party in Kerala. It’s the same place Kannur where the current UPA/Congress government is allocating funds to set up an Islamic University.

Mark my word the next state in line would be West Bengal. Bangladeshi novelist, Taslima Nasreen who wanted to make Kolkata her home has been denied entry and her novel Lajja which talks about atrocities on the Hindu minority community in Bangladesh is banned in West Bengal.
Muslims have grown exponentially from 13% during partition to 20% plus in 60 years. Imagine when they get closer to majority in the next 50 years or so they will demand that India be declared an Islamic Republic and implement sharia law.

I am getting sick and frustrated with the Hindu ethos of letting things be. I don’t hate the Muslims but I am really skeptical of the defining belief of Islam after reading the Life of Prophet Mohammed founder of the most intolerant religion and feel really sorry for all the Indian/Hindustani Muslims trapped in it. I strongly believe in the Nobel laureate and author V.S. Naipaul’s statement that: “the non-Arab Muslims suffer from the conflict between their ancestral cultural roots and their imposed religion. Every Muslim is an abductee from the civilization in which he once belonged”. They are themselves forced to read Arabic not the language of our country, follow an alien Arabic religion, follow its nomadic traditions and pray & bow in the direction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Indian Muslims are people quite like the rest of us, and that they should be treated equally with Hindus

This call for a separate land in Kerala is a proof of their lack of tolerance in Islam for other faiths. Islamists cannot comprehend secularism. I wish some Guru like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar or Baba Ramdev with courage of their conviction explains how Santana Dharma the spiritual treasure that transcends other foreign religions, originated from our mother land, was conceived by our ancestors and call all Indian Muslims to renounce Islam.
We Hindus are so pathetic that we brand a true nationalist party with genuine liberal ideology like uniform civil code “communal” and “fascist” party. If we Hindus do not have one voice a civilization may soon pass away. The tragedy of modern India is that the combined votes of Dalits/OBC and Muslims are enough for any government to be elected. The Congress quickly cashed in on it after Independence and shamelessly divided Indian society for garnering votes. We need to seriously ponder on the achievements of the congress and UPA allies rule for the last 60 years. Not only have they failed to lift the dalits out of poverty, they have successfully created a new economically backward class of Hindus and managed to further divide them. Here are some facts:
• The Indian government gives Rs 1,000 crores (Rs 10 billion) for salaries of imams in mosques and Rs 200 crores (Rs 2 billion) as Haj subsidies. But no such help is available to Brahmins and upper castes.
• At Tamil Nadu's Ranganathaswamy Temple, a priest's monthly salary is Rs 300 (Census Department studies) and a daily allowance of one measure of rice.
• 50% of Delhi’s Patel Nagar rickshaw pullers are Brahmins.
• There are 50 Sulabh Shauchalayas (public toilets) in Delhi; all of them are cleaned and looked after by Brahmins.
• 400,000 Brahmins of the Kashmir valley, the once respected Kashmiri Pandits, now live as refugees in their own country, sometimes in refugee camps in Jammu and Delhi in appalling conditions.
• 75% of domestic help and cooks in Andhra Pradesh are Brahmins. A study of the Brahmin community in a district in Andhra Pradesh (Brahmins of India by J Radhakrishna, published by Chugh Publications) reveals that today all purohits live below the poverty line.
• With the average income of Brahmins being less than that of non-Brahmins, a high percentage of Brahmin students drop out at the intermediate level. In the 5 to 18 year age group, 44 per cent Brahmin students stopped education at the primary level and 36 per cent at the pre-matriculation level.
• The study also found that 55 per cent of all Brahmins lived below the poverty line.
• A paper by D Narayana, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthpuram ('Perception, Poverty and Health: A Contribution' CICRED Seminar on Poverty and Health, February 2005), shows that 69.8 per cent of Brahmins and OUC (Other Upper Cast) never went past the 12th standard, that 52.4 per cent of Brahmins and OUC farmers don't own land bigger than 100 cents, quite insufficient to nourish a family, and that that 53.9 per cent of the upper caste population is below poverty line.
As Anti-Brahmanism originated in, and still prospers in anti-Hindu circles. It is particularly welcome among Marxists, missionaries, Muslims, separatists and Christian-backed Dalit movements of different hues. When they attack Brahmins, their target is unmistakably Hinduism and the 36 % upper castes of India -- the Brahmins, Thakurs, Vaishiyas, Jains, Marwaris, Baniyas -- are more and more marginalized, their voices are not heard.

Isn't it time we vote right with one voice as one nation for Uniform Civil Code????

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pakistan's Suspicious Public

What can you say about a country whose raison d'etre is hatred for another country and a people? Pakistan which formed as a result of hatred for India and Hindus has added a lot of names to countries and people they hate. In fact other than the Chinese and the Saudi Arabians, they hate everyone.
Can such a country be good for anyone including themselves?

"A series of militant attacks over the last week have sparked widespread anger in Pakistan. Suicide bombers killed 62 people at government offices in the tribal agency of Mohmand today, and last Friday, over 40 worshippers died in an extremist attack on the shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh, the country's most important Sufi place of worship. In Pakistan, however, much of this outrage has been directed at Washington and Islamabad rather than at the terrorists.
"America is killing Muslims in Afghanistan and in our tribal areas [using drone attacks]," argued one Pakistani interviewed in the aftermath of the attack, explaining why the United States is ultimately to blame for the bombing. "[M]ilitants are attacking Pakistan to express anger against the government for supporting America." Similar sentiments have circulated widely on Pakistan's hugely influential private TV networks"

The rest of the article can be read at:

Friday, July 9, 2010

India's Growth Fantasy

And I thought that since MMS has been often credited as the architect of the new Indian economy, we would do better under him as PM. In the last two terms, the man has disappointed on every aspect of governance. He is feeding the aam aadmi the same hogwash that the last BJP govt. did with their India shining campaign. At least the BJP govt. managed to feed the population something which remains an unachievable feat during the UPA terms. BJP was more sincere in their approach to problems of economy, security and foreign affairs as opposed to the current snake oil salesmen in charge of the nation.
Swaminathan Aiyar of CATO points out the high inflation, rising corruption and deplorable public services as the millstones around our necks. We can squarely lay the blame on the UPA doorstep for that.

"Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says he wants India to hit an annual GDP growth rate of 10% soon. Since the country averaged 8.5% from 2003-08, he thinks this is definitely achievable.
Think again. Given a sluggish global economy and lack of domestic reform, India may not average much more than 8% growth in the next five years. True, the country has many advantages — cheap skills, catch-up possibilities and good demographics (the working-age share of the population is rising). But against these must be weighed disadvantages such as high inflation, rising corruption and deplorable public services."

The rest of the article can be read at:

Clueless on China

The more I read about the Chinese perfidy and our pusillanimity, the angrier I get. With compliant lap dogs in Pakistan, the Chinese go on hurting us with impunity while the UPA mandarins offer precious little more than platitudes. All we do is send President Pratibha Patil who has the personality of a wet sock to deal with the most crafty people on the planet and she comes back calling the trip a success. After her visit, Zardari goes to Beijing with his begging bowl and comes back, armed with ways and means to hurt us bad.
Bramha Chellany is one of the most knowledgeable people on the subject. Here is an article by him.

Yet another round of India-China border talks took place in Beijing a few days ago. The unending and fruitless talks on territorial disputes underscore the eroding utility of this process.
It is approaching three decades since China and India began these negotiations. In this period, the world has changed fundamentally. Indeed, with its rapidly accumulating military and economic power, China has emerged as a great power in the making. Not only has India allowed its military and nuclear asymmetry with China to grow, but New Delhi’s room for diplomatic maneuver is shrinking.

Jihad as a Strategy for China?

On this blog, we normally talk about the "aam aadmi" issues. So at a cursory glance, the following may feel like a primer on regional politics. However, when read carefully, one realizes that Pakistan has been a Chinese tool to keep India down. Pakistanis are only too willing to oblige because of their intense hatred for all things India. The following article claims that the Chinese are "encouraging" the anti Indian activities in J&K to keep a large section of Indian army pinned down and to keep us on a slow bleed.
What can we do? For once, stop buying anything with "Made in China written on it. I am sure that equivalent Indian stuff is also available. That is the only thing that the aam aadmi can do especially in light of our cowardly and ineffective foreign policy.

China’s Caution on Afghanistan—Pakistan

"On the other flank is India. The Pakistan ‘‘hedge’’ is a longstanding one for China, but recent developments have, if anything, given it renewed importance. Despite significantly expanding economic ties with India, Beijing’s aspirations in recent years to move toward a more balanced policy have faltered as Sino-Indian relations have resumed their familiar pattern of strategic rivalry,17 most clearly manifested in the flare-up of border disputes that have remained unresolved since the 1962 war.18 The U.S.-Indian nuclear deal, the overall strengthening relationship with the United States under the Bush administration, and the booming Indian economy have resulted in a resumed concern to pin India down in South Asia, rather than allow it to develop as a regional rival. As the Indian economy continues to
outpace Pakistan’s by a substantial increment, any thought in Beijing of achieving a comprehensive South Asian balance of power is long gone, and there is little prospect of China shepherding a Pakistani nuclear deal through the Nuclear Suppliers Group. But the promise of a tit-for-tat expansion of Pakistan’s nuclear power capabilities through the Chashma III and IV plants looks set to be realized.19 The willingness to augment Pakistan’s conventional military capabilities also persists with China’s full spectrum support to air, land, missile, and naval forces alongside tacit support for the jihadi strategy that helps to bind half a million Indian troops in Kashmir. China has provided direct protection to these militant groups at the UN Security Council’s 1267 committee, blocking efforts to sanction Jamaat-ud-Dawa (the Lashkar-e-Taiba [LeT] alias) until political pressure on Pakistan escalated after the LeT involvement in the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. This entire strand of China’s thinking, which requires a state of managed tension in the region, cuts directly against the U.S.
efforts to dissuade Pakistan from its India-centric military strategy. The depth of China’s relationship with Pakistan is also a forceful barrier to efforts that include Beijing more seriously in multilateral groupings, such as Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FoDP), a multi-country initiative launched in 2008 to provide donor and broader development support for the new Pakistani government.20 China is ordinarily reluctant to multilateralize its relationships and aid efforts anyway, but it is particularly reluctant to treat its closest partner as a joint ‘‘problem’’ to be addressed with other countries. ‘‘We don’t want to be seen by our Pakistani friends as engaging in G-2 management,’’ as one Chinese analyst put it.21 While China still attends the FoDP meetings, Beijing routinely sends relatively junior officials."

Communism, Votebanks and the Resulting Jihad.

A long time ago, I read an article on which described in some details how the local partymen in W Bengal's border districts would meet illegal Bangla Deshis at the border and give them Indian Ration Cards. Since there is no documentation and these folks just look and talk like the locals, the ration card was essentially Indian citizenship to them. The population dynamics of the bordering districts has completely changed now. This kind of sickening "stay in power at any cost" attitude of the pseudo-secular parties has given so rise to so many problems in WB and Assam.
Since these districts now have a substantial Muslim population, the BD jihadi outfits who are in cahoots with similar Pakistani outfits have made it easy for the Pakistanis to hurt us. May of the last few terrorist attacks had the killers coming into India from Bangla Desh. The following three articles highlight this already full blown menace.

Pakistan's intelligence agency, the Inter Service Intelligence, has activated its sleeper cells in the north east to use the Indo-Bangladesh border route as a 'safe passage' to courier its men and materials into different parts of India [ Images ]. This was revealed by the arrested ISI agent, Momin Khan, to his interrogators in Tripura recently.
THE recent spat between India and Bangladesh over the stranded Bangladeshi migrants in Satgachia in Cooch Behar district was just a tip of the iceberg of the huge problem of migrants in this country. The problem is older than Partition and has an immense potential for the deterioration of the security situation in the East and Northeast of India.
The concern over illegal Bangladeshi immigrants has been growing in India . The state to suffer the most because of this is Assam . But what is worse, these illegal immigrants have not only got settled in Assam in large numbers, they are now using the local state machinery to legalize their status by procuring documents. And, after doing so, they are fanning out in other northeastern states. This is making the job of detection of illegal immigrants virtually impossible and has started changing the demography of even other northeastern states.

Al Qaida and Taliban links - Popular Front (NDF) terrorist leader booked under anti-terror laws

Is it already too late, have we lost Kerala to the Islamists, Is Kerala going to be a mini Pakistan in India???????

PFI leader Kunhumon booked under Anti-terror laws

Kochi, Friday, 09 July 2010: Days after the attack on Newman College Lecturer T. J Joseph, Kerala police took a significant step by booking Popular Front of India (PFI) Leader Kunhumon, under anti-terrorism laws. The police had confirmed seizure of publicity materials belonging to Al- Qaeda from the CDs seized from the leader’s car on Thursday, on account of which he has been booked. The search for the fugitive culprits has been strengthened.

Read the complete article at;

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


"Religion is the opiate of the masses". Thus spake Karl Marx! Indian commies follow that diktat blindly or at least when it comes to Hinduism. However, when it comes to their vote banks, they shelve Ol' Karl's words aside. Expressions like Islamic courts and Shariah law used to come out of Pakistan and other hell holes. But thanks to the Indian commies who claim to be atheists and claim capitalism to be imperialistic have convenient aligned with a fundamental imperial religion Islam which only believes in its God Allah and imposes its faith with in human barbaric methods……….Is Kerala Doomed? The short sighted, narrow fraternal minded communist have aided in Islamisation and eventual Talibanisation of Kerala for vote bank politics. Soon “God Own Country” will become “Allah’s Own Country”.

Kerala: Islamic court ordered chopping of professor's hand

It was a Taliban-model court Darul Khada (God's abode or God's court) which ordered the chopping off the palm of Professor T D Joseph, the Malayalam professor of Newman's College, Thodupuzha, recently.
The shocking revelation had come during the interrogation of Popular Front activist Ashraf, who is the first accused in the case. Joseph was accused of preparing an internal question paper for second year B Com students of the college, which outraged the Muslim community, who found it defamatory to Prophet Mohammed.

Read the complete article at;

Also Read;

Talibanisation of Kerala
A professor loses his right hand

Sunday’s gruesome attack on a college professor at Muvattupuzha in Kerala for preparing a controversial question paper that allegedly ‘blasphemed’ Prophet Mohammed is proof of the ominous growth of Islamist terror in God’s Own Country. The police have confirmed that the perpetrators belong to the Popular Front of India, the Islamist resistance outfit formerly known as NDF, a source of ruthless operatives for the Lashkar-e-Tayyeba.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Union Home Ministry indicts Kerala top cop for terror links

It is nothing short of disgusting the things that the Communists would do to keep their votebank intact. The voters' lives and nation's welfare is merely cost of doing business for these criminals.

"The CPI-M state leadership was instrumental in giving the post of North Zone IG to an officer like Tomin J Thachankery whose service record itself shows his shady dealings unbecoming of a police officer. Thachankery who has a music studio "Riyan" jointly owned by his wife had made several attempts to scuttle a raid by the anti piracy squad of the state police led by a honest IPS officer Rishi Raj Singh. "

"It seems that the CPI-M in the state had egg on its face, the reason for having supported a notorious police officer, Tomin J Thachankery serving Inspector General of Kerala Police, who is reported to have met some accomplices of the dreaded Islamist terror operative Thadiyantavida Naseer. "

The article can be read at:
Anant Velankar