Mr. Chandan Mitra whose political acumen is only matched by his way of expression. His latest talks about machinations for ascension of Rajkumar to the throne are in play. The inevitability of that does not make it less painful. A more experience incompetent person is going to be replaced by younger, good looking and a whole lot less educated incompetent person is going to get a chance to sink the country into a bigger morass, if that is possible.
How did we come to such a pass? His father won the election riding the sympathy wave. In absence of such a wave, one has to wonder how is that possible? Let’s think about it. Regional parties and Congress are experts in playing the vote-bank politics. Instead of voting for a competent national alternative, people tend to vote based on caste or out of fear or greed for a bigger slice of the pie. Welfare of the nation is not longer an issue. With the Hindu vote so badly divided, it is like we are back in time where the Congress was the only option. Hindus across the country are voting for regional parties, which essentially give rise to these unscrupulous leaders like Karunanidhi and Mamata Bannerjee whose sole interests are their egos or pockets. Convergence of national and Hindu interests is essential for a government, which will then be for the people and of the people.
Now readers of the blog know that we are BJP supporters and therefore my recommendation in an election is obvious. So I am going play the devil’s advocate and examine the justification of voting for Congress (We need to distill the process down to two parties. We know the results of fractured mandates). PV Narsimha Rao initiated the current economic progress in India along with help from Manmohan Singh. This was only possible because the Gandhi family was on hiatus from Politics. The current leadership structure of Congress is not democratic. The top spot has to belong to someone named Gandhi. Now the leaders must be that by virtue of abilities and not because of their family background. It is sad that the senior, non-Gandhi-family leaders of Congress think that they have to have a lightening rod to get the votes. Congress being one of the oldest parties has a lot of grass root level activity and a number of capable senior leaders. Even in the current UPA, capable Congress leaders are hidden from the public lest they take away the sheen from The Family. Manmohan Singh did a lot of good as a Finance Minister because that is what he is good at. The PM, on the other hand, has to be a strong motivator, a man who looks credible as a leader of a billion people, a man who when speaks draws undivided attention from all. Unfortunately, Manmohan Singh, brilliant and honest man that he is, fails on all those accounts. He cannot control anyone in his cabinet or inspire anyone. He is a complete failure as a PM. So why is in that seat? It is because when Rahul replaces Manmohan Singh, no one will question will question the move. Mr. Mitra says, and I completely agree that after fulfilling this term, Sonia Gandhi will retire and Priyanka Gandhi will become the Congress chief. I could go a couple of steps further in the succession plan but that will take away from this serious and an alarming issue.
Manmohan Singh's last lap?
"Proponents of this prognosis believe that 2011 or latest 2012 will be the year of transition, when the prince waiting in the wings will finally be anointed king. After all he is not exactly young any more; at 40 his father had already become Prime Minister. Some believe that a political crisis may be deliberately stirred so that a fresh election has to be called to legitimise Mr Rahul Gandhi’s ascendancy since his mother apparently believes electoral endorsement is what’s kept the dynasty going. Congress strategists have calculated that if an election is held within the next 12 to 18 months, with Mr Rahul Gandhi projected as Prime Minister, the party will win a majority on its own. This could be a case of hopeless self-delusion, but many close associates of the prince are said to be getting impatient with the long wait. After all 2014 is almost four years away and Rahul would be a middle-aged man by then, shorn of his boyish charm and matrimonial eligibility!"
How did we come to such a pass? His father won the election riding the sympathy wave. In absence of such a wave, one has to wonder how is that possible? Let’s think about it. Regional parties and Congress are experts in playing the vote-bank politics. Instead of voting for a competent national alternative, people tend to vote based on caste or out of fear or greed for a bigger slice of the pie. Welfare of the nation is not longer an issue. With the Hindu vote so badly divided, it is like we are back in time where the Congress was the only option. Hindus across the country are voting for regional parties, which essentially give rise to these unscrupulous leaders like Karunanidhi and Mamata Bannerjee whose sole interests are their egos or pockets. Convergence of national and Hindu interests is essential for a government, which will then be for the people and of the people.
Now readers of the blog know that we are BJP supporters and therefore my recommendation in an election is obvious. So I am going play the devil’s advocate and examine the justification of voting for Congress (We need to distill the process down to two parties. We know the results of fractured mandates). PV Narsimha Rao initiated the current economic progress in India along with help from Manmohan Singh. This was only possible because the Gandhi family was on hiatus from Politics. The current leadership structure of Congress is not democratic. The top spot has to belong to someone named Gandhi. Now the leaders must be that by virtue of abilities and not because of their family background. It is sad that the senior, non-Gandhi-family leaders of Congress think that they have to have a lightening rod to get the votes. Congress being one of the oldest parties has a lot of grass root level activity and a number of capable senior leaders. Even in the current UPA, capable Congress leaders are hidden from the public lest they take away the sheen from The Family. Manmohan Singh did a lot of good as a Finance Minister because that is what he is good at. The PM, on the other hand, has to be a strong motivator, a man who looks credible as a leader of a billion people, a man who when speaks draws undivided attention from all. Unfortunately, Manmohan Singh, brilliant and honest man that he is, fails on all those accounts. He cannot control anyone in his cabinet or inspire anyone. He is a complete failure as a PM. So why is in that seat? It is because when Rahul replaces Manmohan Singh, no one will question will question the move. Mr. Mitra says, and I completely agree that after fulfilling this term, Sonia Gandhi will retire and Priyanka Gandhi will become the Congress chief. I could go a couple of steps further in the succession plan but that will take away from this serious and an alarming issue.
Manmohan Singh's last lap?
"Proponents of this prognosis believe that 2011 or latest 2012 will be the year of transition, when the prince waiting in the wings will finally be anointed king. After all he is not exactly young any more; at 40 his father had already become Prime Minister. Some believe that a political crisis may be deliberately stirred so that a fresh election has to be called to legitimise Mr Rahul Gandhi’s ascendancy since his mother apparently believes electoral endorsement is what’s kept the dynasty going. Congress strategists have calculated that if an election is held within the next 12 to 18 months, with Mr Rahul Gandhi projected as Prime Minister, the party will win a majority on its own. This could be a case of hopeless self-delusion, but many close associates of the prince are said to be getting impatient with the long wait. After all 2014 is almost four years away and Rahul would be a middle-aged man by then, shorn of his boyish charm and matrimonial eligibility!"
The complete article can be read at:
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