Now this would classify as Kalyug. Men like Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev whose name should not be even uttered by today's decision makers in India have been declared (GASP!!) terrorists!!! People who are not fit to lick their feet are passing judgement on the true sons of India. This is beyond reprehensible.
The Macaulayite system of education has ensured that all things Hindu and Indian are deemed as invectives. These rotten excuses of Indians have forced down our gullets the idea of celebrating Nehru's birthday as Children's day when it is a matter of record that kids were only a photo prop for that man. These men have glossed over horrible and violent tragedies visited on Hindus by Muslims (like the Moplah massacre) are now giving the worst possible spin to these heroes.
Even today, "Mera rang de basanti chola", makes my eyes well up. I grew up worshipping these men. Now I find that they are being demonized by a completely perverted system of education. Men like Bhagat Singh are demi gods while the politicians are root cause of all problems. The legacy of Gandhi and Nehru can be questioned again and again. The men who questioned the legacy of these true patriots are going to rot in this life and beyond. Pox on them and anyone associated.
Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev termed as terrorists in ICSE Textbooks
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great work ....vande mataram