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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Aam Aadmi Party – Sixth Myth

Sunil Rajguru, who is a kindred spirit, has written an article which is in line with some of our own theories. He beat us to the punch and kudos to him. He has listed seven myths about the Aam Aadmi party. Here we are going to go through each myth and add our own opinion to it.

High profile people make a difference.

A list of industrialists and celebrities are joining the AAP, but the truth is that they may not be even to win their respective LS seats let alone expand the AAP voter base. Celebrities are fine if you want to launch an international NGO but may be a disaster politically.

Sunil is on the money here as well. Leftist journalists who are joining the AAP are rabble rousers and experts at attacking. But they will not be able to defend the AAP party stand or record (as small as it maybe). In fact the very nature of everyone who is in the AAP is that of a protester who is good at formulating the problem but lack the vision and the knowledge to find the solution (as Kejriwal himself has suggested). Case in point is Mamata Bannerjee. She brought down the communist citadel which is an exemplary feat. We all admired her for that. In austerity none can beat her. Personally an extremely honest person, has been a total disaster as the CM. She cannot accept any blame let alone learn from them. Kejriwal is saying the right things right now but indications are that he may not be able to withstand a crisis.

Celebrities can be vote-getters but mostly are liabilities. The industrialists who seem to be joining the AAP are going to have a hard time sharing the dais with avowed communists like Prashant Bhushan and Kejriwal. Also, these accomplished industrialists are going to be lost when they realize that there is no plan or vision or a narrative and the manifesto is a rehash of CPI or CPI(M) manifesto.

Moreover, for every Ashutosh joining the AAP there is a Kiran Bedi joining the BJP. Sunil’s assessment is right on the money.

The picture is a modification of a picture from

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