PC Chidambaran has said that the left wing extremism is the most violent movement and worse than terrorism. He is saying this about the Maoists but what he did not say about his erstwhile partners is that they are every bit as violent as the Maoists. Since PC is more likely to blame all the Indian ills on Saffron Terror, this was a deviation from his beaten path. However, I suspect that his motive is far less honorable in this. He just wants to divert attention from the Islamic terror that he has not been willing or able to do anything about
Coming back to the topic of leftist violence, as per yesterdays Express India article: Abdulla Kutty, the two-time CPM MP from Kunoor in Kerala who had to leave the party following his praise for Gujarat CM Narendra Modi, has alleged a Marxist “pogrom” against opposition in both Kerala and West Bengal. He even went on to reveal that "In Kunoor itself, the CPM has killed 145 Opposition supporters that included members of RSS in the last 25 years. This goes beyond the usual Communist “my way or no way manifesto”. Taking a page out of Lenin and Mao, these murdering thugs have made a mockery of all that India and her democracy stand for. For these guys, democracy is just a façade. In reality, they are no different than the third world dictators.
In one of our previous post titled "Liberal and Leftist Nexus" we had had talked about how CPM funded Teesta Setalvad and her NGO Citizens for Justice and Peace, to bring down a democratically elected CM, Narendra Modi. Large sums of money were given to fabricated witnesses of Teesta Setalvad. But it is no surprise. For these people murder is a way of life. Subversion of the truth is far lesser a crime.
But the real surprise is that the two states these people have dominated have the highest literacy. Voters from Kerala and Poschim Bongo are very well informed. Yet they have been electing the commies for decades. One can only shake ones head at this extreme example of irony.
Liberal and Leftist Nexus
In the past, Khan had also alleged that the CJP, a Mumbai-based NGO, was instrumental in organizing payment of One lakh each to as many as 10 witnesses in various post-Godhra riot cases. The money came from the CPI (M) relief fund and was distributed months before the witnesses deposed in the courts, five years after the clashes took place. Four other eyewitnesses received `50,000 each.
Read More:http://thenethindu.blogspot.com/2010/09/liberal-and-leftist-nexus.html
Ex-Kerala CPM MP ‘digs’ up past, alleges Marxist ‘pogrom’ in Bengal
Later speaking to The Indian Express, Kutty said: “We used to have tea at the Parliament canteen and there Basu told us what they did with the Trinamool Congress supporters. He used to say that after killing them, the bodies used to be disposed of scientifically, by burying them deep into the soil.” Read the complete article:http://www.expressindia.com/latest-news/exkerala-cpm-mp-digs-up-past-alleges-marxist-pogrom-in-bengal/845209/
Maoist menace beats terror: PC
New Delhi, Sept. 13: Home minister P. Chidambaram today described Left-wing extremism as the “most violent movement” in the country as he put the onus of governance on states to win the battle for minds and hearts in Maoist-affected areas
Read the complete article:http://www.telegraphindia.com/1110914/jsp/nation/story_14504968.jsp
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