1. We are big fans of the columns by Vivek Gumaste who has raised a very valid point. His point supports my assertion in an earlier blog post that the post Godhra-massacre riots were reactionary and unplanned. What Vivek says is the following and I hope he has provided a definitive answer to all those who like to bandy the word “pogrom”.
Comparison with other notorious riots is essential to expose the willful targeting of Narendra Modi. In the Mumbai riots of 1992 that followed the Babri-Masjid demolition, nearly 900 people died: 575 Muslims and 275 Hindus. In Gujarat 2002 there were 1044 casualties with Muslims accounting for 794 deaths and Hindus 254. The 1984 anti-Sikh riots were by far the worst: 3,000 killed with zero Hindu deaths: it was a pogrom in the truest sense of the word. But yet it is only Modi who is held up as the arch villain.
The media has been infinitely kinder to Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler and others from Congress and even to Rajiv Gandhi who famously said “when a big tree falls, the earth shakes”. The Indian media and leftist bias could not be more stark. Today they are trying every dirty trick to besmirch a man who happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Unlike the aforementioned Congress persons, he has never done or said anything that could make him sound like what he has been accused of.
2. Some small town maulana is now saying that Modi’s refusal (if it actually was a refusal) to wear a skullcap is an insult to Islam. Wow! The Chutzpah of this man is astounding. I do not see the Muslim politicians wearing anything Hindu. Muslims in India refuse to sing Vande-Mataram or anything which extols the motherland and yet they want everyone else to prove their affection of Islam by wearing a skullcap. Of course the shameless Indian media is splattering this tidbit of information all over. These people who have been wearing the dunce cap provided by Congress for over fifty years are making a big issue of the skull cap.
3. The Bollywood celebrities who have discovered Twitter are now expressing every thought popping in their empty heads. Idiots like Pooja Bedi who are only known for advertisements I cannot watch with my son, have taken it upon themselves to pass their judgment on issues which are beyond their scope of thinking. “Please go back into your shells and talk about stuff that you have a better grasp of like ….. (This is not an adult rated site so I am at a loss)”.
4. Mr. B. Raman who has been a fount of information and a window into the word of terror has made yet another mistake. He wants Narendra Bhai to apologize for the riots. An erudite man like Mr. Raman should know that an apology is tantamount to a confession. If Narendra Bhai is innocent then why apologize? If an apology is a pre-requisite to the PM,s chair then it is the misfortune of the aam aadmi and we do not deserve a man like Modi in PM’s chair.
5. Shankersinh Vaghela is doing his own fast. This “thali ka baingan” does not deserve any attention. This man used to be a longstanding member of the RSS. When he realized that with Modi around, he will never be the CM. He joined the Congress. People join the RSS out of idealism, conviction and commitment. It is not a social club. Vaghela sacrificed his ideals for ambition. DO we really want to hear what this frustrated old man has to say?
6. All the sarcasm coming out of the UPA camp is betraying a deep seated fear. If it comes down to Modi VS Rahul Gandhi then the only hope that the Congress has are the dirty tricks, the brainwashed, liberal and pseudo secular Hindu middle class, votebank and caste politics. They hope like hell that it never comes down to actual achievement of the two men.
The B Raman article can be read at:http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers47/paper4700.html
The Gumaste article can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-have-we-been-unfair-to-narendra-modi/20110916.htm
None of the congress leader can match with Mr.Modi.Congress knows that and that is the worst fear they have it. In the congress party none of the leader has courage to produce him or her self as the true leader or future PM of India but only they are allowed to say that Rahul is their leader
ReplyDeleteand could be the PM of India.what is the Rahul's qualification? No body dare to ask that question in congress. Com-per to Modi Rahul is nothing.
English media is afraid of Modi, If Modi become the PM than what could happen to them and that is under stable. So any minor or small point they will find it they will try to find it or manufactured it and produce as a very big point.