Lalloo Yadav appointed judge could not rule against Bhai Narendra Modi. All the NGO’s funded by Muslim countries and other liberals groups and assisted by UPA have miserable failed in bringing Modi down. Entire Indian media who are like bloodhounds when they want to be have been unable to make anything stick to the man. And all this is not because the man is Teflon coated. So why is it that the worst by the likes of Lalloo, Digvijay and Teesta Setalvad has failed to establish any guilt. Well I have the answer. BHAI NARENDRA MODI IS INNOCENT! This maybe well near impossible for these hyenas to digest but if they do not believe me then they must believe someone like Sherlock Holmes (or rather Doyle) who famously said: "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains--however improbable--must be the truth." There you go folks. The activist Supreme Court of India filled with judges appointed by the UPA has decided to defer the matter to the local DM thereby exonerating the man again for the umpteenth time. I can only guess why they have not put this matter to rest, once and for all.
So how many tests must Bhai Narendra Modi pass before the leftist and the pseudo-secular jackals leave Modi and Gujarat alone. Enough already! Let the man do his job and push Gujarat to new heights. There are many other states willing and able, in the union to be ruined by these “my way or no way” hyenas. If people of Gujarat want a Hindu nationalist government then that is their own choice whether Setalvad and other idiots like it or not. Let Modi and Gujarat do their work. After all someone has to make money for the rest of the country to waste and steal.
So how many tests must Bhai Narendra Modi pass before the leftist and the pseudo-secular jackals leave Modi and Gujarat alone. Enough already! Let the man do his job and push Gujarat to new heights. There are many other states willing and able, in the union to be ruined by these “my way or no way” hyenas. If people of Gujarat want a Hindu nationalist government then that is their own choice whether Setalvad and other idiots like it or not. Let Modi and Gujarat do their work. After all someone has to make money for the rest of the country to waste and steal.
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