The basic tenet of all kinds of demagoguery is “my way or no way”. There is no room for dissension or difference of opinion. Ego and ideology win over the individual at all cost. Freedom of speech and thought are the sacrificial lambs at that altar. Such leaders pass diktats, which need to be followed at all costs. Does it sound familiar? Yes it does. It sounds like a mullah in an Islamic backwater hellhole passing a fatwa. From that perspective, there is no difference between a Mullah and a leftist / pseudo-secularist.
One would think that in a mature democracy like India, people would get used to respecting dissenting opinions. Someone from the conservative party has the right to give credit and accompanying praise to someone from the left. Of course the versa to that vice should also be true. However, when someone from the leftist mold like the intrepid Anna Hazare makes the mistake of praising Bhai Narendra Modi, the leftists come down on him like a ton of bricks. They would not even allow Anna to exercise civility towards a democratically elected leader of this country.
The liberals have a certain image of the country in their mind. Bhai Narendra has made Gujarat into a success story unmatched by any other state practicing a unabashed “in your face” kind of nationalism along with smart and honest leadership. His success has been an eyesore to them. Unfortunately for all of us, the post Godhra riots happened on his watch and despite his best abilities, nearly 2000 people that included over 700 Hindus died. I don’t think Bhai Narendra looks at the whole episode with anything except disgust. It’s like a disgusting fly on a beautiful, huge plate of mithai. But it did give his opponents a twig to beat him with. He has gone through more agni-pareekshas than any other politician in our history and has come out of them unscathed. Even then, the shameless pests keep trying to bring down the only success story in India. I personally belief that their hatred for Bhai Narendra is deep seated in their own rotten psyche of self hatred but for arguments sake, I would assume that they think the this man who has been proven innocent more number of times than would be necessary, is somehow guilty. Well playing along with their warped and perverted argument, I would like to say that this is the perfect opportunity to bring up all the riots, which happened during the non-BJP rule. In fact during the BJP rule, most states have enjoyed communal peace. It is because with BJP at the helm, no one benefits from these riots. When Congress or any similar party is in power, communal riots make the religious minorities feel unsafe and forces them the ruling party’s fold.
The following is a very small list of all the riots, which have happened in our young nation’s history. It is clear that the almost all of them happened on the Congress’ watch and yet no one seems to be interested in bringing anyone from that party to justice.
I was in college when anti Sikh riots happened in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi assassination. Forget about the whys and the whos. For the safety of our Sikh professors, they were moved to our hostels. I remember them huddled in our mess together. A proud people reduced to refugee status because of Congress thuggery and they have the guts to call anyone anything at all. SHAME ON THEM!
(1) 1964 Communal riots in Rourkela & Jamshedpur 2000 Killed Ruling party CONG
(2) 1947 Communal riots in #Bengal 5000 Killed Ruling party happened to be CONG
(3) August 1967 200 Killed Communal riots in Ranchi Party ruling again CONG
(4) 1969 Communal riots in #Ahmedabad More than 512 Killed Ruling party happened to be CONG
(5) 1970 #Bhiwandi communal riots in #Maharashtra Around 80 killed Ruling party CONG
(6) April 1979 Communal riots in #Jamshedpur , Bihar More than 125 killed Ruling party CONG
(7) Auguest 1980 #Moradabad Communal riots Approx 2000 Killed Ruling Party Congress
(8) May1984 Communal riots in #Bhiwandi 146 Killed , 611 Inj Ruling party CONGress CM- Vasandada Patil
(9) OCT 1984 Communal riots in #Delhi 2733 Killed Ruling party CONG
(10) April 1985 Communal riots in #Ahmedabad 300 Killed Ruling party CONG
(11) July 1986 Communal violence in #Ahmedabad 59 Killed Ruling party CONG
(12) Apr-May 1987 Communal violence in Meerut , UP 81 killed Ruling party CONG
(13) Feb 1983 Communal violence in Nallie, Assam 2000 killed PM - Indira Gandhi.
A relevant article can be read at: http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?271518
The article listing the riots can be read at: http://www.haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=13758&SKIN=B
The picture is from: http://www.sikhnet.com/news/84-sikh-riots-case-us-court-issues-default-certificate
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