There are a couple of very small problems however. Swami Aseemanand’s lawyer claims that his confession was obtained under duress. Of course like all Hindus, this guy could be a liar too and lying is small potatoes compared to terrorism. But what about UNSC (an organization we aspire to) or the US Dept. of Treasury? What reasons would two such disparate organizations have to lie? The Chinese on the UNSC always look out for the Pakis and their interests. As Mr. Puri writes: : “On June 29, the 1267 committee of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which mandated sanctions on the Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, froze assets, banned travel and imposed an arms embargo on Arif Qasmani, a Karachi businessman who it described as the ‘chief coordinator’ for Lashkar’s links with outside groups… In its press release the 1267 committee stated: ‘Qasmani has worked with LeT to facilitate terrorist attacks, to include the July 2006 train bombing in Mumbai, India, and the February 2007 Samjhauta Express bombing in Panipat, India…Arif Qasmani has also provided financial and other support to Al Qaeda…Al Qaeda provided Qasmani with operatives to support… the February 2007 Samjhauta Express bombing in Panipat, India’.”
We wrote about this on our blog back in August last year. We had quoted an article by Mr. Bahukutumbi Raman who is one of our foremost experts on counterterrorism. He wrote in his article: Reporting on these notifications, Mr.Peter Fowler, an American journalist, says as follows: "HUJI has carried out a number of terrorist attacks. In March 2006, HUJI was responsible for the suicide bombing of the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, which killed four people and injured 48 others. HUJI is also responsible for terrorist attacks in India including the May 2007 Hyderabad mosque attack, which killed 16 and injured 40, and the March 2007 Varanasi attack, which killed 25 and injured 100."
While the UNSC, US dept. of Treasury both accuse LeT, Al Qaeda and HUJI for the Samjhauta as well as the Mecca Masjid blast, the Indian investigators keep blaming some outfit called Abhinav Bharat for these blasts. Both cannot be right. US have much better intelligence when it comes to Pakistan. When they accuse Pakistani outfits for these blasts we have to pay attention. On the other hand, the record of Indian investigators is not very good since we have never caught anyone for various terror attacks in India.
Now I cannot say that Hindus are not capable of barbarity. Just ask any dalit and you will know. So the question is: why are we raising the bogey of Hindu terror and giving the Pakis a stick to beat us with? It cannot be Muslim vote. Muslims have stopped voting for Congress en masse. Case in point is the Bihar elections. Muslims even voted for the BJP in Gujarat. So if the Congress is doing this for vote, they are deluding themselves. The only other reason could be that they want implicate all Hindu nationalists indirectly. They cannot accuse the BJP or the RSS or even Bajrang Dal for anything that would scare the voters. So they accuse some Hindus and start harping on the Saffron terror issue hoping that if they hurl enough accusations, the truth will get buried under it and some of it will stick. That way they can scare all the minorities and the secular middle class voters into the Congress fold. I am hoping against hope that the Congress leaders would see beyond winning elections and not divide the country any further. By adopting this path, they embolden our enemies in their lies. Not that the Pakistanis need any help. For example, they celebrated Kashmir Solidarity day on 5th February. If that is not a cruel joke, then I don’t know what is? This is a country where the Punjabis rule the roost and run a roughshod over everyone else. They would be well advised to express solidarity with the Balochis, Sindhis and other non Punjabi Pakistanis.
As far as India is concerned, I certainly hope that the Indian voters can see through these shameless charades and do the right thing in the next elections.
The Puri article can be read at: http://cms.boloji.com/index.cfm?md=Content&sd=Articles&ArticleID=10516
The Raman article can be read at: http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers40/paper3971.html
The article on the Kashmir Solidarity Day can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-column-kashmir-solidarity-day-it-is-all-about-propaganda/20110205.htm
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