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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Taliban: Pakistani Monsters

Gen. Naseerullah Babar

Back in 1972, when it was obvious that the Pakistanis were going to lose once again, they moved all their fighter planes to the safe havens in Iran than lose them all to the might of the IAF. They then realized that they could not always depend on a Shia Iran. They needed a “strategic depth”. Of course this was all a result of the diseased imagination of Pakistani Army guys. These guys long with the ISI gave birth to the monster we now know as Taliban. The talibs were supposed to take over Afghanistan, giving the Pakistanis a pliable “ruler” there. They were also supposed to act as Pakistani proxies into killing India by a thousand cuts.
Of course as the Jews say: Mann traoch, Gott Lauch (man plans, God laughs), we all know how the Taliban experiment is working out for the Pakistanis. Serves them right, don’t you think?
Brig. Amir Sultan who was one of the key figures in this Frankensteinian experiment, was recently killed by his own creation. Ironic, isn’t it? Of course the other big name in this experiment, Gen Nasirullah Babar unfortunately died a natural death (like the butcher of Bangladesh, Gen Tikka Khan) recently.
It is the arrogance of man which leads him to ignore the lessons of history. Many inhistory have created monster but never could control it. That has never stopped anyone from taking that foolhardy step. Maybe that is why vanity is considered to be one of the deadly sins. Pakis are paying for theirs.

Onetime Taliban Handler Dies in Their Hands
A founding patron of the Taliban in Afghanistan died in the hands of a younger generation of militants in the tribal badlands of Pakistan in the last few days, a victim of the vicious forces he helped create, Pakistani officials said Monday.
The article can be read at:

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