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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Monsters and Their Masters!

History has shown that no one has been able to control the monsters they create. Mary Shelley wrote a novel – Frankenstein, which was precisely about this topic. Yet arrogant men have continued to create monsters thinking they can do better than their predecessors and have paid a price. Closer to home, we have examples of Indira Gandhi who created Bhindranwale. Americans created the Jihadis (one of whom was Osama bin Laden) to defeat the Russians. Pakistanis must have thought that they were so smart in utilising the Taliban to control Afghanistan and Jihadis to bleed India. We know the result of those creations. In all the above cases it was need and arrogance which led these monster creators towards the precipice. Of course in case of the Pakistanis, another factor played an important role. It is the hatred for Hindus. That hatred seems to have blinded the Pakistanis to even the most obvious perils.
Now when the Jihadi monster has taken a life of it’s own, the moderate Muslims in Pakistan are in shock. Why the shock? What were they really expecting? Were they expecting that the Jihadi dog is going to cross the border, bite the Hindus and come back to his master? When they were killing Hindus, no one from the moderate Muslim group made any noise about it. Now the monster has turned on their master and these people are outraged. To hell with them!
Nothing about the extremists surprises me but the behaviour of the moderate and the educated class in Pakistan, small as it may be, is more surprising.

Taseer murder shows infiltration of Pakistan's armed forces
B Raman.

The assassination of Salman Taseer, the liberal Governor of Punjab, by one of his police security guards at an Islamabad shopping centre on January 4 because of the Governor's criticism of the blasphemy law draws attention once again to the penetration of the Pakistani security forces by Islamic extremist elements.
The article can be read at:

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