We have India, which is growing despite of our politicians. We have Pakistan, which is failing despite of all the help in the world. Someone recently said that if Pakistan did not have nuclear weapons, they would be in the same class as Congo.
The raison d'etre of Pakistan was hate for India. Therefore the day the hate ends, Pakistan will cease to exist, as we know it. That would be bad for the Panjabi elites and the military. So there cannot be peace. We should not kid ourselves about it. Time travel has a higher probability. The “Aman ki Asha” brigade is the only ones who cannot see the obvious.
What can India do about this problem? Unfortunately, the answer is NOTHING? If the country is going to implode, it will. We just have to be prepared for the fallout. With 100 nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems (all thanks to the Chinese), Pakistan is a world problem. As an expert Harold Gould says: In my opinion, the best option is what I would call strategic consolidation. That is, India, the US and its allies, must "step aside", let the holocaust happen, and try to contain in every way possible its spread beyond Pakistan's borders and the Pashtun region now dominated by the Taliban.
I had written on the subject a long time ago. Division of Pakistan is the only viable solution. Sindh, Balochistan, Pakistani Punjab and Pashtunistan should become independent countries or join with whomever they want to. PoK should be reunited with J&K so the PoK citizens can also enjoy democracy and move forward. The whys and hows will make this post way too long. Suffice it to say, the Pakistani Punjabis have inflicted themselves for too long on the rest of the country (I am not even talking about the religious minorities). The fault lines cannot be more exposed.
An American expert, Ralph Peters also wrote on the topic in his excellent article "Blood Borders". It is a must read.
But for all this to happen, the world must be on the same page. For that to happen, a deft diplomacy has to be initiated by the parties concerned. Since India is the country at the biggest risk, we have to be at the forefront of this.
India and Pakistan on the brink
By David Ignatius
"And then, in the next breath, Indian officials insist that such positive steps won't make any difference. The Pakistani military doesn't want any reduction in tensions, they argue. The civilian government is crumbling and incapable of making a deal. Even Singh, long an advocate of better relations with Pakistan, is said to have concluded that hopes for better relations are "wishful thinking."
The article can be read at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/14/AR2011011405282_pf.html
A disintegrating Pakistan: Choices for US and India
By Harold A. Gould:
"Viewed in historical perspective, what is gradually taking place before our eyes is the final consequences of flawed political choices which the emergent Pakistani elites made following the nation's founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah's death in 1948, which were compounded by subsequent regimes, and further exacerbated by faulty US Cold War policies towards the South Asia region. In this sense, the story of Pakistan is one of "chickens coming home to roost!"
The article can be read at: http://www.newkerala.com/news/world/fullnews-125115.html
By Harold A. Gould:
"Viewed in historical perspective, what is gradually taking place before our eyes is the final consequences of flawed political choices which the emergent Pakistani elites made following the nation's founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah's death in 1948, which were compounded by subsequent regimes, and further exacerbated by faulty US Cold War policies towards the South Asia region. In this sense, the story of Pakistan is one of "chickens coming home to roost!"
The article can be read at: http://www.newkerala.com/news/world/fullnews-125115.html
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