Manmohan Singh was a good Finance Minister under PV Narsimha Rao. He did well because he was only taking care of the economy and PVN was dealing with the mundane problems. That worked well. Player: Manmohan Singh; Captain: PVN. However, we have all seen from the disastrous UPA-I and II, that Manmohan Singh the player, cannot captain the team. It is mostly because the captain has to be a fighter and a survivor. He has to be able to tackle many problems at the same time. Singh has never won an election and he is sitting at the top of the political hierarchy. Strange stuff! All his upward career moves fell into his lap. He was not even the first choice for FM under PVN Rao government. But that was all in the past. He has the position that he cannot use and a huge responsibility and he cannot shoulder. The next elections are over three years away and the business of governance cannot stop.
In an ideal world I would have liked a BJP government led by someone but Advaniji. But that was not to happen and due to a divided Indian votes, we were punished with an encore performance of the UPA. It is clear that the status quo in untenable. If there is not going to be another election then the UPA has to choose a better PM. The Rajkumar is never going to be ready. So the Gandhi family needs to take pity on the nation and anoint one of the more capable leaders in the Congress. I would love to see for once, someone do the right thing.
The author of the following article seems to be beholden to Nehru and the adjectives used for him could not be farther from the truth. However, the article does raise good points about the current PM.
Will Singh's Understatement Be His Undoing?
Singh has long been praised for his personal integrity, but leading by reputation alone hasn't been enough to change India's notoriously lax culture of public accountability. In the Prime Minister's New Year address to the nation, he promised to turn a new leaf toward better governance. But Singh has failed to push through any decisive action, like canceling the questionable telecom licenses, and the opposition has halted the functioning of Parliament until he does. "It's extremely serious," says Mahesh Rangarajan, a political analyst and professor at Delhi University. Next month's budget session hangs in the balance, as does Singh's image as a leader. "There is a fear that the sheen will wear off," Rangarajan says.
The article can be read at: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2044241,00.html
Singh has long been praised for his personal integrity, but leading by reputation alone hasn't been enough to change India's notoriously lax culture of public accountability. In the Prime Minister's New Year address to the nation, he promised to turn a new leaf toward better governance. But Singh has failed to push through any decisive action, like canceling the questionable telecom licenses, and the opposition has halted the functioning of Parliament until he does. "It's extremely serious," says Mahesh Rangarajan, a political analyst and professor at Delhi University. Next month's budget session hangs in the balance, as does Singh's image as a leader. "There is a fear that the sheen will wear off," Rangarajan says.
The article can be read at: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2044241,00.html