It is the army top brass, which let us down not the jawans and the NCOs. Those guys are still staring at mortal danger in the face every day and coming out on top! Those men really are heroes and deserve our undying respect.
Upon thinking more on the topic, we should look for heroes in all walks of life. The farmer who gets up every day and braves the elements, the mill worker who goes through the grind on a daily basis, small business men and women who are trying to make their vision come true and creating jobs, doctors who are curing diseases without padding their bills and the list does go on. India has come a long way and will go on long after we are gone. It will be due to the nameless soldiers, workers, farmers, businessmen and not due to some family or a political leader. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan is an old but very pithy statement. Even an unfortunate country like ours is not bereft of heroes. We just have to look for them.
Anyway, the article which spurred my rant, is posted for your perusal below.
Scam takes shine off India's top brass
By Sudha Ramachandran
The involvement of India's top generals in a corrupt building deal worth millions of dollars has shattered the relatively clean image of the military. The armed forces, arguably the most respected institution in the country, now seem to be taking the same path as other corruption-plagued spheres of influence just as the military prepares for a vast procurement spree.
The article can be read at: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/LK19Df02.html
jai jawan! jai kisan! The heroes are not used for their heroic deeds. In the name of peace their activities have become standstill. It creates their mind to get corrupted and do all sort of thins mentioned by Sudhaji. Idle mind is devil's workshop. Let the heroes to the hero's job. Let them not do devil's job. VANDHE MATHARAM