"Battered woman syndrome describes a pattern of psychological and behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering relationships." People v. Romero, 13 Cal Rptr 2d 332, 336 (Cal App 2d Dist. 1992); See Walker, L., The Battered Woman Syndrome (1984) p. 95-97. There are four general characteristics of the syndrome:
1. The woman believes that the violence was her fault.
2. The woman has an inability to place the responsibility for the violence elsewhere.
3. The woman fears for her life and/or her children's lives.
4. The woman has an irrational belief that the abuser is omnipresent and omniscient.
It would be cruel to use this syndrome to exemplify something trivial. But I can assure you, I will not do so. What I am trying to exemplify is very serious. Without going over specific points, I think that there is a clear parallel between battered women and voters who have been victimized by the vote-bank politicians. The voters are like the unfortunate battered women. While the politicians the real abusers, the voters are made to think that the Hindus (in case of Muslims) and upper caste people (in case of dalits) are the abusers. It is this irrational fear that is used by the politicians to control the battered psyche of Indian voter. The politicians are adept at using the fragile mindset of the voters using any and all means at their hands. They shamelessly use the liberal media in telling people what to think. Can you actually do that in a free country? Yes, especially since the Hindus have been brainwashed from the days of Macaulay and his subversive policies. Those have since then been adopted and adapted by Congress and the others to a great deal of success. and have held Indian voters as hostages. In fact the whole Indian society suffers from a “Stockholm Syndrome” (when the captives start to empathize with their captors). Against their own core Hindu beliefs, they have started to agree with the anti Hindu liberals. Words of charlatans like Burkha Dutt and Arundhati Roy have assumed a tremendous importance for a section of the new generation of Indian voters.
My first memory of such cheap tactics go back to Mrs. Gandhi who used to blame every thing short of floods on the RSS and the CIA. She had learnt well from her father.
The regional parties have followed suit. The self styled messiahs of Dalits and religious minorities like Laloo, Paswan, Mulayam, Mayawati, Karunanidhi et. al. have exploited the same fears and paranoia to abuse power for personal gains and yet keep the voters coming back to me. These modern day Louis XV have used the “Après moi, le déluge” (“After me, the floods") to a tremendous advantage. They have used the RSS / BJP bogey into scaring the voters. What other explanation do we have of repeated victories of the communists in WB and Kerala or Karunanidhi in TN or Mayawati and Mulayam in UP or 15 years of jungle raj by Laloo in Bihar and in most other states except Gujarat.
People of Bihar took the first step towards freedom from fear politics and were rewarded amply. Now they have voted for the performers again. People of Gujarat have been doing this for a while and look where that state is!
Voters of India need to differentiate between performers and posers. Muslim voters need to realize that BJP is a nationalist party first and then a Hindu party. They also need to question the higher number of Hindu–Muslim riots in Congress and the pseudo-secular ruled states as opposed to the BJP rules states. They need to question why Muslims inGujarat have voted for Narendra Bhai repeatedly. They need to reject these politicians who come to their localities and wear a Muslim hat and fool the voters into believing that they are one of them.
I hope that voters in other states will bring in competent politicians who put country first. They need to learn from the voters of Gujarat and Bihar.
Interesting analogy. Unfortunately our MSM continues to sell the leftist/congress line.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what has happened exactly in the minority concentrated districts (MCDs). Out of 7 MCDs in Bihar which have 51 assembly segments, the BJP has won 27 and the JDU 13. Have more muslims voted for the BJP, or has there been a Hindu vote consolidation in favour of the BJP? It might be the latter considering they have lost in Kishanganj.
The media however continues to credit mostly Nitish's inclusive politics and preaches to the BJP to become more inclusive. Today's TOI editorial about the BJP reads like a leftist wishlist as well as wishful thinking rather than constructive criticism. It seems the BJP and Hindus would make them happiest by rolling over and playing dead.
I wonder if the BJP is going to move eastwards in the future.
I mean westwards, towards the left.