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Monday, November 22, 2010


The 2G scam has taken another sordid turn (if that were possible). It turns out that Dawood Ibrahim's company maybe involved in it. As per a Hindi newspaper, which quotes Dr. Swami, Sonia Gandhi's sister may have received kick backs as well. He has not offered any proofs but it does not matter. Even with proofs, Ottavio Quattrocci' accounts were un-frozen by the UPA. We are wondering if Mrs. Gandhi's family is treating India like their own personal ATM machine.
This thing needs to be sorted out and everyone involved should be named. Everyone receiving any money should be charged with a crime whether or not anything happens to them. Justice in India is not possible with such "VIPs" involved. If you are a common thief, you get sent to a jail for a long time. Even get beaten up by an overzealous havaldaar. But if you are a big timer, you get to resign and enjoy your loot. If you are a politician then you and your family enjoy the loot as well as use the leftover money to win the next election and continue to rape of the treasury.
So if there cannot be justice then why bother naming and charging? For all of us who remember the fable of Baba Bharti, his horse and the robber, it is important that the sanctity of faith be maintained. If names are not named and charges are not filed, then the Aam Aadmi is going to lose faith in the elected government and Indian Democracy. Can we take that chance?

Swan Telecom under scanner for 'Dawood link'
New Delhi Swan Telecom, the biggest beneficiary of former telecom minister A Raja’s largesse, has also been investigated by the home ministry for a suspected link between its promoters and underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s firms abroad.

2जी महाघोटाले में सोनिया गांधी की बहनें भी शामिल!
देहरादून. 2जी महाघोटाले में प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह को घेरने के बाद अब जनता दल के अध्यक्ष सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने सोनिया गांधी पर भी हमला बोल दिया है। स्वामी की माने तो 1.75 लाख करोड़ के स्पेक्ट्रम महाघोटाले में सोनिया की बहनों को भी हिस्सा मिला था। 60 करोड़ की रिश्वत में चार लोग प्रमुख हिस्सेदार थे। इसमें सोनिया की दो बहनों का तीस-तीस फीसदी का हिस्सा था।


  1. Sir do you think that still the AAM ADMI has faith in these insipid, shameless government...

  2. Not the government. But we need to have faith in the system. Without that, we will descend into a pakistani style chaos.

  3. Readers can also go through this. I am not sure if you have already spoken about it.

    Do You Know Your Sonia ?
    Dr. Subramanian Swamy

  4. @ nishant,
    Appreciate your regular comments on the blog. Can you mail us at your email contact. Thx AA
