As expected, reaction to Bhai Narendra Modi’s nomination is at the extremes. Fans are still rejoicing, walking around with a bounce in their steps and bit of a swell in the chest. His political opponents are going around presenting doomsday scenarios or feigning indifference.
The one thing that really stands out is the intensity and the timing. It was expected to be intensely negative however, the timing of it is curious. Everyone was expecting that Modi will be the PM candidate so some of this leftist outrage should have started to percolate already. However, it seems to have boiled over after the announcements. This means that the jerk brigade in India was hoping that the candidacy may not happen. Now why would they hold on to hope of that kind? I think that they were fully expecting the internal strife in the BJP to derail the Modi nomination. These guys were actually depending on the Advani campaign to do what they could not do with their entire dirty tricks department. Are you not glad that Rajnath Singh’s political machinations and Modi resoluteness thwarted the leftist design which this ignorant old coot was more than willing to carry out.
Another interesting thing is the reaction to Modi’s ascension in the foreign press. Modi has been referred to as a Hindu ideologue at best and extremist at worst. The New York Times which is a leftist toilet paper like the NDTV had a rather vicious article which was written by an American but the contributing authors (credited at the end) were Indians. I am sure that most of the adjectives used for Modi were provided by our own leftists because a paper like NY Times does not care about Indian elections or who gets elected. As usual, the US visa is being used as a character certificate by our feces for brains leftists. Well the question for us to ponder is, do we care what anyone (other than Modi supporters) thinks of Modi? The straight forward answer is NO.
Baba Ramdev was held at the British airport for a very long time and questioned. This is a country whose capital is often referred to as Londonistan (by conservative Brits) and has a virulently Islamist population living among them is stopping a Yoga guru. Now If I were the Baba, I would take the next flight back to India and tell the Brits to sit on something sharp and hard. I don’t know what the Baba is going to do but I hope that he comes back. My point is that we need to look at our past and our potential future and develop a sense of pride so that the only opinion which counts is ours. What the western press thinks should be as relevant to us as our current PM is to decision making.
The leftist intelligentsia (intelligent in their own world) is threatening to leave India. People like the repugnant Amitav Ghosh who do not even live in India have taken it upon themselves to criticize a consummate patriot and the only performing leader like Modi. If these people want to leave then my suggestion would be to please buy a one way ticket and promise never to return. In turn I promise to contribute money towards their ticket and help them pack and carry their stuff to the train or the airport or the leaky boat I would like them to take.
So to Bhai Narendra and his supporters, I say unite and vote. Because we cannot let Hindu votes be divided. We cannot become complacent. No matter what the weather or the conditions, we must take a vow to go out to vote. Dear Hindus, unite and vote because this is an election for India’s future. We have a chance to elect a difference making leader. If we do not go out and vote in large numbers and in a united manner then we deserve Rahul Gandhi as the next PM.
To the leftists who have lost all objectivity and have nothing better to do than spew vitriol, I wish you the worst and by worst I mean a Modi victory. Because nothing would be a greater punishment for Indian liberals than to see a Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi putting India on a course for development, prosperity and peace.
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