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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Paki PM Insults India’s Rural Women

One has to earn respect. Capability, courage or achievements earn you that. Of course if you depend upon your position for respect then be prepared to be ignored, insulted and spat on (figuratively of course). Manmohan Singh who was the second choice of Narsimha Rao made some obvious moves from Economics 101 and got the country back from a one billion dollar forex reserve and on a road to recovery. When the situation was so terrible, showing improvement is not exactly a major achievement. But small men let things like that go to their head. Latest example is Nitish Kumar. He surely has dug Bihar out of the deep hole. But that is all he has done. However, egged on by the media (who is on a constant lookout for the “maybe not Congress and definitely “not Modi” politician). Nitish Kumar took this faint praise too seriously and destroyed a good thing.

Manmohan Singh forgot that he is a proxy for Rajmata and the Shehzada. He has destroyed any degree of integrity that we associated with our government by allowing rampant looting of the nation. By staying silent on issues of importance he has created an aura of impotence. He is supposed to be this crack economist and has essentially destroyed the Rupee (believe me folks. It will be a long bloody time before we can see Rupee at its last year’s value). When it comes to security and defence matters he has turned India into an image of himself – a doormat. No one in his own party respects him because they all know who the real power is. The latest in this long series of slights that this man has faced is by Rahul Gandhi. Wow. This has to be the lowest of the lows. But try telling that to Singh who has loudly proclaimed to be willing to work under Rahul (as if people think that he is doing otherwise right now).

Till now we were run over by the Chinese. They come into the country like it’s their backyard, mess with us by playing petty visa games, prop up the Pakistanis, do their best to surround us by using Bangladeshis and rebuffed (Sri Lankans – again- Thank you Congress) and destroy our small scale production industry by flooding our market with cheap shit which our ignorant voters are happy to buy. But now we have the paki PM calling Manmohan Singh a “dehati aurat”. First of all, as a person who comes from humble background and with rural roots, I take great umbrage on behalf of or woman from rural areas. These women deal with adversity on a regular basis, work hard in the fields, take care of their families, contribute greatly to the economy and deal with lecherous bastards regularly. How dare the Paki PM compare our rural women to Manmohan Singh??

Jokes aside, let us examine the irony of the statement. Singh refers to paki involvement in terror. Do that is like saying sky is blue. Just today a huge bomb went off in Peshawar. This was the second one in less than a week. This one was within their boundaries. These two do not include their dirty tricks outside of Pakistan. The mall siege in Kenya has paki connections as well. Their attempts at messing with peace in India, Iran and Afghanistan are not news to anyone. In fact, every terrorist attack in the world has paki prints on it. Sorry Nawaz Sharif! You are like a cheap whore representing a cheaper country. You lost the right to be called anything else but a terrorist long time ago.

This is what we have become. Now the pakis are calling us names. Yet watch Manmohan Singh meet and talk peace with this terrorist. Watch him make mockery of all things we revere by visiting Pakistan this year. We are getting humiliated because of our weak kneed response. I hold our liberal, vote-bank politicians responsible for all this. Even our own Atalji was no better when it came to Pakistan. Who can forget Pervez Musharraf getting that building in Lahore cleaned after Atalji visited it. Even then this bastard was invited to India. All he did after coming over was defecate on our hospitality. Even the dumbest of the dumb learn after repeated humiliations.

But the people I really hold responsible are the Indian voters. Yes. We deserve the government we elect. Every mistake made by UPA2 is our fault. If we continue to stay divided for one reason or the other then this is what we will continue to get. The Indian voters need to wake up and smell the stink. Unite and vote for a capable man or get ready for more of the same. It is our choice.

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