Sonia Gandhi has enjoyed all the trappings of power: Fame, power and most of all money. Yet she cried (or so her son claims) when she handed over the reins to him. It is a classic example of people playing the sympathy card even at height of their power. We have yet another glaring example with Shahrukh Khan. This guy is possibly the most popular star after Amitabh Bachchan in India. This guy has everything that most Indians cannot even dream of. Riding the coattails of Yash Chopra and Karan Johar, this guy has risen to the top with limited ability and screen presence. But we will not begrudge his success. After all we live in a free democracy where a person can make his fortune without any fear of retribution rather than an Islamic Republic where one is at the mercy of the Mullahs. Think about it. Most of his movies will get banned in theocratic Pakistan.
What he said in the interview with Outlook Turning Point Magazine clearly indicates a victim’s mindset. What he said there is pretty flabbergasting. Read some of his quotes:
"It is the box that contains an image of my religion in millions of minds. I encounter this tightening of definition every time moderation is required to be publicly expressed by the Muslim community in my country."
"the inadvertent object of political leaders" who choose to make him "a symbol of all that they think is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in India".
"I gave my son and daughter names that could pass for generic (pan-Indian and pan-religious) ones: Aryan and Suhana. The Khan has been bequeathed by me so they can't really escape it. I pronounce it from my epiglottis when asked by Muslims and throw the Aryan as evidence of their race when non-Muslims enquire,"
He also seems to relentlessly bring up his brief detention at Newark Airport in the US. In fact the whole interview is filled with this kind of crap. Does he really think of himself as a victim or this is a ploy to gain sympathy of Hindus into paying for his movies? What we do know is that he is a master manipulator of the media. His movies run on publicity and an image rather than substance. He has won all the awards that can be bought. No, this man knows exactly what he is doing. His popularity is on its way down. He is losing the box office battle to the other Khans. He needs a boost. Even bad publicity is publicity nonetheless.
But the way he has chosen to achieve this publicity betrays a sick mindset. It is almost like biting the hand that feeds you. His words in the interview clearly show the mistrust and disdain for non-Muslims, which is very typical of men of his faith. And yet he is perfectly fine exploiting the free society we have and love and money ignorant Hindus have showered on him.
The one thing that he really likes to harp on was the questioning he underwent at Newark airport in the US. What Khan clearly ignores is that the US does not subscribe to the VIP culture that India has. When arrested, a superstar like Mel Gibson was detained and put through the process. What Shahrukh Khan and his people do not want you to know is the reason why he was detained. It seems that the organizer for his stage shows were involved in hawala transactions with people in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Even if Khan did not know about his hosts’ unsavory connections, he still has to go through the process and establish his innocence. Of course we all know the Bollywood and Dawood Ibrahim connections so who knows who is innocent or guilty.
What really burns me is that thanks to our esteemed Home Minister’s statements, a murderer like Hafeez Syed can now point his filthy, blood stained fingers at us. Now thanks to Shahrukh Khan, a Hindu hating moron like Rehman Malik can now accuse us of incompetence. THANK YOU SHAHRUKH BHAI.
The only thing that keeps me from completely losing it is that I have never paid to see Khan’s movies. People around me have painfully put me through them. However, if I were a ticket buying Hindu fan of Shahrukh Khan, I would be really upset. This man’s words would be like spit in my face. What can someone like that do? The answer is simple. Boycott this man’s movies and everything that he peddles. Deny him the money and the fame he so desperately needs and he will whither away.
But will the Hindus do that? I don’t think so. The ever-forgiving Hindu population has a tremendous capacity to take abuse and punishment. Salman Khan can kill people while driving drunk and still become a bigger star than a law-abiding actor like Akshay Kumar or even Amitabh Bachchan.
Maybe we Hindus deserve every bit of it.
The picture is from:
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
David Coleman Headley: We Have No Right To Complain
First of all, the name is Dawood Gilani and not David Coleman Headley. The man was given 35 years of jail for his role in Mumbai bombings. The punishment seems light compared to his crimes. Needless to say there is outrage. A lot of people are angry at the USA for not handing over Gilani to us. I can understand the outrage but the Indian anger is totally misplaced. I will try to build my case here.
In a personal friendship you can make sacrifices; sometimes big ones. It is because it is a personal choice with only your interests at stake. However, the nature of friendship between countries is an entirely different beast. The decision makers are responsible for the interests of the entire nation. Their personal feelings and honor cannot and should not be part of any decision-making. It would seem that we do not understand that. This is what leads to a lot of problems.
Friendship between nations is based on overlap mutual interests – tactical or strategic, commercial or ideological. However, even in the best of such friendships, it is the national interests that override any other concerns. The US will help India as long as their own interests are not involved. They will also try to do the right thing as long as their security is not at risk. Israel, whose security is totally dependent on their proximity to the US, bombed an American warship near Sinai Peninsula during the Yom Kippur War. The Israelis thought that the US was spying on them. There are numerous incidents the US spying on the British even though the Brits are American lapdogs. The point is that the national interests trump all other concerns.
It is clear that Dawood Gilani was working for the US Drug Enforcement Administration and came in contact with the Paki terrorists. He clearly was double-crossing the US outfits. I am quite sure that the US government did not know about Gilani’s involvement with the Mumbai bombings. It is one thing to destroy a couple of lives or some property on friendly territory and entirely different thing to be responsible for over 160 deaths. However, once they found out about Gilani’s complicity in the matter, then the choice they had was to either punish him in the US and keep him under their control or they could have extradited him to India. The former option enabled them to hide their own stupidity and access to intelligence that Gilani has. That is a huge incentive to keep him in the US, which overrode any Indian concerns. Moreover, with UPA in power, the US has no reason to fear any adverse Indian reaction (not that we can do much). Moreover, what right do we have of calling Gilani's punishment light when we have not even charged let alone punish anyone in India who helped Gilani or the paki terrorists (don’t fool yourself by saying that the pakis did all that in Mumbai without any local help).
The point is that the US took care of their interest. WHAT THE HELL HAVE WE DONE TO TAKE CARE OF OURS?
Our foreign policy is dictated by the “mere dushman, mere bhai” and hope and other such warm and fuzzy feelings rather than hard-nosed pragmatism. We cannot even deal with pakis at our terms. How the hell can we demand anything from the US? Blaming the US in this matter clearly tells me that we are trying to blame them for our inability. Hell, we personally delivered Hafeez Syed and Omar Sheikh to the pakis. Shinde cannot even refer to Syed the way he should be. We invested money in Afghanistan in hopes that the US will take care of our interests. That was a big mistake. The US may help us if it does not cost them anything. We should have foreseen that any Afghan resolution would NEVER be possible without Pakistani help. The US needs to get out of Afghanistan and for that they will appease the pakis even at the cost of Indian interests. And why shouldn’t they? What can we do to them other than yell and scream and call them names.
We have to accept that we are a soft state. We are sheep and sheep get slaughtered. That is the status quo. Even the pakis know that. They can behead our boys. They can inflict terror on us and yet get us to play nice with them. Their policy is winning / hurting us at all costs. Our policy is peace at all costs. If we want people to pay attention to our interests then WE HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO OUR INTERESTS. Until then, we need to shut up and accept our weaknesses and limitations. We have no right to complain.
In a personal friendship you can make sacrifices; sometimes big ones. It is because it is a personal choice with only your interests at stake. However, the nature of friendship between countries is an entirely different beast. The decision makers are responsible for the interests of the entire nation. Their personal feelings and honor cannot and should not be part of any decision-making. It would seem that we do not understand that. This is what leads to a lot of problems.
Friendship between nations is based on overlap mutual interests – tactical or strategic, commercial or ideological. However, even in the best of such friendships, it is the national interests that override any other concerns. The US will help India as long as their own interests are not involved. They will also try to do the right thing as long as their security is not at risk. Israel, whose security is totally dependent on their proximity to the US, bombed an American warship near Sinai Peninsula during the Yom Kippur War. The Israelis thought that the US was spying on them. There are numerous incidents the US spying on the British even though the Brits are American lapdogs. The point is that the national interests trump all other concerns.
It is clear that Dawood Gilani was working for the US Drug Enforcement Administration and came in contact with the Paki terrorists. He clearly was double-crossing the US outfits. I am quite sure that the US government did not know about Gilani’s involvement with the Mumbai bombings. It is one thing to destroy a couple of lives or some property on friendly territory and entirely different thing to be responsible for over 160 deaths. However, once they found out about Gilani’s complicity in the matter, then the choice they had was to either punish him in the US and keep him under their control or they could have extradited him to India. The former option enabled them to hide their own stupidity and access to intelligence that Gilani has. That is a huge incentive to keep him in the US, which overrode any Indian concerns. Moreover, with UPA in power, the US has no reason to fear any adverse Indian reaction (not that we can do much). Moreover, what right do we have of calling Gilani's punishment light when we have not even charged let alone punish anyone in India who helped Gilani or the paki terrorists (don’t fool yourself by saying that the pakis did all that in Mumbai without any local help).
The point is that the US took care of their interest. WHAT THE HELL HAVE WE DONE TO TAKE CARE OF OURS?
Our foreign policy is dictated by the “mere dushman, mere bhai” and hope and other such warm and fuzzy feelings rather than hard-nosed pragmatism. We cannot even deal with pakis at our terms. How the hell can we demand anything from the US? Blaming the US in this matter clearly tells me that we are trying to blame them for our inability. Hell, we personally delivered Hafeez Syed and Omar Sheikh to the pakis. Shinde cannot even refer to Syed the way he should be. We invested money in Afghanistan in hopes that the US will take care of our interests. That was a big mistake. The US may help us if it does not cost them anything. We should have foreseen that any Afghan resolution would NEVER be possible without Pakistani help. The US needs to get out of Afghanistan and for that they will appease the pakis even at the cost of Indian interests. And why shouldn’t they? What can we do to them other than yell and scream and call them names.
We have to accept that we are a soft state. We are sheep and sheep get slaughtered. That is the status quo. Even the pakis know that. They can behead our boys. They can inflict terror on us and yet get us to play nice with them. Their policy is winning / hurting us at all costs. Our policy is peace at all costs. If we want people to pay attention to our interests then WE HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO OUR INTERESTS. Until then, we need to shut up and accept our weaknesses and limitations. We have no right to complain.
Anant Velankar
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Congress Labeling Hindus as Terrorist for Muslim Votes

Is Hindu Terror Real?
Vicky Nanjappa fancies himself as a crack reporter on terror and security matters. In his latest he tries to figure out why National Investigation Agency (NIA) remains clueless while probing “Hindu Terror” cases. This is what this man says in his article:
The National Investigation Agency has ascertained that the ammunition for the blasts in Nanded, Modasa, Samjautha Express, Ajmer, Malegaon and Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad were all procured from Mhow in Madhya Pradesh.
The NIA has many suspects in custody; but there are others who are absconding. It has been almost a year since the NIA was handed over the charge for the above mentioned cases, but there appears to be something wrong with the manner in which the probe is taking place as there is no concrete breakthrough yet.
The NIA probe into cases involving 'Hindu extremists' went wrong from day one. The Nanded blasts, which is considered to be the mother of these acts of terror, was badly investigated, making it tough for NIA sleuths to make a start.
Today the NIA faces the herculean task of cracking all these cases which are inter-linked. Sources in the agency told that the foundation of the case itself is extremely weak, which is why they are finding it hard to give it closure
He considers the Nanded blast as the fount of these terror acts. Nanded is in Maharashtra which is ruled by Congress. No one can blame the BJP of impeding the investigations. In fact with UPA government at the center and secular P Chidambaran in charge of Home no one can blame lack of political will and support in all these cases. Is it incompetence? If one or two cases were bungled due to incompetence then PC would have stepped in and ensured better investigators. Then what is the reason? Nanjappa does a lot of hand waving and tries to show that somehow he has managed an answer but he has come up with a huge ZERO. I would like to remind Nanjappa of a saying by Arthur Conan Doyle who through is creation, Sherlock Holmes says the following: How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
So what is the possibility that Nanjappa and others seem to be hell bent on ignoring? Maybe there is no case. Maybe Hindus did not commit any of these blasts and the UPA government to bolster their secular credentials, want to create this specter where it is possible that Hindus are as likely to indulge in terror as Muslims. When it comes to brutality and treason, Hindus have demonstrated a remarkable propensity. But terror? From the evidence or lack thereof, it seems improbable. On the other hand the evidence to the contrary does exist.
In the most celebrated of these cases, the one that the Pakistanis do not tire of quoting was the Samjhauta Express bombing, Swami Aseemanand was arrested. The UPA government tried their best to tie him to the RSS. They thought that they would get away with blaming some hapless Hindu for this dastardly act until an American investigation and report showed otherwise. In an eye-opening article, Mr. B Raman who has stayed politically neutral says:
Thus, according to American investigators the LET and Al Qaeda were responsible for the Samjauta Express blast and the HUJI for the Mecca Masjid blast. If the American investigators, who have better sources in Pakistan, are correct, how can our investigators claim that some arrested Hindus were responsible for these incidents? Justice and fairplay demand a thorough investigation into the two different versions that have emerged from Indian and American investigators. While the American investigators have blamed the LET, Al Qaeda and the HUJI, Indian investigators have blamed the Abhinav Bharat. Both cannot be correct.
There you have it. The real reason for lack of progress in the Hindu terror cases is that the concept of Hindu terror only exists in the diseased imagination of our pseudo secular politicians who in attempts to secure their votebank and divert the attention of Hindus in the matters of extreme corruption have victimized innocent Hindus. The Hindu voters need to stop being defensive for political correctness and lay the blame where it really belongs: On the UPA government.
The Nanjappa article can be read at:
The Raman article can be read at:
Our blogposts on the topic can be read at:
Anant Velankar
Monday, January 21, 2013
Let Us Thank The Pakistanis
At a gathering this Saturday, I was asked what can we do in face of Paki attacks under the nuclear umbrella? It is not a simple question to answer because the answer will make you feel angry and impotent. I will try to explain what I mean by that.
We have been at war with Pakistan four times. Even they agree that they were the aggressors each time. They got beat badly each of those times. However, we fought the battles on our own turf i.e. defensive battles. We are good at defending because after we have been attacked, the decision to defend does not rest upon the politicians. Even our biggest victory against them when we split them in two was probably taken by Sam Maneckshaw with Indira Gandhi having the good sense to go along. But after the pakis went nuclear, any open war is not going to happen. Pakis know that. They also know that despite of all our might, we are essentially a soft state. They know that after all the tough talk; our response is going to be NOTHING. In fact, if you are an enemy of India it makes sense to attack us the way the pakis have so far. Think about it:
1. Good and strong Indian army with the decision-making left to Manmohan Singh / AK Antony. “Theek Hai” and a spotless lungi are their strong points. The beheading / torture has already been buried under the noise of Rahul Gandhi’s speech. To be fair, the decision making by the Vajpayee government was no better even though the army was mobilized. But for the UPA it is all “Theek Hai”.
2. The domestic protection in the last decade was led by an Iron Man wannabe Advani who took a long time to ban SIMI. However he was far far better than Shivraj Patil and Chidambaram who spent their tenures looking for Hindu bogeymen to ensure the appeasement of Muslim voters. But even they were better than the current guy who may be the Home Minister but behaves like a Constable, which he used to be.
3. Every party in India other than the BJP is beholden to the Muslim votes. You want to attack Mumbai, use Dawood Ibrahim’s contacts. You want to attack South India, you have the Madani group or the Saudi Arabian branch of the LeT. Do not worry about local help. The followers of Akbaruddin Owaisi and Zakir Naik will be too happy to oblige. And why not? The local police are too busy hunting Hindu terrorists therefore no one is going to look for local Muslim supporters of paki terror. You want to attack the Northern India then the options exponentially increase with pliant Bangla Deshis on the side and Nepali Muslim legislators willing to lend a helping hand.
4. If you are worried about Indian public then do not worry. We are the most forgiving people in the world. The biggest Indian movie star who should have been in jail for vehicular manslaughter in any civilized country has not only been forgiven by Hindu supporters but has gone from strength to more strength. You can attack the Indian parliament and still get kid glove treatment in jail. You can talk of committing genocide on Hindus and still be allowed to travel around freely. You can do whatever you want as a Muslim in India without any repercussion from the Hindus. How many Hindus are boycotting the Biryani sellers in old Hyderabad or putting up even token protests anywhere in the country?
5. You do not have to worry about the media and the liberals. They are in the paki bags willing to light up candles and support Aman ki asha or Cricket matches. If you are worried about your pseudo-secular politicians who are proponents of peace at all costs not getting votes in the elections then not to worry. Our fractured polity, selfish regional parties, divided voters will always ensure that we never have a strong nationalistic government at the center. In fact you do not even have to worry about the conservatives in India who are still nursing hurt egos, willing to reward fat buffoons and sacrifice able leaders.
I could go on and on but you get the point. I say that we all thank the Pakistanis for not attacking us more often. I thank them for only beheading two of our boys this year. They did not carry out any terrorist attack last year and only carried out proxy attacks via the Maoists. Thank you my Pakistani brothers for that as well. We need to thank the Pakistani terrorists for keeping the Pakistanis busy with their own problems. That way they do not have as much time and focus to attack us.
Of course we should thank all the gods for saving us because we are definitely not capable of doing so.
Theek Hai Na?
We have been at war with Pakistan four times. Even they agree that they were the aggressors each time. They got beat badly each of those times. However, we fought the battles on our own turf i.e. defensive battles. We are good at defending because after we have been attacked, the decision to defend does not rest upon the politicians. Even our biggest victory against them when we split them in two was probably taken by Sam Maneckshaw with Indira Gandhi having the good sense to go along. But after the pakis went nuclear, any open war is not going to happen. Pakis know that. They also know that despite of all our might, we are essentially a soft state. They know that after all the tough talk; our response is going to be NOTHING. In fact, if you are an enemy of India it makes sense to attack us the way the pakis have so far. Think about it:
1. Good and strong Indian army with the decision-making left to Manmohan Singh / AK Antony. “Theek Hai” and a spotless lungi are their strong points. The beheading / torture has already been buried under the noise of Rahul Gandhi’s speech. To be fair, the decision making by the Vajpayee government was no better even though the army was mobilized. But for the UPA it is all “Theek Hai”.
2. The domestic protection in the last decade was led by an Iron Man wannabe Advani who took a long time to ban SIMI. However he was far far better than Shivraj Patil and Chidambaram who spent their tenures looking for Hindu bogeymen to ensure the appeasement of Muslim voters. But even they were better than the current guy who may be the Home Minister but behaves like a Constable, which he used to be.
3. Every party in India other than the BJP is beholden to the Muslim votes. You want to attack Mumbai, use Dawood Ibrahim’s contacts. You want to attack South India, you have the Madani group or the Saudi Arabian branch of the LeT. Do not worry about local help. The followers of Akbaruddin Owaisi and Zakir Naik will be too happy to oblige. And why not? The local police are too busy hunting Hindu terrorists therefore no one is going to look for local Muslim supporters of paki terror. You want to attack the Northern India then the options exponentially increase with pliant Bangla Deshis on the side and Nepali Muslim legislators willing to lend a helping hand.
4. If you are worried about Indian public then do not worry. We are the most forgiving people in the world. The biggest Indian movie star who should have been in jail for vehicular manslaughter in any civilized country has not only been forgiven by Hindu supporters but has gone from strength to more strength. You can attack the Indian parliament and still get kid glove treatment in jail. You can talk of committing genocide on Hindus and still be allowed to travel around freely. You can do whatever you want as a Muslim in India without any repercussion from the Hindus. How many Hindus are boycotting the Biryani sellers in old Hyderabad or putting up even token protests anywhere in the country?
5. You do not have to worry about the media and the liberals. They are in the paki bags willing to light up candles and support Aman ki asha or Cricket matches. If you are worried about your pseudo-secular politicians who are proponents of peace at all costs not getting votes in the elections then not to worry. Our fractured polity, selfish regional parties, divided voters will always ensure that we never have a strong nationalistic government at the center. In fact you do not even have to worry about the conservatives in India who are still nursing hurt egos, willing to reward fat buffoons and sacrifice able leaders.
I could go on and on but you get the point. I say that we all thank the Pakistanis for not attacking us more often. I thank them for only beheading two of our boys this year. They did not carry out any terrorist attack last year and only carried out proxy attacks via the Maoists. Thank you my Pakistani brothers for that as well. We need to thank the Pakistani terrorists for keeping the Pakistanis busy with their own problems. That way they do not have as much time and focus to attack us.
Of course we should thank all the gods for saving us because we are definitely not capable of doing so.
Theek Hai Na?
Anant Velankar
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Chintan Shivir Or Rahul's Coronation?
When Congress was in trouble after the disastrous tenure of Sitaram Kesri, the party faithful went to the Gandhi family for help instead of electing a good and a capable leader. They knew that for the entire party, the Gandhi family is like catnip and will fix their problems quickly. For Sonia Gandhi it was a chance to increase her family fortunes and ensure her son’s “rightful” place in the Indian politics. As most quick fixes are, it worked and the party was resuscitated. That combined with a disastrous “India Shining” campaign by Advani/Mahajan and the rest of the BJP brought the Congress to power. Sonia decided to rule by proxy and clever machinations by her chamchas made her look like a martyr who sacrificed her ambitions for the good of the nation. The entire nation fell for that trick hook, line and sinker. A combination of BJP’s ineptness, Manmohan Singh / Sonia Gandhi’s ’s carefully crafted image; the divided Indian voter gave Congress the keys to the throne once again despite no achievements. Now Congress, which is trouble again for extreme incompetence and corruption is looking to the Gandhi family again. The recent Chintan Shivir was actually a coronation for the Rajkumar. The Party faithful are thinking that for the 2014 campaign, they will need their biggest weapon and that is Rahul Gandhi. At least this is what the Sonia inner circle will have us believe.
We have written many times on this topic and it is clear to all but the blind that the image of Rahul Gandhi as a youth leader with a mass appeal is completely false. He is not even young anymore. The two Indian American leaders in the US, Bobby Jindal and Nikki Randhawa Haley are younger than Rahul and have won elections in states which are historically hostile to non whites. We are also aware of Rahul’s record as a grassroots level campaigner. Under him, the Congress has badly lost every state election. He has been termed as un-teachable by senior Congressmen. The most recent example of a total lack of political sense was evident when a youth movement in protest against the brutal rape was on and the Rajkumar was vacationing in Europe. Instead of firming up his status as a youth leader and leading the youth, he was absent leaving the unenviable task to other bumbling Congressmen. We have not heard from him on the recent beheading of an Indian soldier. And yet here he is, promoted to the PM wannabe. It is dynastic politics at its shamelessly best.
However, I am glad that he is now the leader of Congress. Clearly, he got pushed into this corner by political forces where he does not have the deniability. It is his race to win or lose. It is time to live up to the hype or disappear for good. It is time for him to live up to the bloated expectations of the Congress worker or shatter their hopes. Yes. The bluff has been called. Perform or perish.
I think this is good for Congress. Whether the BJP/RSS will let Modi become the PM or not, we know one thing for sure. The Congress will flop under Rahul’s leadership because as the main leader, the Sonia inner circle will not be able to control his appearances and speeches. The sooner the Congressmen realize Rahul’s ineptitude the sooner they can start to wean themselves away from the Gandhi family. That is better for them and the nation. We do need Congress as a responsible party but that is not possible with the current crop of leaders. The current party structure needs to be destroyed so that the Congress can be reconstructed as a viable national option. Ultimately, we WILL need two major parties for a functional democracy. The status quo with multiple regional parties has proven to be a complete disaster.
Yes. I am happy that Rahul has become the Congress’ top man.
We have written many times on this topic and it is clear to all but the blind that the image of Rahul Gandhi as a youth leader with a mass appeal is completely false. He is not even young anymore. The two Indian American leaders in the US, Bobby Jindal and Nikki Randhawa Haley are younger than Rahul and have won elections in states which are historically hostile to non whites. We are also aware of Rahul’s record as a grassroots level campaigner. Under him, the Congress has badly lost every state election. He has been termed as un-teachable by senior Congressmen. The most recent example of a total lack of political sense was evident when a youth movement in protest against the brutal rape was on and the Rajkumar was vacationing in Europe. Instead of firming up his status as a youth leader and leading the youth, he was absent leaving the unenviable task to other bumbling Congressmen. We have not heard from him on the recent beheading of an Indian soldier. And yet here he is, promoted to the PM wannabe. It is dynastic politics at its shamelessly best.
However, I am glad that he is now the leader of Congress. Clearly, he got pushed into this corner by political forces where he does not have the deniability. It is his race to win or lose. It is time to live up to the hype or disappear for good. It is time for him to live up to the bloated expectations of the Congress worker or shatter their hopes. Yes. The bluff has been called. Perform or perish.
I think this is good for Congress. Whether the BJP/RSS will let Modi become the PM or not, we know one thing for sure. The Congress will flop under Rahul’s leadership because as the main leader, the Sonia inner circle will not be able to control his appearances and speeches. The sooner the Congressmen realize Rahul’s ineptitude the sooner they can start to wean themselves away from the Gandhi family. That is better for them and the nation. We do need Congress as a responsible party but that is not possible with the current crop of leaders. The current party structure needs to be destroyed so that the Congress can be reconstructed as a viable national option. Ultimately, we WILL need two major parties for a functional democracy. The status quo with multiple regional parties has proven to be a complete disaster.
Yes. I am happy that Rahul has become the Congress’ top man.
Anant Velankar
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Pakistani Depravity And The Response Of Our PMs
Finally the PM spoke. After days of the beheadings. No passion of any kind whatsoever. People were expecting him to say “Theek Hai” even this time. It is not because he is a pragmatic tough guy. Obama spoke the day of the primary school massacre. He had tears in his eyes. It is not because he is a helpless weakling. That is the difference between the US and our unfortunate country.
I do not care why the pakis did it. I do not care about the big game being played on the western border and the tactical diversion this beheading was supposed to be. None of that really matters because the pakis are doing what they know – deception, depravity and destruction. We have come to expect nothing less from those people. I do not know why anyone other than the “jhola-brigade” and the pseudo-secular politicians are surprised.
What also does not surprise is the Indian response. So far all our PMs have been men with ties to pre-partition India. They all have some fond memories of Lahore or whichever corner of that country. It is either that or their bloated ego, which tells them that it is they who can bring peace between India and its neighbor. What else can explain their all-forgiving nature when it comes to the pakis? Mr. R Jagannathan writes the following in his excellent piece:
In 1948, Nehru agreed to a ceasefire in Kashmir when we were just about to drive the Pakistanis out of the state. In 1965, India vacated some of the most strategic conquests during the war (Haji Pir pass, for example) after the Tashkent peace agreement signed by Shastri. In 1971, even with 90,000 Pakistani soldiers held as prisoners of war, Iron Lady Indira Gandhi melted and failed to press home the advantage in the Shimla talks. In 1998-2001, Pakistan first reciprocated Vajpayee’s Lahore bus trip with Kargil. And then followed it up with an attack on Parliament. But after rushing troops to the border, Vajpayee meekly withdrew them in 2003 and resumed the peace process without conditions.
Today, Sushmaji is talking tough but who can forget that she was part of the government, which personally escorted two terrorists to Kandahar after completely mismanaging the hijacking. It was because of some pissing match between the Indian army decision makers and the PMO which let the plane fly out of Amritsar. Had the place stayed there, that could have been resolved in our favor with some effort.
The one way we used to raise the cost of terrorism for the pakis was RAW capabilities, which was dismantled by IK Gujral who was a delusional fool. However, the current PM seems to have outdone all his cowardly predecessors. This man wants peace with Pakistan no matter what the cost. We have recently found out that more of our soldiers were beheaded by the pakis but those were brushed under the carpet at the insistence of the UPA government. The current foreign minister is talking about “proportionate response”. This is the guy who was threatening Arvind Kejriwal with death when the latter brought up corruption charges against Khursheed. Was that proportionate, Mr. Khursheed?
Here are a couple of statements made by our PM in front of paki leaders:
“We both recognise that if there is another attack like Mumbai, it will be a setback to the normalisation of relations.”
“India-Pakistan relations are prone to accidents.”
Beheadings and terrorist attacks on India are setbacks and accidents for this guy blinded by his desire to see his name in the history books. The only time our leadership showed any spine was in 1971. Of course how much of that was the decision of our politicians would always be a mystery.
The day we get a PM who will have a pragmatic strategy based on reality rather than some romantic notion of the past is the day we would solve this problem. Until then we should be ready to cremate more of headless soldiers.
The Jagannnathan article can be read at:
I do not care why the pakis did it. I do not care about the big game being played on the western border and the tactical diversion this beheading was supposed to be. None of that really matters because the pakis are doing what they know – deception, depravity and destruction. We have come to expect nothing less from those people. I do not know why anyone other than the “jhola-brigade” and the pseudo-secular politicians are surprised.
What also does not surprise is the Indian response. So far all our PMs have been men with ties to pre-partition India. They all have some fond memories of Lahore or whichever corner of that country. It is either that or their bloated ego, which tells them that it is they who can bring peace between India and its neighbor. What else can explain their all-forgiving nature when it comes to the pakis? Mr. R Jagannathan writes the following in his excellent piece:
In 1948, Nehru agreed to a ceasefire in Kashmir when we were just about to drive the Pakistanis out of the state. In 1965, India vacated some of the most strategic conquests during the war (Haji Pir pass, for example) after the Tashkent peace agreement signed by Shastri. In 1971, even with 90,000 Pakistani soldiers held as prisoners of war, Iron Lady Indira Gandhi melted and failed to press home the advantage in the Shimla talks. In 1998-2001, Pakistan first reciprocated Vajpayee’s Lahore bus trip with Kargil. And then followed it up with an attack on Parliament. But after rushing troops to the border, Vajpayee meekly withdrew them in 2003 and resumed the peace process without conditions.
Today, Sushmaji is talking tough but who can forget that she was part of the government, which personally escorted two terrorists to Kandahar after completely mismanaging the hijacking. It was because of some pissing match between the Indian army decision makers and the PMO which let the plane fly out of Amritsar. Had the place stayed there, that could have been resolved in our favor with some effort.
The one way we used to raise the cost of terrorism for the pakis was RAW capabilities, which was dismantled by IK Gujral who was a delusional fool. However, the current PM seems to have outdone all his cowardly predecessors. This man wants peace with Pakistan no matter what the cost. We have recently found out that more of our soldiers were beheaded by the pakis but those were brushed under the carpet at the insistence of the UPA government. The current foreign minister is talking about “proportionate response”. This is the guy who was threatening Arvind Kejriwal with death when the latter brought up corruption charges against Khursheed. Was that proportionate, Mr. Khursheed?
Here are a couple of statements made by our PM in front of paki leaders:
“We both recognise that if there is another attack like Mumbai, it will be a setback to the normalisation of relations.”
“India-Pakistan relations are prone to accidents.”
Beheadings and terrorist attacks on India are setbacks and accidents for this guy blinded by his desire to see his name in the history books. The only time our leadership showed any spine was in 1971. Of course how much of that was the decision of our politicians would always be a mystery.
The day we get a PM who will have a pragmatic strategy based on reality rather than some romantic notion of the past is the day we would solve this problem. Until then we should be ready to cremate more of headless soldiers.
The Jagannnathan article can be read at:
Anant Velankar
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Modi Has Guts. Manmohan Does Not.
Congress spokesperson Manish Tiwari who replaced Manu Singhvi (who had to resign for receiving oral sex in his office from a prospective Judge) has said the following:
"The German corporate sector had a similar fascination with a gentleman who was at the helm of affairs there. The implications for the world at large were disastrous. I think even corporate India would be well-served to draw lessons. Wise people do learn from history and do draw appropriate lessons "
Tiwari, Digvijay and the rest of Congress never tire up of bringing Nazis. I know why they do it. It is because they are true followers of Joseph Goebbels who was Hitler’s propaganda minister. Think about it. The Congress has NO ACHIEVEMENTS to show for. The only reason they are surviving is because of the propaganda carried out by a pliant English Language Media and the gullible liberals / NGOs in the country. The real fact is that the Hindu nationalists have always been unwavering supporters of Israel. If it were up to the Gandhi family and their chamchas, we would still be opposed to the Jewish state in favor of sucking on the Muslim teats for votes. What Tiwari ignores to tell the Indian voters is that the Congress is the biggest beneficiary of Indian Corporate largesse (campaign donations). Of course one kind word for Modi has converted the same industrialists into delusional Nazi sympathizers.
What Tiwari and his masters favor is a complete surrender to the Muslims for their votes. Amazingly, they do not differentiate between Indian Muslims and Pakistanis. Why else would they cow down in front of them and show no backbone? The Home Minister’s way of referring to the terrorists was a sad display for a country of our size and means. Even a sign of meaningful protest or a tangible gesture would be refreshing display of guts. However none seems to be coming from these guys.
On the other hand, Bhai Narendra Modi who has invited and feted Pakistani businessmen in the past, sent the current delegation packing from the Vibrant Gujarat Summit. A true Hindu, Modi went against the “Atithi devo bhav” maxim. However, this rule was never meant for guests from a land which is hell bent of inflicting barbarity on the host. Seeing that other than platitudes, the UPA government is unable to offer anything, Modi took this extreme step.
After 9/11 attacks, US President George Bush told the country that justice would be done. Other that couple of incidents, the population trusted their government and did not do anything rash to vent their anger. In our case, the terrorists are never brought to justice. A bastard like Owaisi repeatedly threatens to kill Hindus and gets away with it. Indian terrorists who actually carry out attacks or the ones who support the Paki terrorists are not even touched. If angry Hindus demanding justice, take matters in their hands then who SHOULD be held responsible?
Leaders have a certain responsibility. Assuaging the fears and guarantying security and justice goes a long way towards keeping peace. But that needs guts and backbones. The current PM and his cronies are apparently waiting for a spine transplants. This is why it is so refreshing to see a leader like Bhai Narendra Modi take a concrete step. This token protest suggests that he is not afraid of taking a possibly unpopular step to convey his message. The speed of the decision suggests that he is very decisive. Moreover, it tells people of his state that their leaders are doing whatever they can to convey a strong message to a terrorist country. I know that the liberal press would be all over this decision but I am also sure that in their hearts, they wish that the leaders they support had even a fraction of Modi’s abilities.
The Modi's decision article can be read at:
"The German corporate sector had a similar fascination with a gentleman who was at the helm of affairs there. The implications for the world at large were disastrous. I think even corporate India would be well-served to draw lessons. Wise people do learn from history and do draw appropriate lessons "
Tiwari, Digvijay and the rest of Congress never tire up of bringing Nazis. I know why they do it. It is because they are true followers of Joseph Goebbels who was Hitler’s propaganda minister. Think about it. The Congress has NO ACHIEVEMENTS to show for. The only reason they are surviving is because of the propaganda carried out by a pliant English Language Media and the gullible liberals / NGOs in the country. The real fact is that the Hindu nationalists have always been unwavering supporters of Israel. If it were up to the Gandhi family and their chamchas, we would still be opposed to the Jewish state in favor of sucking on the Muslim teats for votes. What Tiwari ignores to tell the Indian voters is that the Congress is the biggest beneficiary of Indian Corporate largesse (campaign donations). Of course one kind word for Modi has converted the same industrialists into delusional Nazi sympathizers.
What Tiwari and his masters favor is a complete surrender to the Muslims for their votes. Amazingly, they do not differentiate between Indian Muslims and Pakistanis. Why else would they cow down in front of them and show no backbone? The Home Minister’s way of referring to the terrorists was a sad display for a country of our size and means. Even a sign of meaningful protest or a tangible gesture would be refreshing display of guts. However none seems to be coming from these guys.
On the other hand, Bhai Narendra Modi who has invited and feted Pakistani businessmen in the past, sent the current delegation packing from the Vibrant Gujarat Summit. A true Hindu, Modi went against the “Atithi devo bhav” maxim. However, this rule was never meant for guests from a land which is hell bent of inflicting barbarity on the host. Seeing that other than platitudes, the UPA government is unable to offer anything, Modi took this extreme step.
After 9/11 attacks, US President George Bush told the country that justice would be done. Other that couple of incidents, the population trusted their government and did not do anything rash to vent their anger. In our case, the terrorists are never brought to justice. A bastard like Owaisi repeatedly threatens to kill Hindus and gets away with it. Indian terrorists who actually carry out attacks or the ones who support the Paki terrorists are not even touched. If angry Hindus demanding justice, take matters in their hands then who SHOULD be held responsible?
Leaders have a certain responsibility. Assuaging the fears and guarantying security and justice goes a long way towards keeping peace. But that needs guts and backbones. The current PM and his cronies are apparently waiting for a spine transplants. This is why it is so refreshing to see a leader like Bhai Narendra Modi take a concrete step. This token protest suggests that he is not afraid of taking a possibly unpopular step to convey his message. The speed of the decision suggests that he is very decisive. Moreover, it tells people of his state that their leaders are doing whatever they can to convey a strong message to a terrorist country. I know that the liberal press would be all over this decision but I am also sure that in their hearts, they wish that the leaders they support had even a fraction of Modi’s abilities.
The Modi's decision article can be read at:
Anant Velankar
Monday, January 7, 2013
Who Is Afraid Of The Owaisi Speech?
Am I afraid of the Owaisi speech? I am not afraid but concerned. There are a lot of criminal elements who are also unemployed who can take this kind of message to heart and do real damage to the nation. Why am I not afraid? It is because I know the truth and as the Bible says – the truth shall set you free. What is the truth about Owaisi’s speech? Even a cursory knowledge of History will tell you what is the nature of religions which espouse conversion. Those are violent religions. Christianity has come out of it and now they spread their religion by using soft power. Muslims are caught in a time warp. The reason is not important. What is important is that they think of non Muslims as lesser and thus disposable people especially the non-Semitic kind (Muslims refer to Christians and Jews as “hum-kitab” which means they all refer to the Old Testament). We all know about the oppressive Mughal rule, liberal lies about Akbar’s secularism notwithstanding. Of course during the British rule and after independence, the Muslims found themselves in the minority which has forced them to conceal. But that feeling gets exposed from time to time. When I threw colored water on a Muslim (without know so) during Holi, I got hit in the head with a brick. I was four years old. I have some personal experience in the matter.
I may be worried or even scared a bit by such venom flowing freely the country but I am NOT surprised. I would expect nothing less from an Islamic party. What do I do about it? I vote for the only Hindu Nationalist party that we have. I cannot use violence so I use the other weapon I have. Money. I boycott Muslims businesses to the best of my abilities (can’t tell the difference all the time). Boycotting Muslim owned businesses until they disown this Owaisi bastard will be a good start. Believe me. When they feel the pinch in their pocket they will sing the right tune. Boycotts of this kind are very powerful tools especially when the Hindu middle class has an enormous spending power. All we have to do is to unite.
Coming back to the original question i.e. who is scared of the Owaisi speech? It is the liberals who are really scared. We know who Muslims truly are. The liberals want you to think otherwise. Who do you think Owaisi is proving wrong? Owaisi’s speech flies in the face of every self-righteous, pseudo-secular buffoon out there and mocks their carefully created charade that Muslims are a peace-loving people and Islam has something else to do other than complete submission. That is who is truly scared.
But what I don’t know is if the liberals are scared because of a possible damage to the country or because they being proven wrong. Since Arundhati Roy described the Maoists as Gandhians with guns, I don’t think they are afraid of possible damage to the nation. That is why all we have seen are carefully made statements / platitudes from the liberals and the English language media. They still are tiptoeing around the issue while Owaisi and his supporters are professing their hatred in no uncertain terms.
But what I don’t know is if the liberals are scared because of a possible damage to the country or because they being proven wrong. Since Arundhati Roy described the Maoists as Gandhians with guns, I don’t think they are afraid of possible damage to the nation. That is why all we have seen are carefully made statements / platitudes from the liberals and the English language media. They still are tiptoeing around the issue while Owaisi and his supporters are professing their hatred in no uncertain terms.
The Hindus need to wake up form their stupor and smell the fear. We need to shun violence at all cost but take every necessary step possible. Whether it is peaceful protests or boycotting Muslims businesses or pseudo-secular politicians, we need to make ourselves heard. If we do not prevail then we will be perished. It is as simple as that.
Anant Velankar
Akbaruddin Owaisi Is An Honest Man
Muslims love to talk in hyperboles. That is the beauty of Urdu poetry. However, that practice when applied to demagogic speeches has a different impact. We get “mother of all battles”, “one Pakistani soldier is equal to five Indian soldier”, “khoon ki nadiyaan bahaa denge” kind of crap. Which is why, when MIM leader Owaisi spoke the way he did, it was not surprising. I have three things to say about his speech.
All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi is an extremely honest man. He does not lie and speaks his mind. He wears his heart on his sleeves. So when he was speaking of killing Hindus, he was speaking the truth. Judging the applause from the crowd, his sentiments seem to have a lot of support. The rousing welcome he received on his return from England only confirms it.
Why do I call this man Honest? It is more of a corollary. I will try to prove it. I am going to make a rather sweeping statement but the words and actions of Muslims in Muslim majority countries confirm my statement. I think a majority of Muslims feel the way Owaisi does but do not speak for the fear of reprisals. They are the liars. Which makes Owaisi an honest man.
India is a democratic country. We have freedom of speech. We are not an Islamic theocracy or communist dictatorship. People should be allowed to say whatever they want to without fear of a reprisal. Of course even in the US which is the most free society in the world people are not allowed to threaten another with death. By that standard, Owaisi would be in trouble even in the US. He would have been arrested by their domestic policing outfit, the FBI by now. However, in India he is still free. That would imply that India has even a better standard of freedom of speech. But that is not true. Speak against Congress or the Gandhi family, empathize with Nathuram Godse, raise anti Hindu atrocities of the times past by Muslims and other things and then find out how free you really are. The liberal Congress leaders were hell bent on censoring facebook and twitter. What that tells you is that this is liberal hypocrisy at work. If they are going soft on Owaisi then why wasn’t Varun Gandhi given a similar treatment. Someone from VHP could never ever get away with a similar anti Muslim speech.
The lack of action and outrage against this guy’s speech in the media and political circles is really flabbergasting. Where are the stalwarts or secularism? Where are Lalloo, Mullayam, Mayawati, Digvijay, and other secular leaders? Why are they keeping quiet? The answer to that is obvious to all but the liberal blind. Congress needs to win big in Andhra to have any hope of coming back to the central government. How can they antagonize their Muslim base? Their lack of action only confirms my theory. If the Congress thought that Muslims do not think like Owaisi and are truly secular then they should not fear and electoral reprisal from their Muslim base. But their lack of action against Owaisi betrays that which tells me that they also think that Muslims are in agreement with Owaisi. Sounds convoluted but you get my point.
Anant Velankar
Satyamev Jayate
My friend Swami Thambi wrote to me about his pet peeves. I would like to share those with you along with my responses to them.
1.How India has deviated for the Ram Rajya / the welfare state that even Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of having. Ram Rajya is impossible to attain. Selfish rulers and imperfect citizens make that a pipe dream of sorts. About the welfare state of Gandhi’s dreams, it is hard to judge success or failure. A welfare state usually implies a socialist set up. We have a mixed economy, not by design but by accident. While this has protected us from time to time, it has led to muddled policies depending upon who is in charge. Thoughts of public welfare are bourne out of desire to win the next election rather than a desire to implement a long term strategy.
2.How our nation is divided and entangled in this big ignorant Lie that the Hindutva philosophy of "Ekam Sat vipra bahudha vadanti" meaning “God is one but there are different way to attain Him” is Communal. Swami is on the money with this one. Secularism is the most misunderstood term in the nation. The term Communalism has become a weapon in the hand of liberals across the land. Look at the hight of Hypocrisy, MIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi is considered a secular leader where as Varun Gandhi of the BJP is considered communal.
An erudite thinker, Mr. MJ Akbar has admitted that India is a secular country because of Hindus. QED!
3.How it's not the India First or Nation First anymore. Was it ever? I have a feeling that only in time of war or cricket matches against Pakistan, do we show unity. The “common enemy factor” is not a good enough reason for us to exist as a country. On this blog we pride ourselves in being India first nationalists. We divide ourselves on the basis of region, language, caste, social standings and religion. If that is not enough, we find sub-castes, dialects and other ridiculous reasons. What we do not find are ways to unite. We also ignore the importance of our religion as a uniting force.
4.How we have crafted a new untouchable category of an Elite class from the politics, government, media, industry and entertainment. That is more of a human folly. Elitism, deplorable as it is, is a human foible and not an Indian one.
5.How our people are undisturbed / unshaken by the mega scams / scandals to loot the nation’s wealth. This probably is because all of us are involved in corruption either by directly participating in it or enabling it. Every time you go and use someone’s influence or your money to get work done, you are enabling corruption. That said, the government has to start the clean up from the top. Once that happens, the honesty will get forced down the throat of people at lower levels.
6.How we tolerate mediocrity and reward failure. Reservation in education, jobs and now promotions is a testament to the bankruptcy of our ideas. Forcing equality does not create it. On the contrary, it exacerbates it. We do need to help Indians who are poor irrespective of castes. Of course most of the dalits and OBC’s will still benefit from the poverty-based help. Of course our leaders who practice vote bank politics will never agree to a need based help program.
7.How cruelly we treat our women. All you need to do is look at the countries where women are treated as sub-human beings and you will realize that we are on a slippery slope to hell. Countries like Saudi Arabia can never progress. We can either be sensible Hindus (unlike misguided ones like Mohan Bhagwat) and treat women like equals or we can be like Muslims.
We are all sensible people and know the problems and solutions to some extent as well. Sometimes it takes an impetus to break that inertial barrier and get into a “can and will do” mindset. Every year makes us experience new things. It is up to us to learn from them.
A couple of well written article on the topic can be read at:
1.How India has deviated for the Ram Rajya / the welfare state that even Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of having. Ram Rajya is impossible to attain. Selfish rulers and imperfect citizens make that a pipe dream of sorts. About the welfare state of Gandhi’s dreams, it is hard to judge success or failure. A welfare state usually implies a socialist set up. We have a mixed economy, not by design but by accident. While this has protected us from time to time, it has led to muddled policies depending upon who is in charge. Thoughts of public welfare are bourne out of desire to win the next election rather than a desire to implement a long term strategy.
2.How our nation is divided and entangled in this big ignorant Lie that the Hindutva philosophy of "Ekam Sat vipra bahudha vadanti" meaning “God is one but there are different way to attain Him” is Communal. Swami is on the money with this one. Secularism is the most misunderstood term in the nation. The term Communalism has become a weapon in the hand of liberals across the land. Look at the hight of Hypocrisy, MIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi is considered a secular leader where as Varun Gandhi of the BJP is considered communal.
An erudite thinker, Mr. MJ Akbar has admitted that India is a secular country because of Hindus. QED!
3.How it's not the India First or Nation First anymore. Was it ever? I have a feeling that only in time of war or cricket matches against Pakistan, do we show unity. The “common enemy factor” is not a good enough reason for us to exist as a country. On this blog we pride ourselves in being India first nationalists. We divide ourselves on the basis of region, language, caste, social standings and religion. If that is not enough, we find sub-castes, dialects and other ridiculous reasons. What we do not find are ways to unite. We also ignore the importance of our religion as a uniting force.
4.How we have crafted a new untouchable category of an Elite class from the politics, government, media, industry and entertainment. That is more of a human folly. Elitism, deplorable as it is, is a human foible and not an Indian one.
5.How our people are undisturbed / unshaken by the mega scams / scandals to loot the nation’s wealth. This probably is because all of us are involved in corruption either by directly participating in it or enabling it. Every time you go and use someone’s influence or your money to get work done, you are enabling corruption. That said, the government has to start the clean up from the top. Once that happens, the honesty will get forced down the throat of people at lower levels.
6.How we tolerate mediocrity and reward failure. Reservation in education, jobs and now promotions is a testament to the bankruptcy of our ideas. Forcing equality does not create it. On the contrary, it exacerbates it. We do need to help Indians who are poor irrespective of castes. Of course most of the dalits and OBC’s will still benefit from the poverty-based help. Of course our leaders who practice vote bank politics will never agree to a need based help program.
7.How cruelly we treat our women. All you need to do is look at the countries where women are treated as sub-human beings and you will realize that we are on a slippery slope to hell. Countries like Saudi Arabia can never progress. We can either be sensible Hindus (unlike misguided ones like Mohan Bhagwat) and treat women like equals or we can be like Muslims.
We are all sensible people and know the problems and solutions to some extent as well. Sometimes it takes an impetus to break that inertial barrier and get into a “can and will do” mindset. Every year makes us experience new things. It is up to us to learn from them.
A couple of well written article on the topic can be read at:
Anant Velankar,
Swami Thambi
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