NV Subramanian wrote the following on his blog:
Anna Hazare could make a man like Sharad Pawar tremble. Anna Hazare hadn't dealt to any degree with Congress. In machinations, Congress is nonpareil. When he moved to the national stage, Anna had to contend with Congress, and he was outmatched.
When he went national, Anna Hazare also came to acquire baggage like Kejriwal & Co., who confused and misdirected him. Kejriwal & Co. know nothing about politics, nor how to go about business in the political minefield called Delhi. In war and politics, you make allies to defeat enemies. If you choose to wage a war, you cannot remain unaligned. Team Anna had no friends among political parties. When BJP extended a friendly hand, Congress's divide-and-rule card of pseudo-secularism frightened away Team Anna. It thought abusing BJP was good for the movement, without realizing it was playing into Congress hands. That's exactly what happened.
The readers of this blog know that since the advent of the movement, we have been saying the same things all along. Some of our quotes are as follows:
“Anna is a passionate man, a mover and a shaker on the street. But he is not a politician. He brought a knife to a gun fight. UPA and others may have let him win the battle but they will defeat him in the war. Anna should have aligned himself or at least sought help from his best option, the BJP. That way he would have the access to some sharp political minds and requisite support in the Loksabha.”
“At a loss for a proper way (there is none) to deal with the popular anti corruption movement, the Congress spin-meisters are branding the movement as a communal. They are trying to prove to their votebank that the evil BJP and the more evil RSS are behind the movement. It is a desperate move but one which betrays the diseased mindset of the fear mongering practitioners of the votebank politics.”
“The response of the politicians has been very predictable. It started off with ignoring Anna. That is the way the UPA has been working. Ignore the issue and hope that it goes away. In this case, the problem persisted and then the dirty tricks department was unleashed. When demonization aided by the media did not work then they came back with a more subtle approach. The glib Kapil Sibbal took advantage of Anna’s trust and got him to quit his fast.”
“Digvijay Singh released the letters to the media that were written by RSS chiefs to Anna supporting his movement and proved his criticism while the team Anna continued to vigorously oppose it. Singh is aware of the revulsion that the leftists in team Anna have for all things RSS and BJP. Myopic team Anna instead of accepting the all encompassing support for this movement (i.e. the anti corruption movement belongs to all Indians, liberal and conservative alike) went on the defensive. They ended up repudiating the RSS support. Team Anna could have avoided all this only if they had stayed focused on the anti-corruption movement and boldly/openly agreed to RSS/BJP support.”
Yes. Even political novices like us predicted that this was going to happen. Good intentions will not work in the current days of “Ghore Kalyug”. Anna was not fighting a “dharmayuddha”. Of course the biggest mistake was assembling that team beginning with Kejriwal, Shanti Bhushan and Agnivesh. Anna should have foreseen danger to his cause when Agnivesh and Shanti Bhushan started to misuse his platform for their own agendas. Of course leftist like Kejriwal (cannot believe that this guy is an IIT alum) essentially killed this movement because of his aversion to “Communal” BJP. So essentially his narrow minded pseudo-secular agenda killed the much much bigger anti corruption movement. Bravo Arvind Kejriwal!! His dreams of joining politics have been shattered since Anna has disbanded the team and I am sure that Kejriwal and all the other myopic ideologues in his team now realize that without Anna, they are totally irrelevant.
So we see that Congress’ way of dealing with problems is very effective. They divide and then conquer. We saw that in the latest political nautanki known as the Presidential elections. Time and time again, we have said that the only way to outwit the Congress is to get rid of them, once and for all. The only way to do that is for the Hindus to put their differences aside and vote them out.
NVS article can be read at:http://newsinsight.net/archivedebates/nat2.asp?recno=2330
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