The National Investigation Agency has ascertained that the ammunition for the blasts in Nanded, Modasa, Samjautha Express, Ajmer, Malegaon and Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad were all procured from Mhow in Madhya Pradesh.
The NIA has many suspects in custody; but there are others who are absconding. It has been almost a year since the NIA was handed over the charge for the above mentioned cases, but there appears to be something wrong with the manner in which the probe is taking place as there is no concrete breakthrough yet.
The NIA probe into cases involving 'Hindu extremists' went wrong from day one. The Nanded blasts, which is considered to be the mother of these acts of terror, was badly investigated, making it tough for NIA sleuths to make a start.
Today the NIA faces the herculean task of cracking all these cases which are inter-linked. Sources in the agency told rediff.com that the foundation of the case itself is extremely weak, which is why they are finding it hard to give it closure
He considers the Nanded blast as the fount of these terror acts. Nanded is in Maharashtra which is ruled by Congress. No one can blame the BJP of impeding the investigations. In fact with UPA government at the center and secular P Chidambaran in charge of Home no one can blame lack of political will and support in all these cases. Is it incompetence? If one or two cases were bungled due to incompetence then PC would have stepped in and ensured better investigators. Then what is the reason? Nanjappa does a lot of hand waving and tries to show that somehow he has managed an answer but he has come up with a huge ZERO. I would like to remind Nanjappa of a saying by Arthur Conan Doyle who through is creation, Sherlock Holmes says the following: How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
So what is the possibility that Nanjappa and others seem to be hell bent on ignoring? Maybe there is no case. Maybe Hindus did not commit any of these blasts and the UPA government to bolster their secular credentials, want to create this specter where it is possible that Hindus are as likely to indulge in terror as Muslims. When it comes to brutality and treason, Hindus have demonstrated a remarkable propensity. But terror? From the evidence or lack thereof, it seems improbable. On the other hand the evidence to the contrary does exist.
In the most celebrated of these cases, the one that the Pakistanis do not tire of quoting was the Samjhauta Express bombing, Swami Aseemanand was arrested. The UPA government tried their best to tie him to the RSS. They thought that they would get away with blaming some hapless Hindu for this dastardly act until an American investigation and report showed otherwise. In an eye-opening article, Mr. B Raman who has stayed politically neutral says:
Thus, according to American investigators the LET and Al Qaeda were responsible for the Samjauta Express blast and the HUJI for the Mecca Masjid blast. If the American investigators, who have better sources in Pakistan, are correct, how can our investigators claim that some arrested Hindus were responsible for these incidents? Justice and fairplay demand a thorough investigation into the two different versions that have emerged from Indian and American investigators. While the American investigators have blamed the LET, Al Qaeda and the HUJI, Indian investigators have blamed the Abhinav Bharat. Both cannot be correct.
There you have it. The real reason for lack of progress in the Hindu terror cases is that the concept of Hindu terror only exists in the diseased imagination of our pseudo secular politicians who in attempts to secure their votebank and divert the attention of Hindus in the matters of extreme corruption have victimized innocent Hindus. The Hindu voters need to stop being defensive for political correctness and lay the blame where it really belongs: On the UPA government.
The Nanjappa article can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-probing-hindu-terror-cases-why-nia-remains-clueless/20120203.htm
The Raman article can be read at: http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers40/paper3971.html
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