The empowerment of Christians began during the British days when they were targeting the dalits and the tribals for conversions. In Orissa, we have Kandha tribals who are and have been more prosperous and thus powerful than the Pana tribals. Of course the Baptist Christian missionaries converted the Pana tribals who saw their new found religion as a way to empowerment. Of course the whole thing dovetailed with the British “divide and rule” policy because the Kandhas and Panas are still fighting. A lot of the Christian tribals have become Maoists and are raising hell all over the place. Christians in the west think of their religion as a bulwark against Communism. I hope they find this ironic. The point to note is that Kandhas and Panas were fighting before the Panas became Christians. Yet their fights have been declared a war by the Hindus on helpless Christians. What else remains buried is that aside from help from men like the late Swami Lakshmanananda (who was assassinated by Christians) no one helps the Hindus. However, the Christians have the entire media, Congress machinery and western propaganda and money behind them. Of course the Hindu cause was not helped by the unforgivable and extreme brutality shown by Dara Singh towards the family of Graham Staines.
We keep reading these reports where as many as 1000 churches have been attacked in the BJP ruled Karnataka. In an interview with Vicky Nanjappa (I have become a reluctant fan of this guy), P N Benjamin, a minorities commission member and coordinator of the Bangalore Initiative for Religious Dialogue Says the following:
It is not correct (accusation of 1000 attacks). It is just an exaggeration. I feel there have been a handful of attacks, which were instigated by some fringe Christian groups.
He goes on to say that the bigger the exaggeration the more the money these groups get from American and other western religious groups. When asked about threats to the Christian communities from Hindus, he says:
The real source of danger to the Indian Christian community is not the handful of Hindu extremists but the self-styled saviours of Christianity who assert that they alone are the holders of valid visas to heaven and paradise.
This all sounds very familiar. You replace America and the western religious groups with Saudi Arabia, you replace Convent schools with madarsas, you replace the various dioceses with Dar Ul Uloom and you have the entire Muslim story repeated down to an identical political dynamic.
The biggest misconception that we have had so far did that despite all, the Christians are a peace loving community. But with examples of the Maoists and extremists in South India and Orissa (the ones who killed Swami Lakshmanananda that misconception must be laid to rest. With the help of top UPA leadership and the Communists in Kerala, the Christians are anything but helpless victims in India.
With what we know about Christians now and what we have known about Muslims, is there anyone out there who thinks that Religious minorities are victims of any kind. To those who disagree with me I would like to point out that if you really want to see religious minorities as victims then you should look at Buddhists in China or Hindus and Christians in Pakistan. Now those are really helpless victims.
The biggest misconception that we have had so far did that despite all, the Christians are a peace loving community. But with examples of the Maoists and extremists in South India and Orissa (the ones who killed Swami Lakshmanananda that misconception must be laid to rest. With the help of top UPA leadership and the Communists in Kerala, the Christians are anything but helpless victims in India.
With what we know about Christians now and what we have known about Muslims, is there anyone out there who thinks that Religious minorities are victims of any kind. To those who disagree with me I would like to point out that if you really want to see religious minorities as victims then you should look at Buddhists in China or Hindus and Christians in Pakistan. Now those are really helpless victims.
The Nanjappa interview can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-interview-with-pn-benjamin-on-church-attacks/20120206.htm
The story of Swami Lakshmananada's assasination can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/2008/aug/28orissa1.htm
A short history of the so called religious violence in Orissa can be read at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_violence_in_Orissa
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