One wonders whether Mamata can learn a tip or two from Jayalalithaa — at least when it come to governance. When children die in Bengal hospitals, Mamata can’t think of anything but blame the Marxists! But look at Jayalalithaa. Her politics of putting down her political rivals, the DMK, also includes creating better hospital care in Tamil Nadu!
Jayalalithaa on November2 announced that the modern Anna centenary library in Chennai, a multi-crore project of the earlier DMK government, will be converted into a super speciality paediatric hospital. The library would shift to a new integrated intellectual park to be housed in an alternative site in the city.
The is giving way too much credit to Jayalalitha. After all who has forgotten her own financial transgressions. She is not an honest person. Of course compared to the DMK crew, she is a light weight, thus lesser of the two evils and hence elected. When it comes to Mamta B, we have repeatedly written on this blog that she is great in an opposition position but not in the ruling seat. She is a rabble rouser who thrives on blaming others. All of her administrative moves have not shown any initiative, imagination or decisiveness. She is good at blackmailing the UPA into giving her state money and state run projects for job creation. She can blame the Commies now but soon she will have to own up to the status quo in the state.
Coming back to Jayalalitha and her so called good governance, she is no statesperson or even a leader. She is as corrupt as any of the politicians and as vain as Mayawati. But she does know what works and what will get her re-elected. She is taking pages out of Nitish Kumar’s books. But to her credit, she is unabashedly emulating Bhai Narendra Modi. She does not shy away from associating herself with him as opposed to the pseudo secular crowd who would treat the plague better than they would Modi. Mamta Banerjee should learn from Modi just like Jayalalitha. The blogger who wrote the article in question seems to have overlooked that.
So what if Narendra Modi said that the sky was blue? Will the pseudo secular crowd dispute that? The point is, our religion and culture encourages adopting wisdom no matter what the source. Modi is doing a lot of good things for his state. Don’t t bring the man down. Study his methods. Adopt his methods. Adopt his policies. Emulate his work ethics. Put your own state on a path to success. People of India deserve that. What they do not deserve is dealing with petty egos of corrupt politicians.
One would have thought that all the education that our PM has had, he would be above the usual Congress / regional party / liberal churlishness. But an article by the intrepid Kanchan Gupta suggests otherwise. It seems that Modi was the head of the Working Group on Consumer Affairs with the Chief Ministers of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu as other members. As Mr. Gupta says:
The committee was set up in April 2010 to suggest ways and means of holding the price line for essential commodities. By early this year, the report was finalised and it has been gathering dust in some corner of the Prime Minister’s Office for the past six months. It’s not a voluminous report crammed with senseless data and meaningless jargon. That’s not Mr Modi’s style. It’s a slim report which lists 20 recommendations with 64 detailed actionable points for their expeditious implementation.
If you read Mr. Gupta’s article, you will realize that the suggestions are eminently possible to adopt and implement. However, because it comes from Modi, it has been cast aside. Probably thrown in trash. Food prices have gone up so much that one cannot even make jokes about it. Forget the much talked Indian prosperity trickling down to the aam aadmi. Let them at least get one proper meal a day. How about a little heart and compassion? People making Rs 32 are not even being considered poor. Being a poor in India is worse than being a criminal because life has become a punishment.
Mr. PM, if implementing Mr. Modi’s suggestions can alleviate some of that pain, please – in the name of all things good, adopt them. Alleviating hunger would make for a better legacy than chasing the mirage of a friendship with the Pakistanis.
The blog about Mamta B and Jayalalitha can be read at:http://blogs.rediff.com/dillichaat/2011/11/02/why-cant-mamata-learn-from-jayalalithaa/
KanchanGupta’s op-ed can be read at:http://www.dailypioneer.com/component/content/article/400-coffee-break/16472-namo-proposes-pm-disposes.html
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