A Pakistani once told me that India had to be divided because Muslims cannot live under anyone’s (read non-Muslim) rule. This can be brushed aside as one man’s rant. But then if you look at problems caused by Muslim minorities where they are in a significant percentage, you realize there is something to that statement. It is from this vignette, I wish to examine two threats made by Muslim terrorists (or separatists, as Indian media calls them). Self styled reformed terrorist Yasin Malik has threatened increased violence in the valley if India and Pakistan do not resolve their dispute. Of course resolution to him and his Paki masters means surrender by India. Dileep Padgaonkar, Kuldeep Nayyar and Justice Sachar would disagree with my assessment but they are stooges of a known ISI spy so their opinion of their ilk no longer holds any water.
Another Terrorist Syed Shah Gilaani has said that terrible things are going to happen if Afzal Guru is hanged. To me this means a complete indictment of Guru’s guilt and a gross interference in Indian judicial system. Of course between pseudo-secular politicians and liberal media, justice cannot be carried out against Muslim perpetuators anyway.
Now these two criminal idiots are Pakistani stooges who want to carry out their master’s bidding. Their loyalty is commendable. But these two claim to be representatives of the Muslims from J&K. So let us try to examine what the Muslim aam aadmi in the valley thinks. For the moment, we will do a criminal act on our own and ignore the displaced Hindus from J&K. Now Sanaa Altaf has been writing on newsinsight.net for a while now. She has been a champion of the aam aadmi from the valley. She has written about the lost generation of J&K Muslim youngsters. For a long time these kids have been used by terrorists as cannon fodder. Between fiery speeches and bribes, these kids do not stand a chance. But if you read Sanaa Altaf’s articles on the orphans of the terrorism and other social problems then you will realize that to the terrorists and Pakistani, the aam aadmi is nothing more than a tool and means to meet their nefarious ends. They do not represent the J&K Muslims the way they claim. The moderate leadership which actually represents the J&K Muslims are deemed as enemies by the likes of Malik and Gilani and thus killed. Eradication of terrorism and extermination of terrorists is in the interests of J&K Muslims as well as the rest of the nation.
I can understand the desire of J&K Muslims for some degree of autonomy to preserve their culture. I can understand that as long as they include the Hindus and accept them as part of the solution. What I cannot understand is why the current day Muslim aam aadmi wanting to merge with Pakistan. PoK has never had any kind of elections ever. If it were not for Congress and their selfish policies in the valley, the elections in J&K would have been a lot fairer than they seem to have been. But at least there have been elections. If it were not for terrorism in J&K, the youth from the valley would have a lot more opportunities like the IAS topper from a couple of years ago. A lot more industries like tourism and food processing could have been opened in that state. It could have been a very prosperous state but for the terrorism.
But that is not what these terrorists like Malik and Gilani would have the aam aadmi believe. They want to merge with Pakistan. Let us examine that option. Daily deaths due to violence in Pakistan are in double digits and I do not mean accidents either. If it were up to the Balochis they would like to pull out of Pakistan. A once prosperous port of Karachi is now burning. That war is between two rival gangs. What caused an increased gangsterism in Karachi? Presence of Dawood Ibrahim and his henchmen. That is the ISI’s gift to Karachi. We all know what the entanglement of ISI / Paki army is with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Pakistan is not a country. It is a criminal enterprise. Muslims in UP have lots of relatives in the Mohajir community in Karachi. How many of them do you think want to move to Karachi right now? Pakistan is a failed state. Anyone with any means is leaving the country. Now why would the aam aadmi from J&K would want to join Pakistan? Either they have a death wish or they have been kept ignorant by these self styled keepers of the valley.
I wish that the aam aadmi in J&K would summarily reject these terrorists and get on with their lives. They need to be represented by moderate leaders who can actually negotiate with the central government for autonomy and development packages. I for one would support them wholeheartedly as long as the Hindus can go back to their homes in J&K.
The Gilani and Malik articles can be read at:http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/08/11/idINIndia-58727120110811
Another Terrorist Syed Shah Gilaani has said that terrible things are going to happen if Afzal Guru is hanged. To me this means a complete indictment of Guru’s guilt and a gross interference in Indian judicial system. Of course between pseudo-secular politicians and liberal media, justice cannot be carried out against Muslim perpetuators anyway.
Now these two criminal idiots are Pakistani stooges who want to carry out their master’s bidding. Their loyalty is commendable. But these two claim to be representatives of the Muslims from J&K. So let us try to examine what the Muslim aam aadmi in the valley thinks. For the moment, we will do a criminal act on our own and ignore the displaced Hindus from J&K. Now Sanaa Altaf has been writing on newsinsight.net for a while now. She has been a champion of the aam aadmi from the valley. She has written about the lost generation of J&K Muslim youngsters. For a long time these kids have been used by terrorists as cannon fodder. Between fiery speeches and bribes, these kids do not stand a chance. But if you read Sanaa Altaf’s articles on the orphans of the terrorism and other social problems then you will realize that to the terrorists and Pakistani, the aam aadmi is nothing more than a tool and means to meet their nefarious ends. They do not represent the J&K Muslims the way they claim. The moderate leadership which actually represents the J&K Muslims are deemed as enemies by the likes of Malik and Gilani and thus killed. Eradication of terrorism and extermination of terrorists is in the interests of J&K Muslims as well as the rest of the nation.
I can understand the desire of J&K Muslims for some degree of autonomy to preserve their culture. I can understand that as long as they include the Hindus and accept them as part of the solution. What I cannot understand is why the current day Muslim aam aadmi wanting to merge with Pakistan. PoK has never had any kind of elections ever. If it were not for Congress and their selfish policies in the valley, the elections in J&K would have been a lot fairer than they seem to have been. But at least there have been elections. If it were not for terrorism in J&K, the youth from the valley would have a lot more opportunities like the IAS topper from a couple of years ago. A lot more industries like tourism and food processing could have been opened in that state. It could have been a very prosperous state but for the terrorism.
But that is not what these terrorists like Malik and Gilani would have the aam aadmi believe. They want to merge with Pakistan. Let us examine that option. Daily deaths due to violence in Pakistan are in double digits and I do not mean accidents either. If it were up to the Balochis they would like to pull out of Pakistan. A once prosperous port of Karachi is now burning. That war is between two rival gangs. What caused an increased gangsterism in Karachi? Presence of Dawood Ibrahim and his henchmen. That is the ISI’s gift to Karachi. We all know what the entanglement of ISI / Paki army is with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Pakistan is not a country. It is a criminal enterprise. Muslims in UP have lots of relatives in the Mohajir community in Karachi. How many of them do you think want to move to Karachi right now? Pakistan is a failed state. Anyone with any means is leaving the country. Now why would the aam aadmi from J&K would want to join Pakistan? Either they have a death wish or they have been kept ignorant by these self styled keepers of the valley.
I wish that the aam aadmi in J&K would summarily reject these terrorists and get on with their lives. They need to be represented by moderate leaders who can actually negotiate with the central government for autonomy and development packages. I for one would support them wholeheartedly as long as the Hindus can go back to their homes in J&K.
The Gilani and Malik articles can be read at:http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/08/11/idINIndia-58727120110811
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