It seems that to fend off the attacks from veteran leaders from her own party, Indira Gandhi sought help from the KGB who already had most of the CPI members on the payroll. In fact things became so bad that the following was said by a KGB operative about India. I an article Mr. Swarn Anand says:
Oleg Kalugnin, who served as a KGB operative in India during the period, recorded: “We had sources throughout the Indian government - in intelligence, counter-intelligence, the Defense and Foreign ministries, and the police.
Ministers in Indira Gandhi’s government competed with each other to supply secret information to the KGB. “It seemed the entire country was for sale”.
To deflect any attention from the KGB, Indira Gandhi used to raise the bogey of the CIA everywhere. Of course to keep the Muslim votebank, the RSS bogey was raised with equal frequency and deftness. Their message to the Muslims was: “après moi, le deluge”. Muslims stuck with them and repeatedly voted for them.
With the regional parties and the advent of the “seklar” leaders like the Commies, Lalloo Yadav, Mulayam Yadav, Paswan and Mayawati, the Congress votebank lost some of their loyal voters which explains their performance in UP, Bihar, Bengal and other states. However, the Congress never forgot the importance of the Muslims voters. In fact as Mr. Anand says in his eye opening article that:
“The Congress’ sick mentality dictates that since the RSS is “behind” Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev, then Muslims beware. Now, thanks to the official gerrymandering process put in place through the delimitation process of constituencies, Muslims make a decisive force in 80 of the 543 constituencies, apart from being in the majority in 14 others. The Congress hopes to keep this segment of the voters securely in its pocket by misrepresenting the national upsurge against its corrupt governance as essentially a right-wing Hindu conspiracy.”
Muslims can make or break parties in 94 seats. That is close to twenty percent of the entire Indian polity. This becomes even worse in the light of the poor voting record of Hindu middle class. Since the elections are normally held in the summer months, I assume that few from the Hindu middle class venture out to vote in the heat and take on the long lines. That leaves the Muslims, dalits and the OBC’s who go out and vote. Since dalits and the OBC’s are the most vulnerable groups to social engineering and bribes, the election results get skewed in favor of Congress and similar parties.
By making the current anti corruption movement sound like an RSS operation, the Congress thinks that Muslims will get scared again and ignore the message because of the messenger. If this really works then I do not know who does this make look worse - Muslims or Congress.
Now it is one thing if Indian Muslims multiply at a higher rate than the rest. It is their choice, wise or not. Maybe it is poverty related or maybe it is religion directed. That is a moot point. What is bothersome is that a lot of these Muslims dominated districts in WB or Assam were caused by Congress and CPI encouragements to illegal Bangladeshis. A rediff reporter had witnessed a CPI worker giving ration cards to illegal migrants on the border itself. 24 Pargana and other districts who were like any other district in India at the time of partition have now become Muslim majority. That is nothing short of treason.
As the intrepid Mr. Francois Gautier, who has more guts and ability to see things clearly for what they really are and stand for than most Indians, says in his latest piece that the battle for Kaliyug has begun. The two passages which really stand out are as follows:
“But to my mind, it is the attack on Hindu gurus, which is the most representative sign of her adharmic reign. For in Ms Gandhi’s India, Hindu gurus are not only mocked at, but they can also be imprisoned, attacked, killed one day. Nobody would dare touch an imam if he preaches secession, nor even a Christian bishop, but gurus are fair game today.”
“Why then is he run down so much by the Congress whose leaders have gone as far as calling him a thug? Well it’s an old British tradition which has been taken up by the Congress and part of the media. French historian Daniélou summed it up well in his History of India: “The British-controlled Congress utilised to the hilt its English-speaking Press to present the Hindu Mahashaba, which attempted to counterbalance the Muslim League’s influence, or the even more maligned Ram Rajya Parishad, as barbaric, fanatical, ridiculous; and the British media in turn, took-up, as parrots, the cry of their Indian counterparts.” (Histoire de l'Inde)”
I would go further and say that the real battle is for the soul of our nation. If we do not take it back from the modern days “asuras” in New Delhi then we may as well surrender the nation to the forces of evil and migrate to the USA or Canada or even Australia where Hinduism seems to be on safer grounds than it is in India!
In this battle there is no Ram. No one is the modern day “Maryada Purushottam”. Both Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev have shown their vulnerability. We must rally behind then but we should not expect miracles. There is too much money to be made by the corrupt Congressmen for them to just quit at the behest of these two brave men. We need to defeat Digvijay Singh and his party where we really can i.e. the elections. All Hindus need to go out and cast their votes for candidates who put nation first rather than a community or a state. Congress must be treated the way voters of Bihar or Tamilnadu treated them in the last state elections. Congress and their pseudo-secular ilk must be defeated summarily in 2014.
In fact a key author of the Sachar Comission Panel Mr. Abusaleh Shariff has sounded the alarm with the Muslims polarizing in favour of religious outfits in Assam and Kerala in the recently concluded elections. He has appealed to the mainstream parties to step in to check the "unfortunate" trend. Abusaleh Shariff, who was part of the Sachar panel which ranked Muslims at par with dalits in backwardness, called the electoral development "unfortunate".
Meanwhile, the battle begins in UP next year. We need to wipe out SP, BSP and Congress from the state which is at the bottom not because of lack talent and promise but because of abysmal governance. A thorough defeat in UP will send a clear message to Congress that the Hindu voter WILL not be manipulated and bullied anymore.
That is how we will defeat the evil the nation is facing.
The politics of paranoia
Swarn Kumar Anand
The Congress is presently fighting with its back to the wall defending its body corporate as well as high and mighty leaders against wave after wave of moral attack by iconic figures of the national civil society. The party has expended every item of its otherwise efficient arsenal (lies, delay tactics, money deployment, media proxies, etc.) and is now down to its last weapon — scare mongering. What better way to do this than by playing the communal card?
The Congress’ sick mentality dictates that since the RSS is “behind” Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev, then Muslims beware. Now, thanks to the official gerrymandering process put in place through the delimitation process of constituencies, Muslims make a decisive force in 80 of the 543 constituencies, apart from being in the majority in 14 others. The Congress hopes to keep this segment of the voters securely in its pocket by misrepresenting the national upsurge against its corrupt governance as essentially a right-wing Hindu conspiracy.
The article can be read at:http://www.dailypioneer.com/346673/The-politics-of-paranoia.html
Mr. Gautier’s article can be read at: http:http://www.dailypioneer.com/344496/The-battle-of-Kaliyuga-has-begun.html
TOI article on Muslim Polarization can be read at: http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-05-18/india/29555559_1_muslim-league-assam-religious-parties
Oleg Kalugnin, who served as a KGB operative in India during the period, recorded: “We had sources throughout the Indian government - in intelligence, counter-intelligence, the Defense and Foreign ministries, and the police.
Ministers in Indira Gandhi’s government competed with each other to supply secret information to the KGB. “It seemed the entire country was for sale”.
To deflect any attention from the KGB, Indira Gandhi used to raise the bogey of the CIA everywhere. Of course to keep the Muslim votebank, the RSS bogey was raised with equal frequency and deftness. Their message to the Muslims was: “après moi, le deluge”. Muslims stuck with them and repeatedly voted for them.
With the regional parties and the advent of the “seklar” leaders like the Commies, Lalloo Yadav, Mulayam Yadav, Paswan and Mayawati, the Congress votebank lost some of their loyal voters which explains their performance in UP, Bihar, Bengal and other states. However, the Congress never forgot the importance of the Muslims voters. In fact as Mr. Anand says in his eye opening article that:
“The Congress’ sick mentality dictates that since the RSS is “behind” Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev, then Muslims beware. Now, thanks to the official gerrymandering process put in place through the delimitation process of constituencies, Muslims make a decisive force in 80 of the 543 constituencies, apart from being in the majority in 14 others. The Congress hopes to keep this segment of the voters securely in its pocket by misrepresenting the national upsurge against its corrupt governance as essentially a right-wing Hindu conspiracy.”
Muslims can make or break parties in 94 seats. That is close to twenty percent of the entire Indian polity. This becomes even worse in the light of the poor voting record of Hindu middle class. Since the elections are normally held in the summer months, I assume that few from the Hindu middle class venture out to vote in the heat and take on the long lines. That leaves the Muslims, dalits and the OBC’s who go out and vote. Since dalits and the OBC’s are the most vulnerable groups to social engineering and bribes, the election results get skewed in favor of Congress and similar parties.
By making the current anti corruption movement sound like an RSS operation, the Congress thinks that Muslims will get scared again and ignore the message because of the messenger. If this really works then I do not know who does this make look worse - Muslims or Congress.
Now it is one thing if Indian Muslims multiply at a higher rate than the rest. It is their choice, wise or not. Maybe it is poverty related or maybe it is religion directed. That is a moot point. What is bothersome is that a lot of these Muslims dominated districts in WB or Assam were caused by Congress and CPI encouragements to illegal Bangladeshis. A rediff reporter had witnessed a CPI worker giving ration cards to illegal migrants on the border itself. 24 Pargana and other districts who were like any other district in India at the time of partition have now become Muslim majority. That is nothing short of treason.
As the intrepid Mr. Francois Gautier, who has more guts and ability to see things clearly for what they really are and stand for than most Indians, says in his latest piece that the battle for Kaliyug has begun. The two passages which really stand out are as follows:
“But to my mind, it is the attack on Hindu gurus, which is the most representative sign of her adharmic reign. For in Ms Gandhi’s India, Hindu gurus are not only mocked at, but they can also be imprisoned, attacked, killed one day. Nobody would dare touch an imam if he preaches secession, nor even a Christian bishop, but gurus are fair game today.”
“Why then is he run down so much by the Congress whose leaders have gone as far as calling him a thug? Well it’s an old British tradition which has been taken up by the Congress and part of the media. French historian Daniélou summed it up well in his History of India: “The British-controlled Congress utilised to the hilt its English-speaking Press to present the Hindu Mahashaba, which attempted to counterbalance the Muslim League’s influence, or the even more maligned Ram Rajya Parishad, as barbaric, fanatical, ridiculous; and the British media in turn, took-up, as parrots, the cry of their Indian counterparts.” (Histoire de l'Inde)”
I would go further and say that the real battle is for the soul of our nation. If we do not take it back from the modern days “asuras” in New Delhi then we may as well surrender the nation to the forces of evil and migrate to the USA or Canada or even Australia where Hinduism seems to be on safer grounds than it is in India!
In this battle there is no Ram. No one is the modern day “Maryada Purushottam”. Both Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev have shown their vulnerability. We must rally behind then but we should not expect miracles. There is too much money to be made by the corrupt Congressmen for them to just quit at the behest of these two brave men. We need to defeat Digvijay Singh and his party where we really can i.e. the elections. All Hindus need to go out and cast their votes for candidates who put nation first rather than a community or a state. Congress must be treated the way voters of Bihar or Tamilnadu treated them in the last state elections. Congress and their pseudo-secular ilk must be defeated summarily in 2014.
In fact a key author of the Sachar Comission Panel Mr. Abusaleh Shariff has sounded the alarm with the Muslims polarizing in favour of religious outfits in Assam and Kerala in the recently concluded elections. He has appealed to the mainstream parties to step in to check the "unfortunate" trend. Abusaleh Shariff, who was part of the Sachar panel which ranked Muslims at par with dalits in backwardness, called the electoral development "unfortunate".
Meanwhile, the battle begins in UP next year. We need to wipe out SP, BSP and Congress from the state which is at the bottom not because of lack talent and promise but because of abysmal governance. A thorough defeat in UP will send a clear message to Congress that the Hindu voter WILL not be manipulated and bullied anymore.
That is how we will defeat the evil the nation is facing.
The politics of paranoia
Swarn Kumar Anand
The Congress is presently fighting with its back to the wall defending its body corporate as well as high and mighty leaders against wave after wave of moral attack by iconic figures of the national civil society. The party has expended every item of its otherwise efficient arsenal (lies, delay tactics, money deployment, media proxies, etc.) and is now down to its last weapon — scare mongering. What better way to do this than by playing the communal card?
The Congress’ sick mentality dictates that since the RSS is “behind” Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev, then Muslims beware. Now, thanks to the official gerrymandering process put in place through the delimitation process of constituencies, Muslims make a decisive force in 80 of the 543 constituencies, apart from being in the majority in 14 others. The Congress hopes to keep this segment of the voters securely in its pocket by misrepresenting the national upsurge against its corrupt governance as essentially a right-wing Hindu conspiracy.
The article can be read at:http://www.dailypioneer.com/346673/The-politics-of-paranoia.html
Mr. Gautier’s article can be read at: http:http://www.dailypioneer.com/344496/The-battle-of-Kaliyuga-has-begun.html
TOI article on Muslim Polarization can be read at: http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-05-18/india/29555559_1_muslim-league-assam-religious-parties
Sadly to say that we did not learn from the history. In India there was Amicnd before, there are Amichands righ now and there will be more Amichand in future, that I can say with confidence.why we were ruled by the minorities? Average Indians are intelligent and noble human being but problem we have is our ego and lack of unity. We can see this in our family too.We do not mind to work for outsider but we can not tolerate our fellow Indian. And instead of thinking for a nation or our state or our city or our community but we thing our self first. If the congress win in future then we have to blame our self first.