The inevitable consequences of such a law would be that in the event of any communal trouble the majority community would be assumed to be guilty. There would be a presumption of guilt unless otherwise proved. Only a member of the majority shall be held culpable under this law.
A member of the minority shall never commit an offence of hate propaganda or a communal violence. There is a virtual statutory declaration of innocence under this law for him.
The statutory authority prescribed at the central and state level would intrinsically suffer from an institutional bias because of its membership structure based on caste and community.
Upon the enforcement of the bill, he goes on to say that: The bill provides for a seven-member national authority for communal harmony, justice and reparations. Of these seven members at least four of them including the chairman and vice-chairman shall only belong to a 'group' (the minority community). A similar body is intended to be created in the states. Membership of this body thus shall be on religious and caste grounds. The offenders under this law are only the members of the majority community.
There you have it folks. Imagine a committee with four members of the minority community like Imam of Jama Masjid, luminaries from Kerala (ilk of Madani), Valson Thampu and then the non minority posts filled in by Setalvad, Sandeep Pandey, Arundhati Roy and other leftist traitors. Can you now imagine the damage these guys can do? Bhai Narendra Modi might as well apply for an asylum to Sweden right away otherwise he will be lynched by these guys. Savarkar, Bismil, Bhagat Singh and Azaad must be wondering in heaven if we had known that this was to come!!!
My soul brother Vivek Gumaste writes on the topic saying “Being charred to death in a train compartment transformed into a raging inferno by a violent, baying pyromanaical mob reeking with animosity would certainly codify one as a victim of communal violence by any lexicographic criterion (Godhra 2002). But not if you happen to be a Hindu, the majority community, you do not, according to the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill, 2011”.
So if you are a Hindu, you hope like hell that you do not get burnt, killed or raped by a minority community because god forbid if that gets labeled as a communal violence, you will not get any justice in our own country. Not that getting justice is possible anyways with these people in charge!
It may be worthwhile to visit the topic of communal violence because the authors of this bill assume that Hindis have never been victims of communal violence. 5000 Hindus murdered and raped in Noakhali would not qualify for victimhood under this bill. Neither would the 700 Hindus killed in the riots ensuing the Godhra station massacre of Hindus.
Now if any Hindu writes about communal violence implicating Muslims, they would be deemed criminals. So we will ignore the stats and the facts presented by Hindus. Let us focus on foreign scholars who are expected to be more objective on the matter. Vivek Bhai has dug up the following:
Steven Wilkinson, Professor of India and South Asian Studies, Yale University implicates political delinquency as the cardinal culprit.
Steven Wilkinson concurs with the concept of political complicity. In an article titled Communal Riots in India (Economic and Political Weekly. October 29, 2005) he remarks: "What causes communal riots in contemporary India? In my book Votes and Violence (2005), I argue that politicians both cause them and, more importantly, have the power to prevent them, through their control of the state governments responsible for law and order."
Furthermore in his book, Wilkinson specifically indicts the Congress Party which masquerades as the high priest of secular values: "at one time or another, Congress politicians have both fomented and prevented communal violence for political advantage. Congress governments have failed, for example, to prevent some of India's worst riots (e g, the Ahmedabad riots of 1969, the Moradabad riots of 1980, and the Meerut riots of 1987) and in some cases Congress ministers have reportedly instigated riots…"
It couldn't be clearer in its bias. In black and bloody white. The champions of secularism are really the culprits behind most of the communal problems in the nation. It boils down to vote bank politics. If a Hindu Muslim riot breaks out because of provocative statements by Digvijay Singh or lies spread by Setalvad, who do you think is going to be blamed, convicted, drawn and quartered? It will be Hindu nationalists like Bhai Narendra, you and I.
May be the majority Hindu community will only rise from its deep slumber with such harsh wake-up calls to shed its apathy and involve in widespread protest much like the 1990 Mandal Commission protest against the V.P.Singh Janatal Dal Government.
Maybe we should also move to Sweden or the US because we have a better chance of surviving in those countries as Hindus than in India.
The Jaitley article can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/column/arun-jaitley-why-the-communal-violence-bill-is-flawed/20110526.htm
The Gumaste article can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/column/fatal-flaw-in-communal-violence-bill/20110602.htm
Steven Wilkinson’s report can be read at: http://communalism.blogspot.com/2005/11/communal-riots-in-india-steven-i.html
The Gumaste article can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/column/fatal-flaw-in-communal-violence-bill/20110602.htm
Steven Wilkinson’s report can be read at: http://communalism.blogspot.com/2005/11/communal-riots-in-india-steven-i.html
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