A rare praise and recognition from a secular and leftist national news paper “The Hindu” was reported in its article titled “Do People Matter?” . It says in the article that:
“Cracking under the relentless pressure from the Hazare-Ramdev campaigns over the last eight weeks, the Government is making one mistake after another as it desperately tries to divert public attention away from Corruption. The main takeaway for the people is that this Government will go to any lengths to protect the Corrupt. Congress general secretary Digvijaya Singh today alleged that RSS was behind the yoga guru’s protest action. “Right from putting up the pandal to organize the meetings, everywhere there is RSS.”
The report further states “Singh also took a dig at K N Govindacharya for choosing Ramdev for launching the anti-corruption campaign saying that this was not expected from the RSS ideologue”.
Now the logical question the Indian Aam Aadmi needs to ask is why are the other parties like The Indian Union Muslim League, Rashtriya Janata Dal, Samajwadi Party, Bahujan Samaj Party and other champions of the cause of the minority and secularism, not supporting the anti-corruption movement?
Why is the Congress and its mouthpiece Digvijay Singh trying so hard to bring a communal angle to the civil society anti-corruption movement and paint it in Saffron color?
Why do the Congress party and Digvijay Singh think that the nationalist Hindus supporters of RSS are not affected by the Corruption?
The Hindu article also stated that; “Corruption is India's number one crisis. From less than fifteen paise of one rupee of government aid that reaches to the poor to mega scams like 2G, CWG, Antrix-Devas, Adarsh, etc, to corruption on the borders and coasts that aids and assists terrorism -- improbity and deceit are destroying India”.
On this note I wish to draw the attention of our readers to a previous post on this blog where we had talked about the devious ways of Digvijay Singh where he was seen amongst Muslim leaders releasing a book called, RSS ki Sazish 26/11?
Digvijay’s claim that it is the RSS which is against the corruption movement implies something that no one seems to be noticing. The corollary to his statement is the so called secular parties like like SP, BSP and RJD are IN FAVOR OF CORRUPTION! I guess in his zeal to appease the Muslims, Digvijay may have given the ultimate compliment to the RSS and the so called communal parties. That is the trouble with talking too much. Sooner or later you will get tripped by your own tongue.
History shows that whenever the ruling Congress party or the government has been in trouble, they have sharpened their attack on the RSS by making false and baseless allegations which have never been proven. Since the present government is surrounded by allegations of corruption and bad governance. It is only to be expected that they will blame the RSS. Since we are now friends with the US, the Congress has stopped blaming the CIA for all the troubles. That leaves RSS as their favorite and the only target.
It’s the aam aadmi who has to figure out and not fall for the Congress tactics of deflecting people’s attention.
Do people matter?
One is that groups of well-meaning citizens cannot be allowed to hijack the legislative agenda; the other is that the RSS is behind the anti-corruption movement. Taking the second argument first, one must ask: even if it is true that the RSS is behind the movement, does that somehow make it illegitimate? Why is the Government trying to shift attention from corruption to the RSS? If RSS volunteers helped out in an earthquake or a flood, would that help be rejected by the Government?
The complete article can be read at:http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/editorial/article2085272.ece

Normally I have some suggestion for the problem being discussed. This is not an article of that kind. I want to use this article to convey a very deep hurt that I carry about our society. Being a father of a girl, this topic is especially hurtful.
Ours is a strange society. We worship many Devis. We fast for them during Navratri. We sing, pray and dance in worship and celebration. Culturally also, we celebrate the female form. Look at our art (folk and otherwise), sculpture and various forms of dances. Politically, were one of the first to elect a female PM.
So, at first glance, it looks like India must be the promised land for women. However if you peel the first layer, you will see the truth does not mesh with our culture and religion. The truth is painful and ugly. As a recent report on Dangerous countries for women, we rank 4th. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt are not in top five. Here is what it says on the report:
Female foeticide, child marriage and high levels of trafficking and domestic servitude make the world's largest democracy the fourth most dangerous place for women, the poll showed.
* 100 million people, mostly women and girls, are involved in trafficking in one way or another, according to former Indian Home Secretay Madhukar Gupta.
* Up to 50 million girls are "missing" over the past century due to female infanticide and foeticide.
* 44.5 pct of girls are married before the age of 18.
Some of the claims in this report may be dubious because there is no way to get a real number of female foeticide. Even the other numbers could have been fudged to make us look bad. I reason why say that is the data was collected by female rights groups and they must have gotten the India data from the Indian ilk. Can you really trust Indian liberals? Never.
Having said that, I would like to say that if the number of female infanticide and foeticide is not 50 million then it must still be close. After all, we know what the Indian attitudes towards the female gender are(Manuwadi scripts notwithstanding). We know that in a lot of areas, female foeticide is a severe problem. All India parents want sons as if that will cure all their problems. It seems that most prevalent school of thought is that raising a girl and then marrying her off with a lot of dowry is not exactly profitable. Also, a non-conformist girl can bring shame to the family. What is truly shameful is that a number of educated middle class people think like that. For them and others in the same boat, I have this to say. Take a look at the third world countries and status of their women versus the status of women in developed countries. The answer is right there.
If we suppress and subjugate half our population then we are committing hara-kiri. Our religion has the same message. That is why “kanyadaan” is considered to be a “punya”.
If you want the socio-economic reason against the treatment dished out to girls in India then here is the truth. In Maharashtra, there is a doctor who has carried out 2790 abortions in six months. You don’t have to be a Catholic to be shocked and sickened by that. With selective abortions, we are messing with mother nature. Soon there will be a lot more men than women. A lot of those men who get left out, will pose a lot of problems for the country. China already has more men than women. It has already been seen that crime and other social problems are higher in the areas where there are more men than women.
I could go on and on but the fact is that the status quo is unacceptable. If we do not take care of this problem and overhaul our attitude towards our wives, daughters and daughters in law and make those attitudes commensurate with our Hindu traditions, they we should be ready for the death of India as a civilized country.
The article on the dangerous countries for women can be read at:http://in.news.yahoo.com/factbox-worlds-most-dangerous-countries-women-031509145.htmlThe article on the butcher of Parli can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-did-butcher-of-parli-abort-2790-female-foetuses-in-6-months/20110624.htm
Congress has a vote bank. A very reliable one. They have won in the past and continue to win with votes from a group which comprises of Brahmins-Dalits –Muslims. Each component from the group must have a reason for their loyalty. Congress does its own thing to ensure a continued loyalty. No trick is dirty enough for them to ensure the loyalty of their vote bank.It seems that to fend off the attacks from veteran leaders from her own party, Indira Gandhi sought help from the KGB who already had most of the CPI members on the payroll. In fact things became so bad that the following was said by a KGB operative about India. I an article Mr. Swarn Anand says:
Oleg Kalugnin, who served as a KGB operative in India during the period, recorded: “We had sources throughout the Indian government - in intelligence, counter-intelligence, the Defense and Foreign ministries, and the police.
Ministers in Indira Gandhi’s government competed with each other to supply secret information to the KGB. “It seemed the entire country was for sale”.
To deflect any attention from the KGB, Indira Gandhi used to raise the bogey of the CIA everywhere. Of course to keep the Muslim votebank, the RSS bogey was raised with equal frequency and deftness. Their message to the Muslims was: “après moi, le deluge”. Muslims stuck with them and repeatedly voted for them.
With the regional parties and the advent of the “seklar” leaders like the Commies, Lalloo Yadav, Mulayam Yadav, Paswan and Mayawati, the Congress votebank lost some of their loyal voters which explains their performance in UP, Bihar, Bengal and other states. However, the Congress never forgot the importance of the Muslims voters. In fact as Mr. Anand says in his eye opening article that:
“The Congress’ sick mentality dictates that since the RSS is “behind” Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev, then Muslims beware. Now, thanks to the official gerrymandering process put in place through the delimitation process of constituencies, Muslims make a decisive force in 80 of the 543 constituencies, apart from being in the majority in 14 others. The Congress hopes to keep this segment of the voters securely in its pocket by misrepresenting the national upsurge against its corrupt governance as essentially a right-wing Hindu conspiracy.”
Muslims can make or break parties in 94 seats. That is close to twenty percent of the entire Indian polity. This becomes even worse in the light of the poor voting record of Hindu middle class. Since the elections are normally held in the summer months, I assume that few from the Hindu middle class venture out to vote in the heat and take on the long lines. That leaves the Muslims, dalits and the OBC’s who go out and vote. Since dalits and the OBC’s are the most vulnerable groups to social engineering and bribes, the election results get skewed in favor of Congress and similar parties.
By making the current anti corruption movement sound like an RSS operation, the Congress thinks that Muslims will get scared again and ignore the message because of the messenger. If this really works then I do not know who does this make look worse - Muslims or Congress.
Now it is one thing if Indian Muslims multiply at a higher rate than the rest. It is their choice, wise or not. Maybe it is poverty related or maybe it is religion directed. That is a moot point. What is bothersome is that a lot of these Muslims dominated districts in WB or Assam were caused by Congress and CPI encouragements to illegal Bangladeshis. A rediff reporter had witnessed a CPI worker giving ration cards to illegal migrants on the border itself. 24 Pargana and other districts who were like any other district in India at the time of partition have now become Muslim majority. That is nothing short of treason.
As the intrepid Mr. Francois Gautier, who has more guts and ability to see things clearly for what they really are and stand for than most Indians, says in his latest piece that the battle for Kaliyug has begun. The two passages which really stand out are as follows:
“But to my mind, it is the attack on Hindu gurus, which is the most representative sign of her adharmic reign. For in Ms Gandhi’s India, Hindu gurus are not only mocked at, but they can also be imprisoned, attacked, killed one day. Nobody would dare touch an imam if he preaches secession, nor even a Christian bishop, but gurus are fair game today.”
“Why then is he run down so much by the Congress whose leaders have gone as far as calling him a thug? Well it’s an old British tradition which has been taken up by the Congress and part of the media. French historian Daniélou summed it up well in his History of India: “The British-controlled Congress utilised to the hilt its English-speaking Press to present the Hindu Mahashaba, which attempted to counterbalance the Muslim League’s influence, or the even more maligned Ram Rajya Parishad, as barbaric, fanatical, ridiculous; and the British media in turn, took-up, as parrots, the cry of their Indian counterparts.” (Histoire de l'Inde)”
I would go further and say that the real battle is for the soul of our nation. If we do not take it back from the modern days “asuras” in New Delhi then we may as well surrender the nation to the forces of evil and migrate to the USA or Canada or even Australia where Hinduism seems to be on safer grounds than it is in India!
In this battle there is no Ram. No one is the modern day “Maryada Purushottam”. Both Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev have shown their vulnerability. We must rally behind then but we should not expect miracles. There is too much money to be made by the corrupt Congressmen for them to just quit at the behest of these two brave men. We need to defeat Digvijay Singh and his party where we really can i.e. the elections. All Hindus need to go out and cast their votes for candidates who put nation first rather than a community or a state. Congress must be treated the way voters of Bihar or Tamilnadu treated them in the last state elections. Congress and their pseudo-secular ilk must be defeated summarily in 2014.
In fact a key author of the Sachar Comission Panel Mr. Abusaleh Shariff has sounded the alarm with the Muslims polarizing in favour of religious outfits in Assam and Kerala in the recently concluded elections. He has appealed to the mainstream parties to step in to check the "unfortunate" trend. Abusaleh Shariff, who was part of the Sachar panel which ranked Muslims at par with dalits in backwardness, called the electoral development "unfortunate".
Meanwhile, the battle begins in UP next year. We need to wipe out SP, BSP and Congress from the state which is at the bottom not because of lack talent and promise but because of abysmal governance. A thorough defeat in UP will send a clear message to Congress that the Hindu voter WILL not be manipulated and bullied anymore.
That is how we will defeat the evil the nation is facing.
The politics of paranoia
Swarn Kumar Anand
The Congress is presently fighting with its back to the wall defending its body corporate as well as high and mighty leaders against wave after wave of moral attack by iconic figures of the national civil society. The party has expended every item of its otherwise efficient arsenal (lies, delay tactics, money deployment, media proxies, etc.) and is now down to its last weapon — scare mongering. What better way to do this than by playing the communal card?
The Congress’ sick mentality dictates that since the RSS is “behind” Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev, then Muslims beware. Now, thanks to the official gerrymandering process put in place through the delimitation process of constituencies, Muslims make a decisive force in 80 of the 543 constituencies, apart from being in the majority in 14 others. The Congress hopes to keep this segment of the voters securely in its pocket by misrepresenting the national upsurge against its corrupt governance as essentially a right-wing Hindu conspiracy.
The article can be read at:http://www.dailypioneer.com/346673/The-politics-of-paranoia.html
Mr. Gautier’s article can be read at: http:http://www.dailypioneer.com/344496/The-battle-of-Kaliyuga-has-begun.html
TOI article on Muslim Polarization can be read at: http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-05-18/india/29555559_1_muslim-league-assam-religious-parties
A hallmark of any democracy is the freedom of expression. Any man or woman has the right to express themselves. In western democracies even expression of hate and the ridiculous is also protected. That freedom is held sacred. I agree with that. India should have strong laws protecting freedom of speech.
M F Hussain death is being mourned by liberals of all walks. UPA politicians are extolling the man as is their right. I do not mourn his death. I am a Hindu. It is against my religion to speak ill of the dead. But as Voltaire said: “To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth”. Based on that, here is my take on this man and his approach to his art.
He definitely was a talented artist. Even a philistine like me could see that. If he wanted to paint Hindu gods and goddesses, it was his right, hypocrisy notwithstanding. His right was defended by the Indian educated class. I defend his right, repugnant paintings notwithstanding. However, the Hindus who were offended by his art had equal right to protest as a long as the protests were peaceful and did not destroy Hussain’s or anyone else’s property.
I was deeply pained when I found out that he was painting Hindu gods and goddesses in the nude. My first reaction is unprintable. My second reaction was why doesn’t he paint his own religion’s revered figures in the nude. However, after I calmed down. I did realize that it was his right to do so. It is also my right to call out the man even after his death. I am protected by Voltaire’s edict.
He was a man of the street. He started his career painting billboards. He must have been aware of the Hindu sensibilities and what impact his particular paintings would have on the Hindus. Despite of that he went through with his decision. That reflects on the mindset of that man. He may have been a talented artist but he was not a decent human being. Artists are expected to challenge the norm and break barriers but to hurt an entire community of people betrays a diseased mind.
Even as a Hindu, when I saw the picture of a so called art piece where Jesus Christ was shown immersed in urine, I was offended. The guy who made that had only one thing in mind and that was offending all the religious conservatives in the US. Despite of that grossly offensive piece of puerility, the artist was not harmed in the US. He was just ignored. That is what we should have done to M F Hussain. He should have died an ignominious death in complete anonymity instead of getting feted by the entire left wing of India (of course that speaks volumes of them).
Having said all that, I would like to say that a puerile man with a diseased mind , M F Hussain should have been protected by strong Indian laws. He should have remained unthreatened. You see, Hinduism which is the greatest religion in the world, can survive a worm like Hussain. He is gone and will get what he deserves in the afterlife but Hinduism will remain strong and the only guiding light to India. We should ignore annoyances like him and worry about what is truly important. India and what she stands for.
I read newspapers from all over the world. In countries like India (secular democracies) there are newspapers from liberal and conservative points of view. In England, "The Times" is conservative and "The Guardian" is liberal. In France all newspapers are liberal and Le Figaro and Le Monde are conservative. In Germany Berliner Zeitung, Der Spiegel, Die Welt are conservative while Suddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit are liberal. In the US Washington Post and New York Times are liberal while Washington Times and Wall Street Journal are conservative. The list goes on and on. The point is that all major democratic nations including the secular democracies of the west have media outlets, which give voice to conservatives in those nations despite of overwhelming social liberalism. That is the idea behind the concept of free and fair press. When one ideology in the newspapers overwhelms the other, what we get is a sort of ideological dictatorship, a fascistic school of thought where the other guy is derided, ridiculed, scorned and ignored on a daily basis. I suppose Nazi Germany must have had newspapers like that. TASS of USSR must’ve been like that. The government run Chinese newspapers are the kind which drowns out the voice of any opposition to the establishment. What kind of newspaper do you think we have in India? In the largest selling newspaper you are more likely to find who Sallu Bhai’s squeeze du jour is rather than the latest administrative breakthrough by the Gujarat government. You are more likely to find what Rahul Gandhi ate while riding the Shatabdi express than what the hungry children in rural UP are eating (for that you will have to read the BBC). You are more likely to find the latest anti Hindu / conservative rant by Digvijay Singh than an honest demand the aam aadmi. Indian media has got to be the worst as far as fairness is concerned. The entire English language newspapers (ELN) and most vernacular press behave like the propaganda arm of the Congress. In the latest debacle in New Delhi, the ELN has behaved most irresponsibly. It is expected from the likes of Digvijay and Kapil Sibal to say outrageous things in order to keep the attention away from Sonia Gandhi whose coterie is clearly responsible for the attack on the sleeping satyagrahis. It is also expected from the media to report those rants BUT IT IS ALSO EXPECTED THAT THESE SLIMY WORMS ALSO REPORT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY! These crooks have essentially drowned the message behind the protests while highlighting perceived weaknesses of the protesters and their leadership. First the British and then the Congress ensured that the Indian spirit and the culture, which is entirely Hindu, becomes an anathema to the so-called educated Indian (read anything by those worms from JNU). Having ensured that by a systematic brainwashing of middle class Hindus, the COMMUNAL now is the latest gaali that these pseudo-secular like to use. Terms like “commoonal and seklaar” have become part of the Hindi vernacular thanks to the likes of lalloo Yadav and his ilk. Now people who are so uncharitably termed communal can do no right in the eyes of the Indian media. If Bhai Narendra says that the sky is blue, there will be a procession led by Digvijay Singh and covered by Barkha Dutt debating that. That is the depth these corrupt media mavens have sunk to. The problem facing India is not Baba Ramdev and his empire or his escape in a saree or permit for 5000 versus 50000 people or presence of Sadhvi Rithambara on the same stage or the RSS support or Govindacharya’s / BJPs support to Baba. THAT WAS NEVER THE BLOODY ISSUE. But if you read the newspapers, you would think that the country has been run over by crazed and corrupt Hindus who are thirsty for minority blood and the only person standing between complete anarchy and existence of the Indian civilization are people like Digvijay Singh, Kapil Sibal and Sonia Gandhi! Thanks to the Indian media, the country is focused on the sideshows rather than the umpteen number of scams and the black money and all other forms of corruption inflicted on our hapless nation by the Congress and its policies. The Congress’ media management is excellent and they do a tremendous job of fooling everyone all the time. The BJP needs to take a page from Congress’ playbook and set up a conservative media empire where the voice of conservatives can be heard all across the nation rather than the small segment with access to the Daily Pioneer and the Organiser. They need a TV station, which conveys their message in the format, which has become the norm in India. They need to blend the conservative message, patriotism, love for the Hindu religion and culture into a format, which is entertaining as well as informative. Unless they do that, they will need to out-scream the Congress mouthpieces.
Most bullies are cowards too. They can dish it out but cannot take it. Drunk on power (based on less that 30% votes) Sonia Gandhi government (does anyone believe that Manmohan Singh is anything more than a human seat warmer?) unleashed Dante Alighieri’s version of hell (Soniaji must know that well from her Italian roots) on hapless satyagrahis. Not being an Indian, the concept of satyagrah must be as alien to her as self control and abstinence are to Silvio Berlesconi . Now that their calculation of dividing the supporters of Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev and ruling has fallen way short, they are looking for scapegoats since they cannot own up to the mistake made. To that end, someone has to be sacrificed to save the Rajmata, Rajkumar and the raj-gharana.
Soniaji held a meeting of senior Congressmen sometime yesterday. Amongst the luminaries were close friend of Hasan Ali Khan (of the Swiss bank account fame), Ahmad Patel and Jagdish Tytler. Now Jagdishji does not need any introduction to anyone who has read or heard of the anti Sikh riots in 1984. He is not an MP or holds a senior party position. One can only wonder what his area of expertise is which warranted his presence at such a sensitive meeting. Of course after the meeting, as per the reports, the following was tweeted by Anil Shastri who is a Gandhi family loyalist ( I hope that he is not related to the Late great Lal Bahadur Shastri):
"What happened last night at Ramlila Grounds in Delhi was unfortunate and avoidable." Another tweet stressed, "It is Manmohan Singh govt. Was not a party decision."
Of course Soniaji is now questioning the whole action pleading ignorance from the whole thing. The lady is not a minister and yet is privy to all the national secrets. She gets to meet all the visiting foreign leaders and yet she does not know what is going on in the capital of the country she is ruling. I am sure there are a lot of people who will buy that. I feel sorry for them.
Anyway, now we know who is going to be hung out to dry for this cruel and barbaric debacle. Of course Manmohan Singh who has never won a lok sabha election (winning after becoming PM from some safe pro-Congress seat does not count) is not a politician and thus could not have seen this coming. A pawn is always sacrificed to save the queen. Who did he think he was in this dirty game of chess?
Ramdev also divides Congress and government
New Delhi: Some of the most public criticism of the government's controversial handling of Baba Ramdev is coming from within the Congress. Sources say that at a meeting with senior ministers last evening, Congress President Sonia Gandhi questioned the police action taken against Baba Ramdev and his supporters on Saturday night. Acting on the government's orders, the Delhi Police dismantled the camp that had united 65,000 supporters of the yoga teacher.
The article can be read at:http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/ramdev-also-divides-congress-and-government-110500?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NdtvNews-TopStories+%28NDTV+News+-+Top+Stories%29
Some points I would like to make on the emergency style attack on Baba Ramdev and his supporters in Ramlila maidan.
1. In any democracy, people are allowed to protest. If 50,000 gather instead of 5000 as applied, the police and the civic authorities have to make appropriate arrangements for their well being rather than carry out all out assault on sleeping protesters. A lot of them were women and old people.
2. That dishonorable Digvijay Singh who seems to take so much umbrage to the Baba’s empire does not seem to be bothered by the lavish lifestyle of the Catholic Church or the various Imams. Has this man ever done the right thing or told the truth in his entire life?
3. It seems that various Congressmen are getting all worked up about the presence of Sadhvi Rithambara on the stage. So it is OK for Digvijay Singh to appear on stage with extremist Muslims and joined them in accusing the RSS of carrying out the 26/11 attacks but RSS members cannot peacefully protest against corruption?
4. RSS is a respected organization by all India except the Congressis, pseudo-secular communists and their supporters. Even if RSS is guilty of all that Digvijay Singh daydreams about, they still have as much right to peacefully protest. We are a democracy. Not that we can tell by the way these Congress goons behave.
5. Congress has once again that in face of loss of power they would abandon even the most basic sense of humanity let alone tenets of democracy to stick to power. I thought that despite of people like the Gandhi family, Digvijay Singh, Kapil Sibal and their ilk, there were some decent people in Congress. None of them have spoken thus far. Do they even exist? Or an “honorable Congressman” a contradiction in terms?
6. Not that Manmohan Singh had too much moral right to begin with, now it is all gone. In fact anyone who calls him a clean and an honorable man should look in the mirror and indulge in serious soul searching. Maybe even seek psychiatric help.
7. We have no doubts about the politicians and their ways. When we used to watch movies about the British atrocities on hapless protesters, we used to wonder how come Indians are beating their fellow Indians on the orders of the British. Now I am wondering that how come the so-called neutral IAS officers and other babus are behaving exactly like those traitorous Indians carrying out the British bidding. In fact the Home Secretary is making statements, which make Baba Ramdev a coward. Shame on every non politician who went along with this cowardly attack on the protesters. With this, they have now joined the Jaichand Hall of Fame!!
8. The electronic media seems to have done their job properly and portrayed this without any of their usual pro-Congress bias. The print media seems to be reluctant in calling out the guilty but the op-ed authors are coming out in full force.
9. As per Mr. B Raman who almost always gets it right, Congress was trying to divide the support bases of Baba and Anna. They almost got it right. Agnivesh decided to attack Ramdev and said that he should have accepted the Congress assurances. This leftist goon hiding behind a holy garb is leech who latches on to prominent people to grab some limelight.
10. Mr. Raman is asking Manmohan Singh to do the right thing in is article. That is where he gets it wrong. Manmohan Singh does not have the power or the ability or the desire to do that. No one in Congress does. The only thing Manmohan Singh is interested in now after having failed on all fronts is to leave a legacy. What legacy you ask? It is one where he makes peace with Pakistan at the cost of Indian interests just like every other Indian PM and he will fail just like them for reasons obvious to all but the aman ki aasha brigade.
11. The real action should now happen on two fronts. The UPA government should be told by all Indian IN A PEACEFUL MANNER (after all we still believe in democracy even if they don’t) that the status quo is unacceptable. It is not about Baba Ramdev but about the nation. We should continue the protest in PEACEFUL ways otherwise we are no better than the Congress or Marxist goons.
12. But the real action which really needs to happen is TO VOTE THE CONGRESS AND THEIR POSSIBLE SUPPORTERS OUT. REMEMBER, EVERY CORRUPT POLITICIAN IS A POSSIBLE SUPPORTER. If voters of UP elect Mayawati in the next elections, they should know that she is likely to support a corrupt UPA regime at the center. After all, chor-chor mauseray bhai. The elections are the real battlefield where we will be fighting for the very soul of our nation. If all the nation-loving patriots get together and vote, then there is no reason why we cannot get rid of the parasites in charge of New Delhi.
Ramdev arrest: The prime minister should act now
When he heard that Baba Ramdev was planning to agitate on this issue in a big way, the PM should have asked his emissaries to contact him, explain what the government has already been doing and what it intended doing in future and advised him not to embark on an agitationl approach which could prove counter-productive.
Instead of doing so, the government mistakenly thought that it could benefit from the support base of the Baba to reduce the support base of Anna Hazare.
The B Raman article can be read at: http://www.rediff.com/news/column/ramdev-arrest-what-was-the-govt-thinking/20110605.htm
Digvijay blames RSS for 26/11 attacks can be read at: http://thenethindu.blogspot.com/2010/12/digvijay-blames-rss-for-2611-attack.html
Sibal's attack on Ramdev can be read at: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/ramdev-shouldnt-have-gone-for-political-aasan-sibal/799592/
After relenting to Anna Hazare’s fast unto death and then conning him, the UPA started to think that they had dodged a bullet on the Lokpal bill issues. Especially with difference cropping in the pro-lokpal bill lobby they must be patting themselves on the back. Dirty tricks by Digvijay and Amar Singh paid off!
They were wrong. Here comes Baba Ramdev. The UPA started their moves preemptively. Congress bigwigs are begging Baba Ramdev to back off from the fast. Meanwhile the dirty tricks department of the Congress is working overtime. Scared by the large middle class Hindu following of the Baba, they are resorting to time tested “saam, daam, dand, bhed” tricks. Digvijay Singh has started to target Baba Ramdev’s wealth by portraying him as a preacher for hire. Of course not to upset the middle class Hindus whom the Congress has brainwashed these years using the pseudo-secularism propaganda, they have dug up a person described as a former guru. Some title! This man asks:
Who is Baba Ramdev, then?" Former guru, Swami Balendu, had in an open letter to Baba Ramdev, asked him this very question. He asked him to explain who he was -- a sanyasi, a yoga teacher, a businessman or a politician?
By bringing up a pro Congress self styled swami, they think that somehow this will be more credible than Digvijay’s rants. This is like bringing out those disgruntled IAS officers willing to lie about Bhai Narendra Modi. Naivety at its worst, is what it is. The Congress still does not get it. This is not about Ramdev or Hazare. They are the messengers. The message is the angst against corruption. Instead of dealing with corruption, Mr. Clean and his government are trying to mollify and besmirch the messenger while ignoring the message.
I wish Baba Ramdev all the luck in the world. He is going against one of the most corrupt governments in our history who will do whatever it takes to hold onto the power. Congress is an expert at manipulating the Indian polity. I hope that the Baba ( all his wealth and worldly trappings not withstanding) is a modern day Abhimanyu who will defeat the Rakshasas in New Delhi. Bholenath Bless him!
The article can be read at:http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-how-do-we-know-baba-himslef-is-clean/20110603.htm
So now the UPA is working on “Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill”. From the looks of it, this bill is going to give the central government another stick to beat the majority community namely the Hindus. What started of as a law to prevent communal violence has now become something that people like Teesta Setalvad and Digvijay Singh dream about. Mr. Arun Jaitley argues that:
The inevitable consequences of such a law would be that in the event of any communal trouble the majority community would be assumed to be guilty. There would be a presumption of guilt unless otherwise proved. Only a member of the majority shall be held culpable under this law.
A member of the minority shall never commit an offence of hate propaganda or a communal violence. There is a virtual statutory declaration of innocence under this law for him.
The statutory authority prescribed at the central and state level would intrinsically suffer from an institutional bias because of its membership structure based on caste and community.
Upon the enforcement of the bill, he goes on to say that: The bill provides for a seven-member national authority for communal harmony, justice and reparations. Of these seven members at least four of them including the chairman and vice-chairman shall only belong to a 'group' (the minority community). A similar body is intended to be created in the states. Membership of this body thus shall be on religious and caste grounds. The offenders under this law are only the members of the majority community.
There you have it folks. Imagine a committee with four members of the minority community like Imam of Jama Masjid, luminaries from Kerala (ilk of Madani), Valson Thampu and then the non minority posts filled in by Setalvad, Sandeep Pandey, Arundhati Roy and other leftist traitors. Can you now imagine the damage these guys can do? Bhai Narendra Modi might as well apply for an asylum to Sweden right away otherwise he will be lynched by these guys. Savarkar, Bismil, Bhagat Singh and Azaad must be wondering in heaven if we had known that this was to come!!!
My soul brother Vivek Gumaste writes on the topic saying “Being charred to death in a train compartment transformed into a raging inferno by a violent, baying pyromanaical mob reeking with animosity would certainly codify one as a victim of communal violence by any lexicographic criterion (Godhra 2002). But not if you happen to be a Hindu, the majority community, you do not, according to the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill, 2011”.
So if you are a Hindu, you hope like hell that you do not get burnt, killed or raped by a minority community because god forbid if that gets labeled as a communal violence, you will not get any justice in our own country. Not that getting justice is possible anyways with these people in charge!
It may be worthwhile to visit the topic of communal violence because the authors of this bill assume that Hindis have never been victims of communal violence. 5000 Hindus murdered and raped in Noakhali would not qualify for victimhood under this bill. Neither would the 700 Hindus killed in the riots ensuing the Godhra station massacre of Hindus.
Now if any Hindu writes about communal violence implicating Muslims, they would be deemed criminals. So we will ignore the stats and the facts presented by Hindus. Let us focus on foreign scholars who are expected to be more objective on the matter. Vivek Bhai has dug up the following:
Steven Wilkinson, Professor of India and South Asian Studies, Yale University implicates political delinquency as the cardinal culprit.
Steven Wilkinson concurs with the concept of political complicity. In an article titled Communal Riots in India (Economic and Political Weekly. October 29, 2005) he remarks: "What causes communal riots in contemporary India? In my book Votes and Violence (2005), I argue that politicians both cause them and, more importantly, have the power to prevent them, through their control of the state governments responsible for law and order."
Furthermore in his book, Wilkinson specifically indicts the Congress Party which masquerades as the high priest of secular values: "at one time or another, Congress politicians have both fomented and prevented communal violence for political advantage. Congress governments have failed, for example, to prevent some of India's worst riots (e g, the Ahmedabad riots of 1969, the Moradabad riots of 1980, and the Meerut riots of 1987) and in some cases Congress ministers have reportedly instigated riots…"
It couldn't be clearer in its bias. In black and bloody white. The champions of secularism are really the culprits behind most of the communal problems in the nation. It boils down to vote bank politics. If a Hindu Muslim riot breaks out because of provocative statements by Digvijay Singh or lies spread by Setalvad, who do you think is going to be blamed, convicted, drawn and quartered? It will be Hindu nationalists like Bhai Narendra, you and I.
May be the majority Hindu community will only rise from its deep slumber with such harsh wake-up calls to shed its apathy and involve in widespread protest much like the 1990 Mandal Commission protest against the V.P.Singh Janatal Dal Government.
Maybe we should also move to Sweden or the US because we have a better chance of surviving in those countries as Hindus than in India.
I have been an ardent admirer of Saleem’s investigative journalism for a very long time now. I have lapped up everything he has ever written. The man was fighting snakes in their own den. Taking on the ISI / Pakistan army / Jihadi nexus in Pakistan is not for the weak. He must have had brass balls or a death wish. It seems that article he was working on before his death would have named the names of ISI officials who were in cahoots with the jihadis. A true son of his country, he fought an admirable fight and paid with his life for his efforts. When my uncle was arrested during Indira imposed emergency, I used to wonder what kind of a man takes risks like that. I was young and could not understand. Even now I do not understand but have developed a huge appreciation for such truth seekers. I wish that his forefathers had stayed in India instead of going over to the other side. It is with heavy heart that I pray to Bholenath to give peace to Saleem’s soul. REST IN PEACE SALEEM BHAI! May Bholenath bless your family!
While Saleem was out there fighting against evil forces in his country, very few are doing the same in India. Other than a few scribes who work for the Daily Pioneer like Gopinath, most of them have sold their souls for ratings and misguided loyalties to Congress and other pseudo-secular outfits. No journalist wants to uncover the truth behind the scams. They seem to have become blasé about them. No one goes out to uncover the Indian supporters of terrorism. No one questions how the politicians or the babus have become so rich. Tehelka guys do it from time to time but only to Non Congress politicians. No one is going after black money account holders in foreign banks.
Where are our truth seekers?
Where is our Syed Saleem Shehzad?
Why Pak scribe Saleem Shahzad was silenced
Exposing Pakistan Navy's link to the Al Qaeda cost journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad his life. But sources say there's more to it than what meet the eye. Shahzad next expose was on ISI men who were linked the Osama bin Laden, which left the spy agency with no choice but the eliminate him, says senior analyst B Raman.Read the complete article at:http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-why-pak-scribe-saleem-shahzad-was-silenced/20110601.htm