If you ask a liberal / pseudo-secularist why did the UPA made world’s financier of terrorists, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, the chief guest at the Republic day parade in 2006, they will answer realpolitik / pragmatism / greater good. They are right. When you ask them why we support the brutal Myanmar’s Junta, or Iran’s government or some shady characters in Africa(President Khatami was another guest at the Republic day parade) they will have the same answer and they will again be right. What about our relations with our age old enemies China? Same answer. What about our enemy which is hell bent of destroying us, Pakistan. Same answer. My point is that these people understand and appreciate the concept of realpolitik / pragmatism / greater good.
However, if you ask them what did they think of Narendra Modi duplicating the super successful Gujarat experiment for entire India, their vitriolic answers will make you think that you had asked them their permission to rob their house! Amazing isn’t it? The pragmatism evaporates so quickly. Essentially, the pragmatism and greater good is OK as long as it meshes with or does not clash with their petty agenda. It is obvious that these people put their agenda above the good of the nation.
I am not a Congress supporter to put it very mildly. Yet I understand and appreciate what they bring to the national table. They have few good people in the party who have been muzzled for the benefit of the first family of India. I acknowledge them because for me nation takes precedence over everything. For the pseudo-secularists, the nation is only important if the nation and her citizens tow their line. Just like the Communists. Idealism over nationalism.
Mr. Bahukutumbi Raman has been described as a hawk and a pragmatist. He recently wrote an article about Anna Hazare and his praise for Bhai Narendra. As you remember that no sooner did Anna praised Mr. Modi, than the liberal attack dogs unleashed their worst on the hapless guy. Mr. Raman came to his resucue with the most sensible piece that can be written on the matter. He says the following in his article: Unfortunately, the so-called secular elements would rather keep Gujarat and the rest of the country backward and lagging behind China than acknowledge the record of Modi and let his Gujarat model of development become an Indian model. The so-called secular elements that have taken up sword against Modi have only one objective---- keep him quarantined in his past and stop him from playing any role at the national level even if such a role would be of benefit to the country. The venom and hatred, which these elements keep spreading against him, are because of his strong Hindutva ideology, which is anathema to them, and his perceived sins of commission and omission during the horrendous acts of violence against our Muslim co-citizens in the aftermath of the massacre of a number of Hindu pilgrims by some Muslims at the Godhra railway station in Gujarat in the beginning of 2002.
He ends the article by calling encouraging the nation’s youth to take up the cause of supporting Bhai Narendra and a national role for him. As a result of his article, Mr. Raman whose credentials are impeccable, got attacked via emails, tweets and phone calls, in some cases by people he considered friends.
Since then he has written a follow up article which shows the hurt he has felt because of the attacks. Since then Chetan Bhagat has come out in favor of a national role for Mr. Modi. Not that he is a representative leader of any kind, Bhagat did the right thing by speaking his mind. He definitely represents youth in India. We need more people young and old to come out and speak up in favor of Mr. Modi and they should be prepared to defend their stance. The liberals, leftists and pseudo-secularists have worked very hard towards vilification and a complete demonization of an innocent man because they cannot stand conservative nationalism. They will not give up this fight easily. But it will be worth it because if we can get Bhai Narendra elected as the PM (we should be so lucky!) we can break the cycle of ineffectual PMs and put India on a path to prosperity, the kind Gujarat has enjoyed so far.
By B. Raman
Some of the criticisms have been very personal and hurting. One senior journalist, working for a left of centre daily, has called me amazingly naive. I have an impression ( I hope it is wrong and a figment of my imagination) that some people who were very close to my mind and heart and whose friendship I valued more than anything else in life have suddenly grown cold to me and have started marking a distance from me as if I have committed the mother of all sins by endorsing Modi's development model and by criticising some so-called secular elements who are trying to keep him quarantined in his past and prevent him from playing his due role in the present and in future. I have even been snubbed by some of them. Some critics have been seriously worried by my call for the assertion of Youth Power in support of Narendra Modi. I have been accused of playing with fire and encouraging irrationality by writing such an article and by voicing such views.
Chetan Bhagat calls on Narendra Modi Modi to shift to national level AHMEDABAD: Saying that there was a dearth of good leaders in the country, best-selling writer Chetan Bhagat today called on Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi to play a bigger role in the national politics. Bhagat was speaking at a seminar organised by Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industries (GCCI), attended by the Chief Minister and Dileep Modi, President of the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), among others.
The Raman articles can be read at: http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers45/paper4429.html http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers45/paper4430.html
The Bhagat article can be read at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/et-cetera/chetan-bhagat-calls-on-narendra-modi-modi-to-shift-to-national-level/articleshow/8007745.cms
The picture is from: http://news.in.msn.com/specials/article.aspx?cp-documentid=5113129
Good blog sir.