Seth Frantzman has written a piece where he draws parallels between Hindu nationalism and Zionism. I must say that he is on the money. There are many countries for Christians and Muslims but Israel and India are the only countries for Jews and Hindus respectively. Both people are in constant battle for survival. Israel is surrounded by Jew hating Muslims and our neighborhood is every bit as bad (we have Godless Chinese to add to our misery). Seth’s piece says people hating the Hindus do it for the same reason they hate Jews. I agree with every word the man says. Read it and decide for yourself.
He discusses a book called “The Hindus: Alternative History” written by a hack called Wendy Doniger who has nary a good thing to say about anything related to India or Hindus. That does not bother me. Third-rate academics always try to stir up controversies to become relevant. We just have to ignore them. Puerile offal like that will not stop the Indian juggernaut. What bothers me is that the book has fans in India. One such fan of this heap of dung is a liberal called Pankaj Mishra. I wish the worst to him (Bholenath will forgive me for that). He is that kind of man. Pox on him! Believe me, the more you learn about him the more you will hate him. He is the product of that factory of anti Indian / anti Hindu liberals called JNU. What really upsets me is that Indian taxpayers have to fund the creation of these monsters. We really need a government in the center who will shut this university down and build a professional college where kids learn how to create things other than hot and foul smelling air. Another IIT would be nice.
"When it comes to classic Hindu texts such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata she condemns them for their violence. The Mughal Muslim emperors who colonized India for Islam for three hundred years were, according to a reviewer, "motivated by real politik rather than religious fundamentalism" when they destroyed thousands of Hindu temples and sold hundreds of thousands of Hindus into slavery. According to Pankaj Mishra, an author who has praised the book, Doniger should be admired for striding "intrepidly into a polemical arena almost as treacherous as Israel-Arab relations." Mishra calls Hindu Nationalism the "Indian heirs to British imperialists who invented 'Hinduism'" and accuses them of wanting to create a "culturally-homogenous and militant nation-state."
Seth's article can be read at: http://www.think-israel.org/frantzman.condemninghindunationalism.html
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