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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pakistanis Are Better Negotiators

India is the biggest regional donor of aid to Afghanistan. We have given them US$ 650-700 million in humanitarian and economic aid. We have helped them with infrastructure, training Afghan civil servants, diplomats and Police. We have built a major highway connecting Iranian port and Kabul. That seems to be a lot of good stuff. What have the pakis done? Export terror, murder and mayhem. Supported the Taliban and militias like the Jalaluddin Haqqani network. Pakis are incapable of doing any good to anyone. Yet when it comes to international diplomacy, they get a lot of completely undeserved help. For all the good that we do, what do we get? We get lectures on responsibility.
Now before you jump the gun and start holding the US responsible for everything wrong, you have to understand the world of realpolitik. US is taking care of its interests. They need the pakis to make peace (because they are the trouble makers). Obama wants to win in 2012. He wants to fulfill a major campaign promise. He is doing whatever it takes. The pakis are taking care of their interest, even if it means negotiating by holding gun to their OWN head. They are going to get a lot of US taxpayer money and a lot of India-specific weapons.
What are we doing? What are we going to get? Nothing!! We are going to end up with the short end of the stick because our diplomats (It seems that Dileep Padgaonkar is one of them because we have sent him to one of the most sensitive areas in the nation) have no guts, interest or gumption. Whenever they go out of the country one can see that the paki diplomats are well prepared while our babus seem to be bumbling around. This is why India will never achieve her full potential in the world of international diplomacy. We should give up the dreams of becoming a power of any kind and focus on keeping all our citizens fed. That on its own will be a miracle.

US-Pakistan embrace a fillip for peace
By M K Bhadrakumar

"The big news over the weekend is that the United States and Pakistan have kissed and made up. What was played up in the recent weeks as a nasty showdown between the two partners, with each side growling dangerously and scratching the other almost to bleeding, turned out to be deceptive feline foreplay.
The outcome of the three-day foreign minister-level US-Pakistan strategic dialogue that concluded on Friday once again confirms the reputation of the two sides as consummate partners: one moment snarling viciously, to the alarm of onlookers; and the next, locked in a perplexing embrace."

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