We are great admirers or Prof. Vaidya. Here is his latest where he takes the decision makers, ensconced safely in the environs of New Delhi, to task. All these messiahs of the dalits and OBC have blood on their hands mostly due to inaction. I would say that it is another version of votebank politics.
Enemies of the Republic
"The political class has blood on its hands — blood of innocent Indians. This class which operates under the three-B system of bow, bribe and blackmail thinks it can deal with Maoists in the same fashion. Congress leader Digvijay Singh who was chief minister of Madhya Pradesh for 10 years talks about the need for development and talks of Maoists not attacking temples and mutts when they have killed Swami Laxmananada Saraswathi working for tribals in Orissa. Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Lalu Prasad who was chief minister of Bihar and a Union minister talks about Naxals killing only police informers as if that is an acceptable thing. Let us not worry about inanities of rootless wonders like Mani Shankar Aiyars."
The rest of the article can be read at:
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