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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Boycotting: A Lethal Weapon?

Do you feel helpless when famous people do things that outrage you or when they commit crimes and get away or do blatantly anti-national things and hide behind the very freedom that the nation provides them?

We are living in a free market democracy and thus the system has an in-built way of dealing with exactly this problem. I will give you an example. On August 27, 2002, political pundit Bill O'Reilly called for all Americans to boycott Pepsi products, saying that the rapper Ludacris' lyrics glamorize a "life of guns, violence, drugs and disrespect of women". Bill called on his viewers to start boycotting Pepsi products until the company took care of Ludacris. That must’ve shaken the Pepsi people because on August 28, 2002, O'Reilly reported that Pepsi had fired Ludacris.

That is the power of a free market democracy.

When Salman Khan got away with mowing down poor people sleeping on the sidewalk, it left me very angry. To people who talked to me about it, I had one suggestion – STOP WATCHING THIS CRIMINAL’S MOVIES!!!! Hit him where it really hurts. But the Indian population is so forgiving that the man has gone from strength to strength and become richer.

When biased journalists and TV stations like Barkha Dutt and NDTV on their leftist crusades do or say things, which go against Indian sensibilities or culture, the populace does not have to feel helpless. People can stop watching those TV stations and stop buying the merchandise that these stations peddle. Believe me, when the corporations find out about such boycotts, they will withdraw financial sponsorships of these TV stations. That is how you punish these people. Indians need to be vigil about these events. They need to unite and form consumer forums and start boycotting these bums. Remember- your pocket and your money is a very potent weapon. This could be a modest beginning for a great campaign against such desh drohi's and pseudo secularist. These people have been getting away with for far too long. If the law cannot get them, maybe the Janta ki adalat will get them.
Yes! Boycotting is a lethal weapon. It is about time the Indian people realised their strength and used it.

1 comment:

  1. BARKHA DUTT is a poison to our INDIA , she is decreaing the quality of media ,

