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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Welcoming our new Hindu brothers and sisters.‏

Ghana's unique African-Hindu temple
Page last updated at 13:25 GMT, Tuesday, 29 June 2010 14:25 UK

BBC Hindi, Ghana The Hindu temple in Ghana The temple is located in the capital Accra
The air is filled with the sweet smell of incense burning in a corner of the huge hall. Wrapped in shiny bright clothes, idols of Hindu gods and goddesses smile benevolently from the elevated platform.
Sitting on the white marble floor a group of more than 50 men, women and children sing devotional Hindi songs. Nothing extraordinary about this scene, except that the temple is in Ghana and the devotees are all indigenous Africans

"Jamer Baroudy says he was born into the Islamic faith but his mother introduced him to Hinduism when he was eight years old. Mr Baroudy says: "I am aware that Islam prohibits idol worshipping but then God doesn't make any distinction. I visit this temple because I find solace here."

Lets take a personal oath to leave this world a better place than we found it to be. As the Native Americans say “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”

Read the complete article at;

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Casteism, Honour Killings and Our Fathers’ Sins

Even though I am a meat eater, I tell my children to pick up the insects and place them outside the house. Taking a life is not part of the Hindu ethos. When I read about these “so called” honor killings, it really hurts inside. What prompts a person to take the life of his or her own child? Can there really be a justification for that???
Most of these are happening in Haryana. I am not going to name the groups of people because that is not the idea here. Caste system is a leperous blot on the Hindu society. It is an evil which when further distilled yields the purest form of evil there is – Honor Killings. I wonder how much honor these murderers feel when paraded around in front of the camera. They have a choice. If they feel so slighted by their child’s action then they can disown the child. Cruel as it may be, it still is a valid choice as opposed to murder.
We see all kinds of malevolent behaviors in our society as a result of caste system. We are also paying for that in some form or the other, which is probably our repentance of the sins of our forefathers. It is the solemn duty of our and forthcoming generations to remove it from our lives, one person at a time. Otherwise, we would not only lose out moral standing but watch the nation’s and the society’s descent into chaos and ultimately disintegration. We are already seeing the signs of it in the form of Maoism and conversion of Hindu dalits into Islam and Christianity.
In the following article Mr. Chandan Mitra, a columnist extraordinaire, takes a very unemotional look at the problem.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

India is far more secular: Dr Zakir Naik

Secular India:
So after getting the boot from UK and Canada, Zakir Naik has changed his tune. He is calling India more secular and saying that his virulent statements were taken out of context. How typical of a liar!! This man is a master of "Al Taqqiya" and cannot be trusted. India is secular because Hindus want it as it was recently said by MJ Akbar.
There is a reason to Naik's madness. It may become clear after reading the following passage. I do not have a url to it but most of it is empirical.

Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges. When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as we ll. Here's how it works.
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States -- Muslim 0.6% Australia -- Muslim 1.5% Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1.8% Italy -- Muslim 1.5% Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:
Denmark -- Muslim 2% Germany -- Muslim 3.7% United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4% Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:
France -- Muslim 8% Philippines -- Muslim 5% Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:
Guyana -- Muslim 10% India -- Muslim 13.4% Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10% Russia -- Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia -- Muslim 40% Chad -- Muslim 53.1% Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania -- Muslim 70% Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4% Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:
Bangladesh -- Muslim 83% Egypt -- Muslim 90% Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1% Iran -- Muslim 98% Iraq -- Muslim 97% Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7% Pakistan -- Muslim 97% Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90% Tajikistan -- Muslim 90% Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan -- Muslim 100% Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100% Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 100%

After reading the following article you will get a sense of what this dangerous chameleon is capable of. We should do whatever we can ( support or boycott) to stop this terrorist.

India is far more secular: Dr Zakir Naik
“These western countries talk a lot, but India is more secular and more democratic than any of them. Our constitution must be the only one in the world which gives freedom of speech and also the freedom to practice and propagate religion,” Naik says, praising India for issuing special visas for public speakers and preachers.
His formula for communal harmony: Go back to the Vedas, Upanishads, the Bible and the Koran; read your scriptures and you will find God. He also seeks a return of Sanskrit. “The government should make it popular and common, so that people can go back to reading the scriptures. I say, follow strictly whatever religion you practice,” he advises. “Go to the authentic sources, not the scholars.”

Saturday, June 26, 2010

MMPEM demands from the Indian Government to arrest Zakir Naik for spreading hate

Now will some leaders wake up from their deep slumber and have the guts to take some assertive action or will the current Government of India take this matter to the UN Security Council.

UK Muslims welcome ban on hate preacher Zakir Naik
Saturday June 26th 2010

The majority of Pakistani, Indian and other Muslims living in the UK have welcomed the UK government’s ban on hate preacher Dr Zakir Naik’s entry to the United Kingdom.
The Muslim Movement for the Elimination of Prejudiced Mullahs (MMEPM) welcomes the UK government’s ban on notorious sectarian and jihadi mullah Zakir Naik’s entry to the UK. The MMPEM also demands from the Indian Government to arrest Zakir Naik for spreading hate speech against Barelvi and Shia Muslims, Hindus, Christians and for also eulogizing acts of terrorism.
We also demand from the UK and Indian governments that Zakir Naik’s mouthpiece TV channels (including Peace TV in English and Urdu) must be banned for spreading hate speech and disinformation in the name of Islam.

Click on the link below and read all the comments from Muslims on the Ban;

The Cyanide Conspiracy

I was in college at the time of the Bhopal tragedy. After reading the following article, I remembered one of my Chemistry Professors mentioning that the autopsy of the Bhopal victims had revealed "cherry red blood" which is indicative of cyanide poisoning rather than the effect of MIC. The following article is so horrific that I really want it to be conspiracy rather than truth. But it is not up to me now is it??

The cost of surviving in India.

I am not an economist. Judging by the state of inflation and the rising price of food in India, neither is the PM. This latest deregulation of petrol prices is yet another blow to the pockets of the Indian population. Now deregulation of prices is always a good thing in free market economy but one cannot overlook the welfare aspect of the system in a democracy. In one our earlier posts a Muslim "sabziwallah" in WB commented that things weren't this bad during the BJP regime. Now I don't have to emphasize the implication of this statement.
The Indian voter has been fooled by the pseudo-secular votebank practitioners for well nigh 63 years. They have used caste, religion and regionalism to get into power. It was and is never in their interest that the voters become aware of the reality. If Indian voters become aware then they will vote these bums out. Within two years of the riots in the aftermath of the Godhra massacre, BJP won the municipal elections even from areas with significant Muslim population. Is it a coincidence that Gujrat is the most prosperous state in the union. On the other hand the states with most "progressive and secular" governments are the poorest.
Here are some articles on the topic. I hope the voters do not forget all this when the next election comes. Otherwise:
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

Cut your nose to spite your face!!!

Or some thing like that!! You can trust our esteemed neighbors, the Pakistanis, to do exactly that. When they obtained the N Korean Nodong missiles (and claimed them to be indigenous) in a barter for the nuclear centrifuge, they decided to rub it in our faces by naming them after Ghaznavi and Ghauri (the notorious marauders) they overlooked one thing. Ghauri on his way to India massacred Gakkhar tribe. Apparently this tribe is the biggest contributor of personnel to the Pakistani army.
By the way, history tells us that the larget massacre of Muslims was done by Genghis Khan (an Uigur Muslim) and then by the Pakistani army in Bangla Desh nee East Pakistan. Brutality inflicted by the Bhutto regime in crushing the Baloch rebellion and then the Shia uprising in the Baltistan area by a, then little known Pakistani army Brigadier, Pervez Musharraf is something of a legend.And yet they keep blaming the Jews and Hindus for their miseries. Ironic, isn't it?

Gakkhar vs Ghauri

But what I find ironic is that a Gakkhar soldier is supposed to maintain, grease and fire a missile in his country's defence which is named after Ghauri. Native emotion is ridiculed in the name of religious glory."

The article can be read at the following Pakistani newspaper.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Bhai is running the best government in India. Of course his detractors will portray him as the devil incarnate but that betrays their own prejudices. Narendra Bhai's achievements cannot be read in the mainstream Indian media.
It will be a great day when the Indian voter elects this great leader as our PM. However, I live in the real world and knowing the Indian voter, it will be the good looking, white skinned, white bread scion of the raj-gharaana.
Bharat ki taqdeer pay rona aata hai!!!
Gujarat wins UN Public Service Awards 2010
22/06/2010 09:12:48
Ahmedabad: The government of Gujarat has secured United Nations Public Service Award 2010 in ‘Improving transparency, accountability and responsiveness in the public service’ Asia Pacific category, at second place, for its State-wide attention on grievances by application of technology at Chief Minister’s office. The first place winner is Republic of Korea in same category and geographical area for its women friendly city project in Seoul.

The United Nations Public Service Award is the most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service. It rewards the creative achievements and contributions of public service institutions that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration in countries worldwide. Through an annual competition, the UN Public Service Awards promotes the role, professionalism and visibility of public service.
Check here for Full UN Report

Idol Worshipping in India!!!
Voltaire said: “To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth”.
It may sound somewhat harsh but it is true. Recently the Congress party said that to question the involvement of Rajiv Gandhi in the case of Warren Anderson’s escape from India, is "UNPATRIOTIC". Wow!! The chutzpah is breathtaking. But it is not surprising. This is the same cult, which said that India is Indira and Indira is India. This is (use your own expletive)!!! No mortal is bigger than the nation. NO ONE!!!!
In the US the Republican Party tries to gloss over any sins of Ronald Reagan and the Democrats do the same for JFK. Both the men had their moments but were far from perfect. The US media and the American people have never stopped questioning the decisions made by these guys and others. Americans are taught to question everything. Indians are taught to blindly follow. We are sheep. That is why we get slaughtered.
In the light of the Rajiv Gandhi statement and recently released book on Gandhi by a Brit have forced me to do something that is rarely done in India which is question the judgment and the actions of our leaders who have been given titles like Father of the Nation and Chachajee etc. by people who benefit from their idol worship. I say, it is time to talk freely about the mistakes of these so-called great leaders.
We all know that Nehru ran to the UN to resolve the newly cropped up J&K issue. We are paying for his sins to date and our kids will continue to pay for his pusillanimity. I came across a rare interview on the topic of the two-nation concept, The interviewer is Yuvaraj Karan, a former IAS Officer and the interviewee is Nehru.

Nehru's interview with Yuvaraj Karan - A Leaf from History, The Price which we are still paying

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Trouble with Dr. Zakir Naik

Here are few examples of our liberal media ghaddars who give undue prominence to this thug Zakir Naik in the name of secularism and freedom of speech. Barkha Dutt widely popular NDTV host promotes him as Muslim Identity. Shekhar Gupta of the famous “Walk the Talk” says; my guest this week, well, I could describe him rock star of tele-evangelism, but surprise of surprises, he is not preaching what you would expect tele-evangelists to preach. He is preaching Islam, modern Islam, and not just Islam but his own interpretation of all the faiths around the world. Our country’s esteemed newspaper Indian Express has prepared a top 10 personality list of opinion makers and places him at No.3 after Baba Ram Dev and Shri Shri Ravishankar, describing Zakir Naik the paper says: “Comparative religion specialist Dr Zakir Naik has emerged as a cult figure of sorts among Muslims.” In the last 13 years Zakir Naik has authored several books.
In his interviews Dr. Zakir Naik says that "Non-Muslims will NOT be allowed to preach their religion & to build their places of worship in an Islamic State." He blatantly claims Islam is the only “Deen” or religion accepted by Allah/God, does he imply that other religions are un-acceptable to God. The literal translation of the verb of the Arabic word deen is “Subjugate people to obey”. These Mullahs enjoy freedom of speech all over the world but they do not allow same human right for others. ..........

The Trouble with Dr. Zakir Naik
If you're looking for a snapshot of India's hapless response to radical Islam, then look no further than Bombay-based cleric Dr. Zakir Naik. In India, the 44-year-old Dr. Naik—a medical doctor by training and a televangelist by vocation—is a widely respected figure, feted by newspapers and gushed over by television anchors.

Unless this changes, unless Indians find the ability to criticize a radical Islamic preacher such as Dr. Naik as robustly as they would his Hindu equivalent, the idea of Indian secularism will remain deeply flawed.

Read the complete article on Wall Street Journal;

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rip Van Winkles wake up to Bhopal

I am not as opposed to celebrating Father's day as I am to Valentine's day. It is our culture to respect parents. However, being a father, I become more acutely aware of my responsibility on this day. As the old native American saying goes-"We do not inherit this earth from our parents. We are borrowing it from our children".
The onus, dear reader, is upon us. We have to leave this world a better place for our kids. 1947 to 2010, one party has ruled India for the lion's share and we see the results. Our children cannot afford more of this dynastic and votebank policies. We need to vote these bums out and bring in people who can make real difference.
Stand up and be counted!
Vote right!
Remember, no matter how hot it is on the day of voting, it cannot be hotter than a bomb blast!!!

The following is an article as only Mr. Kanchan Gupta can write. God bless him.

Rip Van Winkles wake up to Bhopal

It’s easy to wax eloquent on the plight of Union Carbide’s victims and berate America. But shouldn’t we also look within? Do we really care for the poor for whom we now feign treacly concern? Do we really want them to rise above poverty levels through higher wages? What would that do to profit margins, India as a favoured destination for investors looking for cheap labour, and stock prices? Or is the outrage we read about in newspapers and hear on television just so much poppycock and no more? A reality game show by another name? Little wonder that in Saurashtra youngsters believe Warren Anderson is a Hollywood superstar and Congress spokesman Manish Tewari condescendingly declares that anybody pointing a finger at Rajiv Gandhi is being “unpatriotic”. We do live in a wondrous land.

The article can be read at:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Isn’t Pakistan a Perpetual Enemy of India?????

Congress-led UPA government is bartering votes with national security by being soft on terrorists and Naxalites to pursue its “vote bank” politics. How can the PM Manmohan Singh be soft on terrorist outfits like Lashkar-e-Tayyaba responsible for terrorist attacks across our country? How can the PM consistently extend the hand friendship to Pakistan when their Government continues to fund terrorist organizations? Not only does the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba founder Hafiz Saeed, the mastermind of 26/11 roam freely, his continues anti-India rants in rallies across Pakistan are not hidden from the Congress-led UPA government. But in spite of all this our beloved PM is still willing to go more than half the way in extending friendship to Pakistan where the government, the Army and the ISI are hand in glove with the terrorist organizations. Our country had become “unsafe and insecure” and will continue to be so till the UPA is in power. Wake-up India or Perish!!!!!

Pak Punjab gave Rs 82.77 million to JuD
The Government of Pakistan's Punjab province provided Rs 82.77 million to Jamaat-ud-Dawah and its allied institutions during the last fiscal year, according to official documents.
The UN Security Council declared the JuD a front for the banned Lashker-e-Taiba shortly after the Mumbai attacks.
Despite claims by Pakistani leaders that the JuD has been "banned," no formal notification has been issued by the federal Government to proscribe the organization.

Read the complete article at:

Pakistani hand rocks Taliban cradle by, Matt Waldmann
The ISI shares a symbiotic relationship with the Afghan Taliban. Kashmir is a reciprocal issue to both entities
The Taliban-ISI relationship is founded on mutual benefit. The Taliban need external sanctuary, as well as military and logistical support to sustain their insurgency; the ISI believes that it needs a significant allied force in Afghanistan to maintain regional strength and “strategic depth” in their rivalry with India. As a former Taliban minister put it: “The ISI are helping the Taliban a lot, but they only give for their own gain. There is a reciprocal issue: Kashmir. The root of the problem in Afghanistan is the Pakistan-India competition.”

Read the complete article at:

'LeT, ISI nexus behind attacks on Indians in Afghanistan'
In what clearly showcases Pakistan’s wicked face, several Afghan and international intelligence officials and diplomats stationed in Kabul have confirmed that the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), with the help of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), has expanded its anti-India operations into Afghanistan and set up training camps,

Read the complete article at:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Maoist plan to take mayhem to South India and tie-up with Islamists

What a deadly combination it will be, if the Maoist and the Islamists join forces together.

“According to information available, the Maoists and the SIMI leadership had chalked out a game plan by which these organizations would jointly support each other in mass movements and had decided to interfere in all issues which would attract the attention of the (aam aadmi) common man with special emphasis on the middle class and the landless”.

Interrogation of a senior Maoist reveals startling facts
Maoist plan to take mayhem to South India and tie-up with Islamists

Read the complete article at:

Is Indian Army being 'deliberately' weakened?

The two countries are well aware that only the Indian Army stands between them and their long standing policy of dividing India into small segments in order to curtail its growing influence. Interestingly, the divisive ideologies of Islamic Jihad and Maoism that the country has to contend with are direct imports from India's two neighbours, China and Pakistan.

The Army is the last bastion of the nation, and a weakened, demoralized force will spell doom for it. Isolating the Army from deliberate attempts to reduce its capabilities and from negative propagandist influences is a national responsibility.

Read the complete article at:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Secularism: Theory and Practice in Contemporary India

An excellent article by Prof. Saradindu Mukherji on a topic that touches us all except the English language media and the self styled Macaulayite keepers of the pseudo-secular practices!!.
I don't think that Nandita Das is rushing to make a movie on any of the cases discussed in the article.

Secularism: Theory and Practice in Contemporary India
The implicit logic underlying Indian “secularist” discourse is that Hindus have no right to life and dignity, and they should quietly accept whatever is inflicted on them.
Why is this so? Because it is immensely profitable to do so for the main actors, and this is brazenly done to accommodate and promote the growing clout of pan-Islamic interests. Hence, the “secularists” are actually foot-soldiers of Islam. Their insensitivity and crude propaganda defy all principles of objectivity and fair play, and Goebbels, if alive, would have been envious of them.

The rest of this article can be read at the following:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rajiv govt freed Warren Anderson: CIA papers

Rajiv Gandhi's govt. was the only one with an absolute majority (more than two thirds!!) in our history. Imagine the good the man could have done for the nation. Instead we know him for Bofors, Shah Bano case and now this crime. How is that for a legacy? And we still worship that family.
Are we cursed with bad governance? Will the Indian voter ever learn? Only Bhole Nath baba knows!!!

Rajiv govt freed Warren Anderson: CIA papers
"Moti Singh, who was the District Collector of Bhopal at the time of gas leak, has said that Anderson was arrested at around 2 pm on December 7 but he was released the same day and flew out of Bhopal in a state government plane to New Delhi.

Singh claims the then Chief Secretary of the state government ordered him to release Anderson.
Congress leader Arjun Singh, who was Chief Minister Madhya Pradesh in 1984, is believed to have ordered his officials to release Anderson but Digvijay Singh, his party colleague from the state, on Thursday told CNN-IBN that the MP government “only implemented” the Centre's instructions in the gas leak case. "

Friday, June 11, 2010

Jihad and Finance

This terror sympathizer Taqi Usmani, is deeply embedded into a trillion dollar Sharia finance empire. I don't know how this nasty piece of work has managed to stay under the radar but this guy needs to be kept on a constant vigil.

Shariah-finance market set to hit $1 trillion, as Ernst and Young promotes jihadists
Shariah Finance Watch Jun 10, 2010
By Christopher Holton

There can be no doubt that, unfortunately, the There can be no doubt that, unfortunately, the Shariah Finance industry is growing. Of course, just like the article linked below, the industry uses dishonest methods to promote itself, such as claiming-falsely, that "Islamic" finance is insulated from economic and financial crisis.
Nevertheless, industry insiders predict that the market for Shariah-Compliant products and services will hit $1 trillion soon. Sadly, they're probably right.
The accounting/consulting firm Ernst and Young is leading the parade and credits the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) for future success.
The name of this organization seems harmless enough. It prompts visions of accountants poring over computer screens to make sure everything is right and proper.
But in reality, this is the face of AAOIFI: Mufti Taqi Usmani, Chair of AAOIFI Shariah Board

The following is another article on the same topic by Alex Alexiev of National Review, one of the few honest magazines around.

Consider the board chairman of the Dow Jones Islamic Index (IMANX), one Mufti Taqi Usmani. Mr. Usmani is widely reputed to be one of the world’s top experts on sharia finance. Whatever his stockpicking abilities may be, they are dwarfed by his jihadist credentials. A key executive of Pakistan’s prominent Deobandi jihadist factory, the madrassa Darul Karoom Karachi (currently headed by his brother, Rafi Usmani), Taqi Usmani has openly advocated jihad by Muslims in the West, and just last month again publicly endorsed suicide bombing and the Taliban.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jab Apna Hi Sikka Khota Ho To Hum Kise Dosh De

We are quick to jump to conclusions and very easily blame others for our mistakes and shortcomings. You know why, because it is easy to fool the idiot Aam Aadmi and put the blame on US political pressure. Instead of taking action we take pride in generations of supporting a single political party or subscribing to a broadsheet, no matter what they do or their degeneration. We the aam aadmi know the role that the politicians and the judiciary in the nation play, don't we? When we cannot break the mould of rotting practices and traditions, neither do politicians, nor does the country. . Ab kya kahe, kya sune, bas iska parinam bhogatna padega………….

MP Govt and some in Centre helped Anderson flee: Sathe
Former Union Minister Vasant Sathe on Thursday said there was”collusion" between the Madhya Pradesh government and "some people" in the Centre which allowed former Union Carbide CEO Warren Anderson to escape justice in the Bhopal gas tragedy. "After all, he (Anderson) was given the state government plane from Bhopal to Delhi. Obviously there were some people (in Bhopal and Delhi who were responsible)" Sathe said.
Read the complete article at:

Cong ties itself up in knots
Internal politics appeared to have come to the fore in the Congress with senior leader Digvijay Singh firing the salvo by reportedly saying that release of Anderson had come under “US pressure”. Singh was then a Minister in the Arjun Singh Government of Madhya Pradesh. As the party finds itself in an embarrassing situation, several other leaders have targeted Singh and held him responsible for bailing out Anderson.
Read the complete article at:

And now for some good old collusion between Ronald Reagan and "Someone important in the Congress govt."!!!
Really cruel stuff especially when we all knew that Reagan was a major Paki-phile!!!

Cops saw off Warren with salutes: Pilot

Read the complete article at:

Meanwhile the face of the current Congress govt. was a Dow stooge. Can you believe anything this guy tells you about anything at all????

Singhvi helped Dow in Bhopal gas leak mess

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Enemies of the Republic

We are great admirers or Prof. Vaidya. Here is his latest where he takes the decision makers, ensconced safely in the environs of New Delhi, to task. All these messiahs of the dalits and OBC have blood on their hands mostly due to inaction. I would say that it is another version of votebank politics.

Enemies of the Republic
"The political class has blood on its hands — blood of innocent Indians. This class which operates under the three-B system of bow, bribe and blackmail thinks it can deal with Maoists in the same fashion. Congress leader Digvijay Singh who was chief minister of Madhya Pradesh for 10 years talks about the need for development and talks of Maoists not attacking temples and mutts when they have killed Swami Laxmananada Saraswathi working for tribals in Orissa. Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Lalu Prasad who was chief minister of Bihar and a Union minister talks about Naxals killing only police informers as if that is an acceptable thing. Let us not worry about inanities of rootless wonders like Mani Shankar Aiyars."

The rest of the article can be read at:

It’s the Civilizational and Strategic Dialogue

Indo-US relations have so much potential but it seems that every time we come close to something mutually beneficial, age old problems creep in. Whether it is the ego of the Indian babus or the distrust that the Americans have because of our old Soviet tilt, all that should be buried and a new chapter where mutual interests and respect become the new catch words.
A friend of the blog forwarded the following article which is a very sensible one.

It’s the Civilizational and Strategic Dialogue

"Furthermore, there is a realistic appraisal on both the sides that the US and India are not allies, just partners. India does need her own strategic autonomy on the world stage and can never become a “camp follower” of the US like Australia or the UK. Nor would India agree to become a client state of the US like “Pakistan” or “Chile” under General Pinochet. The US policy establishment does realize this important fact and respects India’s independent thinking now. The attempt on both sides is to increase the areas of convergence in thinking and reduce the areas of bilateral divergence and harmonize this important bilateral relationship."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One Year Political Report Card of UPA and BJP

What is the country’s main opposition party the BJP waiting for????????????????...................During the UPA rule since 2004, India added 100 million more Gareeb aadmi as per the UN report, India’s food inflation touched 18% with aam aadmi’s staple food like Daal selling close Rs 100/kg, 72 lack metric tons of wheat grain aam aadmi’s roti was rotting in the Government granaries when thousands of aam aadmi were dying of hunger apart from thousands more being killed by Maoists and Islamic terrorist.

Here is what Dr. Subhash Kapila says;
The ruling Congress (UPA) Government recently released its one year report card after having assumed office last year about this time. Notwithstanding the delusionary self-congratulatory report card issued publicly the fact is that the vast majority of Indians have judged its one year governance as a failure in all fields. The “Aam Admi” who has been the target of Congress votes feels terribly let down by the economic failure of the Congress Government to arrest prices.
Except for one major rally last month in New Delhi the BJP has miserably failed to organize country-wide protests to give vent to the “Aam Admi’s” anger at the Congress Government.
This was the time that the BJP’s top rung leadership should have been flitting across the country and made a visible projection to India-at-large that they would always espouse the common Indian’s causes by political mobilization. But that has not happened and it seems that the BJP top brass does not want to move out of the comfort of their air-conditioned residences and shake their political legs.

Here is what I would like to add to what Dr. Subhash Kapila has to say; would someone amongst the BJP admirers care to get this message across to the air-conditioned ivory towers of Ashoka Road that; "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." Dale Carnegie

You can read the complete article at

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rahul in party mood soon after Mumbai crisis

What can we expect? This man's mother is not an Indian and it would seem that he also has no emotional ties to the country other than the PM seat which he treats as his virasat!!
The Indian voter will be well advised to see through this imposter's looks and elect a leader whose heart bleeds for the nations. This guy would be a step down even from incompetents like IK Gujral and VP Singh.
What a fraud is being shoved down the Indian throats by those Congress charlatans who are carefully managing this guys photo-ops!!!

Rahul in party mood soon after Mumbai crisis

"Even before the tears of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan’s mother could dry up, Congress general secretary and heir apparent Rahul Gandhi went partying with his pals at a farmhouse on Delhi’s outskirts.The Prince partied hard, till 5 in the morning, on Sunday at the ‘sangeet’ for the forthcoming wedding of Samir Sharma, his childhood friend. They were at a sprawling farmhouse at Radhey Mohan Chowk, the haven of people who lead charmed lives beyond Chhatarpur."

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Boycotting: A Lethal Weapon?

Do you feel helpless when famous people do things that outrage you or when they commit crimes and get away or do blatantly anti-national things and hide behind the very freedom that the nation provides them?

We are living in a free market democracy and thus the system has an in-built way of dealing with exactly this problem. I will give you an example. On August 27, 2002, political pundit Bill O'Reilly called for all Americans to boycott Pepsi products, saying that the rapper Ludacris' lyrics glamorize a "life of guns, violence, drugs and disrespect of women". Bill called on his viewers to start boycotting Pepsi products until the company took care of Ludacris. That must’ve shaken the Pepsi people because on August 28, 2002, O'Reilly reported that Pepsi had fired Ludacris.

That is the power of a free market democracy.

When Salman Khan got away with mowing down poor people sleeping on the sidewalk, it left me very angry. To people who talked to me about it, I had one suggestion – STOP WATCHING THIS CRIMINAL’S MOVIES!!!! Hit him where it really hurts. But the Indian population is so forgiving that the man has gone from strength to strength and become richer.

When biased journalists and TV stations like Barkha Dutt and NDTV on their leftist crusades do or say things, which go against Indian sensibilities or culture, the populace does not have to feel helpless. People can stop watching those TV stations and stop buying the merchandise that these stations peddle. Believe me, when the corporations find out about such boycotts, they will withdraw financial sponsorships of these TV stations. That is how you punish these people. Indians need to be vigil about these events. They need to unite and form consumer forums and start boycotting these bums. Remember- your pocket and your money is a very potent weapon. This could be a modest beginning for a great campaign against such desh drohi's and pseudo secularist. These people have been getting away with for far too long. If the law cannot get them, maybe the Janta ki adalat will get them.
Yes! Boycotting is a lethal weapon. It is about time the Indian people realised their strength and used it.

Dealing with Arundhati Roy and her ilk.

If you have noticed, the only time we talk about Arundhati Roy is when she does something outrageous. For example going to Pakistan and hanging out with known India haters or interview on Al Jazeera or calling Maoists Gandhians with guns etc. Other than that one does not get to hear about her. Her writing career is limited to one book and J D Salinger she ain’t!!! So the only way she can stay in the limelight, which SHE LOVES, is by her very transparent antics like saying / doing outrageous things so people will get riled up and talk and say things about her even if most of it is such vile stuff that we cannot put it in print.
Publicity, positive or otherwise is the lifeblood for such people. You deny them that and they will whither away. Unfortunately, the stuff she says gets everyone’s blood boiling and people play right in her hands.
So let us take a vow. We will not get upset about her antics and ignore her. That is the only way to get rid of her. She poses no real threat to India because no one gives a rat’s fundaments to what she says. Deny her the publicity she so desperately seeks and this wretched excuse of an Indian will go away.There are bigger threats to India in the media who, because of their bully pulpits, can do real damage. Let us do something about them.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Truth about Rahul’s MPhil

The man who is the Rajkumar of India of India is a flunky. Is anyone really surprised? Rajmata Sonia Maino Gandhi was studying English at a night school in England (and not Oxford as Congress would have you believe) when Maharaj Rajeev Gandhi was flunking at some London college. This man does not come from an educated family.

Is this the youth icon India has been looking for? This family has been sitting on the fate of the nation like a cobra for decades. Unfortunately the fractured mandates and the corrupt regional parties enable these buffoons to rule the nation with less that 30% share of total votes. This is why the nation needs to rise above the regional interests and look at Mother India as a whole nation and find ways and elect leaders with a half a brain in their head (rather than good looks for photo-ops) who can really lead us out of this quagmire instead of letting two bit hustlers like Mayawati and Karunanidhi can ruin the nation's fortunes.



"Rahul Gandhi appears to have been economical with the truth on his affidavit while filing his election nomination papers in Amethi this weekend.
In the affidavit, he states that he obtained an MPhil from Trinity College of the University of Cambridge, UK, in 1995, in Developmental Economics. A certificate from the University shows that not only has he got dates wrong, he has even got the name of the course he took incorrect.
Worse, the man touted as a future prime minister failed one of his four papers.
Rahul got 58 per cent in “National Economic Planning and Policy” (according to the grading scale given in the certificate, 60 per cent is the minimum for a pass)."

The complete article is at the following:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

India's bureaucracy is 'the most stifling in the world'

What can one do about the stifling bureaucracy that is Indian babudom? Nothing except shake one's head. This is the way the IAS babus exert their power onto the unsuspecting Indian populace.

India's bureaucracy is 'the most stifling in the world'
"The inertia generated by a stifling bureaucratic system will, in the medium term, prevent India matching the growth rates of its great Asian rival China":
Political and Economic Risk Consultancy report.

The article can be read at the following:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Question for Barkha Dutt of NDTV & Indian Media , Dare to Answer

Now here is an aam aadmi like the rest of us who is sick and tired of the bully pulpit occupied by these rabid pseudo secularists. This guy is using the only form of media available to him. Please watch this and tell others about this and other clips on this site.

A Question for Barkha Dutt of NDTV & Indian Media , Dare to Answer

The Aam Aadmi Facade

More of the same. More corruption. More broken promises.
Are we going to vote these bums out in the next election or are we going to forget and get seduced by Rahul Gandhi's charms and / or find it too hot to go and vote???

The Aam Aadmi Facade
The latter was reflected in the handling of the telecom scam. The Central Bureau of Investigation "raided" the offices of department of telecommunications last year and yet the telecom minister A Raja refused to resign. The murky dealings of various ministers is reflective of the fostering of the culture of crony capitalism, the most blatant of which were the nexus of business and politics in the commerce of the Indian Premier League. Inaction against the telecom minister has been attributed to the exigencies of coalition politics, but the "rent seeking" in sectors such as natural gas, mining, and telecommunications suggests that corruption in high places is more systemic.

The rest of the article is available at:

Is the nation in a coma?

The article is not news to anyone who pays even a bit of attention to the goings on in India. The author is writing his experience in Europe where financial corruption is not exactly unknown. But apparently the Indians have left them in the dust.
It is becoming clear that the IPL was nothing more than a way for the crooks in India to get even more rich. I would not be surprised if people like Dawood Ibrahim were involved indirectly.
My appeal to Indians would be to shun this "bandar ka naach" and do something else with their time. By watching they are supporting the enormous corruption.
We can all do things in our lives to reduce corruption in India. Just a little bit of resolve will go a long way.

Is the nation in a coma?
Mohan Murti
"An article in a French newspaper titled “Playing the Game, Indian Style” wrote: “Investigations into the shadowy financial deals of the Indian cricket league have revealed a web of transactions across tax havens like Switzerland, the Virgin Islands, Mauritius and Cyprus.” In the same article, the name of one Hassan Ali of Pune is mentioned as operating with his wife a one-billion-dollar illegal Swiss account with “sanction of the Indian regime”.

The rest of the article is available at

India: The Hanuman Syndrome

Our countries silence and inaction has given an impression to the world that we the Indian people are meek and weak. We pushovers, on the contrary are living in a la la land day dreaming that someday soon we we would be world superpower. The individuality in Santana Dharma together with Gandhi’s non-violence seems to be the perpetual curse of the country. We idiots have conveniently forgotten that need to fight the fights that require fighting, isn’t that the sermon by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita all about. Remember “It’s survival of the fittest and the weak shall perish”.

After the Mumbai Terror attack on 26/11 the D Sivanandan the Mumbai Police Commissioner said “unlike Israel, which immediately reacts to any terror attacks, India lacked the killer instinct against those who carry out such attacks.” Since thousands of years, we have been passively witnessing all terror attacks. We never went to fight with anybody. That's what our main problem is and we lack the killer instinct," he said.
"We cannot go and wage a war against Pakistan, China or anybody else. But Israel never keeps quiet. Israelis go on their flights, bombard the fellows (enemies), come back and keep quiet. But when we become aggressive, we face international pressure," Sivanandan, who has recently been appointed Mumbai's police commissioner, said.

Here is what Rajeev Srinivasan says in today’s Rediff post;

The world has taken its measure of India, and found it to be a second-tier nation. Hence they will continue to insult it subtly and openly. There is no consequence. India does not realize that it is, at least as an economic entity, a desirable partner, and that when the world is in the depths of a financial crisis, the threat of withholding access to the Indian market would immediately encourage snooty Canada’s and Australia’s and Britain’s to fold. We have seen how the British absolutely groveled a few years ago when Malaysia's prickly Mahathir Mohammed cancelled orders with British companies when they said something rude. I have never seen such kowtowing and mea culpas and brown-nosing. India is heavyweight acting like a featherweight. There may be a Hanuman Syndrome in effect here: A country not knowing its true worth. On the other hand, I am afraid it's worse -- the rulers do not pursue India's national interests to the best of their ability, despite their solemn oath to do so.

Click on the following link to read the complete article;

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How to wipe out Islamic terror

It’s high time we unite as one nation burying our petty differences of cast and language. Here is what Dr. Subramanian Swamy the former Union minister has to say;

*Blame the Hindus*
In one sense, I do not blame the Muslim fanatics for targeting Hindus. I
blame us Hindus who have taken their individuality permitted in Sanatana
Dharma to the extreme. Millions of Hindus can assemble without state
patronage for Kumbh Mela completely self-organized, but they all leave for
home oblivious of the targeting of Hindus in Kashmir, Mau, Melvisharam and
Malappuram and do not lift their little finger to help organize Hindus. For
example, if half the Hindus vote together rising above their caste and
language, a genuine Hindu party will have a two-thirds majority in
Parliament and Assemblies.

Click on the following link to read the complete article.