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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Spiritually Bankrupt Nation

Recently I had the privilege to listen to the pravachans of Swami Udit Chaithyana on the surya Channel.Though his current pravachan is on Ramayana, his religious discourses and motivating lectures generally cover verses from all the Hindu scriptures, at times appropriately quoting from the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads. He is a young man of wisdom, learned and well versed in the Sanskrit language, educated and well trained in Veda Sastras and Vedanta. I was intrigued by his style in elaborating the significance of the various verses. Giving several bhava and angle of the sloka displayed his in-depth knowledge and interpretation of the scriptures, particularly in last week Ramayana pravachan where he explains Lord Rama’s 14 year vanvas episode. Being a layman of limited knowledge I will try to reproduce to the best of my ability. Explaining the vanvas episode Swami Udit Chaithyana’s emphasized on his interpretation about the human mind, intellect, memory, and ahankar that is the Manas (Mind), Brain (Bhuddi), Chitta (Memory) and Ahankar (Expression/Behavior/Arrogance/Ego) He said a person leading a life intellectually using his bhuddi to control the mind can reach God, where as a person who is emotionally corrupted, even if he strives hard will not attain God. Our minds have three main worries he says, worries about our own body, worrying about the materials related to our body and finally worries about the people related to our body. We should strive to lead the life of a river with an ultimate goal to reach the ocean and on its path quenching the thirst of the jivatmas. He then compared as to how at such a young age, to uphold Dharma and to keep his fathers promise to Kaikeyi, Lord Rama relinquished the material comforts of the kingdom and leaves his grief stricken father behind to lead a life of austerity in the jungle. Whereas his old father King Dasaratha at the very end of his life had a mind full of emotions, grieving for his son and angry at his wife Kaikeyi. The choice is ours; we can either choose to lead a spiritually advanced life like that of Lord Ram or an emotionally corrupted life like that of Dasartha. He then said we all have the 4 brothers of Ramayana; Lakshmana the Manas (Mind), Rama the Bhuddi (Brain), Bharata the Chitta (memory) and Satrughna the Ahankar (Expression/Behavior/Ego) dwelling in all of us. The wandering and inquisitive mind intellectually controlled and nurtured using the brain can store the spiritual knowledge in memory to express the Godly behaviors. Unlike the other religion where they associate to a person like Jesus or the prophet who lived in the past, we on the other hand, can invite Lord Rama or Krishna into our manas (minds) by lifting our Jivatma (the individual self) to merge with the Paramatma (The God) for God realization and that is our sanskar. The Katha Upanisad pictures manas (mind) as the bridle with reins by which the intellect (buddhi), as the driver of the chariot, guides the horses of the senses. Our Samskara teaches us to lead our lives following the path of Karma (Duty), Upasana (Worship/to sit near God) and Dhyana (Meditation to merge our Atma with the Paramatma).

Now this is a far cry from the fiery narrow minded despotic gospels of the mullahs evoking the emotions of the followers. By repeating the past struggles of persecution to subjugate, the mullahs instigate followers against the un-believers with promises of material paradise in the afterlife. This helps us understand the pathology of the Pakistani situation and the abnormal nature of the Pakistan state, which exists only in relation to its hatred of the "other". No wonder it produces 10,000 jihadists in a year. It’s the social situation around them, what we call the sanskar that bind an individual into his or her social group that drives bad behavior and not the individual's own inherent tendencies. So are the Pakistani’s emotionally corrupted and spiritually bankrupt people exposing their expressions?

After the NY bomb scare the Pakistani may pose as Indians but for how long, they will get exposed because their Jivatma is Muhammad and not Ram.

1 comment:

  1. I have been following the Aam aadmi for the past few days diligently. This article has truly touched a very sensitive emotional chord in me. I look forward to reading more of these articles..Kudos to Swami Thambi !!
