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Saturday, May 15, 2010

India 'diverts funds for poor to pay for Delhi games'

It is amazing that there is no outrage on this in India. We have a decent foreign exchange reserve. In Congress wants to showcase it's achievement with these games there are ways to raise money instead of kicking those who are already down.
In fact one can go further and deduce from the lack of criticism in the Indian media for the UPA that there is no buyer's remorse amongst the voters for electing them the second time around despite of their record. In any other democracy these people would have been kicked out.
However knowing the Indian voter, I am sure that when the next election comes, the middle class will get seduced by the good looking crown prince Rahul who will be supported by the English language media to the hilt. The poor will get seduced and bullied by the casteist politics of the regional parties who then will join the UPA to keep those "communal monsters and enemies of the nation" BJP out of the government. And thus the status quo will be maintained.
I guess this is one way of dealing with poverty - starve the poor to death. Gareeb Hatao!!!!

India 'diverts funds for poor to pay for Delhi games'

Tens of millions of dollars have been diverted in India from schemes to fight poverty and used to fund Delhi's Commonwealth Games, a report says.
The Housing and Land Rights Network pressure group says its report is based on official documents obtained under India's right to information act.

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