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Sunday, May 30, 2010
20 million to be made legal citizens
Here what Prof. R. Viadynathan of IIM Bangalore says
Arizona in the USA is in turmoil due to a piece of legislation passed in the state about illegal immigrants mainly from Mexico and other Latin countries. It says that the cops can ask for papers if they suspect a person to be illegal and also the employers need to check the legal status. The bleeding heart liberals and other assorted types of leftists are up in arms. But the mainstream America wants to go ahead and curb illegal immigration.
But India is different. It carries the Athithi Devo Bhava to the extreme in terms of providing perfume to Kasab.
Click on the following link to read the complete article
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Mayawati and the politics of corruption
When will people of UP rise above caste politics and vote this person out of the office. Between Mayawati and Mulayam Yadav, the state of UP became a lot sicker than it was (It is part of the BIMARU states!!!).
The politics of corruption
By MV Kamath
"The CBI listed the immovable assets of Mayawati and her family as follows: 41 agricultural plots, 16 residential plots, 7 shops, three orchards, two shops-cum-residences located in and around Delhi; a mansion in her ancestral village of Badalpur, described by NDTV as a mini-Taj Mahal, buit on a sprawling 30,000 square yards estate. According to a CBI list filed in 2003, Mayawati then had assets worth Rs 36.5 million in one bank account and Rs 2.345 million in another. In 2004 she had Rs 1.5 million in cash and Rs 97.8 million in bank accounts and jewellery worth Rs 3.09 million. In 2007 her moveable assets included Rs 5.02 million in cash, Rs 128.8 million in bank deposits and jewellery worth Rs 5.08 million. Giving further details of her jewellery, Mayawati listed 1035.260 grammes of gold 76.040 grammes of diamonds and 18,500 kgs of silver. She also admitted owning murals worth Rs 1.5 million. According to Mayawati’s own self-evaluation from two affidavits her financial worth including both moveable and immoveable assets jumped from Rs 160.7 million in 2004 to Rs 520 million in 2007. "
Only in India: A Brahmin groom for a Catholic bride
Of course this does not make the practice in Hinduism any less vile.
Only in India: A Brahmin groom for a Catholic bride
MUMBAI: When Winnie D'Souza wanted to marry her daughter into a ‘decent' family, she scanned the matrimonial columns of Catholic periodicals in Panaji. After shortlisting a few young men, D'Souza made inquiries about their caste. She wanted her daughter to marry a Brahmin. Most Catholic publications do not list caste categories as they did 20 years ago, but casteism has not disappeared among Christians. It has merely become more subtle.
The rest can be read at the following:
Seven facts that nail the lies about Gujarat
Recently we found out that through autopsies and other ways, stories about Gengis Khan type atrocities attributed to Hindu mobs by eminent pseudo secularists and self styled champions of minorities were wrong. In one case one activist had actually coached a witness to lie.
No one is really proud of what happened in the aftermath of the lynching of the kar-sevaks at the Godhra station. But one still needs to examine the whole thing from an impartial point of view rather than trying to score political points on a successful CM in probably the most prosperous state in the Indian Union.
The following article was written a long time ago by Mr. B P Singhal who is a retired IPS officer and an ex Rajya Sabha member. It was published in the only paper which has the guts to speak the truth in the face of a maelstrom of lies perpetuated by English language media in India.
"The post-Godhra violence was neither 'genocide' nor 'pogrom' against Muslims. It was communal violence in which Hindus also died, many shot dead by police, says BP Singhal"
".....When Aaj Tak contacted me to get my response, I told the anchor that the Godhra carnage took place on February 27, 2002, that the Hindu backlash commenced on February 28, and the Army was conducting a flag march on the forenoon of March 1. He cut me short by saying that "this is exactly what we have said, no action was taken by Mr Modi on the 29th, 30th and 31st, thus giving three clear days to the murderers...". I had to remind him at this point that the date 28th was February 28 and there was no 29th, 30th or 31st in that month. The 'phono' was disconnected."
The following website is dedicated to the cause of unearthing the lies about the riots in the aftermath of Godhra massacre. Afterall, someone had to speak for those 50 people who were burnt alive.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Rebel Nuns
It has always vexed me as to what the Hindu stand was on the matter of abortion. Of course unlike all the organized religions, Hinduism seems more like a philosophy to guide us and thus leaves the decision making to the individual. The sentiment has been articulated well in the article in the first article in blue.
Please read the following before that:
As a Hindu, I believe the Soul is eternal and immortal, while the body is subject to birth and death. Life is sacred. In the context of abortion, what is important to me is the intent, the motivation, behind the decision. In the overall cosmic balance was the act, life enhancing or diminishing? For, as you sow, so shall you reap; for somewhere along in the cycle of karmic births and deaths you will be rewarded by the fruits of your action. Karma (literally: action) is the sum of one's actions, and the force that determines one's next reincarnation.
Now with all this in mind I would like to make the point of selective abortions in India. That is a sin in the eyes of god even for Hindus. A religion which calls "kanyadaan" a grace cannot condone female foeticide. Chinese society is beset with problems because of the one child policy and the Chinese obsession with male children. Single middle age men have been responsible for murderous attacks on school children.
Hinduism gives us freedom to choose based on our conscience. We should be thankful for that. But we should not be misusing our god given freedom.
And now the article which led to this:
Rebel Nuns
When it comes to nuns, though, the church is somehow able to act with alacrity. This week, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix announced the excommunication of Sister Margaret McBride for the crime of approving an abortion necessary to save a woman’s life. The patient, a 27-year-old who was 11 weeks pregnant, had pulmonary hypertension, which interferes with the functioning of the heart and lungs. Pregnancy exacerbates the condition, and doctors at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center determined that she would die without an abortion. St. Joseph’s is Catholic, so an ethics committee meeting was convened. As part of the committee, Sister McBride opted to save the patient’s life. For that, she’s been rebuked, transferred, and essentially barred from participating in Catholic life.
Read the rest of the article at the following.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
UPA-II: A first year report card.
All things said, what you get is what you voted for.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
India's Crisis Of Food Inflation & Hunger
Why do we need Commonwealth games?
Why does that unscrupulous rotten excuse of a human being ambani need a 6 billion dollar home?
(Read my friend Swami Thambi's post Look Around Before You Commemorate on this blog)
I am NOT a communist but I am a father. My eyes watered up when I read the story of this girl Poonam. I wish I had money like Ambani so I could go and adopt the whole family and make her feel well. But I can't. I am just a helpless guy trying to keep my own world together. When I see that Pakistan and Sub-Saharan countries are doing better than us, I become extremely angry. Unfortunately, the Indians in India have become very blasé and are doing their best to become comfortably numb.
I have this to say to them:
1. The country ain't goin' nowhere until everyone is on the train.
2. You, my dear friend, will have to come out of your house and see this sometime. I hope your conscience will let you sleep after you see this.
At the very least, you could go out and vote right in the next election.

India's Crisis Of Food Inflation & Hunger
"Chris Morris, of BBC News writes in an article titled, 'Diet of mud and despair in Indian village', published May 15: "In Ganne, just off the main road about an hour south of the city of Allahabad (in Northern India), this (poverty/hunger) is a simple fact of life. Inside one of the huts sits a little girl called Poonam. She is three years old, and in the early stages of kidney failure. Like many children in Ganne she has become used to eating bits of dried mud and silica, which she finds in the quarry. Tiny children chew on the mud simply because they are hungry - but it is making them ill. When reports first emerged of children eating mud here local officials delivered more food and warned the villagers not to speak to outsiders. "
India's food inflation dips to 13.93 percent
India's food inflation dips to 13.93 percent
New Delhi, May 6
"India's annual food inflation declined to 13.93 percent for the week ended April 24 from 16.61 percent a week ago due to a fall in prices of wheat and vegetables, official data showed Thursday."
The prices of the following grew:
- Pulses: 30.58 percent
- Milk: 21.12 percent
- Fruits: 14.49 percent
- Rice: 8.28 percent
- Cereals: 7.67 percent
The prices of the following fell:
- Potato: (-)32.14 percent
- Onions : (-) 25.8 percent
- Vegetables: (-) 5.69 percent
The article can be read at the following:
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Manmohan Singh's second term: Drift, disunity, unfulfilled expectations
"Yatha Praja, Tatha Raaja"
Manmohan Singh's second term: Drift, disunity, unfulfilled expectations
Expectations about the Manmohan Singh government performing better in its second term as the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) completes a year since it returned to power are yet to be fulfilled. It was hoped that a more secure majority in parliament and the absence of an obstructionist Communist bloc would enable the prime minister to push ahead faster with economic reforms and provide more purposeful governance.
But despite the government's success in fobbing off the challenge from its two main adversaries - the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Left parties - as the failure of their cut motion on the demand for grants showed, it still seems lacking in confidence.
The reason is more internal than external. While the government has succeeded in obtaining the support of three allies such as the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and the Samajwadi Party (SP), its partners in the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) as well as a section of Congressmen themselves have proved to be troublesome.
Besides, misgivings prevail about how the government wooed these three parties of the Hindi heartland. While the BSP's Mayawati apparently believes the government will not pursue the corruption cases against her with the earlier vigour, the RJD and the SP have been placated by the government conceding their demand for including caste in the census enumerations for the first time since 1931.
The rest of the article is available at the following:
Source: Amulya Ganguli, IANS
Speculative hoarding causes price-rise
I am not an economist. In fact, truth be told, I do not understand economics at all. I am told that our PM is something of an economist. But judging by the inflation and the price situation, what can we deduce about his team's ability to handle the inflation and the price rise.
The following is an article which, at least point in the right direction.
A couple of quotes from the article and the url are as follows.
Speculative hoarding causes price-rise
By Himanshu Shekhar Jha
"THE recent spurt in the prices of essential commodities which has made the life of common people in India miserable is a new phenomenon. In fact, this trend started only after the entry of the multinational companies in our country. Prior to that prices registered a hike rarely and had never been excessive as it is today. "
"In my recent visit to Deoghar, a holy place of international fame in Jharkhand, I heard a government official complaining against the UPA Government in particular Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Cabinet Colleagues. He wanted to bring home the truth to me that when the BJP was in Power, prices were at least stable and were not likely to wobble over at every turn of the event. He said that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh often talks about expected price-rise as a result of which hoarders swing into action immediately and pile up goods in great demand which automatically lead to inflation. "
Hail to the Champion: Vishwanathan Anand!!
I read an interview of a Cricket player about the IPL parties. It turns out that the stuff that went on there is not even condoned by the NBA or NFL or MLB in the US.
Coming back to the topic, Vishwanathan Anand is a true "Bharat Ratna". May God bless him a long life and abilities so he can keep doing us all proud.
The following is a slide show in a US newspaper - the Indian ones are still trying to put together slide shows on Bollywood starlets and our debauched Cricket goons.
India 'diverts funds for poor to pay for Delhi games'
In fact one can go further and deduce from the lack of criticism in the Indian media for the UPA that there is no buyer's remorse amongst the voters for electing them the second time around despite of their record. In any other democracy these people would have been kicked out.
However knowing the Indian voter, I am sure that when the next election comes, the middle class will get seduced by the good looking crown prince Rahul who will be supported by the English language media to the hilt. The poor will get seduced and bullied by the casteist politics of the regional parties who then will join the UPA to keep those "communal monsters and enemies of the nation" BJP out of the government. And thus the status quo will be maintained.
I guess this is one way of dealing with poverty - starve the poor to death. Gareeb Hatao!!!!
India 'diverts funds for poor to pay for Delhi games'
Tens of millions of dollars have been diverted in India from schemes to fight poverty and used to fund Delhi's Commonwealth Games, a report says.
The Housing and Land Rights Network pressure group says its report is based on official documents obtained under India's right to information act.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
More Proof of zakat funding jihad
More Proof of zakat funding jihad
It is known that while the practice of Zakat (giving alms) in Islam is a noble idea, it has been hijacked and misused by terrorist outfits and it's supporters to raise money for terror attacks. For example, the hides of animals sacrificed during Id-ul-azha in Pakistan are donated to these dubious charities who then sell them to leather goods makers. The money thus generated goes towards funding everything except helping the real needy.
They have telethons in Saudi Arabia where money is raised for suicide bombers who attack Israel. The following article is more like a confession of that practice.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Look Around Before You Commemorate

PM to present UPA's report card to 'aam aadmi'
Last updated on: May 11, 2010 11:28 IST
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will present a report card to the 'aam aadmi' on the 'successful completion' of six years of the United Progressive Alliance's stint at the Centre at a massive media conference on May 24. The occasion will commemorate the sixth anniversary of the UPA regime at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi. In a communication to the secretaries in the various ministries, the prime minister's office has sought details of the successful projects or missions undertaken by that particular ministry, to be included in the final report. Senior ministers are expected to be present at the media conference. Dr Singh's Information Advisor Dr Harish Khare will conduct the show. As many as 250 news channels and 1,500 accredited correspondents will cover the media conference at Vigyan Bhavan. Dr Singh will also answer question from media centres in Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata Mumbai and Hyderabad, via video conferencing.
The Press Information Bureau and the ministry of external affairs is considering fielding questions by correspondents based in foreign locations via video. On the evening of May 24, Congress president and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi is planning to host a reception for UPA allies and Congress Members of Parliament. The venue for the reception will be finalized after consultations with the PMO and UPA leaders. The All India Congress Committee has also asked the chiefs of its state units to plan celebrations to mark the sixth anniversary of the UPA.
Mr. PM here are some questions Aam Aadmi Blog is fielding;
1. How can you commemorate adding 100 million more people to the U.N. estimated poverty line of $1.25 a day?
2. How can you commemorate the U.N Report of one third of the world’s poor being in India, living on less than $2 per day, worse than in many of sub-Saharan Africa?
3. How can you commemorate the massive inflation on basic food items?
4. How can you commemorate when 72 lack metric tons of wheat grain worth Rs. 800 crores, procured from the farmers is rotting in the Government granaries?
5. How can you commemorate farmers commit ting suicide and people dying of starvation and malnutrition?
6. How can you commemorate the death of hundreds of innocent citizens killed by Islamic Terrorist in the face of deteriorating national security?
7. How can you commemorate resumption of the peace process with Pakistan when they refuse to dismantle the terrorist training camps and punish the perpetrators?
8. How can you commemorate the massacre of the CRPF jawan’s by the Maoists?
9. How can you commemorate the 2G Spectrum 1 lack crore mother of all scams by your cabinet colleague?
10. How can you commemorate the tabling of the severely compromised nuclear liability bill?
Mr. PM: Before commemorating please listen to the Aam Aadmi Ki Awaaz and see the Aam Aadmi’s Plight
Read the U.N Report: 100 million more Indians now living in poverty
Uttarakhand sowing seeds for a better tomorrow
India always had one of the highest populations in the world. Our rivers including "Mother Ganges" and the fertile land surrounding her have sustained us for eons. Even today if we had better infrastructure for food distribution, no one in India would go hungry or at the very least get two "daal rotis" in a day.
I always took pride in what our botanists had managed to achieve (not withstanding all this hullabaloo about the genetically modified foods). The following article is a very good article on traditional farming In Uttarakhand. Our traditional wisdom is coming to our rescue once more. This is what I mean by our "culture". Isn't it great???
Uttarakhand sowing seeds for a better tomorrow
The way forward to sustainable agriculture lies in sticking to traditional methods,
Baba Mayaram
"The number 12 is only indicative; it does not mean that the cropping and sowing pattern cannot use more varieties. The core idea is the strengthening of the twin pillars of farming and animal husbandry. This implies optimum utilisation of by-products of each to boost the other. For instance, the non-harvested portions of the crop become fodder for animals and the dung from the animals become fertile manure for the farms. By-products of harvested crops could also be used to produce bio-fertiliser this holistic pattern of agriculture has been the base of traditional farming. "
The rest of the article can be read at the following url:
Abrahamic civil wars
My own sentiment on the matter is that even India has a fast growing population of Muslims and thus we need to keep an eye on that dynamic. It is important that it does not cause a change in the basic culture of India (which is Hindu in nature) and negatively impacts our growing economy.
A good friend of this blog once wrote a very valid piece where he showed that in Indian states where the religious minority population is high, the vote bank politics is not only impacting the growth of the state (due to policies inimical to industrial growth) and changing the fabric of our culture as well. Despite very high levels of Education, Kerala and West Bengal are essentially bringing up the rear of Indian economy.
You can read a couple of quotes from the article and the real article at the link provided.
Abrahamic civil wars
R Vaidyanathan / DNA
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 3:06
"The three children of Abraham, namely followers of the Jewish, Christian and Islamic faiths, have been fighting and waging war for the last two centuries.
Many terms like crusade, jehad, radical Islam, paganism, and kafir have become a part of contemporary discussion, thanks to the Abrahamic hold on contemporary debate.
Of the three, the two younger children are in the news, both in
Europe as well as in the US. "
"What should India do in the context of the wars between the children of Abraham? The best thing is to keep quiet and observe. We have groups within India which will try to push India to one side or the other. The radical Islamists will try to localise global issues like the Danish cartoons. Similarly, the politically active church groups will try to globalise local issues like the Orissa riots or the feeble attempts to prevent conversions. But India should stand firm and maintain that we will take care of the problems of Indians internally. Period.
Our attempt should be to become a $5 trillion economy from the current $1.5 trillion over the coming decade. We should be part of the top four or five global economies. A $5 trillion gorilla will be muscular and no one will try to mess around with it, including that failed terror-sponsoring state on our west."
The rest of this article can be read at:
Monday, May 10, 2010
Terrorism’s Supermarket
By Fareed Zakaria Published May 7, 2010
From the magazine issue dated May 17, 2010
For a wannabe terrorist shopping for help, Pakistan is a supermarket. There are dozens of jihadi organizations: Jaish-e-Muhammad, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Al Qaeda, Jalaluddin and Siraj Haqqani's network, Tehrik-e-Taliban, and the list goes on. Some of the major ones, like the Kashmiri separatist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, operate openly via front groups throughout the country. But none seem to have any difficulty getting money and weapons.
The Pakistani scholar-politician Husain Haqqani tells in his brilliant history, Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military, how the government's jihadist connections go back to the country's creation as an ideological, Islamic state and the decision by successive governments to use jihad both to gain domestic support and to hurt its perennial rival, India. Describing the military's distinction between terrorists and "freedom fighters," he notes that the problem is systemic. "This duality ... is a structural problem, rooted in history and a consistent policy of the state. It is not just the inadvertent outcome of decisions by some governments." That Haqqani is now Pakistan's ambassador to Washington adds an ironic twist to the story. (And a sad one, because the elected government he represents appears to have little power. The military has actually gained strength over the past year.)
For the complete article go to;
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Spiritually Bankrupt Nation
Recently I had the privilege to listen to the pravachans of Swami Udit Chaithyana on the surya Channel.Though his current pravachan is on Ramayana, his religious discourses and motivating lectures generally cover verses from all the Hindu scriptures, at times appropriately quoting from the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads. He is a young man of wisdom, learned and well versed in the Sanskrit language, educated and well trained in Veda Sastras and Vedanta. I was intrigued by his style in elaborating the significance of the various verses. Giving several bhava and angle of the sloka displayed his in-depth knowledge and interpretation of the scriptures, particularly in last week Ramayana pravachan where he explains Lord Rama’s 14 year vanvas episode. Being a layman of limited knowledge I will try to reproduce to the best of my ability. Explaining the vanvas episode Swami Udit Chaithyana’s emphasized on his interpretation about the human mind, intellect, memory, and ahankar that is the Manas (Mind), Brain (Bhuddi), Chitta (Memory) and Ahankar (Expression/Behavior/Arrogance/Ego) He said a person leading a life intellectually using his bhuddi to control the mind can reach God, where as a person who is emotionally corrupted, even if he strives hard will not attain God. Our minds have three main worries he says, worries about our own body, worrying about the materials related to our body and finally worries about the people related to our body. We should strive to lead the life of a river with an ultimate goal to reach the ocean and on its path quenching the thirst of the jivatmas. He then compared as to how at such a young age, to uphold Dharma and to keep his fathers promise to Kaikeyi, Lord Rama relinquished the material comforts of the kingdom and leaves his grief stricken father behind to lead a life of austerity in the jungle. Whereas his old father King Dasaratha at the very end of his life had a mind full of emotions, grieving for his son and angry at his wife Kaikeyi. The choice is ours; we can either choose to lead a spiritually advanced life like that of Lord Ram or an emotionally corrupted life like that of Dasartha. He then said we all have the 4 brothers of Ramayana; Lakshmana the Manas (Mind), Rama the Bhuddi (Brain), Bharata the Chitta (memory) and Satrughna the Ahankar (Expression/Behavior/Ego) dwelling in all of us. The wandering and inquisitive mind intellectually controlled and nurtured using the brain can store the spiritual knowledge in memory to express the Godly behaviors. Unlike the other religion where they associate to a person like Jesus or the prophet who lived in the past, we on the other hand, can invite Lord Rama or Krishna into our manas (minds) by lifting our Jivatma (the individual self) to merge with the Paramatma (The God) for God realization and that is our sanskar. The Katha Upanisad pictures manas (mind) as the bridle with reins by which the intellect (buddhi), as the driver of the chariot, guides the horses of the senses. Our Samskara teaches us to lead our lives following the path of Karma (Duty), Upasana (Worship/to sit near God) and Dhyana (Meditation to merge our Atma with the Paramatma).
Now this is a far cry from the fiery narrow minded despotic gospels of the mullahs evoking the emotions of the followers. By repeating the past struggles of persecution to subjugate, the mullahs instigate followers against the un-believers with promises of material paradise in the afterlife. This helps us understand the pathology of the Pakistani situation and the abnormal nature of the Pakistan state, which exists only in relation to its hatred of the "other". No wonder it produces 10,000 jihadists in a year. It’s the social situation around them, what we call the sanskar that bind an individual into his or her social group that drives bad behavior and not the individual's own inherent tendencies. So are the Pakistani’s emotionally corrupted and spiritually bankrupt people exposing their expressions?
After the NY bomb scare the Pakistani may pose as Indians but for how long, they will get exposed because their Jivatma is Muhammad and not Ram.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Not enough evidence against A Raja: Congress
Not enough evidence against A Raja: Congress
Press Trust Of India
Posted on May 08, 2010 at 19:55
Kochi: The Congress on Saturday said there was no “credible material” to justify action against Telecom Minister A Raja, whom the Opposition accuses of causing crores of loss to the government in allocation of 2G spectrum.
"If there is any relevant or credible material, it can be forwarded to the appropriate government authority but as of today there is nothing which the government finds it necessary to act upon it," said Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi in Kochi.
Reporters asked him how long Congress would defend Raja. "This question you have to put to the party to which Raja belongs (DMK). Yes, Raja is a part of the government led by Congress but Congress party does not deal with him as a party," he said.
The Opposition has demanded Raja’s removal for allegedly causing a loss of Rs one lakh crore in the allocation of 2G spectrum during 2007-08 and a Joint Parliamentary Commission probe into the charges.
The issue was raised by BJP and AIADMK in Parliament, leading to disruption of proceedings on a few occasions.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK chief M Karunanidhi has defended Raja saying he was being targeted by "dominant forces" because he was a Dalit. He has also ruled out resignation of Raja, a DMK Lok Sabha member.
Asked about disruption of Parliament proceedings by the opposition, Singhvi said they should introspect and ensure that Parliamentary time was not lost in the next session howsoever controversial an issue may be.
"Parliament is the temple of democracy but at the same time I would like to respectfully say the Opposition must introspect on this, post-recess session. A very large amount of time has been lost, especially in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha due to disruption, boycott and walkouts," said Singhvi.
Pakistanis posing as Indians?
Also, it must hurt the Pakistanis since they all taught that five Indians are equal to one Pakistani. Now they have to cut themselves down to be treated with respect.
As an Indian you cannot help but feel some vindication and schadenfreude.
(Read the article at the Pakistani defence forum website. It's more fun!!)
Pakistanis pose as Indians after N.Y. bomb scare
By Walden Siew, Reuters May 7, 2010 11:05 AM NEW YORK -
A couple of quotes from the article:
"Pakistani merchants and job seekers in the United States, still reeling from economic hardship since the Sept. 11 attacks of 2001, are posing as Indians to avoid discrimination in the wake of the Times Square bomb attempt."
"A lot of Pakistanis can't get jobs after 9/11 and now it's even worse," said Asghar Choudhri, an accountant and chairman of Brooklyn's Pakistani American Merchant Association. "They are now pretending they are Indian so they can get a job."
The rest of the article can be read at:
The One Lakh Crore Scam!!
My dear friend Ramudu asked me who could have leaked these tapes. Who indeed?? I asked him a simple question: Cui bono i.e. for whose benefit or who benefits? I don’t know how Congress has benefited from A Raja being there other than DMK support (Did they get some of that one lakh crore?) but now he is becoming an embarrassment for the man whose image is very important to Congress – The PM (because other than his image, he does not bring anything else to the table). Simply put, the Congress wants A Raja gone! But DMK supremo Karunanidhi does not want his money man out. The question now is, how do you force Karunanidhi’s hand? You release tapes implicating A Raja beyond any doubts so that even a man with no shame who still want to stay in power will be forced to backtrack. Thus the tapes are a perfect weapon.
We all know that when the tapes were made, the Congress was in power and they have been using our intelligence abilities to spy on other ministers (Heavens forbid we should use those abilities to spy on home grown terrorists or the SIMI or the Maoists and their sympathizers!!) and thus they are the ones most likely to have incriminating tapes.
This is my theory but it does make a lot of sense.
On one hand I am happy that A Raja’s crimes are out but on the other hand it is sad that our “Honest PM” and his party are using proof of wrong doing, not for benefit of the populace or the nation but for the benefit of his own kursi because they must have known about the tapes and his wrongdoings for a very long time.
No HC stay on broadcast of Raja-Radia tapesStaff Reporter
New Delhi
Claiming that broadcast of her conversation with Telecom Minister A Raja and DMK leader Kanimozhi is ‘gross breach of her constitutional right to privacy,’ lobbyist Nira Radia on Friday approached the Delhi High Court seeking a permanent stay on the airing of the tapes. Radia alleged that the tapes being broadcast by Headlines Today are fabricated and that her conversation with the Telecom Minister never took place. Appearing for Radia, advocate Sidharth Luthra also argued that the phone-tapping was illegal.
The rest of the article is available at:
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Supping with the corrupt
The PM may claim innocence but seeing that Congress spent about Rs. 380 Crores on the last election, I am sure that some of the money is going to find it's way in the Congress coffers.
When are the Indian voters going to say : Enough is enough!!!!!!!
A very good one by Ms. Kalyani Shankar at the only newspaper worth reading:
Supping with the corrupt
Kalyani Shankar
Manmohan Singh and his UPA Government are under increasing attack for scams and scandals exemplified by the Telecom Minister’s loot. But the Congress refuses to confront corruption in the Government. Is it because of the lure of power that probity has taken a back seat?
The rest of the article is available at the following:
A JPC on tax havens
A JPC on tax havens
R Vaidyanathan / DNA
Monday, April 26, 2010 22:15
The Indian Premier League (IPL) did not start with Sunanda Pushkar. It has been around for more than three years. The relationship between IPL franchises and tax havens is not something new. But the investigative hounds were unleashed after the exit of minister of state for external affairs Shashi Tharoor.
The rest of the article can be read at the following website
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Profiles in Phobia

The irrational fears that keep the world's most powerful leaders up at night.
ANGELA MERKEL Cynophobia (Fear of dogs) Reason for fear: As a child, Chancellor Merkel was bitten by a dog, instilling her deep fear of canines. Merkel's fear is well known, and perhaps worryingly for Germans has reportedly been used against her by foreign leaders. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, a master of psychological diplomacy, has repeatedly attempted to take advantage of Merkel's fear. In 2006, the then-president perplexed German diplomats by presenting the chancellor with a small dog as a gift and made a habit of having his black Labrador, Koni, sit in on their meetings. Putin's successor, Dmitry Medvedev, has put a stop to the practice.,2
DEBORCHGRAVE: Public Enemy No. 1
The rest of the article can be read at the following:
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The “Zionist Hindu Crusader” Alliance Marches On
Documents captured from radicals and terrorists in Pakistan warn darkly about a new axis of evil in the world: a ‘Zionist Hindu Crusader‘ alliance bringing Israel, India, and the United States together in a war on Islam. They are wrong about the last part; all three countries want peaceful relations with Islamic countries based on mutual recognition and respect. The alliance isn’t a closed club, and Islamic countries are welcome to join. Otherwise, however, the radicals have a point. The deepening relations between the United States, India, and Israel are changing the geopolitical geometry of the modern world in ways that will make the lives of fanatical terrorists even more dismal and depressing (not to mention shorter) than they already are. Israel and the United States are both in a better long term position than many Americans sometimes think; one of the main reasons is an Indian-Israeli connection that most Americans know nothing about.
The rest of this article can be found at :
First Indian Professional Soccer Player in the US!!

Will others follow Sunil Chhetri (seen here, left, playing for India)?
When Sunil Chhetri signed for the Kansas City Wizards in April, he became the first Indian in Major League Soccer, and only the third to play in a professional league overseas.
India boasts the best cricket team in the world, has successful golf and tennis players and now competes in Formula One, yet the national football side is ranked 132nd in the world, sandwiched between Swaziland and Sierra Leone.
World Football asks why India, a country with a population of 1.2 billion people is unable to produce more talented footballers?
BBC football reporter Sean Wheelock asked Chhetri why this is - and why more players don't travel abroad.
Meanwhile, the President of the Asian Football confederation has admitted that the domestic game in India needs to improve.
Mohammad Bin Hammam called for club owners to "accelerate steps to professionalise the game".
Rahul Tandon reports on the Indian football scene from Kolkata, which is considered to be the home of football in the country - with India's two biggest clubs located in the city.
Over 2200 people return Hindu fold in Gujarat
Over 2200 people return Hindu fold in Gujarat
MORE than 2200 people belonging to 384 families of 20 villages returned home on March 20 at a function organised at Sutarpada village under Kapvada teshil of Valsad district. These people belong to Varali and Konkana Vanvasi communities and had sometime back embraced Christianity. More than 300 other people belonging to seven other villages were also present on the occasion to welcome these people.
In the beginning, all the people offered ahutis in the yajna which was conducted by a team of Arya Samaj Purohits. The function was organised by Dharma Prasar Samiti. Addressing the gathering after the poornahuti of the yajna, VHP central secretary Shri Mohan Joshi reminded them of the glorious history of their ancestors. He said they fought for the protection of Hinduism from foreign invaders and made many sacrifices.
Swami Omkaranand Maharaj said Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world and we should protect it even by sacrificing our lives. He said Hinduism teaches both peace and love to the mankind. Gujarat state president of VHP Shri Dilipbhai Trivedi, Prant Dharma Prasar Pramukh Shri Dharmendrabhai Patel, joint secretary Shri Lalit Suvakia, state secretary Shri Neeral Patel, etc. were also present on the occasion.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Democracy there and democracy here
Democracy there and democracy here
Masud Akhtar Shaikh
The writer is a retired Colonel and freelance columnist
The latest Indian general elections have stunned not only the two main contesting political parties of India, namely, the BJP and the Indian National Congress, but also many Pakistani intellectuals and journalists who have been vainly trying to draw comparisons between the working of democracy in India and Pakistan. Their main emphasis has been on two points:
* Why the will of the Pakistani masses is never reflected in the results of elections held in this country the way it has been reflected in the Indian elections.
* Why democracy has failed in Pakistan whereas it has been quite successful in India, although that country won freedom at the same time as Pakistan did.
It is a pity that, while comparing Pakistan’s political milieu with that of India, some highly significant facts are generally overlooked, particularly by the post-Partition generation of Pakistani writers. Most of these writers, along with some very senior intellectuals attribute all our ills to frequent military interventions that, according to them, have been preventing the successful growth of democratic institutions in Pakistan. This may be true to some extent but there are certain basic facts of far greater significance that seldom receive the attention of Pakistani analysts.
The above assessment is not fair because it gives a distorted picture of the whole situation to the readers who are led to draw false conclusions. The aim of this article is to highlight certain missing links that would help the readers appreciate in a true historical perspective why our country is lagging far behind India as far as the growth and operation of healthy democratic institutions is concerned.
Firstly, while the Indian National Congress conducted a very bitter struggle for freedom against the British rulers, spread over a period of many decades, Muslim League got Pakistan within a short period of less than seven years. While Congress leaders had to undergo a lot of suffering in the process, including long terms in jail every now and then, Muslim League leaders, depending entirely on the political and legal acumen of a single person, remained quite content with just slogan mongering and periodical protest marches. The long political battle fought by Congress produced a crop of political personalities who provided a chain of leaders to India for decades after independence. In comparison, there was a total famine of leadership in Pakistan after the demise of the Quaid and Liaquat Ali Khan.
The rudderless ship of the Pakistani nation was left without direction in the absence of a captain during the most critical formative years of its existence. That deficiency remains the main cause of almost all our afflictions right up to this day.
Secondly, while independent India managed to frame its constitution within a few months after independence, Pakistan continued to be ruled without a constitution for full nine years.
Here again, apart from the lack of experienced and patriotic leadership, it was Muslim League that must be blamed for its failure to draft the newly-born country’s constitution. But how could Muslim League draft a constitution when its sole mission during the period preceding Partition had been the achievement of Pakistan and nothing beyond that. Once that aim was achieved, it did not know what to do next. In fact the very creation of Pakistan had come to it as a shock because it had never visualised this thing happening so soon. It was thus caught unprepared. Since it had failed to do its homework in time, it had absolutely no idea about the basic law under which the new country was going to be governed. The easiest way out for it was to go on ruling the country under the Government of India Act of 1935, a legacy of the British imperialists.
Thirdly, the inordinate delay in the framing of the constitution gave birth to a variety of complications with all the attendant maladies that have made it almost impossible for the growth of democratic institutions and the effective application of democracy in this country. Till the promulgation of the short-lived constitution of 1956, a liberal use was made of Presidential orders and ordinances for all conceivable political, legal, judicial, and administrative matters. The interregnum also provided an excellent opportunity to three major groups of vested interests to consolidate their position vis-a-vis democratic forces in the state. These groups consisted of the rulers of the states, the civil bureaucracy, and the military top brass. The rulers of the Pakistani states had been nervously watching how the democratic government of India had deprived the rulers of the Indian states of all their powers and privileges for all times to come. Naturally, the former did not want the same thing to happen to them here in Pakistan. Their best bet was to let the status quo continue in this country, and that was possible only if democracy was kept at bay as long as possible.
Similarly, the civil bureaucracy of Pakistan also felt terribly scared lest they too are treated as shabbily as their Indian counterparts had been treated by their democratically elected political masters in the government of their country. Hence they made up their mind to resist tooth and nail every attempt aimed at changing the status quo. Considering democracy and democratic institutions as their worst enemies, they joined hands with the top brass in the armed forces who had been nourishing similar fears after watching how the civilian members of the Indian cabinet used to lord over the Indian generals. The net result was the emergence of very strong anti-democracy alliance in Pakistan right from the day the 1956 constitution was enforced. It is this powerful trio that has been primarily responsible for frustrating all half-hearted attempts on the part of Pakistani politicians to have strong democracy in this country.
The question now is: will it be ever possible for the Pakistani politicians to break the unholy alliance among these deeply entrenched power groups? The answer is a plain NO. The reasons are not far to seek. Firstly, over a period of time, the trio has managed to convince many other small but powerful interest groups to join hands with them for the protection of their respective interests. In this way, they have by now attained a position of strength from where they can easily buy or bully into submission any politician who is considered either as a potential threat to the power group or prove an asset for them. Secondly, the Pakistani political cadre is still badly deficient of bold, dynamic, and selfless leaders who could take the risk of coming to a head-on clash with the anti-democratic forces in a bid to eliminate their strong hold on the corridors of power in the overall national interests.
In view of the badly tarnished image of a majority of the Pakistani politicians and the loss of people’s faith in the country’s present political leadership, there are very remote chances of a saviour emerging in the near future to salvage this country from the mire into which it has been sliding over the years and to put it on a pedestal from which it could boast of being a match for India in as far as the successful operation of democracy is concerned.
As far as the role of the Pakistani masses in the change of governments at the federal or provincial levels through the ballot boxes is concerned, we should not expect that to happen till such time as a completely independent election commission becomes part of our constitution and free and fair elections become the order of the day. This is not possible so long as the anti-democratic alliance of vested interests retains its tight grip over the reins of government. Also, unity among the masses, at least within a few recognised political groups, is a pre-requisite for the ballot box to play an effective role in the formation or removal of governments. This unity is badly lacking at the moment because of the absence of experienced political leadership that could weld the people together into sizeable political parties having common interests. Also, except for religion, we do not have any effective cementing bonds that go into the making of a nation. Even the religious bond has been badly shattered because of sectarian hatred and provincial prejudices at the behest of short-sighted politicians. Unity is going to remain a dream in this country till the masses are welded into one nation which we are not at the moment.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Need A Karmayogi

Mr. Rajiv Dogra’s has written my Dil ki baat which I have been saying all along. I wish the PM or his aids read this write-up to him. Our inaction is perceived by the world as weakness. I felt the following two paragraphs convey the essence and carry the real punch.
“All this, the Maldivian homily and the British self-interest, only reinforce the point that we may have become the victims of our goodness and of our proclivity to rush to the world to seek their aid in preventing terror attacks from Pakistan.
We may be doing so out of a moral imagination; the idealistic conviction that truth and peaceful persuasion triumph ultimately. Sadly, however, we live in an imperfect world. Had it been otherwise, would there have been any need for the sermon of Bhagavad Gita? “I wish to quote a very popular verse from the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2:
Bhagavad Gita 2.47
karmany evadhikaras te
ma phalesu kadacana
ma karma-phala-hetur bhur
ma te sango ’stv akarmani
You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action.Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.
We are seen as weak - Rajiv Dogra
Maldives and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband’s advice to India to settle its affairs with Pakistan through dialogue is symptomatic of a larger malaise. Perhaps our goodness is now being mistaken for weakness. But who is to tell this to our Prime Minister?
Speaking the truth in India - is it really possible?

Mr. Vijay Kumar is running for US Congress from the 5th District Congressional in the State of Tennessee. The following is a part of his interview with Ali Sina of the Faith Freedom. The link for the entire interview is given below.
After reading the interview, I realized that the man is speaking the truth in a way that is only possible in the USA. If this honest man were running for office in his original homeland, a fatwa would have been issued on him and the entire Indian media would have demonized him like they have many capable leaders.
It is a pity, isn’t it??
"America was conceived as a free constitutional republic that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Islam was conceived as a totalitarian theocracy that is of Islam, by Islam, and for Islam. The Quran is the antithesis of the United States Constitution. They are polar opposites. They are diametrically opposed. I don't say that as some Hegelian abstraction: I mean that these two documents are ideological opposites of each other in their most basic purposes and goals."
Read the full interview
Spare Us Some Honor and Dignity
May 02, 2010 18:04 IST Rediff News
It’s always a great beginning for Pakistan when they can keep on adding new issues. Now water has become a thorny issue. Their ISI terrorists keep killing innocent Indians and roam about freely. Our honorable PM from time to time drops his pants and conveniently bends before the Pakistani leaders at various exotic locations and concedes more. Here is a thought that would make life easier for the PM, MMS, should migrate to Pakistan and settle in his birth village, that way he can indulge in more frequent and private orgy.
Honorable PM, please at least, spare us poor and dying Indians some honor and dignity.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
A Humble Appeal
I am not much for poetry. Prose is more my style. But the following poem by Vijay Tendulkar has touched me deeply. It captures an emotion that I have felt more times in my life than I care to remember. The feeling of absolute helplessness and impotent anger!! Please read and find out for yourself.
Chakravyuh mein ghusne se pehle,
kaun tha mein aur kaisa tha,
yeh mujhe yaad hi na rahega.
Chakravyuh mein ghusne ke baad,
mere aur chakravyuh ke beech,
sirf ek jaanleva nikat’ta thi,
iska mujhe pata hi na chalega.
Chakravyuh se nikalne ke baad,
main mukt ho jaoon bhale hi,
phir bhi chakravyuh ki rachna mein
farq hi na padega.
Marun ya maarun,
maara jaoon ya jaan se maardun.
iska faisla kabhi na ho paayega.
Soya hua aadmi jab
neend se uthkar chalna shuru karta hai,
tab sapnon ka sansar use,
dobara dikh hi na paayega.
Us roshni mein jo nirnay ki roshni hai
sab kuchh s’maan hoga kya?
Ek palde mein napunsakta,
ek palde mein paurush,
aur theek taraazu ke kaante par
ardh satya.
A very dear friend called me recently expressing his extreme anger at a news report, which was of course extremely biased. After discussing with him, I told him about the Tendulkar poem and told him that there are ways to express your anger and punish those who have wronged you in ways that do not include a weapon. The question to ponder is:
“What does a common man do in face of extreme injustice???”
One of the many things that time spent in the US has taught me is that a common man counts especially when the common man finds his voice and other who are on the same page as them. That is what democracy is all about. If Mayawati is ruining the state of UP, it is up to the people of UP to unite and vote her out. At least talk to people around you and get them to see the light. If Salman Khan crushes seven people and gets away with it, stop watching his movies. Boycott the guy totally. He WILL get the message. If you think that IPL and the people involved are crooked then do not watch it. YOU HAVE OPTIONS!!
Trouble with information dissemination in India is that the media is very biased. We all have been brought up on a steady dose of Macaulayite education, which imbibes in you the wrong notion that until you think like a Gora Sahib, you cannot be correct. The day we start speaking English, we feel obliged to deem everything Indian and Hindu incorrect and beneath us. That, folks, was the genius of Lord Macaulay who knew the only way to rule a civilized country like India was to make the natives doubt their own civilization.
The British ruled us and left us with the legacy of Macaulay and his legacy, which was very effectively continued, by Nehru and the Congress. Secularism became a weapon in the hands of these demagogues. The education system and the curriculum were tailored to suit for the Congress party rule. Their stooges ran the schools, colleges and the media. Imagine that I only found out about the Moplah andolan only recently- an event, which cost thousands of Hindu lives. Why do you think that is? The answer is simple-Vote bank politics? That is why the congress rules the country with only 23 to 27% votes.
What does one do about this grave injustice? Well, we find out who are the people who are responsible for the selective dissemination of information. The answer is – The Leftist Media. People like Pronnoy Roy use NDTV and its cheap sensationalistic style to shove falsehood down your throat. They selectively show the news that hurts and demonizes every conservative Hindu causes and people standing for it. Magazines like India today and Tehelka are nothing but journalistic porn, catering to the lowest common denominator of the society. Therefore the onus is upon us to educate people we care for and ourselves.
Every house I know in India subscribes to Times of India or Indian Express or Hindustan Times. Have you ever paid attention to the obvious bias shown by these rags? They are just like the Indian communists and leftists who, on the drop of a hat, will cry a river for a religious minority but not for Hindu dalits. The congress govt. is busy targeting CM Narendra Modi and Sadhvi Pragya while the Indian sympathizers of the 26/11 and every other terrorist attacks run free. Their mouthpieces, i.e. these rags only express fabricated rage while keep the Muslim incited riots like the one in Bareilly quite. I could go on forever exposing these false prophets but that is not the point of my email.
You have to identify the liars and the crooks and the cheats and hurt them where it hurts – The Pocket. Stop patronizing them. Do not watch their movies or TV stations or read their books or anything that helps them gain fame and money?
As far as the newspapers are concerned, I have found (I skim through more than 15 newspapers from various countries everyday – this is not a brag but confession of a debilitating addiction) that the only newspaper in India worth your time is The Daily Pioneer. It is objective and speaks the truth. The op-eds are informative and people who write them seem like genuine patriots.
Please cancel your subscription to TOI, or Express or HT and start reading Pioneer. You may not see pretty girls but you will get the truth.
Anant Velankar……………..Ek Aam Aadmi